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Résultat(s) pour : enrique rubio
1263 résultat(s) dans Forum
Enrique Rubio, 07-01-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me with this article?</p>
<p>Octosporopsis nicolai (Maire) U. Lindemann, M. Vega & T. Richter, Z. Mykol. 80(2): 567 (2014)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks a lot</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-07-2009
Hi to all
These gregarious ascomata grew on vegetable debris and very moist wood near the water level in a mountain stream. Its size was reaching up to 0.3 mm and they are whitish and glabrous, only furfuraceous, not hairy, not setose around the perithecial (?) neck.
I don't know if they have an ostiole.
Spores filiform and multiseptate, 110-155 x 4 micr.
Do you have any idea?
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2010
Hi to all:
I have a collection with sessile or subsessile whitish ascomata up to 0.7-0.8 mm on Rubus sff. ulmifolius old stems.
Enrique Rubio, 06-01-2010
Dear friends:
Is Diatrypella tocciaeana on Alnus bark a good species actually? I can see that the Index Fungorum sinonimize it with D. favacea, but I believe to see very differences with it.
Mny thanks¡
Enrique Rubio, 14-05-2011
Someone might obtain the following article?
Peziza badioides Donadini, Bull. Soc. linn. Provence 31: 20 (1979) [1978]
Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 27-01-2011
This fungus has orange golden free and scattered perithecia up to 600 microns (neck up to 370 microns) that grows on goat dung. I think they are ostiolate.
Enrique Rubio, 04-02-2022
These colonies of beautiful conidia grew on sporodochia on Acer branches 10-12 mm in diameter around pseudothecia of Splanchnonema pupula. Although it seems that the asexual morph of this fungus would be in the genus Stegonsporium, could there be a relationship between the two?Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 02-03-2009
Could be this fungus? On Rubus sp. old stems. Ascomata erumpent up to 0.5 mm.
Many thanks!
Enrique Rubio, 28-03-2007
Dear friends:
My collection grows on pine needles of Pinus sylvestris. There is a tiny black lines on the needle and the lips of the ascomata are blueish. Do you any suggestion of that? L. pinastri, L. seditiosum or another species?
Thank you to all for your kindly help
Enrique Rubio, 17-06-2009
Hi to all
This Phaeohelotium (¿) species grews on semiinmersed hardwood in montaneous streams (700-800 m).
The ascomata are small (up to 1 mm) and subsessile from a very short and conical stem.
The hymenium is bluish grey, lilac, later withish. The ectal excipulum of very young apothecia is ligth brownish.
Have you any idea?
Many thanks
Michel Hairaud, 04-09-2014
<p> Bonjour à tous,</p>
<p>J'ai besoin de consulter ce document : </p>
<p>Nannfeldt, J.A. 1984. Hysteronaevia, a new genus of mollisioid discomycetes. Nordic Journal of Botany. 4(2):225-247</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Merci ,Amitiés</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-07-2010
Hi to all:
I need your help about this small (up to 0.25 mm), white, sessile, cupulate, densely gregarious and hairy ascomata that grows with no subiculum on Rubus fruticosus canes.
Enrique Rubio, 14-07-2009
Hi to all.
Have you some idea about this minute and gregarious hypocreal growing on Carex leaves? Some ascomata are hairy around the ostiole. Perithecial walls KOH (-). Anamorph unknow.
Thank you for your help.
Enrique Rubio, 21-01-2010
Hi to all:
This asco seems to form amphigenous stromata (or is only a blackish subiculum?) on Pistacia terebinthus old leaves in Extremadura (SW of Spain). The pseudothecia are black, superficial, sphaerical, up to 250 micr. of diameter, and they seem to be glabrous. The stromata (or the subicular tissue ?) forms superficial and circular patches up to 3 mm that include many pseudothecia
Enrique Rubio, 28-02-2006
Asturias. N. of Spain
On Picea abies wood. Stroma 6.5 x 5 x 1.5 cm.
Asci I(-). Spores 6-8 x 3-3,5 micr.
¿Camarops polyspermum or Camarops tubulina?
Thank you very much
Pintos Angel, 06-04-2016
Hello, I need a identification key to Sporomiella species.<br /><br />gracias a todos
Enrique Rubio, 03-05-2011
Dear friends:
This Cosmospora? species grews on old stromata of Amphiporthe leiphaemia on Quercus robur branches.
The perithecia are yellowish orange.
Enrique Rubio, 01-09-2010
Dear friends:
Someone has the following article?
Anamorphs of ascomycetes: The Phialophora — like state of Eosphaeria uliginosa (syn. Herminia dichroospora)
Liliane E. Petrinia, O. Petrinia and Françoise Candoussau
Transactions of the British Mycological Society
Volume 82, Issue 3, May 1984, Pages 554-556
Many thanks for your help
Enrique Rubio, 13-12-2013
<p>Dear friends</p>
<p>Do you know where could I to read on-line the protologue of Humaria nicholsonii Massee & Crossl., Naturalist, London: 188 (1901)?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Pintos Angel, 04-07-2016
hello, anybody have a identification key for Didymella species?
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p>Angel Pintos</p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-01-2012
Hi to all<br />I have collected this Valsa (¿) species on Salix sp. twigs. Black necks of the perithecia emerging trough a greyish white disk and the ascospores are hyaline.<br />No anamorph I have seen. Maybe Valsa sordida Nitschke?<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 03-10-2009
Dear friends:
I'd like to know your opinion about this Calycellina (?) species that grows on indeterminate hardwood (Corylus, Betula?) at 1200 m of altitude.
Apothecia up to 1 mm of diam., shortly stipitate, hymenium deep yellow, golden yellow at maturity, excipulum whitish.
Enrique Rubio, 17-11-2012
Hi to all<br /><br />Have you a modern description of Anthostoma dryophilum Sacc.?<br /><br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 12-07-2008
J'ai l'envoyé a Zotto Baral et il me dit:
Dear Enrique
I think this is Trichopeziza mollissima. The resin lumps are first
white, then yellow, and finally red-brown. Do you have the Schmid-Heckel
Atlas? There T. elegantula looks very different. I do not know this
species, actually.
Please see the attach,
Enrique Rubio, 29-10-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Could you help me with some bibliographic information (literature, drawings...) on Peziza natrophila Khan? I only have the original diagnosis.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-09-2006
Spores et asci
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009
Hi t all:
Have you some idea about this Pirottaea with erumpent ascomata of 0.4-0.6 mm?
Enrique Rubio, 06-10-2009
Dear friends:
Could be this species on burried wasp? Is it the anamorph of Ophiocordyceps sphecophila?
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 02-11-2007
Je vous prie une opinion sur cette Phyllactinia avec asques majoritairement 3-spored. Quelqu'un pourrait-il me faciliter une clé sur le genre ?
Merci en avant et salutations a tous
Enrique Rubio, 24-11-2014
<p>Someone knows if Dennis's British Cup Fungi & their Allies is free on-line ? </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 05-01-2010
Dear friends. Happy new year to all!
I'd like to know your opinion about this collection on sandy burnt soil, near the sea, among small bryophita. Ascomata gregarious, pyriform, semiinmersed to almost superficial, hairy, blackish and up to 0.4 mm.
Enrique Rubio, 26-05-2011
Dear friends:
Last week I have collected this strange fungus that makes yellowish and small (3 x 1 mm) stromata erumpent from bark on branches of a dead tree in a sunny place (maybe Quercus petraea or Fraxinus).
Perithecia are ostiolate and up to 0.5 mm in diameter. Inner stroma yellowish orange.
These ascomata remember me the strange tropical pyrenemicetous fungi that Christian Lechat show us.
Enrique Rubio, 09-02-2010
Hi to all
Here I have some little cupulate ascomata, withish, amber when old, up to 0.37 mm of diam., CLEARLY STIPITATE, growing on Pinus radiata bark.
Enrique Rubio, 09-06-2009
Dear friends:
I'd lke to know your opinion about this small (up to 0.3-0.4 mm), gregarious, withish, later clearly yellow turbinate ascomata that grows on Acer sp. bark.
I think could be a Calycellina species
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2011
Dear friends:
Last week I have collected this nice purplish ascomata on old indeterminate leaves (Petasites, Ranunculus?) at 1600 m of altitude. Disc up to 0.7 mm in diameter, margin fimbriate, stipe up to 2 mm.
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need description of Amicodisca svrcekii Raitv. & Huhtinen, in Raitviir, Czech Mycol. 52(4): 292 (2001)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Can you help me ?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2016
<p>Please, could you help me with this paper?</p>
<p>Fungi from palms. XXVI. The genus Anthostomella, with ten new species.</p>
<p>Hyde, K. D., Nova Hedwigia 1996 Vol. 62 No. 3-4 pp. 273-340</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-10-2008
J'amarais conaitre votre opinion sur cette xerotolerante Durella(¿) species que croit sur branches de Crataegus a 2-3 m. Les spores (40-70 micr.) et les paraphyses avec Vb's jaune-verdatre me suivent a Durella sp. (Australia) dans les clés de Zotto Baral.
Merci de votre aide.
Enrique Rubio, 29-04-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I'm looking for this paper Lundqvist, N. (1969). Zygopleurage and Zygospermella (Sordariaceae s. lat., Pyrenomycetes). Bot. Not. 122:353-374.</p>
<p>Could you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 12-06-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need this article. Could yo help me with it?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Type studies of Massaria from the Wehmeyer Collection</p>
<p>R. A. Shoemaker, P. M. Leclair</p>
<p>Canadian Journal of Botany, 1975, 53(15): 1568-1598, 10.1139/b75-188</p>
Bernard Declercq, 06-11-2022
Dear all,<br /><br />I am looking for following paper:<br /><br />Phookamsak R. et al. 2017 - Towards a natural classification of Ophiobolus and ophiobolus-like taxa; introducing three novel genera Ophiobolopsis, Paraophiobolus and Pseudoophiobolus in Phaeosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales). Fungal diversity 87: 299–339.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 08-05-2009
Hi to all
Have you some idea about this Psilachnum (?) on Pteridium rachis?
I think could be Psilachnum pteridigenum Graddon (Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 69 (2), as 'ptreridigena'), another enigmaticous species...
Ascomata up to 0.8 mm
Enrique Rubio, 18-01-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Do you know if there exist a modern key or paper about the genus Coronophora?</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-06-2011
Hi to all:<br />Do you know this Nectria, Calonectria (?) species with free, orange, small (up to 200 microns), glabrous, I think ostiolate ascomata KOH negative on Typha latifolia old leaves?
Enrique Rubio, 01-07-2013
Hi to all<br /><br />This Gnomonia grew on stems of Euphorbia sp. at 1300 m of altitude. I think is closely related with Gnomonia palustris but their spores are greater than those described in Monod's monographie.<br />By the other hand I don't know what species of Euphorbia is but Euphorbia palustris is not present at this region. <br />The perithecia of my collection are enough extenuate when I have studied it<br /> Thanks again for your opinion
Enrique Rubio, 03-06-2015
<p>Does anyone knows the actual taxonomic status of Nectria ellisii C. Booth?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 19-12-2013
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me with these papers on Arthopyrenia?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>*Harris, R. C. (1975) A taxonomic revision of the genus Arthopyrenia Massal. s. lat. (Ascomycetes) in NorthAmerica. PhD thesis, University of Michigan.</p>
<p>* B. J. Coppins (1988). Notes on the Genus Arthopyrenia in the British Isles. The Lichenologist / Volume 20 / Issue 04 / October 1988, pp 305-325</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-02-2020
Could someone give me a copy of this article?<br /><br />AVIZOHAR-HERSHENZON Z. & NEMLICH H. 1974. — Pezizales of Israel. II.<br />Pezizaceae. Israel Journal of Botany, 23: 151-163.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Savic Dragisa, 26-04-2016
I need a description of Pirottaea imbricata. Does anyone have this paper?<br /><br />Nannfeldt, J.A. (1985) Pirottaea (Discomycetes inoperculati), a critical review: In: Symb. bot. upsal. 25(no. 1):16.<br />
Mirek Gryc, 21-08-2019
<p>Grew among the roots of Phragmites.<br />Fruitbodies up to 2.5 cm.<br />Latex absent(?)</p>
<p>With similar spores of P. saniosa or P. irina?<br />I have no idea.<br />Mirek</p>
Enrique Rubio, 29-11-2013
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Is Melanconium sphaeroideum Link the anamorphic stage of Melanconis alni?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-07-2008
Nous avons recoltée sur petiits morceaux de crottins,melangées avec des herbacees, ce Coprotus avec ascomes gregaires, jusqu'a 350 microns. Blancs, puis jaunatres.
Asques 90-125 x 12-20, 8-spores, IKI (-), avec crochets. Spores avec De Bary bubble, 12.5-15 x 8-9.5. Paraphyses sans pigment, un peu courbées.
Je n'ai pas des clés modernes de Coprotus, et j'hesite entre Coprotus disculus, C. ochraceus ou peut etre une autre spece?
Merci de votre amicale aide.
Enrique Rubio, 22-10-2013
Can you help me with this article?<br /><br /> <br />Schumacher, T.; Sivertsen, S. (1987). Sarcoleotia globosa (Sommerf.: Fr.) Korf, taxonomy, ecology and distribution. In Laursen, G.A.; Ammirati, J.F.; Redhead, S.A. (eds), Arctic and Alpine Mycology II, 163-176 New York: Plenum Press<br /><br />Thanks in advance!<br /><br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 10-05-2013
Dear friends
<p>Today I have collected on branches of Eucalyptus globulus this fungus that makes<br />inmersed isolated or in very small groups of 2-3 perithecia up to 0.7 mm in<br />diam. They are non stromatic and its necks and ostioles are so inconspicuous<br />that I don't be able to see them.</p>
<p>The asci, long cylindrical, up to 325 x 17, have an obvious apical apparatus with an<br />inner part deep blue in IKI. Paraphyses are present. The fresh ascospores have<br />a well visble gel sheath around.</p>
<p>I don't find a good genus for my fungus but the keys goes me to Physalospora.</p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-07-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>Can you help me with this collection on Salix bark? Maybe a Cryptosphaeria species?</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 28-12-2020
Does anyone know if it is possible to download the following paper?<br />Le Gal, M. - 1941- Les Aleuria et les Galactinia. Revue de Mycologie 6, suppl. 3.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 07-01-2007
Dear friends:
Some idea about that Eutypella on Sambucus nigra branches?
Stromata around 1 mm of diam. Asci up to 80 micr. and spores 8-13 x 2-3 micr.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Enrique Rubio, 22-09-2010
Has someone information about Calycellina juniperina (K. Holm & L. Holm) Spooner, in Kirk & Spooner, Kew Bull. 38(4): 565 (1984)? Basyonim = Allophylaria juniperina K. Holm & L. Holm, Symb. bot. upsal. 21(no. 3): 7 (1977)
Many thanks to all
Margot en Geert Vullings, 21-03-2023
On the same betula branch as of the Trimmatostroma we saw very small black fungi, about 1 mm.<br />
<div>We do not find what this could be?</div>
<div>Thanks in advance.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 17-12-2008
Cher amis du forum:
Quelqu'un aurait-il cette documentation?:
Warcup, J.H.; Talbot, P.H.B. (1989). Muciturbo: a new genus of hypogeous ectomycorrhizal ascomycetes. Mycological Research 92 (1): 95-100.
Merci en avance de votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 16-04-2012
Hi to all<br />I have collected these stromata with blackened and papillate surface on Populus nigra branches., but I have seen any pycnidia of their conidial state.<br /><br />The teleomorph remind them of Botryosphaeria melanops (= Melanops tulasnei Nitschke) that it said grows only on Quercus branches (?)<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 14-09-2021
Could someone give me a copy of this item?<br />Coniochaeta obliquata<br />Author(s)<br />Minter, D. W.<br />IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, 2007, No.174, pp Sheet 1731Many thanks in advance<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 18-01-2007
Someone has a modern key of the genus Iodophanus?
Quelqu'un a une clé moderne du genre Iodophanus?
Thank you very much
Enrique Rubio, 05-08-2009
Hi again:
I’d like to know your opinion about this Helotial that forms little, gregarious and sessile ascomata up to 0.5 mm on Juniperus communis twigs (bark and wood).
The hymenium is whitish pruinose, amber color at maturity. Margin downy by obtuse hairs
Angel Pintos, 02-07-2020
<br />Hello anybody has this article?<br /><br />The relationship between Cerambyx spp. damage and subsequent Biscogniauxia mediterranum infection on Quercus suber forests<font style="background-color: transparent;"> <br /><br />MARTÍN, J., CABEZAS, J., BUYOLO, T., PATÓN, D., 2005<br />Forest Ecol. Manag. 216: 166-174<br /><br />Many thanks<br /><br />Angel Pintos<br /></font>
Enrique Rubio, 27-05-2007
Bonjour a tous:
J'ai recolté sur les pieds de Cirsium palustre a 1200 m cette Albotricha. Asci IKI b (faible), no croziers, up to 60 x 5. Spores 10-20 x 1-2. Poils > 100 micr.
J'ai pensé a Albotricha acutipila (P. Karst.) Raitv. mais le sustrate (non Phragmites ou autres monocot.) me fais hesiter.
Merci a tous par votre aide.
Enrique Rubio, 26-05-2016
<p>Hi to someone</p>
<p>Could you help me with this paper?</p>
<p>Haksworth. Astrosphaeriella Sydow, a misunderstood genus of melanommataceous pyrenomycetes-. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. Volume 82, Issue 1, pages 35–59, January 1981</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-08-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me with this article?</p>
<p>HOLM, L . 1961. Taxonomical notes on Ascomycetes. IV. Notes of Nodulosphaeria Rbh. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 55: 63-80.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 11-03-2011
There has been success in the determination of this pyrenomycete growing on the hymenium of Velutarina?
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 07-08-2013
Hi to all<br />Have you some idea about these minute blackish flask-shaped, erumpent, ostiolate pseudothecia that grew on thin branches of Ribes petraeum at 1700 m of altitude?<br />The ascospores have an inflated cell close to the apical end<br /><br /><br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 02-11-2020
Does anyone know if the connection between Hyponectria buxi (teleomorph) and Dothiorella candollei (anamorph) has been demonstrated?<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 23-12-2008
Je vous prie une aide pour cet Pyreno que croit dans les feuilles de Thymelaea ruizii Loscos (Ordre Malvales. Famille Thymelaeaceae).
Les peritheces, noirs et setoses, sont densely gregarious et mesurent jusqu'a 130 micr.. Les spores paraient finement verruqueuses et verdatres dans le KOH. Les poils, noirs et firmes, jusqu'a 87 micr.
Je ne sais pas s'il peut etre Venturia, Gibbera ou un autre genre d'ascomycees bitunniquées.
Merci en avance par votre aide. Je vous souhaite a tous joyeuses fetes de Nöel.
Enrique Rubio, 28-06-2015
<p>Hi again Chris</p>
<p>Perhaps you have this other ?</p>
<p>Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh Volume 41, Issue 2, 1971. Some new records of ascomycetes from Scotland J.C. Krug.</p>
<p>I have a collection of a Sporormiella aff. borealis with smaller ascospores. 72-88 x 16 -22 and I'm looking for the variability of this species.</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Chris Yeates, 26-01-2022
<div>Hello everyone</div>
<div>Does anyone have a PDF copy of Ralf Hütter's dissertation - "<em>Untersuchungen über die Gattung Pyrenopeziza</em>"?</div>
<div>Thanks, Chris</div>
Enrique Rubio, 09-06-2009
Dear friends:
This Mollisia (?) species grows on very wet wood together with Lasiosphaeriaceae species. It has cupulate and gregarious ascomata up to 0.5 mm, with amber brownish colours and small white rims.
Enrique Rubio, 17-07-2008
Quelq'un connais cette maladie des feuilles du Salix? Les symptomes ils s'éveillent à eux d'une Taphrina, mais je ne croi pas qu'elle l'est. Lépiderme parait respectée. Quelques conidies septées en surface. Les chloroplastes paraint envahis de corpuscules hyalines polimorphyques. Je ne vois pas des asques. Peut etre un maladir virique?
Merci en avant par votre opinion.
Enrique Rubio, 01-04-2008
J'amarais conaitre votre opinion su cet pyreno que croit dans l'écorce de Laurus nobilis. Les peritheces (0.3 mm) se prolongent en un col proeminent (0.2-0.3 mm). Je ne vois pas ligne noir stromatique. Asques IKI(-), 53-76 x 8-9, avec aparat refringent. Spores 12-14 x 3-4.
Peut etre un Diaporthe? Diaporthe nobilis?
Merci der votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 28-11-2012
Cher amis:<br /><br /> ¿Il sait quelqu'un où pourrait je lire on line le Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belg. Vol. numero 59?<br />Merci de votre attention <br />
Enrique Rubio, 14-12-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I'm studying a bambusicolous fungus but I need modern keys on this genus. Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-02-2013
Hello to everyone. I'm trying to identify a Peziza species and I'm looking for this paper:<br /><br />
<p>MEDARDI G. 2007. — Una nuova Peziza dall'Italia: Peziza sciophila. Rivista di Micologia</p>
<p>, 50 (4) : 333-343<br /><br />Can you help me?<br /> <br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />Enrique </p>
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011
Dear friends:
This Peziza species grows on sandy calcareos soil but another older collections was made on indeterminate hardwood. The ascomata are sessile, cupuliform, up to 80 mm in diamater. The hymenium is brownish red with a very conspicuous greenish olive hue. Excipulum furfuraceous of the same color. Flesh never blue or blueish.
Enrique Rubio, 06-05-2012
Dear friends:<br /><br />Thsi fungus forms up to 1.5 mm stromata just beneath the bark of Tilia cordata rotten branches together with pseudothecia of Splanchnonema ampullaceum.<br />The valsoid 1-8 perithecia are placed inside a white entostroma and their ostioles are very inconspicuous.<br />I think could be Hercospora tiliae or a close species of this genus.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 20-02-2008
Cher tous:
J'ai obtenu dans unes crottins de lapin incubées dans le laboratoire, cet Chaetomidium poilus avec parois des cleistothecia textura angularis et spores 9-12 x 8-9 (average 10 x 8).
Peut etre Chaetomidium subfimeti Seth ou Ch. fimeti (Fuckel) Zofp, ou une autre spece du genre?
Merci, en avant, par votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 13-04-2022
Hi forum<br /><br />Do you have any suggestions for these blackish, gregarious sporodochia 1-2 mm in diameter by 1.2 mm in height growing on Populus bark?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-04-2019
I am seeking information about Unguiculariopsis lettaui (Grummann) Coppins, in Rambold & Triebel, Notes R. bot. Gdn Edinb. 46(3): 387 (1990)<br />Could someone help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 10-06-2013
Hi to all<br />Can you help me with Holm's paper on Lophiostoma (Lophiostomataceae in Sweden) or those of Mathiassen (1993)?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Salvador Tello, 03-08-2014
Hola a todos.<br /><br />Necesito el siguiente artículo <strong>Petrini, L.E. (2004). A revision of the genus Stilbohypoxylon (Xylariaceae). Sydowia 56(1): 51-71. </strong>¿Alguien me puede ayudar?
Enrique Rubio, 27-05-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can someone help me with Schüepp's paper, Phytopath. Z. (1959) on Leptotorchila? </p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 18-04-2012
<p>Hello again<br /><br />These nice, gregarious, small (0-7-1 mm), ostiolate, pseudothecia with conspicuous orange yellow neck that turns purple in KOH, grow under a dense, byssoid, ochracous subiculum on indeterminate wet hardwood in riversides.<br />Asci bitunicate, 8-spored. Pseudoparaphyses present. Ascospores 55-98 x 12-17, 7-septate, the fourth cell wider. Walls minutely verruculose in Melzer. <br /><br /><br />I don't know a good genus for my collection.<br />What's your opinion<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique </p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-07-2022
I can find no suitable answer for this white Bryoscyphus with such spores. The stipitate apothecia growing on indeterminate decaying mosses. Asci IKIb croziers (+).
Enrique Rubio, 20-11-2020
Does anyone have a pdf on this fungus?<br />Sphaeronaemella raphani Malloch, Fungi Canadenses, no. 53 ( 1974).<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 23-08-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I'm studying a collection of a muscicolous Psilocybe species, and I need Gulden & al., Artic and Alpine Fungi I:29-30 (1985) plate of Psilocybe chionophila.</p>
<p>Could someone help me?</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 18-02-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need description of Melanospora (Sphaerodes) singaporensis Morinaga, Minoura & Udagawa, in Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 19(2): 142 (1978)</p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 26-03-2012
Hi to all:<br />I need the next biblio reference:<br /><br />HARMAJA (1979). Studies on vernal species of Gyromitra and Pseudombrophila.<br /> Ann. bot. fenn. 16(3): 159.162<br />Can you help me?<br />Many thanks<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2010
Hi to all.
What's your opinion about this Thecotheus species that grows on cow dung. The spores are apiculate and reticulate, not only verrucose. Thecotheus lundqvistii seems to be close to our collection but there are any reference to the spore reticulation for this species in the keys (AAs, Doveri & Coué...).
Many thanks!
BERNARD CLESSE, 04-06-2015
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />J'ai récolté hier sur akène pourri d'érable sycomore (Acer pseudoplatanus), dans une aulnaie à ail des ours ce petit asco.<br /><br />a) asques clavés voire parfois vésiculeux, octosporés, ± pédicellés, à base brun rouge dans IKI, sans crochet, IKI- : 22-34x4-6,5<br />b) spores étroitement ellipsoïdes à subfusoïdes, à ovales : 5-10,5x1,5-2 <br /><br />Pas d'idée…<br /><br />Bernard
Castillo Joseba, 05-08-2020
Recolectada el domingo en campa junto a hayedo<br /><br />Ejemplares de 2-3 cm. de diametro<br /><br />Seca, no exuda latex<br /><br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2024
Could you help me with a pdf copy of this article?<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />Holubová-Jechová V. (1973) Lignicolous hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakia 3. Sporoschisma, Sporoschismopsis and Catenularia. Folia Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 8: 209–218.<br /><br />
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 12-02-2023
.. Algarve, near Tor, yesterday, decorticated log of ? Cercis (Querus)?. The spores are about 5-6/2,5 µm. Can somebody provide a proposal?<br />Yours, Lothar<br />P.S. last 2 fotos in Melzer
Enrique Rubio, 21-04-2020
Does anyone know if there is a place where this work can be downloaded?<br />Many thanks in advance.
Enrique Rubio, 24-06-2013
HI to all<br /><br /><br />Can you help me? I need this article on Botryotinia<br /><br />Hennebert, G.J & J.W. Groves 1963. Three new species of Botryotinia on Ranunculaceae. –
<p>Can.J. Bot. 41: 341-370.<br /><br />Many thanks in advance </p>
Enrique Rubio, 25-07-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Because I couldn't to obtain original description of Stomiopeltis callunae, in B. Erikss., Svensk bot. Tidskr. 68(2): 225 (1974).</p>
<p>Could this fungus be it?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 19-05-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>Could yo help me with this fungus on stems of Arundo donax? I think it is a bitunicate asco with shortly stipitate clavate asci, filamentous pseudoparaphyses and 3-septate brownish ascosporoes with neither gel seath, nor appendages. But the inmersed ascomata are oblong, as in Anthostoma cubiculare (only globose in frontal view), with an excentric obtuse and prominent papilla. </p>
<p>I don't know a good genus for my fungus</p>
<p>Thanks again for your kindly help</p>
Enrique Rubio, 13-06-2012
Hi to everybody:<br />This Diaporthe (?) species grews filling the bark of Lonicera xylosteum at 1000 m of altitude.<br /><br />Have you some idea for this fungus?<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 26-02-2015
<p>Please, can you help me for to obtain this papaer?</p>
<p>Stolk, A. C. 1955: The genera Anixiopsis Hansen and Pseudeurotium van Beyma (Antonie van</p>
<p>Leeuwenhoek 21: 65-79).</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Maren Kamke, 12-12-2019
Hello together,
<p>can someone provide me with this article:</p>
<div>Pleospora straminis, P. rubelloides and P. rubicunda: Three fungi causing purple-staining of decaying tissues; Trans Br Mycol Soc Volume 40, Issue 2, 1957, Pages 177-186</div>
<br />
<p>Thanks and kind regards, Maren</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-09-2019
Hi forum<br />These gregarious, superficial, small (200-250 microns in diam.), hairy perithecia were growing on a thin white subiculum on decorticated hardwood (Alnus?). The perithecia do not appear to react in KOH, or at least do not give a reddish or purple color. (Bionectriacee?) The bicellular ascospores maybe finelly verrucose. The perithecia are covered by a thick coat of yellowish hairs with finely spiny walls. No anamorph I have seen.<br />Have you some idea for this collection?<br />Many thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 03-07-2023
On Juncus effusus at 1600 m of altitude. Ascomata stipitate, reddening with age. The asci arising from croziers don't fit with Hymenoscyphus robustior. Ectal excipulum obscurely prismatica. Do you have some idea that helps me?
Enrique Rubio, 18-03-2008
Je vous prie une opinion sur cet Sordarial fimicole (Podospora, Schizothecium...). Les poils (tufts)des peritheces mesurent jusqu'a 65 micr., et les spores (brun cell) jusqu'a 28 x 15. Asques 8-spores.
Merci de votre opinion
Enrique Rubio, 10-06-2014
<p>Can you help me again with tis paper?</p>
<p>Hein, B. (1976). Revision der Gattung LaetinaeviaN annf. (Ascomycetes) und</p>
<p>Neuordnung der Naevioideae. Willdenowia, Beiheft 9: 1-136.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks!</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-11-2021
Hi forum<br />This Geopora up to 50 mm in diameter, completely free and open, grew under Corylus avellana on a basic soil.<br />The spores are ellipsoidal, always bigutulate, with obtuse rounded poles and with lateral walls tending to be parallel. No key to the genus has been satisfactory to me in attempting to resolve this collection and only Benkert's key (Z. Mykol., 2010) offers me the possibility of Sepultaria veselskyi Svrcek, a smaller carbonicolous species. Do you have any ideas that could help me?<br />Many thaks in advance<br />
Castillo Joseba, 20-07-2020
Me mandan el material recolectado en Phragmites<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 25-03-2008
Cher amis:
Je vous presente cet Chaetomium? que croi dans un crottin de chien. Je ne sais pas si les acmes ont des ostioles ou non. Les poils sont ondulées, spiralées, bruns et verruqueuses x 5-6 micr.
Les asques cilndriques, 60-65 x 7-8 micr., ont 8 ascospores hyalines-verdatres- brunes, avec por germinative et mesurent 7-9 x 5.5-6.5 micr.
Je pense a Chaetomium crispatum Fuckel. Pouvez vous m'aider avec cette determination?
Merci en avant
Enrique Rubio, 12-06-2014
<p>HI to all</p>
<p>This a an older friend of us that grows persistently on previous years leaves of Berberis vulgaris at the montane/subalpine regions of Asturias.</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about it that not fits well with any species known by us</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Salvador Tello, 05-03-2015
Hola a todos.<br /><br />Estoy buscando el siguiente artículo: <strong>Candoussau, F.; Boqueras, M.; Gómez-Bolea, A.; Læssøe, T.; Lowen, R.; Rogers, J.D.; Rossman, A.Y.; Samuels, G.J. 2007. Observations on Neobarya, including new species and new combinations. Sydowia. 59(2):179-215.<br /><br /></strong>¿Alguien me puede ayudar? Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Enrique Rubio, 19-01-2021
Could this synnematous hyphomycete be a Spiropes species? It grew on a corticated small branch of a broad-leaved tree. The conidia are subhyaline or very pallid brownish and the conidiogenous cells polyblastic, seem to be sympodial, but I don't see clearly scars.<br />Thanks a lot for your help.
Salvador Tello, 30-06-2015
Estoy intentando identificar un hongo de este género y tengo poca literatura. Agradezco cualquier aportación sobre este género, sobre todo si tiene claves de identificación. Gracias.<br /><br />Salvador.
Jenny Seawright, 16-02-2015
Hello all, <br /><br />Found on Gorse, Ulex europaeus but the closest I've managed is a Diatrypaceae and possibly Eutypa or Eutypella? <br /><br />Stroma were brownish, ostioles protruding. Spores +/- curved, most with a small guttule at each end, (8)10-12(15) x 2.5(3) µm. <br /><br />Help appreciated!<br />With regards, <br />Jenny<br />
Enrique Rubio, 29-09-2013
Dear friends<br /><br />Can you help me with these papers?<br /> <br />Y. -J. Yao and B. M. Spooner (1996). Notes on British Octosporella<br />with a New Genus, Filicupula (Pezizales). Kew Bulletin Vol. 51,<br />No. 1 pp. 193-196
<p>Yao, Y.-J., B.M. Spooner & T. Læssøe (2006): Octosporella<br />fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales),with a key to the species of the genus. <br />Nova Hedwigia 83: 483-487.<br /> <br /><br />Many thanks in advance <br /><br /></p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-10-2021
Hello forum<br />Tiny apothecia growing in incubated deer dung. The hairs had any septa and the dextrinoid reaction of the hairs is inconsistent but sometimes present especially towards the base.<br />The elongate ascospores do not seem fit well with the broadly ellipsoidal or subspherical ones described by Marchal for Lasiobolus (Lachnea) lasioboloides, but the absence of septa seems more characteristic of Lasiobolus than of Trichobolus deextrinoideosetosus.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance
Yannick Mourgues, 10-03-2023
<div>Je cherche le document suivant : </div>
<div>Two new species of Lasionectria (Bionectriaceae, Hypocreales) from Guadeloupe and Martinique (French West Indies) - Mycotaxon Volume 121, July 2012, Pages 275-280</div>
<div>Merci d'avance à celui qui pourra me procurer un pdf de ce papier.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 23-07-2016
<p>Could someone help me with a digital copy of this paper?</p>
<p>Sivanesian (1972). The genus Herpotrichia. Mycological papers 127:1-37</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-01-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me, with this scanty information, with these small perithecia growing on copious white subiculum on the stromata of Nemania sp.? I don't know the anamorphic stage neither the structure of the perithecial walls (I like very much my fingers!)</p>
<p>The KOH is negative and the asospore walls have coarsely cianophilic striate walls</p>
<p>Any idea?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-07-2020
Does anyone know of any recent work on the phylogeny of the family Pyronemataceae?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Castillo Joseba, 27-10-2023
De esta mañana en rama posiblemente de avellano (Coryli)<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 26-02-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Searching for helotiales on liverworts we have found these very minute (70-100 microns), superficial, scattered, ostiolate, brownish black thyriothecia (i feel they are so by the type of tissue) on decaying thallus of I pressume Lophocolea bidentata. The bitunicate asci are oligosporic, perhaps only 4-spored. Ascospores hyaline or subhyaline, 1-septate.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 17-05-2007
Je vous prie une opinion sur ce asco minuscule qui croissait dans les tiges de Luzula sylvatica. Il semble jaunir beaucoup et peut-être aussi roussir. Les paraphyses bleuissent in IKI, et cette chose m'attire attention.
Je n'ai pas pu l'étudier à fond parce que le matériel s'est détérioré. Je sais que mes données sont très insuffisantes, mais j'aimerais pouvoir connaître une opinion sur même.
Enrique Rubio, 25-08-2009
Dear friends
I'd like to know your opinion about this large Helvella species growing on Corylus avellana and Fagus sylvatica forest.
The ascomata are up to 13 cm high and 3.5 cm broad. Stipe and outside of pileus are smooth or only very slightly pubescent.
The spore mesurements are from the spore print of the ascomata.
Many thanks again for your kindly help.
Enrique Rubio, 05-06-2014
<p>Can you help me with this paper on Arnium?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Krug, J. C. and R. F. Cain. 1972. Additions to the genus Arnium. Canadian Journal of Botany 50: 367-373.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-05-2023
I am looking for Ciliatula laricina (Ellis & Everh.) Pouzar, in Cas. slezsk. Mus. Opav?, Ser. A 21(2): 157 (1972). Could someone help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 21-04-2021
Could someone get a copy of this article?<br />Sharma, M.P. 1988. A new species of Psilachnum Höhn. from India. Nova Hedwigia. 46(3-4):369-372.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 17-04-2009
Je vous autrefois prie une aide pour cet asco (0.5-0.7 mm) gisatre, patellarioide, globuleuse et pruinose a la maturesse.
ASci IKI bb, avec des crochets, 8-spored, jusqu'a 125 x18. Paraphyses avec cilindriques et refringentes vacuoles KOH (-). Excipulum textura porrecta gelifiée (non globuloso-angularis). Spores 0-3 septa, multiguttulés, 23-26 x 6-7 que germinent en phialides (¿) brunes.
Je ne connais pas le genre.
Merci en avancé
Ascomata 0.5-0.7 mm, greyish, bluish, patellarioide, convex, (sub) sphaeerical and pruinose at maturity. Asci up to 125 x 18, 8-spored, IKI bb, with croziers. Paraphyses with refractive and cilyndrical VB's turning red brownish in IKI. Excipulum porrecta gelified (not angularis). Spores up to 3 septate, muliguttulate, hyalines, 23-26 x 6-7 germinating in brownish phialides (?).
I don't know the genus it belongs.
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 12-04-2009
Cher amis:
Je suis perdu avec cette Diatrypella (¿) species que croi tdans les branches de Quercus ilex. Les stromes erumpents ont jusqu'a 1.5 mm d'hauteur et de grandeur et ils contienent 2-4 peritheces de 0.5-0.6 microns. L'ai vu que les asques sont polysporiques, mais elles n'ont pas le meme numero de spores que le commune D. favacea (qui prefer les noisetiers. Elles ont un numero plus moindre de spores, qui sont dans le range de favacea.
Est ce que vous connaisez cette spece?
Merci de votre aide une autre fois.
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2009
Hi t all.
I's like to know your opinion about this asco patellarioid, up to 0.6 m, on submerged Eriophorum angustifolium old stems.
The hymenium (perhaps too very mature) has ochraceus hues.
Enrique Rubio, 06-03-2013
I need the next article. Can you help me?<br /><br /><br />Harmaja, H. (1984). Sowerbyella brevispora, a new discomycete species from Finland.
<p>Karstenia 24(1):29-30. (1984)<br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />Enrique </p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-06-2018
Hi to everyone<br />This enigmatic diaporthale makes subepidermial, roundish, blackish, up to 250 microns in diam., perithecia with central short beak on overwintered stems of Geranium pratense at the sea level.<br />Thes short stipitate asci have a conspicuous refractive melzer negative apical apparatus and the non septate ascospores have polar roundish caps at the poles, only visible with chlorazol blak.<br />I explored keys on Gnomonia-like fungi with no success.Have you some idea for me?<br />Many thanks in advanceEnrique<br />
Elisabeth Stöckli, 02-11-2016
<p>Je suis à la recherche de</p>
<p>- Notes on British Octosporella with a new genus Filicupula (Pezizales); Y.J. & B.M. Spooner (1996), Kew Bulletin Vol. 51 N° 1 pp. 193-196</p>
<p>- Octosporella fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales), with a key to the species of the genus, Y.J. Yao & B.M. Spooner, T. Laessoe (2006), Nova Hedwigia, 82 (3-4): Hedwigia 83: 483-487</p>
<p>Merci d'avance.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 27-03-2021
Could someone give me a copy of Hayova and Minter's description of Valsa malicola in Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria? <br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 18-11-2012
Dear friends:<br />have you some idea for this gregarious, KOH negative and small (up to 0.2 mm) perithecia growing on a copious yellow subiculum? <br />Ascospores 1-septate that seem to be smooth. No anamorph<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 06-10-2016
<p>Could someone help me to obtain this original description?</p>
<p>Hypoxylon xylarioides Speg., Anal. Soc. cient. argent. 9(4): 179 (1880)</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Vasileios Kaounas, 23-03-2016
Found in forest with Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis.<br />Asci 282.1 [291.3 ; 303.9] 313 x 14.1 [15 ; 16.3] 17.2 <br />Spores 17.3 [18.4 ; 19.1] 20.2 x 11.8 [12.5 ; 12.9] 13.6 <br />Q = 1.3 [1.4 ; 1.5] 1.6 ; N = 16 ; C = 95%<br />Me = 18.8 x 12.7 µm ; Qe = 1.5 <br />
Vasileios Kaounas, 04-01-2021
<div>Found in rotten remains of Phoenix theophrastii.</div>
<div>Dimensions about 1-2 mm</div>
<div>asci (76.3) 80.6 - 109.5 (113.4) × (9.7) 10.5 - 15.5 (16.8) µm</div>
<div>spores (28) 30.1 - 40.2 (41.9) × (5.5) 5.8 - 7.4 (8.4) µm<br />Q = (4) 4.6 - 6.3 (6.7) ; N = 30<br />Me = 35.3 × 6.6 µm ; Qe = 5.4</div>
Castillo Joseba, 28-11-2018
Me mandan desde Galicia material seco encontrado en caña de Yuca (Manihot esculenta)<br /><br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 29-01-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>These small (up to 0.35 mm), superficial, hairy, scattered perithecia grew on Salix bark, The ental layer of the walls turns lilac in KOH 10%, Ascospores verrucose. I don't know its anamorphic stage.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 31-03-2016
<p>Hi forum</p>
<p>These scattered, more or less inmersed, black, ostiolate, glabrous, lageniform perithecia, 0.3-0.5 mm long, with elongated cylindrical necks 100-200 microns long, were growing on indeterminate semirotten wood together with pseudothecia of Capronia cf. pilosella.</p>
<p>The asci are shortly stipitate, with a conspicuous refractive, IKI negative, apical apparatus, 170-194 x 10-12 microns, with 8 obliquely 1-seriate, hyaline, 4-celled ascospores. Paraphyses often collapsing.</p>
<p>I think this fungus should be near the genus Ceratosphaeria but any species seems to fit well with my collection.</p>
<p>Have yo some idea for me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-12-2016
Hi to everybody<br />This Pezicula with erumpent stromata with yellowish-cinnamon pruinose KOH-inert ascomata with 8-spored asci, was found growing on bark of Prunus spinosa. <br />Many keys redirect me to Pezicula pruinosa, although Amelanchier was not the host. Have you some aid for me?<br />Thanks again
Marja Pennanen, 08-08-2013
Hello,<br /><br />can someone tell, weather those white "decorations" of this propably Cordyceps are part of it or has some imperfect fungi infected it?<br />Their "stipe" about 200 micrometers high and the top "ball" is about 40 wide. <br />The insect is propably some spider or fly.<br /><br />I have found Cordyceps canadensis, C. gracilis, C. militaris, C. myrmecophila and C. ophioglossoides ealier, but can't remember microscoping them.<br />They have been determinable even without microscophy.<br />
<p><br />Marja</p>
Enrique Rubio, 03-05-2019
These apothecia grew in a decorticated branch of hardwood of 10 mm thick, fallen to the ground, product of a pruning.The hymenium is dextrinoid and the ascospores are multiseptate. I think in Karstenia as a good genus for it.<br />What do you think?<br />This collection is from central Spain at 1000 m of altitude, april 6(2019).<br />Many thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 11-06-2017
Hi to everyone<br />I need the next article on Lasionectria fournieri. Could you help me?<br />Lasionectria fournieri Lechat, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 124(1 & 2): 1 (2009) [2008]<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 04-04-2014
<p>Does anyone have this paper on Apiognomonia?</p>
<p>Sogonov MV, Castlebury LA, Rossman A, White JF (2007). The type of species of Apiognomonia, Apiognomonia veneta, with its Discula anamorph is distinct from Apiognomonia errabunda. Mycological Research 111: 693–709.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-09-2020
Hi again<br />Does anyone know what anamorphic state these conidiomata that grew on the body of a wasp belong to? Would it have any relation to the perfect stage of Ophiocordyceps ditmarii?<br />Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 11-06-2013
Hi again<br /> <br />Someone knows where Godronia rosae is published by Schläpf.-Bernh.?<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 11-09-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>On the hymenium of some decayed Ganoderma grew the basidiomata of an sterilized aphyllophoral that I tentatively determined as Trechispora vaga. But on this fungus also grew the white perithecia, on a copious white subiculum, of an Hypomyces KOH-yellow-orange. The ascospores are 1-septate, verruculose, with small apiculi. I tried to determine it with Rogerson & Samuels but no success I had. No anamorphic stage I have seen.</p>
<p>Could yo some idea for me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Ronald Morsink, 09-11-2021
Hello, <br /><br />I found these small black ascomycetes on the ground and litter of hardwood and coniferous wood in The Netherlands. Mainly on the embankment of a dried-up stream.<br />Found in a mixed forest with deciduous and coniferous trees.<br /><br />They are between 1-3 mm in size. At first, they are black in color and completely enclosed.<br />Now that they are more developed, they are unfolding. The outside turns brown, the inside yellow.<br /><br />The top of the asci turns blue with Lugol.<br />Size of the asci: 110-150 mu long and 9-10 mu wide.<br /><br />The spores have two, sometimes three oildrops and little oildrops between it.<br />Size of the spores: 10-16 mu long and 4-7 mu wide.<br />Q= 2.5<br /><br />Regards, <br />Ronald Morsink
Enrique Rubio, 07-08-2020
I'm looking for descriptions of teleomorphs (only teleomorphs!) in the genus Torrubiella/Gibellula on spiders.<br />Can anyone help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 20-01-2020
Could someone please give me a copy of the following document?<br /><br />Raitviír, A.; Järv, H. 1995. Studies in the Trichopezizelloideae (Hyaloscyphaceae, discomycetes) 1. The genus Hegermila Raitv. gen. nov. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. 44:23-31.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 06-04-2022
Could someone get me the description of Acremonium arxii Gams in W. Gams, Cephalosporium-artige Schimmelpilze (Stuttgart): 123 (1971)?<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />
Garcia Susana, 08-01-2021
<div>Agradecería si alguien pudiera enviarme el siguiente articulo:</div>
<div>Reexamination of taxa in Leptosphaeria originally described on host species in Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, and Magnoliaceae. Young-mee AhnCarol A Shearer. Canadian Journal of Botany 76(2):258-280</div>
<div>Gracias, un saludo</div>
Enrique Rubio, 18-07-2011
Hi to all:
<p>These resupinate stromata grow on wood of Fagus sylvatica. KOH 10% extractable pigments are orange red but peripherically purplish. Asci have an apical apparatus Mlz. negative but bluish in IKI.<br />Could be H. rubiginosum?</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-07-2016
<p>I need this paper on Dermateaceae. Could you help me, please?</p>
<p>British dermateaceae: 3. Peziculoideae. Brian Spooner, Marijke M. Nauta</p>
<p>The Mycologist (1999), 13 (3): 98-101.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Salvador Emilio Jose, 19-01-2023
<div>Hola buenos días.</div>
<div>Hace unos días vi este Ascomycete, pienso en Hydropisphaera peziza, una especie que ya me identificó hace unos años E. Rubio. .</div>
<div>En corteza de Populus alba. Albacete (Spain)</div>
<div>Os parece la especie que propongo?</div>
<div>Un saludo.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 13-03-2023
Does anyone have access to this article?<br />CARLSEN T. A. & STENSRUD Ø. 2003. — Hattmorkelen Gyromitra longipes Harmaja funnet i Norge. Blyttia, 61 : 76-78.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
BERNARD CLESSE, 12-12-2016
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />Je viens de récolter cette petite truffe, sous épicéa, sur sol calcaire. <br /><br />Qu'en pensez-vous ?<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 11-05-2019
Does anyone have access to this article?. At least as far as Podophacidium pulvinatum is concerned.<br /><br />Raitviir, A. & Järv, H. 1997. Arcto-alpine Leotiales and Ostropales<br />from the mountains of South Norway. – Proc. Estonian Acad.<br />Sci. Biol. Ecol., 46(1-2): 94-111.<br />Many thanks again<br />
Thomas Læssøe, 30-04-2019
a dense mass of big, radiating conidial structures. See<br /><br /><br />cheers
Enrique Rubio, 26-06-2011
Hi to all:<br /><br />Do you know this Leptosphaeria species that grows on dicot. herbaceous stems? Maybe Leptosphaeria ogilviensis? Are the roundish polar gel sheath of the spores typical for this fungus?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 27-02-2022
Do you have any ideas about these small synnemata growing on Arbutus unedo wood? The fertile region of the apices seems to have a thin mucilaginous covering.<br />Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 02-10-2006
Enrique Rubio, 02-10-2006
Enrique Rubio, 02-10-2006
Enrique Rubio, 08-01-2012
Hi to all again:<br />These nice stromata where collected at Quercus ilex bark. Maybe Endothia (Cryphonectria) radicalis?<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 17-07-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I need your help with this pyreno found on Phragmites australis stems close to the sea</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-04-2023
Velvety olive-brown sporodochia on flowers of Yucca.<br />Do you have some idea that helps me?<br />
Enrique Rubio, 30-05-2019
Does anyone know if it's possible to freely download<br />Beitr. Kryptfl. Schweiz 10(no. 3)(1948)?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 10-07-2015
Please see the attached pdf file. The host is an indeterminate hardwood.
Enrique Rubio, 25-04-2017
Hi to all<br />This fungus was collected at Somiedo (1350 m) on herbaceous stems, perhaps of Umbelliferae. It makes subepidermial orange perithecia KOH negative 0.2-0.4 mm, with only the obtuse papilla raising the periderm of the host. I think they are glabrous, the hairs we can see maybe belong to the stem host.<br />The ascospores are smooth, 1-septate, with conspicuous large lipid content. The asci have a conspicuous, refractive, cianophilou, Melzer negative apical apparatus.<br />Have you some idea? Could be a Nectriella species?<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 17-08-2021
Hi Forum<br />I'm looking for descriptions of Hypomyces (Nectriopsis) tremellicola.<br />Could you help me? <br />Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 27-01-2021
These shortly stipitate brownish apothecia grew on decorticated brances of Acer pseudoplatanus still attached to the tree at 1300 m of altitude.<br />I think it fits well with the Karsten's and Carpenter's concept of Cyathicula complicata with IKI negative asci, although Dennis describes it as a non-dark fungus with asci IKI blue.<br />What do you think?<br />
Enrique Rubio, 01-03-2013
Dear friends<br />Can you help me with this article?<br /> <br />STUDIO COMPARATO DELLE SPECIE LUNGAMENTE STIPITATE DEL GENERE PLECTANIA
<p>Carbone, Matteo; Agnello, Carlo; Baglivo, Arturo;<br />Peric, Branislav; de Giorgi, Donatella</p>
<p>Mycologia Montenegrina;2011, Vol. 14, p7 (2011)<br /><br /><br /><br />Many thanks in advance </p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2011
Dear friends:
These small (up to 0.7 mm), black, gregarious, pyriform, glabrous, not stromatic, at first semiinmersed, later free perithecia grow on Valeriana stems.
Enrique Rubio, 28-05-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Could you help me with this article?</p>
<p>Brittonia 1 October–December 1996, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp 551-555</p>
<p>Oletheriostrigula, a new genus for Massarina papulosa (Fungi, Ascomycetes)</p>
<p>Sabine M. Huhndorf,Richard C. Harris</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 09-01-2021
Could someone help me to obtain a pdf os this paper?<br /><br />Eriksson B. 1970. On Ascomycetes on Diapensales and Ericales in Fennoscandia. Vol. 1. Discomycetes. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 19: 1–71.<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 06-12-2015
<p>Could someone help me with this article?</p>
<p>HANSEN & al. (2002) Phylogenetic diversity in the core group of Peziza inferred fron ITS sequenses end morphology.- Mycol. Res. 106 (8): 879-902.?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in davance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Björn Wergen, 12-06-2016
Hi there,<br /><br />today I was in Freibourg (Black Forest) for collecting some culms of Phyllostachys. At home, there appeared a pale coloured nectria-like species on one of the culms, of which I am sure it belongs to Protocreopsis. After looking for similar species, I have found an article about Protocreopsis caricicola growing on Carex from Mecklenburg, so this could be the second recolt in germany (?).<br /><br />Sp 13-14x3-3,4µm, with one central septation, smooth. Asci 50-60x5,5-7µm, 8sp, no apical apparatus seen in CB. Whole fruitbodies are covered with hyaline, thick-walled hairs and are embedded into a whitish cotton-like subiculum. Older fruitbodies get a yellow colour. Wall KOH-, CB-, 20-30µm thick constisting of 7-10 rows of parenchymatous cells and an up to 35µm thick layer of covering hyphae/hairs.<br /><br />12-06-16, Freibourg, on old shoots of Phyllostachys sp.<br /><br />regards,<br />björn<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 09-02-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>These pulvinate erumpent stromata grew on corticated wood of Quercus robur. The very polymorphic and aberrant ascospores are mostly in 4-spored asci. It could be the Lopadostoma dryophilum of the recent paper of Jaklitsch, Fournier. Rogers and Voglmayr?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 17-03-2017
HI again<br />Blackish, not setose pseudothecia up to 0.2 mm in diameter are found subepidermial on the setae of the sporophytes of dead moss Ceratodon purpureus. The greenish smooth, dimorphic ascospores are < 20 microns long and the asci are bitunicate. I feel this a meber of the family Venturiaceae, maybe in the genus Lizonia or Venturia. <br />Have you some idea?<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 01-03-2009
Cher amis:
Je vous prie une opinion sur cette Hamatocanthoscypha (¿) que croit sur lécorce d'un Eucalyptus vivant (á 1 m d'hauteur). Les ascomes KOH (-) jusqu'a 0.9 mm, sont sessiles (non stipitées), pourpres, brun-rougeatres dans la vieillesse.Ectal excipulum primatica to angularis, brun-rougeatre couvert de poils uncinates avec ses bases bruns et cols hyalines. Asci IKI (-), avec des crochets. Dans l'interieur des asques je vois 4-6 spores (Jamais 8?).
Merci d'avance par votre aide.
Francisco SÁNCHEZ, 11-02-2022
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Buenos días. </font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hace unos días encontré estas fructificaciones en hojas muertas de Agave americana.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font>
<p><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">DIDIMOSPORAS </font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">(16,2) 16,6 - 19,5 (20,6) × (7,3) 8,0 - 9,5 (9,9) µm </font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Q = (1,7) 1,8 - 2, 2 (2,3) ; </font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">N = 23 </font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Me = 18,1 × 8,8 µm; </font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Qe = 2.1</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></p>
<p><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ASCAS octospóricas.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></p>
Castillo Joseba, 04-11-2014
de 3,3 - 0,5 mm en acacia<br /><br />no se por donde mirar
Enrique Rubio, 30-05-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Do you know where I could find some modern treatement of the genus Acanthophiobolus? Could A. helicosporus to colonize other than Cyperaceae? I have found a species growing on Juniperus leaves.</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 14-12-2007
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me faciliter une clé moderne d'Eutypa ?.
Merci en avant
Enrique Rubio, 17-07-2007
Je vous prie une opinion sur cet Lachnum roussisante que croit dans les feuilles de Cladium mariscus.
Spores 7.9-12.1 x 1.4-2.3; une autre recollection: 5.2-14.3 x 1.5-2.4. Paraphyses avec VBs. Asques jusqu'a 50 micr., avec crochets. Poils jusqu'a 70 micr., sans des cristaux apicales, avec VBs, plusieurs d'eux avec l'extrémité acute, 1 o plus celled.
Je dote entre L. carneolum et L. tenuipilosum, ou autre?
Mecri par votre aide.
Enrique Rubio, 22-09-2016
<p>Hello again</p>
<p>These gregarious, semi-inmersed, single or in small groups, blackish, glabrous, roundish, 0.3-0.5 mm in diam., pseudothecia with a inconspicuous papilla not laterally flattened, where growing on a broad Salix sp. branch near to the river at 1300 m (Somiedo-Asturias).</p>
<p>The ascospores are hyaline and 1 septate, later greyish-brown, verrucose and secondarily septate, with no sheath or with only a thiny sheath when young. Asci clavate, bitunicate, 137-162 x 18-23, with 8 ascospores. Pseudoparaphyses cellular.</p>
<p>It looks like Massarina 'griseospora' JF 06255 from Fournier's Keys, or it would be Massarina macrospora (Sacc.) O.E. Erikss. & J.Z. Yue. I'd like to know your opinion.</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 24-01-2006
une autre photo des spores matures
Enrique Rubio, 24-01-2006
une autre photo des spores matures
Enrique Rubio, 23-01-2017
Hi to all<br />I would like to know your opinion on these brownish-black, superficial, ostiolate, up to 0.5 mm perithecia, when young covered by a whitish adpressed tomentum. No black setae, no other type of hairs. The asci have an echinulate subapical globule. The perithecial content is clearly yellowish.<br />Some idea for me?<br />Thanks again
Vasileios Kaounas, 22-01-2015
Found 22-01-15, in sandy soil, in forest with Pinus halepensis.<br />Spores 15-16,5 x 9-10,5<br />Asci 210-240 x 13-15,5
Juuso Äikäs, 09-06-2022
I've seen this fungus many times before, and it seems to be quite common and plentiful on dead stems of Filipendula ulmaria. This is a finding from yesterday, found near shoreline.<br /><br />Spores slightly clavate, measuring 8.9 - 9.9 × 2.1 - 2.5 µm, OCI = 1. <br /><br />The asci measure 42.3 - 56.5 × 6.6 - 7.3 µm, with croziers, IKI+(bb).<br /><br />Paraphyses +- cylindrical, some a bit swollen. No hairs.<br /><br />I assume this is a Pyrenopeziza, and maybe someone knows the species?
Enrique Rubio, 29-04-2012
Can someone scan for me Wehmeyer's keys of Melanconis?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 07-10-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Could someone help me with this article?</p>
<p>Submersisphaeria aquatica K.D. Hyde, Nova Hedwigia 61: 172.1996.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-04-2012
Hello my friends of the forum:<br /><br />I'd like to know your opinion about this fungus that forms erumpent stromata on Prunus spinosa branches lying on the ground.<br />Stromatic disc is witish/grayish and the stromata have a conspicuous ventral black line. Spores are hyaline and very heterometrical. Many asci with 8 ascospores. <br /><br />We think this is a Valsa species but we have not seen his Cytospora anamorphic state.<br /><br />Maybe Valsa ambiens? <br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 17-02-2009
Cher tous:
Peut etre cette Nectria qui a un hemisphaerical papilate apex un des speces du group e Nectria mammoidea?
Les spores sont light brown at maturity, groserement tuberculate (subreticulate aussi?). Malhereusement je ne connais pas l'anamorphe et la largeur des parois. Dans cettes conditions, nous pouvons la nommer?.
Salutations a tous et specialement a Christian Lechat, que nous pouvons le connaitre cette printemps a les Asturies.
Enrique Rubio, 22-04-2015
<p>Could someone help me with this paper on Trichodelitschia adelphica?</p>
<p>LUCK-ALLEN, E. R., 1970. A new species of Trichodelitschia, in Nova Hedwigia, Vol. 19, p p . 305-309.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2006
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider en détermination de ce Hypoderma pour ce qu'il croisse dans les peciolos des feuilles de Castanea sativa ?
Les spores mesurent 20-25 x 3-4, multiguttulées, non (¿) septées. Asques jusqu'a 170 x 11, long. pedicellees. Paraphysis recourvees.
Enrique Rubio, 06-09-2020
Hi to everybody<br />I'm sure some of you are familiar with these pinkish sporodochia on old Eutypella scoparia (Peroneutypa) stromata.<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 14-01-2016
<p>Hello my friends</p>
<p>Have you some idea on this fungus? Please, read the attached pdf file and many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 09-01-2010
Quelqu'un des amis français du forum il pourrait transcribirme la description des fréres Crouan pour Cyphella ferruginea P. Crouan & H. Crouan, Florule Finistère (Paris): 61 (1867)?
Specialement pour moi pouvoir connaitre les mesures des spores.
Enrique Rubio, 09-09-2012
Hi to everybody:<br /><br />On a copious and cottony white subiculum situated on a rotten piece of hardwood I have collected these gergarious, superficially, easily separated, ostiolate, piriform, yellowish, orange or vinaceous small perithecia up to 300-350 microns. KOH negative.<br />At this moment the ascomata are depauperate, collapsed and only part-spores I can see, but two days ago it had many cilindrical asci with 1-septate, apiculate ascospores, disarticulating in two conical part-spores.<br /><br />I think in the genus Arachnocrea and could be A. stipata.<br />What do you think?<br />Thanks!<br />Enrique
Salvador Tello, 14-03-2015
Hola a todos.<br /><br />Estoy buscando el siguiente artículo <strong>Barr, M.E. 1990. Melanommatales (Loculoascomycetes). North American Flora. 13:1-129. </strong>¿alguien me puede ayudar? Gracias.<br /><br />Salvador.
Bernard Declercq, 21-06-2023
Dear all,<br /><br />I am looking for a pdf of following papers:<br /><br />Yuan, HS., Lu, X., Dai, YC. et al. Fungal diversity notes 1277–1386: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 104, 1–266 (2020).<br />Van Vooren, N., Dougoud, R. & Fellmann, B. Contribution to the knowledge of Peziza with multiguttulate ascospores, including P. retrocurvatoides sp. nov.. Mycol Progress 17, 65–76 (2018).<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.<br /><br />Bernard
Gernot Friebes, 08-04-2015
Hi,<br /><br />I'm looking for the following two publications on Nemania:<br /><br />Granmo, A., T. Laessøe & T. Schumacher. 1999. The genus Nemania s. l. (Xylariaceae) in Norden. Sommerfeltia 27:1-96.<br /><br />Ju, Y.-M., & J. D. Rogers. 2002. The genus Nemania (Xylariaceae). Nova Hedwigia 74: 75-120.<br /><br />Does anyone happen to have them as PDFs?<br /><br />Thanks you and best wishes,<br />Gernot<br />
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2012
Hi to all<br />I need you help with this Pseudovalsa (?) that grew on, could de, Acer branches. The perithecia are single or in reduced groups under the bark and they open by inconspicuous ostioles.<br />Ascospores are pseudoseptate without polar germ pores but they have well visible polar caps. Asci with (4)-6-7-8 ascospores. Some spores are bigger or aberrant. <br />This species fits well with Munk's description of Pseudovalsa cf. umbonata (Danish Pyrenomycetes: 203).<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 25-11-2019
In the tiny 2-3 mm long hirsute leaves of this plant that grows in sand dunes, among mosses, there are fruitbodys of a beautiful Helotialean fungus. Has anyone any idea about which plant it could be?
Enrique Rubio, 23-04-2020
Does anyone know where I can download Dansk bot. Ark. 1(no. 5)(1914)?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 12-04-2008
Quel c'est le nom correct pour cette Morchella riveraine?. Morchella esculenta var. vulgaris, Morchella umbrina...?
Merci d'avance
Enrique Rubio, 11-06-2015
<p>Hi to everybody and specially Jacques Fournier</p>
<p>Today we have examined these gregarious stromata up to 40 mm high growing on buried seeds of Cornus sanguinea or Crataegus monogyna. We don't know what the host is because they are living together and the stromata were growing under both trees.</p>
<p>After reading wonderfull Fournier's keys we are observing that our ascospores are greater: 12-16 x 5-7 versus 11-13 x 4.6-5.9 sec. Jacques. Also we have seen that collections on Cornus seeds can be greater. The question is: There is some innovation on this matter?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 06-07-2007
Boin soir mes amis du Forum:
Pouvez vous m'aider avec cet Tarzetta que croit dans le lit d'un torrent sec. Ascomata jusqu'a 0.8 cm, sessiles. Spores 19.5 - 22 x 12.5-13. Paraphyses majoritairement non ramifiées, mais aussi quelques ramifiées coexistent. Hymenium non percé dans le centre de la depression. Ectal globuloso-angularis. Medullaris intricata. Je ne sais pas si c'est T. cupularis ou T. catinus. Il existe une clé moderne pour cet genre qui a mis par jour les espèces de même?
Merci a tous.
Paul Cannon, 17-05-2014
Hello everyone - I have a specimen collected from burnt branches of Ulex europaeus from southern England, that seems to be similar to Bivonella chrysomalla but with larger ascospores and of course a different ecology. I wonder whether anyone else has seen this fungus, or can tell me what it is? All help will be much appreciated. <br /><br />See <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />as well as the images.<br />
Salvador Tello, 17-08-2014
Estoy buscado el siguiente artículo, <strong>Shoemaker, R.A.; Babcock, C.E. (1992). Applanodictyosporous Pleosporales: Clathrospora, Comoclathris, Graphyllium, Macrospora, and Platysporoides. Canadian Journal of Botany 70 (8): 1617-1658. </strong>¿Alguien me puede ayudar? Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Enrique Rubio, 26-11-2019
This Hysterial grew on stems of Phragmites australis lying on the ground in a very humid place. The micro and macroscopic features lead me to Hysterobrevium smilacis, a fungus that I had always seen growing on a variety of dry substrates but never on wet places.<br />What do you think?
Enrique Rubio, 11-03-2017
Queridos amigos,<br />Estamos ya listos para acogeros, del sábado 3 al sábado 10 de junio, en Pola de Somiedo, en Asturias, para un congreso de estudio de los Ascomycetes.<br />Somiedo Ascomycota 2017 ofrece, efectivamente, una excelente oportunidad de coincidir con numerosos micólogos presentes en el foro Ascofrance y de descubrir los fabulosos parajes del Parque Natural y Reserva de la Biosfera de Somiedo.<br />Además de una semana completa de hallazgos y de intercambios, os beneficiaréis de alojamientos confortables y de una agradable cocina, todo ello a un precio realmente ventajoso. Organizaremos servicio de transporte desde el aeropuerto de Asturias. Se dispondrá un programa especial para los acompañantes.<br />Informaciones e inscripciones:
<p>Un abrazo,<br />Enrique Rubio, por el equipo de SOMIEDO ASCOMYCOTA 2017.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-07-2014
<p>Can somebody help me with this article?</p>
<p>Nannfeldt, J.A. 1932. Studien über die morphologie und systematik der nichtlichenisierten inoperculaten Discomyceten. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 8(2):1-368</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-01-2013
Hi again<br />I need your help for to try this small, gregarious and sessile ascomata up to 0.5 mm with convex and pruinose hymenium growing on the inner bark of Tilia.<br />Asci IKI negative without croziers. Paraphyses with any content. Ectal excipulum hyaline globuloso-angularis. Margin with a palissade of filiform slightly clavate elements firmly adpressed.<br />I have no idea for this fungus. Can you help me again?<br />Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 30-03-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>This Anthostomella grew on wet dead stems of Ammophila arenaria. The fungus makes clypeate single blackish perithecia with papilate ostioles. Asci with a massive IKI positive apical apparatus longer than broad. Ascospores broadly inequilateral with spiral germ slit and peculiar partial gel sheaths at the poles. I think don't fits with A. spiralis or A. umbrinella.</p>
<p>Some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Enrique Rubio, 18-10-2024
Hi to somebody<br />I have seen that there are some divergent messages and opinions about this fungus that I have found at 1700 m altitude on hanging Rosa canina stems. The perithecia are very small, rough, they are short setose near the ostiole and collapse easily.<br />Could it be Synaptospora olandica?<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 03-11-2018
Hi my friends<br />I'd like to know your opinion on these minute (up to 375 microns), scattered, blackish, superficial, verrucose, sessile sporodochia, growing on Fagus wood near the stromata of Hypocrea cf. minutispora.<br />The muriform conidia, similar to hand grenades, seem to be frontally compressed. My friend Angel Pintos suggested me Berkleasmium or Dictysporium. What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br />
Iglesias Plácido, 08-11-2016
Elle est sortie, la revue Errotari de cette année avec 224 pag. et le sommaire suivant:
<p>Hola, ha salido la Revista de micología Errotari con 224 pag. y el siguiente sumario:</p>
<p>Aportación al estudio del género Coniophora en Catalunya por M.A. Perez-De-Gregorio y J. Carbó.</p>
<p>3 especies muy raras de Coprinopsis secc. narcoticae por Antonio Ruiz Mateo y Daniel Cerdan.</p>
<p>Entoloma azureopallidum sp. nov., Entoloma glaucodubium sp. nov., Entoloma bipigmentatum sp. nov. y Entoloma cyanoturci ad. int., por Gilles Corriol.</p>
<p>Astrosphaeriella trochus por Enrique Rubio y M. Gonzalez.</p>
<p>Algunos Ascomycetes interesantes del nornordeste de la Peninsula Iberica por Enrique Rubio, F.J. Balda y M. Tapia.</p>
<p>Nuevos datos sobre la presencia de Trichophaea flavobrunnea en España por Enrique Rubio y Raul Tena.</p>
<p>La Familia Tricholomataceae en el parque natural del Gorbea y aledaños por Javier Fernandez Vicente.</p>
<p>Aportaciones al catalogo micologico de la isla de Madeira II, por J. Fernandez Vicente, Plácido Iglesias y Maren Oyarzabal.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Si quelqu'un est intéressé qui me le demande à mon courrier privé s'il te plaît. o</p>
<p>Si hay alguien interesado solicitar a mi correo particular o<br /><br /></p>
<br />
<p>Plácido Iglesias</p>
Gernot Friebes, 23-06-2015
Hi,<br /><br />I'm looking for the following publication:<br /><br />Lundqvist, N. 1972. Nordic Sordariaceae Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses. 20(1):1-374<br /><br />I'm especially interested in the part on Arnium apiculatum which should be around page 243 so if someone doesn't have the whole article as a PDF but could scan part of it I'd be happy with just these pages!<br /><br />Thank you!<br /><br />Best wishes,<br />Gernot
Enrique Rubio, 07-06-2019
I would like to know your opinion about this Peziza that grows in the soil or on lignified debris in hardwood forests on basic soil.<br />The apothecia emit an opalescent latex and the multiguttulate spores have a very fine ornamentation only visble in lactic blue.<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 16-03-2014
<p>HI to all</p>
<p>I'm looking for B. Hein's article on Willdenowia, Beih. 9: 81 (1976) on Naeviopsis</p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-05-2019
Does anyone know where this work can be freely downloaded?<br /><br />COOKE M.C. 1879. — Mycographia, seu icones fungorum. Vol. I. Discomycetes.<br />Part 6. Londres, Williams and Norgate.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 25-05-2016
<p>HI to all</p>
<p>Could someone help me with tis article?</p>
<p>Fungal Diversity September 2015, Volume 74, Issue 1, pp 143-197</p>
<p>First online: 18 November 2015 Towards a natural classification of Astrosphaeriella-like species; introducing Astrosphaeriellaceae and Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae fam. nov. and Astrosphaeriellopsis, gen. nov.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 23-07-2020
Hi to everybody<br /><br />This pyrenomicete grew in very rotten wood of Acer pseudoplatanus in which it formed non-stromatic and isolated immersed perithecia. The asci have short stipes and a conspicuous apical apparatus I(-).<br />Amerospores are olive or dark brown in colour, without appendages or gelatinous sheaths and without germ-slits and the are perhaps porate.<br />Do you have some idea for me? Anthostomella? Endoxyla?<br />Many thanks in advance
Michel Delpont, 04-02-2023
<div>Je recherche les deux descriptions ci dessous.</div>
<div>Microascus hyalinus (Malloch & Cain) Sandoval-Denis, Gené</div>
<div>& Guarro, comb. nov.</div>
<div>Kernia hyalina Malloch & Cain, Canad. J. Bot. 49: 860. 1971.</div>
<div>Merci par avance.</div>
<br />
Enrique Rubio, 15-05-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Can someone help me with some description of Thecotheus himalayensis or the original description?</p>
<p>Thecotheus himalayensis S.C. Kaushal, Bot. Notiser 133(3): 319 (1980)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-01-2023
Has anybody a pdf copy of this article?<br />DiCosmo, F.; Nag Raj, T.R.; Kendrick, W.B. A revision of the Phacidiaceae and related anamorphs. Mycotaxon 21: 1.234 (1984).<br />Many thanks in<br />
Bernard Declercq, 22-03-2021
Good evening every one,<br /><br />I am looking for a pdf of following paper:<br /><br />Dennis R.W.G. (1972) - Some forgotten names among British Helotiales. Kew Bulletin 26(3): 469-476.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.<br /><br />Bernard<br /><br /><br /><br />
Castillo Joseba, 09-02-2018
En una rama de laurus <br /><br />Me recuerda alguna especie, que no consigo encontrar<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 24-06-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Have you some idea about this pleosporal (Pleospora?, Lewia?) on indeterminate dicot. stems with glabrous pseudothecia and so obtuse 5-(6) transversaly septate ascospores?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-10-2012
Dear friends:<br />We have collected on very wet decorticated hardwood close to the water level at 1000 m of altitude these gregarious, glabrous, yellow ascomata up to 1.3 mm in diam. They are shortly stipitate by a stout and short stipe or almost turbinate.<br /><br /><br />The asci have an apical apparatus laterally enlarged, blue or purple in IKI, croziers (+) and the spores are not septate (or only the hypermature ones). Medullary excipulum with textura intricata. Ectal excipulum of interwowen hyphae. Any textura globulosa or prismatica we have seen. <br />The paraphyses have low refringent content as fragmenting and cylindrical VB's.<br /><br />Have you any idea?<br /><br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Ueli Graf, 26-08-2014
Hallo, ich suche diese Literatur.<br />Kann mir jemand helfen?<br /><br />MONOD M. (1983) - Monographie taxonomique des Gnomoniaceae. Beihefte zur Sydowia. Annales Mycologici, Ser. II. IX. Beiheft.Verlag Berger Horn Austria.<br /><br />Gruss<br />Ueli
Enrique Rubio, 06-12-2021
Je suis a la recherche de la description et figures de Galactinia sepiatra (Peziza sepiatra Cooke) par Le Gal (1962), Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 78, p. 210.<br />Pouvez vous m'aider?<br />D'avancé merci.<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 17-02-2020
Do you have some idea on this fungus with scutate superficial ostiolate ascomata (thyriothecia) on cones of Pinus nigra? The roof is made by blackish brown elongate, meandriform, cells making a textura epidermoidea, the asci are bitunicate and the ascospores are dimorphic.<br />Many thanks again <br />
Enrique Rubio, 28-06-2013
HI to all<br /><br />Can you help me with this item?<br /><br /> Neophaeosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis segregates of Paraphaeosphaeria,<br /> Câmara, Ramaley,Castlebury & Palm. Mycological Reserach 107(5): 520 (2003)<br /><br />Many thanks in advance <br />
Vojtech Pšenka, 05-03-2016
grow on twigs rose, the size of one cluster of about 2 mm<br />anyone knows?
Enrique Rubio, 23-06-2009
Hi to all:
I wish to know your opinion about this fungus that grew on Corylus (Alnus?) bark.
Ostiolate tubular necks erumpent across an stromatic and withish-ochrceous disc of 1 mm.
Enrique Rubio, 04-01-2021
I need your help with this pyreno with small (o.2-0.3 mm)pyriform, caespitose, ostiolate, papillate, not setose, blackish, pseudothecia on a branch of harwood still attached to the tree. It has paraphysate ascomata KOH-negative, with bitunicate asci and the ascospores (hyaline or very pale pinkish), with no sheaths,have several transverse septa. <br />Maybe a Pseudotrichia species?<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 09-11-2015
<p>Hello my friends</p>
<p>Please read the attached pdf and many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 03-02-2009
Cher tous:
Je vous prie une opinion sur cette Nectria (Cosmospora?) que croit sur les stromes d'un pyreno sur Acer pseudoplatanus (Diatrype stigma ou Eutypa leptoplaca, il n'y a pas deja des asques..).
Le peritheces mesurent jusqu'a 400 micr., walls KOH purplish, je ne peut pas les couper pour connaitre son largeur. Les spores paraint lisses et elles sont light brown á la maturation pleine.
Peut etre une Cosmospora?
Merci de votre aide.
Enrique Rubio, 08-05-2009
Hi to all
Have you some idea about this Psilachnum (?) on Pteridium rachis?
In Ellis & Ellis I can see Psilachnum pteridigenum Graddon, another enigmaticous species...
Ascomata up to 0.8 mm
Enrique Rubio, 15-03-2022
On thin branches of about 20 mm broad fallen to the ground of a broad-leaved tree surrounded by old stromata of Diaporthales.<br />The somewhat superficial pustules, erumpent and pinkish-orange when fresh, are very gelatinous and the fertile region arises from a stroma which is also very gelatinous. Conidia hyaline 3 septate.<br />Do you have any idea that help me?<br />Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 19-02-2016
<p>Hi forum</p>
<p>Has anyone some idea about these very small (up to 100 microns), scattered, brownish, globose, papilate, perithecia (marked with white arrow) growing on old horse dung covering by algae and small mosses?</p>
<p>It is very curious the existence of few bitunicate 2-spored asci with white hyaline dictyospores. The material is well mature so I don't think it belongs to a a Pleosporales (i.e Pleophragmia or closely related genera)</p>
<p>Many thanks for your help again</p>
Castillo Joseba, 02-07-2015
En madera de frutal sin identificar<br /><br />Costra negra .... solo veo esporas .... si es necesario hare mas pruebas<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 06-08-2020
De ayer en bosque de hayas y avellanos, en madera caida, posiblemente de haya<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba<br />
Angel Pintos, 13-09-2019
Hello, I have tried to find this article on the web, I have found it but not freely accessible<br /><br /><br />Mycol Res. 2006 Apr;110(Pt 4):359-68. Epub 2006 Mar 20.<br /><br /><br />Molecular systematics of Zopfiella and allied genera: evidence from multi-gene sequence analyses.<br /><br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Angel
Chris Yeates, 17-04-2020
<div>Bonsoir tous</div>
<div>Does anyone have access to Dennis et Itzerott in <strong>Kew Bulletin</strong> 28(1), p.15- (1973)?</div>
<div>Merci d'avance</div>
Castillo Joseba, 30-01-2022
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España), recolec tado en rama de Crataegus monogyna<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 19-07-2015
Please, read the attached pdf.
Enrique Rubio, 26-08-2020
Hi to everybody<br />These small white and subsessile ascomata 0.2-0.3 mm diameter grew gregariously on Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) stems.<br />The IKI b (Calycina-type) asci have croziers. It has non-lanceolate filiform paraphyses, with a slightly enlarged obtuse apex containing some small refractive VBs (arrowed). The marginal hairs are very inconspicuous and they are made by two or three short cells with a short, subacute terminal element.<br />I want to think in a Psilachnum species or even a Calycina (turgidella, ellisii...) but this collection doesn't seem to adapt well to anything I know.<br />Do you have any ideas that could help me?
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-04-2022
Can you think of any ideas that might help me with this pyrenomycete that forms minute blackish, subsuperficial, gregarious, more or less roundish, glabrous, not setose ascomata on leaves of Populus nigra?<br />My first idea was Mycosphaerella, but I can't find any populicolous species that fits well to its characters. The Ascospores are hyaline and do not appear to change colour, at least at this stage of maturation.<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 04-08-2009
Hi to all:
I need some help for determinate this fungus that forms clearly erumpent and sessile ascomata up to 0.8 mm of diameter on Juniperus communis old leaves at 1700 m of altitude.
The hymenium is whitish-greyish or greyish. The apothecial rims are pilose and white. Ectal excipulum is brownish and fully covered by crystalline masses.
Enrique Rubio, 03-08-2021
Growing on Sorbus aucuparia bark at 1300 m of altitude.<br />Could be a Monodictys species? Maybe putredinis or paradoxa (conidia too small)?<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 08-04-2015
<p>Bonsoir les amis</p>
<p>Je trouve inmergés sur les tiges morts du Rubus grex fruticosus ces peritheces individuelles, dispersés, petits, non estromatiques mais je ne suis capable de trouver les cols et ses ostioles (s'ils existent). Mais peut etre, merci les asques fusoides avec un double apparate apicale IKI negative qui me rappellent les asques des Lasiosphaeriaceae et les espores aussi fusiformes, mutiguttulés et multisepteés, un de vous pourrait m'aider.</p>
<p>Merci en avancé</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 29-04-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I would know your opinion about theis Lachnum species growing on Fagus leaves at the sea level</p>
<p>Please read the attached pdf</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 11-02-2014
<p>Hello forum</p>
<p>Someone have a pdf of this paper ?: Wehmeyer LE. 1961. A world monograph of the genus</p>
<p>Pleospora and its segregates. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 451 p.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-06-2010
Hi to all:
I'd like to know your opinion about this Geopyxis species growing in a Picea abies forest at 1000 m of altitude.
The ascomata are substipitate up to 2-2.5 cm. and the flesh has an strongly and foetid odour as M. foetidus or M. brassicolens.
I doubt with G. foetida Velen. or the oldest G. alpina Höhnel, but I cannot translate from Höhnel german original description of this taxon, and I do not know if this author describes the stinking smell in your species.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 14-05-2019
<p>... growing on small thin twigs of likely Alnus glutinosa near Aljezur (West Coast), on 2.4.2019. THe spores are about 10-12/4-5 µm, the perithecia with a quite conspicuous ostiolum remind a bit of a Gnomonia or similar fungi.</p>
<p>Who can provide me with an idea?</p>
<p>Best regards, Lothar</p>
Peter Thompson, 29-05-2014
Hello Everyone,<br /><br />I have found fruit bodies of what I assume to be a species from the genus Ophiobolus. They were growing on a damp, dead, undetermined, thin herbaceous stem and on drying, the fruit bodies have collapsed noticably.<br /><br />The Shoemaker 1976 paper does not seem to contain a species matching the characteristics of mine. I notice some clear similarities between the shape and structure of the spores of my sample and those of the 16th May 2012 forum post by Enrique Rubio, (which was concluded to be an undescribed species). In mine though, the partly swollen cell is at the centre of the much shorter spores.<br /><br />I have attached an image of the fruit bodies and a sketch of the microscopy. I imagine that it will turn out to be another undescribed species, unless anyone can identify it.<br /><br />Thank you,<br />With Best Wishes,<br />Peter.
Enrique Rubio, 29-08-2012
Hi to all<br /><br />These small and narrowly sessile ascomata up to 400 microns grew on Betula alba wood at 1650 m of altitude. KOH negative.<br />I think is an Amicodisca species but their asci have persistentely croziers.<br />What's your opinion? <br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 18-12-2008
Je suppose qu'il sera très difficile mais ¿il Y a quelqu'un qu'il ait la suivante documentation sur Sphaerosoma mucidum-Spragueola mucida?
Hansford: Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 81 (1) 38 (1956)
Rodway: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania: 114 (1919).
Je m'imagine que cette fois Jacques Fournier il ne sera pas capable de me surprendre...
Merci en avance
Juuso Äikäs, 07-08-2023
These little black pyrenos were growing on hare droppings in an open, grassy area.<br /><br />The asci are 8-spored, IKI negative. The spores have a gelatinous sheath and measure 27.0 - 31 × 17 - 19.5 µm.<br /><br />Anybody familiar with this?
Iglesias Plácido, 16-12-2015
je vous mets des photos et quelque chose de micro de cet ascomycete canarien que nous ne savons pas ce qui est. À voir si vous m'orientez où chercher.
Enrique Rubio, 16-07-2019
Hi <br />Do you have any idea about this Lophodermium growing on leaves of Juniperus alpina at 1700 m of altitude?<br />Spores and ascos are smaller than the classic descriptions of Lophodermium juniperinum.Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 11-08-2016
<p>This Scutellinia was collected on an old fallen trunk of Quercus robur, somewhat in dry situation, not near to the soil. The hairs 350-1200 x 35-60 are multifurcate with a very broad base. So I think it could be Scutellinia olivascens (hairs fide Schumacher: 150-960 x 18-48).</p>
<p>The attached Cooke's plate seems to fit well with my collection</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
ACAR ismail, 11-04-2016
Hi all,<br />On burned charcoal,<br />Ascospores 12-16 x 5-7,5 um with oil droplets. asci 160-180 um.
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2017
Hi to everyone<br />I'm looking for the original description of Mollisia depressuloides in Fungus, Wageningen 28: 42 (1958)<br />Could yo help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 09-09-2021
Hi again<br />These small, blackish, somewhat setose, pyriform perithecia 0.3-0.4 mm high, grew more or less superficially on thiny Clematis vitalba stems, 0.5-0.7 mm in diameter, lying on the ground. The asci appear to have an inconspicuous, refractive, yodonegative apical apparatus and contain eight partially and obliquely fused ascosspores almost always in pairs. One end porate and they often form an eccentric transverse septum.I think it could be a Synaptospora species but I can't find any species of this genus that fits well to the characters of this one.<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 11-03-2016
<p>Hi forum</p>
<p>We have found these small (up to 1 mm in diam.), scattered, semiinmersed to almost superficial, blackish, areolate, subglobose or broadly pyriform, papillate, not hairy perithecia on wet sandy soil at the SW of Spain.</p>
<p>The 8-spored asci, up to 500 micr. long, seem to have not an apical apparatus and the mature ascospores (dotted?) are brownish black with a septum near one pole. Many trabeculate paraphyses are present among the asci.</p>
<p>Could yo help me with an idea for it?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 26-12-2013
<p>These very small (up 70 125 microns), superficial, blackish, roundish and pilose ascomata grew on decorticated wood of Quercus ilex. Could be Capronia pilosella/Herpotrichiella moravica with so long hairs up to 210 mic. long? Are these names synonims?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 09-05-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>On last week-end I have found some small (up to 0.2 mm in diam.) sphaerical, blackish, inmersed and scattered perithecia growing on dead stems of Euphorbia cf. hyberna at 1600 m of altitude, together with Apiognomonia austriaca and Diplonaevia mollisioides. Only the short conical neck, up to 0.15 mm. protruding over the peridermis of the plant.</p>
<p>I feel this fungus is close (but not the same) to Plagiostoma (Gnomoniella) euphorbiae-verrucosae but in Asturias does not exist Euphorbia verrucosa, my perithecia are smaller, the ascospores bigger with the apical pole acute and the caudal one obtuse.</p>
<p>Maybe un undescribed species?</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thans again</p>
<p> </p>
Angel Pintos, 31-10-2019
Hello Can anybody help me to get this articles?<br /><br />Velenosky . Monographia Discomycetum Bohemiae: 298 (1934)<br /><br />Zoellneria callochaetes (Ellis & Everh.) Dennis (1963) Zoellneria clelandii (Hansf.) Dennis, Kew Bulletin 13 (2): 324 (1958)<br /><br />Zoellneria eucalypti (Berk.) Dennis, Kew Bulletin 13 (2): 324 (1958)<br /><br />Zoellneria madsenii G.W. Beaton & Weste, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 68 (1): 82 (1977)<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2008
J'aimarais conaitre votre opinion sur cette Pyrenopeziza (ou Pirottaea?) que croit dans les pieds morts du Lamium. Le marge a des 'poils' hyalines et septés. Les flancs ont des poils grisatres ou noires, septés et jusqu'a 50 micr.
Asci 37 x 5, IKI bb, avec des crochets. Spores non septées 6.7-9.6 x 1.6-2.6, avec oil guttules. Ectal excipulum globulosa to angularis, grisatre ou noir.
Merci de votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 06-01-2016
Please see the attached pdf file
Enrique Rubio, 20-02-2023
I would be grateful for an opinion on this coelomycete on Phragmites australis stems. The few references I have found about Cytoplacosphaeria rimosa make me doubt about its identity. I am very sorry that the images of the conidiogenous cell are not good.<br />What do you think?
Enrique Rubio, 24-09-2012
Dear friends:<br />On Castanea sativa wood I have collected some pulvinate, incarnate, tuberculate, up to 2.5 mm broad, KOH (-) stromata with conspicuous, large and verrucose greenish ascospores.<br /><br />Close to the stromata there are some Trichoderma with greenish-blue conidiophores and smooth conidia.<br /><br />Could my fungus be Hypocrea longipilosa Jaklitsch?<br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Marja Pennanen, 21-06-2011
Hello,<br /><br />I found two dark-haired ascos on Pteridium aquilinum?.<br />The other was Brunnipila clandestina, but the other...<br />I'm not even sure weather it is a Brunnipila or Pyrenopeziza or something else.<br /><br />It is almoust sessile, greyish, 0,3-0,5 mm wide and is lighter at margins.<br />Spores: 10-16x2-3, containing some small droplets.<br />Asci: 35-53x7-9, IKI blue.<br />Paraphyses: cylindric, 1-2 wide, seem to contain some droplets.<br />Hairs: 30-50x3-4, brown or lighter.<br /><br />Any ideas?<br /><br />Marja<br /><br /><br /><br />
Juuso Äikäs, 14-06-2021
I've had bad luck finding Helotiales on Typha, but now I finally stumbled upon something that seems interesting. <br /><br />Sublanceolate paraphyses with VBs, asci with croziers, IKI rb. <br /><br />Spores:<br />(14.7) 15.5 - 16.8 (17.4) × 4.3 - 4.6 (4.8) µm<br />Q = (3.3) 3.5 - 3.8 (4) ; N = 12<br />Me = 16.1 × 4.5 µm ; Qe = 3.6<br /><br />This seems quite distinctive, but I don't have an idea where this belongs. What do you think?<br />
Sánchez Leandro, 14-06-2017
Sous Corylus avellana, diamètre max 18 mm.<br />Croziers +<br />Helvella cupuliformis ??<br />Cordialement
Enrique Rubio, 09-01-2012
Hi again:<br /><br />Is it possible to have an opinion about this Diatrype growing on Acer sp. twigs? Maybe D. spilomea or my spores are too bigger?<br />Thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Thorben Hülsewig, 25-07-2023
Hi there,<br /><br /><br />3 days ago I found this pyrenomycete on rotten wood.<br />There are no setae and the fungus is IKI-.<br />Any idea what this could be ?<br /><br />best regards,<br />Thorben
Enrique Rubio, 15-06-2015
Hi to everybody
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about these very small, scattered, white, shortly stipitate, cupulate, urceolate, up to 0.25 microns high, with ciliate margins, covered by fascicles of glassy strongly refractive hairs IKI negative only with basal lumen, up to 52 x 4.5, glassiness lost in KOH 10%.</p>
<p>Asci up to50 x 8, 8-spored, IKI bb, arising from croziers. Paraphyses filiform. Ectal excipulum of an elongated textura prismatica.</p>
<p>The apothecia grew on dead leaves of Saxifraga babiana subsp. septentrionalis, a cantabric endemism with viscid leaves growing on calcareous rocks at 1700 m of altitude (La Farrapona-Somiedo-Asturias).</p>
<p>I feel the correct genus could be Urceolella and so it seems to be close to Urceolella saxifragae Svrcek that grows on Saxifraga aizoon with somewhat similar characters but longer ascospores and IKI negative asci (fide Raitviir). I attach Svrcek and Raitviir's description of U. saxifragae.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-01-2022
Dear all.<br />This ostropalean fungus grew on hanging Rubus stems in central-western Spain. The erumpent ascomata are very similar to those of Ostropa barbara, but the orange-coloured covering seems to differ from that of this species. I have not found anything in Sherwood's monograph. so do you have any ideas?<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 07-01-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me with this pyreno with roundish black and subsuperficial pseudothecia up to 0.3 mm on stems of Ammophila arenaria growing on coastal sand dunes?</p>
<p>The bitunicate asci are (4)-8 spored and the greenish ascospores seem to be smooth. Pseudoparaphyses are present.</p>
<p>I think this fungus could be in the genera Amphisphaeria or Didymosphaeria. What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-04-2013
Dear friends<br />Can this fungus with so short and roundish appendages be Melanconis alni ?<br />It grew on Alnus glutinosa and the valsoid stromata have yellowish disc <br /><br /><br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 18-07-2020
Would someone be so kind as to send me the following article on Arpinia?<br /><br />Arpinia microspora (Dissing & Raitv.) Hohmeyer, Mycol. helv. 3(2): 228 (1989) [1988]<br /><br />Or if it was just a simple recombination the original diagnosis in<br />Pustulina microspora Dissing & Raitv., Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toim., Biol. seer 23(2): 104 (1974]<br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br /><br />
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 01-12-2022
collected 8.7.22 on margin of National Park of Bjafjella, in marshy fjell vegetation. The mostly one-celled, later partly becoming 1-sseptate, naviculate spores I measured about 15-20/2-2,3 µm, the asci have croziers and are eu-amyloid. <br />Can somebody confirm my determination?<br />Yours, Lothar<br />Pictures 5-8 in water, 9 in IKI, 10-end in Kongo-NH3
Enrique Rubio, 28-10-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>My friend F.J. Balda sent me this fungus growing on very wet, semirotten, wood of Pinus sylvestris that makes groups of inmersed and blackish perithecia 0.5-0.6 mm high inside + or - developped blackish stromata. Only the blackish and roundish papilla erumpent.</p>
<p>Asci long-stipitate up to 155 x 9 micr., with a refractive, small, IKI negative apical apparatus. The greenish-brown mature ascospores have a non-septate dark cell with an apical pore and an small hyaline cell under the wich we can to observe a very small hyaline papilla (?).</p>
<p>If this fungus belongs to Endoxyla only E. xanthostroma is close, but the lack of yellowish tissues and the hyaline papilla of the ascospores don't fit with this species.</p>
<p>Any idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Pablo Sandoval, 06-03-2017
Estimados,<br /><br />Alguno de ustedes me podría facilitar la monografía del género Scutellinia:<br /><br />Schumacher, T. 1990. The genus Scutellinia (Pyronemataceae).<br />Opera Bot. 101: 1-107.<br /><br />Además, quería preguntarles si alguno de ustedes sabe algo acerca de Beñat Jeannerot, con quien hablabamos mucho acerca de este interesante género y de su presencia en Chile, pero con el que perdí toda comunicación hace ya mucho tiempo,<br /><br />Se agradece su ayuda,<br /><br />Saludos desde Chile
Enrique Rubio, 25-04-2020
Hi to everyone<br />I would like to know your opinion about these completely superficial and ostiolate perithecia covered by a clypeoid structure that grew isolated on Pteridium aquilinum rachis. The gregarious hemispheric or broadly conical ascomata measure 150-200 microns in diameter, the asci have a sharply cut base and a small Melzer negative apical apparatus and contain eight hyaline, narrowly ellipsoid, mostly 3 septate ascospores. The paraphyses are abundant, some of them capitulate.<br />With these data I pressume that it could be a fungus in the order Diaporthales, but I do not get any concrete results.<br />Any help would be welcome<br />
<p>Many thanks again. </p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-02-2017
Hi again<br />These small ostiolate, KOH-negative, perithecia were clustered on a stroma erumpent from bark of Ulex. Over the perithecia are small amounts of white cottony conidiophores that perhaps belong to the asexual morph of the fungus (see photo 3). The ascospores are minutely verrucose.<br />Could this fungus Bionectria ochroleuca be?<br />Thanks again for your help
Enrique Rubio, 26-11-2012
Dear friends<br /><br />We have collected these small (up to 0.15 mm), gregarious, black, superficial, globose and hairy perithecia on Quercus wood.<br />The prithecia grew among conidiomata of a dematiaceous mould and their ascospores breaking into equal-sized part-spores of 7-9 x 3-4 microns.<br />Could this fungus be Chaetosphaeria vermicularioides or Ch. preussii? Can these conidiomata belong to the anamorphic state?<br /><br />Many thanks for your help
Enrique Rubio, 01-08-2015
<p>I need your help again with this article</p>
<p>Nannfeldt. Notes on Diplonaevia (Discomycetes inoperculati), with special regard to the species on Juncaceae Nordic Journal of Botany Volume 4, Issue 6, pages 791–815, December 1984</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 26-08-2021
Do any of you know where the holotype of Arpinia luteola var. luteola could be found if it exists?<br />Does anyone have material of this species for study and sequencing?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 22-06-2021
Could someone please send me a copy of this paper?<br /><br />Morphology of Warcupia terrestris, a new ascomycete genus and species from soil<br />January 2011Canadian Journal of Botany 50(5):999-1001.<br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 23-03-2023
Does anyone have a copy of this manuscript?<br /><br />TORRE M. (de la) 1976. — Aportacion al estudio del genero Gyromitra Fr. em. Harmaja en España. Bolletin de la Estacion central de ecologia, 5 (10) : 33-38.<br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Castillo Joseba, 14-05-2017
en madera de abeto<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Joseba<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 04-03-2013
Hi to all<br /><br /> Last week-end we have collected these small, gregarious, pale witish or amber (when old), subturbinate or shortly stipitate up to 1mm high and 0.7 mm broad ascomata growing on male cones of Pinus radiata lying on the wet ground. It seems to have any blackened stromatized zones at their insertion on the host.<br /> <br />The hymenium is never convex but it is plane to slightly concave.<br /> <br />The ascospores are smooth, broadly fusiform and they seem to have 1 nucleus.<br />Asci with croziers, 8-spored, with an apical apparatus weakly euamyloid, very difficult to observe and I don't know their type (Sclerotinia-type, Hymenoscyphus-type?) .. Living paraphyses with many rounded Vb's, hyaline to yellowish.<br /><br />Ectal excipulum is built by roundish to vesicular cells in a tetura globulosa-subangularis. No hairs in the apothecial margin; only cilyndrical to subclabvate elements with the same Vb's.<br /><br /><br />I think perhaps this fungus belongs to the Sclerotiniaceae or Helotiaceae. I'm not sure...<br />Many thanks for help me<br /><br />Enrique <br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 18-07-2011
Hi to all:<br />I'd like to know your opinion about this gregarious apothecia that grow on decorticated wood of Fagus at 1000 m of altitude. They are sessile, not cupuliform, up to 200 microns, withish ochraceous at maturity.<br />Asci IKI negative, without croziers. Maybe a Pezizella species?<br />Many thanks again for your help<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2007
Je vosu prie une opinion sur cet Leotiomycete que croit sur les pieds de Valeriana pyrenaica.
Ascomes sessiles 1-1.5 mm. Asques IKI b, with croziers, up to 75 x 8, 8-spored. Spores 0 (1) septa, 10-14 x 2.5-3. Ental excipulum angularis. Ectal excipulum intricata. Paraphyses with high yellow refractives.
Merci beaucoup a tous par votre aide.
Enrique Rubio, 19-04-2015
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>Could you help me with this paper?</p>
<p>NANNFELDT J. A. (1985): Pirottaea (Discomycetes Inoperculati), a critical review. – Symb. Bot. Upsal.25: 1–41.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-12-2011
Hi to all:<br /><br />We don't know this nice Otidea species that grows on calcareous and submediterranean situation under Corylus avellana in the north of Spain. Ascomata are 40 mm broad and 30 mm high, substipitate, split down on one side. Hymenium vivid ochraceous. Excipulum furfuraceous and lilac-violaceous. These colours quickly fading with age.<br />Spores 15,0-17,4 x 7,0-8,3 µm; Q =2,03-2,39. Medullary excipulum tectura intricata. Ectal excipulum angularis to prismatica with chains of 2-4 elements with incrustate and pigmentate walls that form the external furfuration.<br /><br />When we collect this fungus, we think in O. caeruleopruinosa, but the color of the hymenium and the spore size are very different. We don't know O. lilacina, but maybe our species is unknow.<br />What do you think? <br />Many thanks for your help
Enrique Rubio, 03-03-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need again your help with this fungus with subcuticular multi-perithecia growing together under the bark with their long necks converging, on an small branch of Carpinus betulus. Asci clavate 20-29 x 4-5, gradually tapering to a very slender, shortly stipitate, base. Paraphyses tapering, septate, much longer than the asci.</p>
<p>I feel it is close to Calosphaeria microsperma Ellis & Everh. that grows on Carpinus too, but the ascospores in the diagnosis seem to be smaller and no so boomerang-shaped .</p>
<p>Have you a better idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 19-04-2012
Hi again<br /><br />Do you know this bitunicate ascomycete with inconspicuous inmersed stromata with 1-2 pseudothecia, erumpent trought the bark of Betula small branches? <br />Spores are inequally two celled and their walls are longitudinally striate (only visible in Melzer). They have some pseudosepta too.<br />I don't know what genus belongs this fungus <br />Many thanks again
Castillo Joseba, 02-04-2020
Me mandan este material de Galicia, recolectado en caña de hortiga <br /><br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Mirek Gryc, 08-04-2021
Hello everyone.<br />I have a problem with determining the species for this collection.<br />I suspect that this is Coronophora gregaria but I'm not sure.<br />Spores:<br />(6.7) 7.1 - 7.8 (8) × (1.4) 1.42 - 1.6 (1.7) µm<br />Q = (4.3) 4.5 - 5.4 (5.5); N = 9<br />Me = 7.4 × 1.5 µm; QE = 4.9<br />I would ask you with your opinion.<br />greetings<br />Mirek<br />
Enrique Rubio, 17-08-2023
On dead branches of Sorbus aucuparia still attached to the tree. <br />The fungus appears to form erumpent, blackish, stromata on which are placed some very small, more or less ovoid, blackish, glabrous pseudothecia, containing cylindrical, bitunicate asci with eight, greyish or yellowish-grey dictyospores, which react to give a bluish-grey colour in Melzer's reagent. The ascospore is not constricted at the septa. I rule out a Cucurbitaria, perhaps a Capronia with hairless pseudothecia? Teichospora?<br />Any ideas would be welcome
Enrique Rubio, 08-08-2013
Hi to all<br /> <br />I'd like to knows information about Apioplagiostoma aceriferum (spore morphology, drawings and others) in Barr's recombination of this fungus<br /> Mycologia Memoir 7 :1 0 3 ( 1 9 7 8) - F i g . 1 1 ,2<br /><br /><br />Thanks for help me again
Garcia Susana, 07-08-2020
<div>He recogido este hongo creciendo sobre un tallo herbáceo.</div>
<div>Son peritecios globosos de hasta 400um, inmersos bajo la epidermis,</div>
<div>Presenta ascas octosporadas uniseriadas, con aparato apical amiloide.</div>
<div>Las esporas son septadas, pardas y lisas.</div>
<div>He pensado que puede tratarse de una Amphisphaeria, pero no tengo bibliografía del género. Tal vez alguien tenga y pueda hacerme llegar la siguiente publicación:</div>
<div>Revision of the genus Amphisphaeria<br />Y.Z. Wang, Ándre Aptroot and Kevin D. Hyde</div>
<div>También agradecería una opinión sobre la especie mostrada.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 13-06-2011
Hi to all:<br /> Can you help me with this article or some information about <strong>Lanzia equiseti</strong> Raitv., Nov. sist. Niz.<br />Rast. 21: 116 (1984)?<br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique <br />
Castillo Joseba, 16-12-2020
Recolectada en acacia <br /><br />Pensé en Rosellinia ???<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba<br />
Enrique Rubio, 30-06-2021
Dear all.<br />I have studied several collections of Pseudombrophila ripensis and have never been able to observe any sclerotia from which apothecia originate. However, it has been described by numerous authors, including E.C. Hansen. I would like to know what your experience is on this matter.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 17-09-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>These gregarious, small (up to 0.5 mm high, 0.8 mm broad), shortly stipitate, elastic, fully withish ascomata, not reddening with the age were growing on old leaves of indeterminate monocots of I think grasses, not sedges but I'm not absolutely sure, at 1400 m of altitude on acid montane soil. Apothecial margins are only finely fimbriate.</p>
<p>Ascospores hyaline, 1-septate, with may small lipid guttules that seem to form conidia. Asci IKI r (obviously b after KOH pret.), 8-spored, with no croziers or only small protuberances of abortive croziers. Excipulum built by a gelatinised tissue (textura oblita).</p>
<p>I think in Calycina as the correct genus for it but I don't know a good species that matches with it. Calycina herbarum has not croziers too but their ascospores are longer.</p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 26-05-2009
Hi to all:
What's tour opinion about this small (up to 0.3 mm) ascomata, turbinate, witish, later yellowish brown, and finally greyish- blue by the existence of an exudate blueish?. I think could be a Calycellina species unknow for me.
They grew on overwintered leaves of Potentilla erecta.
Many thanks!
Enrique Rubio, 11-05-2012
Dear friends:<br />I'm lost with this black pyrenomycete with valsoid perithecia (or pseudothecia?) inmersed under the bark of Alnus glutinosa branches. Ostioles are difficult to see in the transversaly cracks of the bark.<br />The cilyndrical asci seems to have an apical apparatus Mlz. negative, but I'm not sure that they are unitunicate because the olive-brownish, multiseptate, transversally and obliquely septate ascospores.<br />Have you some idea? <br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 03-03-2020
In a flower bed. Small sized, 2-8 mm in diam. Tarzettoid, margin irregular, excipulum furfuraceous. Middle region of the excipulum (richly pigmented) with a thin layer with a textura intricata. Paraphyses with moniliform apical segments.<br />It doesn't seem to match with Peziza varia s. lat. or Peziza hortensis. <br />Any suggestions?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 09-04-2008
Bonsoir amis du forum:
J'aimerais conaitre votre opinion sur ce minuscule pyreno punctiforme que croit sur la face superieure des feuilles d'Alnus glutinosa. Asques IKI (+), jusqu'a 100 x 6. Spores brunes 10.3-12.9 x 4.3-4.8 avec hyaline appendages globuleuses jusqu'a 2 micr.
Peut etre un Anthostomella?
Merci de votre amicale aide.
Castillo Joseba, 27-03-2022
me mandan el material seco recolec tado en corteza de Acacia<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 11-06-2013
Hi again<br /> <br />Someone knows where Godronia rosae is published by Schläpf.-Bernh.?<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 25-09-2013
Hi again<br /><br /><br />Can you help me with this article about Neobarya?<br /> <br />Sydowia 59: 179- 215 (2007). Observations on Neobarya,<br />including new species and new combinations.<br />Francoise Candoussau, M. Boqueras, A. Gomez-Bolea, T. Lessoe, R. Lowen, Jack D. Rogers,<br />Amy Y. Rossman, Gary J. Samuels<br /> <br />Thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 18-06-2013
Hi to all<br /><br />We have found these very small thyriothecia on thin branches of Genista sp. at 1700 m of altitude.<br />I think this fungus belongs to the genus Arnaudiella and probably A. genistae. Do you know the differences with A. caronae? Are these fungi the same thing?<br />All the micro-images were taken on KOH <br /><br /><br />Thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 22-01-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about these small (up to 0.7-0.9 mm) saucer-shaped subhyaline/greyish, minutely hairy ascomata, that grew on decorticated hardwood dragged by a stream.</p>
<p>The asci are IKI negative even after KOH pret., with croziers and the hairs are small and pointed.</p>
<p>I think in a Hyaloscypha species but I don't know a species that fits well with this collection.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-02-2021
On Pseudotsuga bark colonised by abundant lichens and liverworts.<br />These small caespitose, sessile, pulvinate apothecia are bluish-grey when young but turn ochraceous at maturity. The margins are very hairy and the spores (very few free) are fusiform and usually with three septa at maturity even inside the asci.<br />I think in a Calycina-like fungus.<br />Could you help me?
Enrique Rubio, 28-12-2012
Pouvez vous m'aider avec cet article?<br /> <br /> Greletia reticulosperma Donadini, Riousset & G. Riousset, in Donadini, Docums Mycol.<br />16(no. 62): 58 (1986)<br /><br /><br />Merci en avancé<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 03-04-2019
Can anyone have any idea about this pyrenomycete growing on beech (Fagus) branches still attached to the tree? Stromatic, asci bitunicate, ascospores with a very narrow gel sheath.<br />Maybe a Massarina species?<br />Thanks again
Bometon Javier, 25-05-2015
En hoja de Quercus.<br /><br />Esporas fusiformes 14-17 X 4-5 um<br />Ascas 55-70 X 8-10 um, IKI+, Croziers+<br />Parafisis engrosados en el ápice 3-5um, septados y bifurcados.<br /> <br />Alguna idea?<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Javier
Enrique Rubio, 28-07-2006
Y a-t-il une opinion sur cette Hypocrea (Creopus) qui croît sur l'himenio d'un vieux Fomitopsis pinicola (ou Ganoderma applanatum) ?
Asci up to 110 x 5; spores verdatres et fienment verruceuses up to 6,5 x 3
BERNARD CLESSE, 08-02-2017
Bonjour à tous,<br /><br />Trouvé avant-hier ce Lamprospora dans une pelouse schisteuse. Je pense reconnaître les mousses Polytrichum juniperinum et Ceratodon purpureus mais je vais demander confirmation à des spécialistes.<br /><br />Les spores sont globuleuses et atteignent un diamètre de 19 mu avac l'ornementation qui consiste en bourrelets épais et réticulés.<br /><br />Une idée ?
Pintos Angel, 25-03-2016
me he encontrado con este ascoma en ramas muertas de quercus
Enrique Rubio, 26-11-2021
Do you have any idea about this coelomycetous fungi growing on Populus nigra leaves?<br />I don't know the conidiogenesis but the hyaline and osteiform conidia seem very peculiar.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 21-05-2022
Dear friends<br />Do any of you have this article?<br />Monographella maydis sp. nov. and its connection to the tar-spot disease of Zea mays [1984]<br />Mueller, E.; Samuels, G.J.; Nova Hedwigia 40: 114 (1984).<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 10-08-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>The brownish hairs of these narrowly sessile apothecia are sepate, granulate, with crystal drusses at their tips, so I think it could belong to the genus Brunnipila. But I don't find a taxon that fits well with my collection, because the asci are IKI rb and don't have croziers at their bases. The paraphyses are broadly lanceolate and exceed the hymenium level.</p>
<p>This fungus grew on subalpine environnement (1700 m) on a decorticated branch of an ericaceous plant, maybe Geista florida.</p>
<p>Have you some ides for me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 27-01-2017
Hi again<br />Could this fungus be simply Nectria cinnabarina on Populus nigra bark? The perithecia are up to 0.5 mm, not collapsing when dry, with a dark mammate region around the ostiole. Conidiomata synnmatous, conidia ovoid, smooth and hyaline. Ascomatal walls slightly purple in KOH or lactic acid, with no clear psedoparenchimatous structure.<br />In afirmative case, is common this so long tubercularia anamorph?<br />Thanks again for your help.
Enrique Rubio, 08-04-2009
Purrait quelqu'un me donner une opinion sur cet petit asco (0.2-0.3 mm) orange que croit dans les branches mortes de Corylus, sur le bois et sur pyrenos (Diatrype).
Il me montre des asques IKI (-), avec crochets, et les spores sont septées (jusqu'a 7 septa) et germinent a l'interieur des asques. Paraphyses avec carotenoides.
Je ne connais pas le genre
Merci en avancé
I'd like to know your opinion about this small asco (0.2-0.3 mm) that grows on Corylus branches, on the wood and on pyrenomycetes (Diatrype) surface. The asci are IKI (-), and they have croziers. The spores are multiseptate (up to 7 cross septa) and germinating inside the living asci. Paraphyses branched with carotenoids. I don't know even the genus to wich belongs.
Many thanks for your help
Blasco Rafael, 08-06-2016
Hola, alguna idea de que especie es???<br />N0 Pinus, No Populus, No Corylus No Betula,<br />Si que hay Sorbus, Salix, Fraxinus,, la corteza es oscura, pero no se con que esta relacionada.<br />Diametro hasta 0,70<br />Esporas 10--12 x 1,9--2,5<br />Ascas 45--55 x 8--9<br />J-<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2013
Hi to all<br />I have found this fungus that makes erumpent, subinmersed, roundish, carbonaceous and blackish perithecia, isolated or in small groups of 3-4 covered by a whitish tomentum at the young age.<br /><br />They grow on the bark of a spiny tree or shrub that by the moment I don't know. The place is situated in the river mouth of the Nalón river in the Cantabric sea, with a obvious oceanic, saline, influence.<br />The spores have a straight germ slit, difficult to observe, much less than spore lenght.<br />I think in Nemania maritima<br />What do you think?<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 14-05-2022
These sessile or subsessile apothecia, more or less turbinate, allways isolated, never in groups, 0.2-0.7 mm in diameter and blackish-brown in colour, erumpent through the bark of branches fallen to the ground in a plantation of Pseudotsuga menziesii at 1300 m of altitude in northern Spain .<br />The apothecia have no ionomidotic reaction in KOH and the asci form very scanty primary ascosspores, difficult to see, but probably broadly ellipsoidal or subspherical, and finally the asci are filled with a multitude of small, subcylindrical to nearly allantoid, hyaline ascoconidia.<br />From the appearance of the primary spore it could perhaps be Tympanis tsugae Groves, which may now belong to Claussenomyces or Vexillomyces.<br />
<p>What do you think?</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-08-2021
Do you have any ideas for this setose Helminthosphaeria that was growing on decorticated Quercus petraea wood at 1000 m of altitude near ascomata of Orbilia xanthostigma? The aseptate ascospores have at least one apical pore.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 28-07-2008
Quelqu'un pourrait-il obtenir la documentation suivante ? Dennis, Kew Bulletin 16 (2) 323 (1962). Concrètement ce qui se rapporte à Pezizella eriophori.
Could anybody obtain the following documentation? Dennis, Kew Bulletin 16 ( 2 ) 323 ( 1962 ). Concretely what relates to Pezizella eriophori.
Merci beaucoup. Many thanks
Castillo Joseba, 21-02-2017
En rama de avellano (Corilus)<br /><br />No se si es un Pyromycete? <br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 06-07-2022
Does anyone know where I can find a key on the genus Dendrodochium?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Castillo Joseba, 14-07-2015
en tronco vivo de ciruelo (Rubros)<br /><br />Alguna sugerencia ?<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 08-01-2013
Hi again<br /><br />These gregarious, small (up to 1 mm high), blackish and almost glabrous perithecia grew freely, not inmersed or semiinmersed, on indeterminate hardwood. The perithecia are free or joined forming groups of up to 8-9 perithecia.<br /><br />Maybe a Linostomella species?<br />Thanks again for help me<br /><br />Enrique
Found 01-03-09, Korinthia Greece, hypogeous in humus of Pinus nigra. They is zygomyketes or immature ascomycetes????
Dimensions of species is 0,5 cm. Constituted from small small pieces. They easily broke
They is Youngiomyces multiplex????
Pintos Angel, 16-11-2016
Hello, has anybody information about Julella spp.?<br /><br />Thanks a lot<br /><br />ANGEL
Enrique Rubio, 29-04-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>My friend J. Linde, a great discover of minute fungi, collected these small, white, downy, shortly stipitate, briefly cupulate later pulvinate apothecia, 0.3-0.5 mm in diameter on seeds (samara) of Acer pseudoplatanus. </p>
<p>Thea asci, 8-spored, are IKI negative and with croziers. The spores have only few minute guttules. Excipulum with textura + or - prismatica. The paraphyses are cylindrical, without conspicuous Vb's in water but stain in Crb. Close to the margin they become branched as the excipular hairs (marked with red arrows in the pic).</p>
<p>The very dense excipular hairs have finger-like protuberances as the Mollisina species. I think it could be a Mollisina but I don't know a species that fits well with our fungus.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks for your opinion</p>
Enrique Rubio, 12-09-2013
Hi to all<br /><br /><br />My friend J. Linde found these gregarious, + or - sphaerical, semiinmersed or subsuperficial, blackish, uniperitheciate, small (up to 0.4 mm) and hairy perithecia on semirotten wood of Pseudotsuga menziesii in a shady place.<br /><br /><br />The cylindrical asci seem to have an very inconspicuous, refractive, apical apparatus IKI negative and they have 8 greenish or greenish brown ascospores many of them with a thick transversal septum randomly oriented inside the asci. The ascospores seem to have also a minute polar pore but I'm not sure of this character. <br /><br /><br />Have you some idea for this fungus?<br /><br />Thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 17-11-2021
Could someone please send me a copy of the following article? And in particular concerning Gloniopsis constricta.<br /><br />Amano, N. 1983: Saprobic loculoascomycetous fungi from Japan 1. Hysteriaceous fungi. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 24: 283-297<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 06-06-2007
Bonjour a tous:
J'ai recolté cet Lachnum sur les tiges de F. ulmaria, et voilà que j'ai des doutes sur son identité.
Asci up to 50-60 micr, IKI bb, 8-spored, with clearly croziers. Spores 6.5-10 x 1.5-2. Les poils sont pourvus d'un capuchon cristallin qui arrive à disparaître après son écrasement.
Je pense á Lachnum morthieri (Cooke) Sacc., selon les clés de H. O. Baral = L. nudipes var. minor Dennis?. Lachnum clavigerum il n'a pas des croziers
Quelle opinion avez-vous sur ce sujet affaire?
Enrique Rubio, 07-02-2008
Cher amis:
Je vous prie une opinion sur cet Ascobolus que croit dans un crottin de cheval. Ascomata jaune, amber, vinaceous, never blanches, jusqu'a 600 micr. long., orbiculaire et depuis pyriforme. Spores 22.2-27 x 10.3-12.1. Ectal excipulum pres du marge text. epidermoidea.
Je pense qu'il est proche de Ascobolus albidus, mais les spores (18)-20-36-(39) sec. Van Brumm., il parait l'eloigner.
Merci par votre opinion
Bernard Declercq, 03-09-2023
Hi friends,<br /><br />Collected on dead culms of bamboo (Phyllostachys sp.):<br />Ascomata non-stromatic, immersed, scattered, lifting the periderm, globose, about 250 µm diam., with papillate neck protruding-the surface, black. Asci cylindrical, uniseriate 8-spored,. 57-75x5.5 µm, with enlarged base. Ascospores ellipsoid, 7.5-8x3-4 µm, 1-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, inconspiciously striate, with 1(2-3) large guttules per hemispore, golden yellow.<br />Paraphyses filiform, guttulate.<br />I don't find even a matching genus name for this one. Your help is welcome.<br /><br />Best regards,<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 31-05-2013
Hi to all<br />Could these conidia to belong to the anamorphic state, Hendersonia carpini Sacc., of Splanchnonema carpini?<br />They are inside conidiomata close to the pseudothecia of the last on Carpinus betulus branches<br />Thanks again
Patrice TANCHAUD, 05-04-2018
Bonjour,<br /><br />récolte sur litière d'animal domestique, apothécie 12 mm. Asques 150-165 µm J-, spores 11-11,5 x 7-8 µm.<br />J'ai l'impression d'approcher de P. petrakii. <br />Merci d'avance pour vos avis ou suggestions.<br /><br />Patrice<br />
Castillo Joseba, 28-05-2016
pequeños apotecios de color blanco<br /><br /><br /><br />Alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Mirek Gryc, 02-03-2022
Hello<br />I do not have a completely idea, even what kind.<br />All suggestions are welcome.<br />
<div>(15.7) 16.3 - 17.2 (17.4) × 4.3 - 4.8 (5.1) µm<br />Q = (3.3) 3.4 - 4 (4.1) ; N = 10<br />Me = 16.8 × 4.6 µm ; Qe = 3.6</div>
<p>greetings<br />Mirek</p>
Enrique Rubio, 11-09-2013
Hi to all<br />I need the next paper about Hysteropezizella hebridensis Graddon, Kew Bull. 31(3): 511 (1977)<br />Can you help me?<br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-02-2023
Blue-greeen synnemata up to 0.5 mm high growing on Rubus stems. The acrogenous conidia are hyaline and non septate.Dou you have some idea for me?.<br />Many thanks in advance.
Enrique Rubio, 28-05-2009
Hi to all:
I'd like to know your opinion about this Gnomoniaceae that grows on Potentilla erecta old stems, together with Gnomoniopsis tormentillae. The perithecia, solitary, inmersed, semiinmersed or suberumpent, are 300 microns wide. Necks up to 400 x 70 micr.. Asci 42-54 x 6.8-7.7, unitunicate, with rephringent apical apparatus, allways 4-spored. Spores hyaline, fusiform, 1-septate, 13.6-15.8 x 3-3.3 micr., with o without hyaline appendages.
I have read about Gnomonia tetraspora G. Winter, but it is described on Euphorbia and the spores are wider (5-6 micr.).
What do you think?
Many thanks for your kindly help
Enrique Rubio, 20-11-2018
Bonsoir<br />I'd like to know your opinion on this Phragmocephala growing on stems of Sambucus ebulus: atra? elliptica?Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Ethan Crenson, 16-04-2019
<div>I am looking for: </div>
<div>Barr, M.E. 1982. On the Pleomassariaceae (Pleosporales) in North America. Mycotaxon. 15:349-383</div>
<div>Thanks in advance.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 19-01-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Could this fungus be Diaporthe beckhausii Nitschke altough I have not seen any conidia of the anamorphic stage?</p>
<p>The perithecia grew on small branches of Viburnum japonicum lying on the ground</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2016
Could this fungus be an Ijuhya species that I have not found in fresh keys of the genus?
<p>It grew on Urtica dioica old stems and it has striate ascospores. Sorry but I like so much my fingers for to try to cut it!</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-12-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I'd like to know the page of Dennis's British Cuo Fungi and their allies where Peziza misturae Phill. is recombined into the genus Fimaria.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-01-2021
This pyrenomycete grew inconspicuously on Ulex wood at an altitude of 400 m. The necks are relatively long and furrowed and the spores recurved but smaller and less recurved than expected for Eutypa crustata.<br />Maybe Peroneutypa obesa?<br />Do you have any ideas that can help me?<br />Thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 25-06-2023
Do you have some idea that help me with this non-stromatic pseudotecia up to 0.2 mm in diam. inmersed on stems of an Equisetum species? The ascospores are hyaline at first, but pale brownish with age, with the lower cell narrower than the upper one.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 05-09-2021
These minute subsessile pale pinkish apothecia up to 400 microns in diameter grew on Urtica stems at 1750 m of altitude. The margins are denticulate by the existence of fasciculate hairs with smooth or only very slightly asperulate walls at the base of the terminal elements. These hairs, as well as the paraphyses, have well visible VBs inside the cells. Asci IKI b with croziers. Excipulum globulosa to angularis. Ascospores OCI = 0.<br />I think in the genus Psilocistella rather than Psilachnum or Cistella, but I would like to know your opinion.
Enrique Rubio, 05-01-2015
<p>Can you help me with this article?</p>
<p>Phylogenetic relationships in genus Geopora(Pyronemataceae, Pezizales)H. Tamm,K. Põldmaa,B. Kullman</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-08-2023
Hi friends<br /><br />These isolated, non-stromatic, blackish, glabrous and up to 0.5 mm high perithecia, with a short conical papilla, were found semi-immersed or subsuperficial on indeterminate semirotten hardwood in an environment far from water, with perithecia of Natantiella ligneola.<br />The asci have a conspicuous and very refringent apical apparatus, so much so that at times it even appears amyloid. Its characters seem compatible with those of the genus Ceratosphaeria, but the perithecia lack long necks and the spores have smaller dimensions that seem to rule out C. lampadophora. Do you have any idea that could help me?
Enrique Rubio, 03-02-2010
Dear friends:
What's the correct name for this Durella species growing on Ulex europaeus: D. commutata or D. compressa?. I can see in Zotto's CD and older key with D. commutata and a newest key with D. compressa.
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 21-04-2009
I compare my collection with Psilachnum 'herbicola' HB-5887, HB-7346.
Apos up to 0.5mm, withish, amber, yellowish. Sessiles. On Mercurialis, 1000 m of altitude.
What do you think?
Enrique Rubio, 29-05-2015
<p>HI again</p>
<p>Have some idea for these erumpent later superficial, gregarious, blackish, roundish to pyriform, papillate, ostiolate pseudothecia up to 350 micr. high and 450 mir. broad growing on Umbelliferae old stems at 1300 m of altitude?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>May thanks in advance</p>
Angel Pintos, 08-10-2021
Hello,<br />anybody has this:<br /><br />Upadhyay HP, 1981. A Monograph of Ceratocystis and Ceratocystiopsis. The University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br />Angel
Enrique Rubio, 27-07-2020
Hi again<br />I'd like to know your opinion on this pyrenomycete growing on dead branches of Cytisus scoparius where it forms many small orbicular stromata up to 3 x 0.5 mm erumpent from bark.The asci are bitunicate, 8-spored and somewhat shortly stipitate. The ascospores have (2-)3 eusepta and a verrucose perisporium, no appendages, no sheats.<br />Do you have some idea for help me?<br />Many thanks again.<br /><br />
Chris Yeates, 12-08-2014
Bonsoir tous<br />this is the first of two discomycetes I have just collected on <em>Typha latifolia</em>.<br /><strong>Apothecia</strong> whitish, with a slight pink tinge - all micro-features appear hyaline. Excipulum globose/prismatic at base, the cells becoming narrower towards the margin.<br /><strong>Asci</strong> 8-spored, IKI+, with croziers and most with a slightly pinched-out apex (see second micro photo).<br /><strong>Paraphyses</strong> unbranched(?), parallel-sided, widening at apex and with c3 septa along their length; without any discernible contents.<br /><strong>Ascospores</strong> elongate, with rounded apices and slightly tapering bases; many developing up to 3 septa while alive and in the ascus; (29.3)42.5-50.7 x 2.4-2.9µm.<br />help/suggestions very welcome<br />cordialement<br />Chris
BERNARD CLESSE, 12-07-2020
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,<br /><br />Que pensez-vous de cette récolte faite dans une ornière argileuse humide ? Spores non guttulées, pas de poils marginaux.<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 20-02-2009
Quelqu'un a quelque information bibliographique sur Pulvinula archeri (Berk.) Rifai?. J'ai la de le livre de Rifai (The Australasian Pezizales...) et la de Pfister (A synopsis of the genera Pulvinula).
Someone has some bibliographical information about Pulvinula archeri? I have that of the book of Rifai (The Australasian Pezizales...) and that of Pfister (A synopsis of the genera Pulvinula).
Merci d'avance
Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 21-03-2012
<p>Hi to all:<br />These blackish, small (up to 700 microns), gregarious, solitary, globose and semiinmersed pseudothecia were at 2-3 m high on bark of a leaving Fagus sylvatica. They seem to be ostiolate but I'm not sure.<br /><br />The spores are finally brownish or gloden brown and inconspicually 1-septate. Asci not unitunicate. Pseudoparaphyses are present.<br />Have you some idea ?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique </p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-04-2017
I'm following for this paper on Leptosphaeria. Could someone help me?<br /><br />Reexamination of taxa in Leptosphaeria originally described on host species in Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, and Magnoliaceae
<p>Young-mee Ahn, Carol A Shearer</p>
<p>Canadian Journal of Botany, 1998, 76(2): 258-280, 10.1139/b97-187.<br />Many thanks for your aide<br /> </p>
Yannick Mourgues, 22-04-2012
Bonjour à tous.<br /><br />Je suis à la recherche de matériel concernant le genre Trematosphaeria, en particulier, il me faudrait une récolte de ces deux espèces : <br /><br /><strong>T. callicarpa, T. pertusa.</strong><br /><br />D'avance un grand merci à celui qui pourra m'aider car je n'arrive pas à les trouver chez moi.<br /><br /><br /><em>I'm looking for material of Trematosphaeria, in particular these species:</em>
<p><em>T. callicarpa, T. pertusa.</em></p>
<p><em>Who can help me ?<br /></em></p>
<p><br />Yannick</p>
Enrique Rubio, 26-09-2012
Dear friends:
<p>Have you some idea about this strange roundish, densely gregarious,<br />uniperitheciate pyrenomycete, up to 0.7-0.8 microns in diam, covered by a<br />conspicuous white material? It was collected on the underside of a woody piece<br />(perhaps Salix).</p>
<p>The asci have a little refringent apparatus IKI and Melzer negative and the ascospores<br />(2-guttulate in H2O) have any germ slit (or it is very inconspicuous).</p>
<p>When I began to study it, my material was very damaged and for it I cannot do a good description but I see any dark peridial setae of Coniochaeta-type<br /><br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique </p>
Yannick Mourgues, 08-12-2020
<div>I research the description of Niesslia subiculosa in : Syd., Annls mycol. 38(5/6): 463 (1940).</div>
<div>Have you got a pdf of it ?</div>
Enrique Rubio, 13-03-2015
Hello again
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this (I think) Anthostomella species growing on small branches (20 mm broad) of Fraxinus excelsior lying on the ground, at the sea level (Botanical Garden of Gijón/Asturias/Spain).</p>
<p>The inmersed, gregarious, blackish, roundish or elliptical perithecia, 1.20-1.35 microns in diam., are singly, in pairs or small groups just beneath the bark with only the short necks protruding. Many times an stromatized blackish clypeoid structure is present over the perithecia.</p>
<p>Asci cylindrical, 145-155 x 7.5-8,5, unitunicate, with an apical cylindrical apparatus up to 3 microns long, deeply blueing in IKI, with 8 more or less uniseriate 2-celled ascospores that seem to have very small caps at the poles (that are not well visible in china ink). These ascospores, close to those of A. rubicola, are allways hyaline or only a few of them at most slightly brownish inside the asci.</p>
<p>I don't know any species that fits with my fungus</p>
<p>Have you any idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-06-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Can someone help me with this paper?</p>
<p>Cain, R.F. & Mirza, J.H. (1970). Apodospora, a new genus of the Sordariaceae. Canadian</p>
<p>Journal of Botany 48, 891–896.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-06-2015
<p>Have you some idea about this fungus growing on leaves of Juniperus sabina at 1700 m of altitude?</p>
<p>Ascomate are blackish, more or less sphaerical, superficial on a thin subiculum, 0.15-0.20 microns in diameter. I don't know if it is ostiolate.</p>
<p>The saccate asci seem to be bitunicate, 70-100 x 30-32 and contain 8, first hyaline later greenish or greenish-brown, smooth, 1-sepate, 22-31 x 9-12 ascospores, the septum near the bigger cell. Hairs or setae undulate, brownish, 1-3 septate, up to 75 x 5, walls 1-1.5 microns thick. Neither paraphyses I have seen.</p>
<p>I don't find this fungus on the Venturiaceae ones. Maybe a lichenized ascomycete?</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Sven Heinz, 13-01-2019
<div>Hello together,</div>
<div>i am looking for this literature. Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1971. The genus Kernia. Canadian Journal of Botany.</div>
<div>Greetings </div>
Stefan Blaser, 28-02-2021
<div>Hello everybody,</div>
<div>I am not getting on with the following collection:</div>
<div><strong>Substrate:</strong> From wood anatomy I get to <em><strong>Tilia</strong></em>, but then, I am not very experienced in wood anatomy...</div>
<div><strong>Macro:</strong> Perithecia immersed in bark in groups of 2-8, black, globose, with a diameter of 0.4-0.7 mm, with a long ostiolar neck that is slightly laterally compressed and reaches 0.4 mm in length. No black delimiting zones in wood/bark.</div>
<div><strong>Micro:</strong> Asci 60-75 x 8-9 µm, apical ring strongly red in Congo. Paraphyses not seen. Spores two-celled, 18-20 x 3-3.5 µm, hyaline and with a hyaline, pointed appendix of 3-4 µm in lenght on each end.</div>
<div>Maybe I get the substrate wrong which might explain the identification difficulties.</div>
<div>Anyway, I would be very grateful for any hints.</div>
Nogueira Héctor, 31-01-2023
Hello!<br /><br />25/01/2023 Argañoso(León) SPAIN <br />
<div><br />Specimen found in a mixed Betula and Quercus robur forest, next to a stream, at 1100 masl</div>
<div>Spores in water </div>
<div>(7.4) 8.1 - 9.4 (10.3) × (4.2) 4.4 - 5.3 (5.4) µm</div>
<div>Q = (1.6) 1.7 - 2 (2.2) ; N = 42</div>
<div>Me = 8.8 × 4.8 µm ; Qe = 1.8</div>
<div>Could it be Ciboria betulicola?</div>
<div>Thanks and regards!</div>
Sánchez Leandro, 04-03-2017
Sur reste de bois, Pinus et Quercus, jusqu'à 25 mm diamètre, odeur de pourri.<br />Spores 16,0-17,3 / 8,6-9,5 Q= 1,7-2,0<br />Cordialement<br />
Enrique Rubio, 19-10-2015
Please read the attached file
<p>Many thanks for help me</p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-01-2013
Hi to all:<br /> Though I do not know his anamorph and I have not studied the structure of the walls, can my fungus be Cosmospora diatrypicola?<br /><br /><br />These perithecia KOH purplish grew on the stromata of Diatrype sp. (probably D. stigma) but not on Diatrype bullata. The ascospores have verrucose walls. <br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 30-11-2016
Dear friends<br />I need again your help with this Thyridaria-like(?) fungus growing on still attached branches of Ficus carica. The asci are bitunicate, shortly stipitate and the paraphyses trabeculate<br />I feel my images are enough for to give you a good idea about this fungus.<br />Many thanks in advance
Enrique Rubio, 09-08-2015
<p>Hi to everyone</p>
<p>I need your help with this Daldinia species growing on wood of Acacia melanoxylon (Fabaceae), 'tasmanian blackwood', an endemic tree from East Australia that seems to adapt well in Asturias (north of Spain).</p>
<p>Please, read the attached pdf and many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 25-09-2015
<p>Hi to averybody</p>
<p>Maybe you know this pyreno that makes very inconspicuous uniperitheciate inmersed perithecia on Rubus canes. Perhaps it has so peculiar microscopical data that make easy the identification?</p>
<p>Asci IKI and Melzer negative</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-09-2007
Bonjour a tous. Quelqu'un pourrait me faciliter l'article suivant sur Pulvinula niveo-alba J. Moravec : Ceska Mykol. 23 : 231 (1969) ou une information additionnelle sur cette espèce ?
Someone might facilitate to me the following article about Pulvinula nievo-alba J. Moravec: Ceska Mykol. 23: 231 (1969) or some additional information about this species(kind)?
Merci en avant
Thank you for your kindly help
Enrique Rubio, 03-01-2007
Dear friends, have you any suggestions for that small asco (0.5-1 mm), convex, sesile, pruinose all over and redenning with the age?
Asci IKI (¿), with croziers, 32-45 x 6-8, 8- spored. Spores eliptic-fusiform, gralm. two-guttulate, 6.5-8 x 3. Ectal excipulum of claviform hyphae sligthly verrucosae; ental excipulum of prysmatic text.
Some paraphyses looks blackish or grayish in IKI?
Thank you very much to all and happy new year.
Enrique Rubio, 30-07-2019
Could someone please give me the description of Tapesia villosa Aebi, Nova Hedwigia 23(1): 95 (1972)?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 03-09-2012
Cher amis du Forum:<br /><br />Cette Nemania a des estromes jusqu'a 20 x 5 mm, avec des peritheces jusqu'a 600 microns de longitude. Les asques sont IKI et Melzer bleu et elles ont jusqu'a 167 x 7 avec la pars sporifera de 75-85 microns. Perithecial mounds inconspicuous and ostioles papillate.<br />Mais je ne ai pas été capable de voir aucun fente germinatif ni sur le material frais ni sur l'exsiccatum.<br />Je pense qu'elle peut etre du complex Memania serpens, peut etre Nemania serpens var. colliculosa.<br />Les estromes on eté recoltés sur Betula alba wood á 1600 m d'altitude. <br /><br />Quel est votre opinion?<br />Merci en avancé<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 29-10-2014
<p>HI again</p>
<p>I need your help again with these isolated or caespitose perithecia up to 0.5 mm, situated on erumpent stromata, with mammate dark ostiole, KOH purple only in the upper region.</p>
<p>Ascospores broadly fusiform, 1-septate, not constricted at the septum, smooth. Asci with truncate apex and a refringent conspicuous apical apparatus.</p>
<p>Close to the perithecia we can observe fascicles of witish erect conidiophores that could be the conidial state of this fungus (cylindrocarpon?). Could be a Thelonectria species?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Gernot Friebes, 05-07-2021
Hi,<br /><br />a curious discomycete collected on a Ribes branch. The asci are initially 8-spored but mostly 4-spored when mature. Ascospores are about 26-27 x 10-11 µm (only few free spores measured). The red apical apparatus in Lugol is very conspicuous.<br />I saw that Enrique Rubio Domínguez has a similar collection named "Ostropalean, ERD-7792" in Zotto's Google Drive but with different ecology.<br />I am looking forward to your ideas.<br /><br />Best wishes,<br />Gernot
Enrique Rubio, 29-12-2015
Hi to everybody
<p>I need your help with this fungus that forms superficial black, lageniform, ostiolate perithecia, up to 0.45 mm high, 0.2 mm broad with necks 0.1 mm in diameter, singly or clustered in groups of several perithecia covered by a copious whitish or greenish blue, aerugineous subiculum. Non stromatic or very inconspicually stromatic.</p>
<p>The irregulary disposed clusters covering several cm on rotten wood of Alnus glutinosa at the Botanical garden of Gijón, at the north of Spain at the sea level.</p>
<p>The narrowly clavate asci, 8-spored but four of them aborted, 44-58 x 4-5 microns, have an strongly refringent apical apparatus not really Melzer positive. The ascospores are hyaline, smooth, biguttulate, one-celled, 4.9-5.8 x 2.6-3.1.</p>
<p>I don not have any good track, but perhaps you could help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-08-2023
Can you think of any answer to these very numerous blackish, immersed, tiny pycnids that fill almost all the leaves of Molinia caerulea? They have one or more blackish-brown setae and I suppose, although I am not sure, that the conidia could be the ones you can see in the photo: hyaline, ellipsoidal and with some small guttules.<br />The pycnidia are accompanied by apothecia of Cejpia hystryx.<br />Many thanks in advance for your help.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 20-11-2015
<p>Could somebody help me with these articles on Mycena chlorinosma?</p>
<p>*Revue de Mycologie 2(6), Singer (1937) page 232-233 diagnosis</p>
<p>*Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 75, Josserand (1959) page 370-372 and planche fig.3</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 28-06-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Could anyone help me with the original desricption of Sporormia borealis I. Egeland, Nytt Mag. Bot. 16: 217 (1969). I need this paper.</p>
<p>Thans again in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-04-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>This enigmatic pyreno on Fagus sylvatica old leaves at the sea level (I never seen it at the montaneous level where Fagus is very common in my country) forms blackish, scattered conical, ostiolate perithecia 0.3-0.5 mm in diam. on bleached patches with irregular margins at both sides of the leaf.</p>
<p>The globose to pyriform perithecium is covered by a clypeate structure with an epidermoid texture. Asci narrowly fusiform up to 175 x 4 with a n small refringent apical apparatus only well visible in IKI (IKI negative) or cotton blue. Scolescospores filiform, hyaline, spirally disposed inside the asci, for exemple 150 x 1.</p>
<p>I don't know a good genus for my fungus. Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-01-2012
Hi to all:<br /><br />I have collected this Hypoxylon species that grows on Quercus robur bark, at 150 m of altitude, with pulvinate, coalescent and purplish grey stromata. KOH extractable pigments are chlorinaceous-olive. Asci IKI and Mlz. blue. Ascospores with a spore-lenght, straight to sigmoid, germ slit. Perispore dehiscent in KOH 10%.<br />The stromata seem to have ochraceous granules just beneath the surface.<br /><br />Maybe Hypoxylon porphyreum or only an Hypoxylon fuscum?.<br />Many thanks again for help me<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 28-03-2019
This pyrenomycete is very common on still attached branches of several trees and shrubs (Lonicera xylosteum, Rhamnus alaternus, Ligustrum, etc.) in the Botanical Garden of Gijón (Asturias, Spain).<br />The globose pseudothecia 0.4-0.5 mm in diameter are just inmersed under the periderm and they have a conspicuous flattened papilla. Mature golden brown dictyospores have a thin mucous sheath thickened at the ventral side and long terminal appendages.<br />Does anyone have any suggestions for this lophiostomataceous fungus?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 17-02-2017
These apothecia were growing on decaying leaves of Polytrichastrum formosusm. The apothecia are scattered, shortly stipitate. Disc brownish, briefly cupulate, later applanate or pulvinate, up to 1 mm in diameter. Excipulum minutely downy, whitish. Margin glabrous.<br />Asci 62-100 x 10-14, 8-spored, without croziers, the apical pore IKI b of the Calycina-type. Paraphyses with no refractive VBs, covered by a crystalline (?) yellowish-brown matter that stains in Crb. Ectal excipulum with hyaline textura prismatica-angularis-subglobulosa. Medullary excipulum of textura intricata, the hyphae covered by the same yellowish-brown matter of the paraphyses.<br />I feel this fungus is the same described by Spooner [Kew Bulletin 38(4):563-565 (1984)] under the name Bryoscyphus turbinatus (Fuckel) Spooner, but, in my opinion, the fungus is absolutely not a Bryoscyphus, because the lack of refractive VBs at the paraphyses and and the cellules of the ectal excipulum, and the apical pore of the Calycina-type. Furthermore the crystalline matter covering the paraphyses and the hyphae of the medullary excipulum is not present in the genus Bryoscyphus.<br />What genus is appropiate for this fungus? I don't know, but in my opinion not Bryoscyphus.<br />Probably the study of dry material did not allow a suitable study.<br />What do you think?
Enrique Rubio, 04-09-2012
Can this fungus be Diatrype undulata? I have collected it on Betula alba branches at 1600 m and I think could be this species but the macro/micro-differences with another Diatrype species as D. decorticata are very small. Off course, I don't know the conidia. Ostioles are conical, split and slightly protruding. Perithecia up to 500 microns long. I see any blue reaction of the apical pore in Mlz., IKI or KOH pret. (Rappaz says that the asci are I (+)!!)<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 15-11-2022
These blackish, gregarious, immersed and non-stromatic perithecia were growing on very rotten hardwood. The macro-microscopic characters bring me close to the genus Barbatosphaeria, but with these long, 1-septate ascospores I find nothing in this genus that pleases me.<br />Do you have any ideas that could help me?<br />Many thanks in advance.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 01-12-2022
when finding this on 8.7.2022 in the margin of National Park Blafjella (marshy, acid fjell vegetation), I was thinking of Cejpia hystrix because of dark color and substrate. But no way ....<br />The guttulate contents of spores, paraphyses and excipular end cells remind me of Graddonia. The spores I measured about 17-20/7-8 µm, the asci are strikingly hemiamyloid and without croziers (?). <br /> Does somebody have an idea?<br />Yours, Lothar
Thomas Læssøe, 21-09-2021<br /><br /><br />Spores with distinct but fine ornament; spores 20 x 12 µm. parafyses filed with large orange drops.<br /><br />cheers<br /><br />
Roberta Pini, 28-02-2017
Good morning,<br />I am looking for the paper by Lundqvist 1972 "Nordic Sordariaceae". Does anybody of you have a pdf and is willing to share it with me?<br /><br />many thanks<br />Roberta
Pintos Angel, 22-08-2016
Hello everyone.<br />Anyone have any key to Botryosphaeria species?<br />Thank you d advance<br />a greeting<br />Angel
Enrique Rubio, 27-02-2020
Je suis a la recherche de la suivant description:<br />Galactinia hortensis (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Le Gal, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 78: 207 (1962)<br />Quelqu'un pourrait-il me fournir cet article ou une partie de celui-ci ?<br />Merci en avancé<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 21-07-2023
I'm searching for the description of Didymella ilicis P. Larsen, in Dansk bot. Ark. 14(no. 7): 21 (1952).<br />Could someone help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Castillo Joseba, 30-08-2021
De ayer en bosque de abetos<br />El recolector no comprobó que estuviera parasitando algo<br /><br />A ver si me podeis dar alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 30-01-2017
Hi again<br />These small (0.3-0.4 mm) narrowly sessile, whitish later amber-colour apothecia were growing on old stromata of pyrenomycetes on hardwood.<br />The excipulum is mader by angular/subangular, roundish hyaline thin-walled cells, brownish near the base. And the marginal cells are smooth and narrowly clavate.<br />Asci without croziers, IKI bb of the Calycina-type. Paraphyses filiform with no conspicuous content, no VBs.<br />I think this fungus could be near to the genus Parorbiiopsis non s.str.<br />How do you think?<br />Many thanks again
Gilbert MOYNE, 27-06-2013
Voici un ascomycète récolté hier sur Phragmites communis et qui me pose bien des problèmes. Les fructifications présentent une fente colorée de rouille au bord. Les asques de 100 x 10 µm contiennent huit spores réunies en faisceau d'abord hyalines puis plus ou moins coloréers de brun (présence de gouttelettes ???) mesurant environ 70 x 2 µm<br />Je ne trouve rien de correspondant. Si vous avez des idées, grand merci de m'en faire part.<br />Gilbert
Castillo Joseba, 09-05-2016
En madera de Quercus muy degradada<br /><br />Esporas de 19,6-20,6 x 9,1-9,7 M= 20,6 x 9,4<br /><br />Alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 01-01-2025
Enrique Rubio, 03-06-2021
Do you have any suggestions on these scattered synnemata up to 1 mm long growing on Sorbus aria leaves at 1600 m altitude?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 12-07-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I need your opinion on this Helotiale found on Veratrum album. I think it could be a Calycellina species.</p>
<p>Apothecia very densely gregarious, narrowly sessile, 0.3-0.7 mm in diam., whitish, amber when drying, margen even, only minutely downy as the excipulum.</p>
<p>They are growing on old stems of Veratrum album at 1700 m of altitude. Ascospores with low lipid content (< 10%). Asci 45-80 x 8-10, 8-spored, pore IKI bb of Calycina-type, arising from croziers. Paraphyses with slightly inflated tips with several not pigmented VBs, that stain in CRb. Ectal excipulum of hyaline textura globuloso-angularis. Margin with inconspicuous cylindrical with VBs, as the paraphyses.</p>
<p>Many thanks for help me</p>
Angel Pintos, 17-07-2024
Hello, <br /><br />anybody body has:<br /><br /><br />Pande A. and Rao, V.G. (1995). The genus Aplosporella Speg. (= Haplosporella Speg.)<br />(Coelomycetes) from India. Nova Hedwigia 60: 79-117..<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br />Angel
Enrique Rubio, 28-07-2008
Cher amis:
J'aimarais conaitre votre opinion sur cette Hyaloscypha sur les feuilles d'Eriophorum angustifolium á 1600-1700 m.
Si les asques avaient des crochets, je choisirais de l'appeler( bien que je puisse être trompé) Hyaloscypha leuconica var. bulbopilosa, mais elles n'ont pas des crochets En suivant les clés de Huhtinen, j'arrive a H. leuconica var. leuconica, mais il le donne a cette spece un habitat lignicole.
Le reste des dates sur ma collection sont dans les photos que j'envoie.
Merci par avance de votre amicale aide
Enrique Rubio, 26-03-2015
<p>HI again</p>
<p>I'm looking for these papers. Can you help me?</p>
<p>Kimbrough J.W., Korf R.P. 1967. A synopsis of the genera and species of the tribe Theleboleae (=Pseudoascoboleae). American Journal of Botany, 54(1):9-23.</p>
<p>Kimbrough J.W., Luck-Allen E.R., Cain R.F. 1969. Iodophanus, the Pezizae segregate of Ascophanus (Pezizales). American Journal of Botany, 56 (10): 1187-1202.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-01-2023
Dear all<br />I would like to know your opinion about these small, rounded, blackish, more or less spherical, very small (up to 0.15 mm in diameter), most probably ostiolate but without necks, immersed in overwintered leaves of Ulmus glabra. From its characters it could perhaps fits in the genus Gnomoniella and perhaps in Gnomoniella carpinea although its spores are somewhat wider than those of this species.What do you think?<br />Many thanks again.<br /><br />Sorry, I just saw that Gnomoniella carpinea is a synonym of Apiosporopsis carpinea, a fungus that we usually collect on carpinus leaves near the site of the find.
Pierotti Alessio, 27-02-2013
Someone have this work ?<br />PETRINI L. & MULLER E. 1986. Haupt- und Nabenfruchtform europaischer Hypoxylon-Arten (Xylariaceae, Sphaeriales) und verwandter Pilze. MYCOLOGIA HELVETICA 1: 501-627<br />Thank !
Enrique Rubio, 29-01-2022
Could someone give me a pdf copy of this paper?<br />Pseudocercospora neriella. [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria].<br />
<p>Author(s)<br />Leung, H. Y. M.; Goh, T. K.; Hyde, K. D.<br />Publisher<br />CAB International, Wallingford, UK<br />Citation<br />IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, 1997, No. 132, pp Sheet 1316.<br />Many thanks in advance<br /></p>
Enrique Rubio, 09-05-2024
Dear friends<br />Dou you have a pdf copy of this paper?<br />Epaphroconidia hawksworthii gen. y sp. nov., un nuevo hongo conidial liquenícola sobre Pertusaria pertusa en España.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 29-11-2021
Hi to everybody<br />Do you have some idea on this whitish Orbilia with very small ascospores growing on rachis of Pteridium aquilinimum on a wet place at the sea level?<br />Many thanks in advance
Castillo Joseba, 22-07-2016
en rama de fagus, pequeños discos con el borde piloso y el himenio amarillo<br /><br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2015
Hi to everybody and specially to J. Fournier, a very good specialist on this genus.
<p>Our common friend P. Zapico has found at his home these gregarious, blackish, roundish, papillate and ostiolate, carbonaceous, perithecia 0.9-1.4 mm in diam. growing over on more or less persistent subiculum on very rotten wood of a cut Salix babylonica.</p>
<p>The asci are cylindrical, 8-spored, 155-170 x 8.5-9 microns, pars sporifera 110-138 with a conspicuous apical apparatus Melzer deep blue 5-6 x 4 micr.</p>
<p>The ascospores are ellipsoid, equilateral, brownish at maturity, with straight germ slit nearly as long as spore, situated on the more convex side, and 1(-2) semiglobose cellular appendage (-s) surrounded by a partial, narrow slimy sheath. (14.7-)16.3(-18.2) x (6.5-)7.0(-8.0); Q = 2.1-2.5</p>
<p>I feel this fungus could be near to Rosellinia akulovii L.E. Petrini but I'd like to know your opinion.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance for your help</p>
Enrique Rubio, 03-04-2012
Hi to all:<br />We have collected on hare dung these very small (up to 150 microns in diam.), cleistothecioid, roundish ascomata with a reddish brown excipulum. They have up to 7-8 big, clavate asci up to 80-100 x 30-32 microns that have >64 (maybe 128) ascospores. Mlz. (-), not operculate.
<p>We think could be Thelebolus dubius var. lagopi (Rea) Doveri.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique </p>
Dmitry Gavryushin, 11-01-2007
Jan. 03, 2007, town park, on dead stems of Urtica (mostly at their base). Height ca. 1 to 1.5 mm.
Enrique Rubio, 06-02-2017
Hi to everybody. Hi Christian (by the way, what a wonderfull pics of Pleomassaria!)<br />These small (up to 200-250 microns), gregarious, KOH-negative, superficial, not on a stroma, more or less glabrous perithecia, were found on Ulmus minor bark. They are not very well preserved, with no many ascospores for good measurements, but they seem to be smooth and with up to seven tranverse septa. Asci broadly fusiform. Peridium thick, up to 80 microns, complex, with an inner orange layer. No anamorph seen.<br />What do you think?
Salvador Tello, 31-01-2013
Hola.<br /><br />Este ascomiceto crece en conteza de Arbutus unedo, mide 0,5 mm y tiene ascas amiloides de (58,80) 59,80 - 67,06 (69,74) x (5,81) 6,12 - 7,07 (7,16) µm. Pelos marrones, septados, de 100 - 150 x 3 - 4 µm. Esporas de (11,14) 12,40 - 14,75 (15,63) x (2,82) 3,17 - 3,74 (4,17) µm, lisas, hialinas con un septo y nunerosas gútulas pequeñas por lo general, aunque algunas se ven solo con dos gútulas.<br />No se que puede ser.<br />Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Enrique Rubio, 07-02-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>Few days ago I have collected several hundreds of these gregarious, white, cup-shaped, downy, shortly stipitate to subturbinate, minute (up to 0.4 mm in diameter) ascomata on very rotten leaves of Cupressus.</p>
<p>The asci, up to 45 x 7 microns, have an apical pore IKI b (sometimes hardly visible) and they have croziers. The paraphyses and the excipular hairs have conspicuous Vb's that stain cresyl blue. The excipulum is slightly gelatinised. Hairs long cylindrical, hyaline, full lenght incrusted by a granulose matter or simply verrucose (?).</p>
<p>All these characters seem to match with the genus Hyphodiscus, but I don't know some species that fits well with my collection.</p>
<p>Some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Chris Yeates, 09-05-2021
Does anyone have access to a PDF of: Sogonov MV, Castlebury LA, et al. (2005). The type species of genus <em>Gnomonia</em>, <em>G. gnomon</em>, and the closely related <em>G. setacea</em>.<br />
<div><strong>Sydowia 57: 102–119 </strong>?</div>
<div>Chris<strong><br /></strong></div>
Enrique Rubio, 20-12-2024
Perhaps some of you can help me identify this small Capronia on rotten hardwood, with minute superficial, blackish pseudothecia, 150-170 microns in diameter, with short blackish setae that seem to cover the entire ascoma, not limited to its upper region. The ascospores have three transverse and (0-)1-2 longitudinal septa.<br />Thank you very much for your opinions.
Vasileios Kaounas, 22-01-2014
Found in Attica Greece, 22-01-14, in sandy soil, burnt spot in the seaside forest with Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea, Pistacia lentiscus. Ascocarp dimensions 1 mm.<br />Asci dimensions 190-215 x 11-14,5 ?m. Ascospores dimensions 12,5-18,5 x 9,5-10,5 ?m. Width paraphyses 7,5-9,5 ?m.
Wind I, 04-05-2012
I really thought it was but it wasnt.. It grows on dead populus branch still attached to the tree. Size of spore approx. 37.5-45 * 10
Blasco Rafael, 06-06-2018
Hola, Alguno de Ustedes tiene disponible en PDF el siguiente Articulo <br /><br />Diaporthe angelicae comb. nov., una descripción moderna y ubicación de Diaporthopsis en Diaporthe<br /><br /><br />Gracias anticipadas<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 04-05-2022
Growing in deer dung at 1400 m altitude.<br />I find it hard to believe that it could be Thelebolus microsporus because of the presence of brownish pigment in the excipulum and epithecium and the absence of yellow pigment. The brownish-purple ascomata of 175-225 microns were not aged at all.<br />What do you think?<br />
Viktorie Halasu, 23-03-2017
Hello,<br /><br />my friend is looking for the paper by Granmo (1999): Morphotaxonomy and chorology of the genus Hypoxylon (Xylariaceae) in Norway. Sommerfeltia. 26:1-81. <br />Would anyone have it in digital version by any chance? <br /><br />Thank you very much in advance.<br />Viktorie
Castillo Joseba, 09-05-2022
Me mandan el material de Galicia (España)<br />a ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 12-06-2014
<p>Has someone this paper on Lophodermium?</p>
<p>Lophodermium foliicola (Fr.) P.F. Cannon & Minter, Taxon 32(4): 575 (1983) </p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-07-2022
These tiny yellow sporodochia grew on cones of Pinus sylvestris. I thought it might be the conidiomata of Dendrodochium citrinum, but the conidia are cylindrical and not minute and spherical. I have not been able to find keys to this genus. Do you have any ideas that could help me?<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 28-09-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I need again your help with these yellow, shortly stipitate, ascomata up to 1 mm, found on Fagus sylvatica leaves on calcareous soil at 1200 m. The asci are 8-spored, IKI rb Calycina-type, arising from croziers . Paraphyses and marginal cells with yellow refractive VBs as the marginal cells from the flanks. Excipulum with any textura porrecta.</p>
<p>I don't find any species that matches well with my collection.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Castillo Joseba, 24-11-2021
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, recolectada en hoja de quercus<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 21-09-2007
Il croit sur les cupules de Fagus a 1300 m d'altitude. Spores 0(1-2) septa; 20.5-26.1 x 6.2-8.7. Asci IK bb, sans crochets, jusqu'a 125 micr. long. Ental excipulum text. intr.; ectal excipulum primatique. Paraphyses avec multiples Vb's lilas ou purple.
Je doute entre Hymenoscyphus ombrophilaeformis Svrcek et H. syringaecolor Svrcek.
Je vous prie une opinion sur cet Helotial.
Merci en avant
Enrique Rubio, 24-07-2023
Some time ago Joseba Castillo asked us about a pyrenomycete found on roots of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). The pseudothecia are more or less spherical, immersed, with an superficial apical papilla often laterally compressed. The asci are bitunicate and the spores hyaline or subhyaline, with several transverse septa, with a larger cell and a conspicuous gelatinous sheath clearly visible in dilute India ink. From all this it looks like a member of the family Lophiostomataceae. Do you have any ideas that might help us.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 21-11-2013
<p>Dear friends</p>
<p>On last summer I have found several dozens of this white and HAIRLESS Pezoloma species up to 10 mm in diameter growing on the very wet soil of the peat bog of Santa María del Puerto at Somiedo (Asturias-Spain).</p>
<p>The hyphae of the very developped and gelified outer stratum are IKI negative. The rest of the characters are shown in my pics.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for this fungus?</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Joaquin Martin, 27-11-2020
Hi,<br /><br /><br />I found this little ascomycete on rubus, I think it could be a Strossmayeria, S.bakeriana maybe.<br />I don't have any documentation of the genera.<br />What is your opinion ?<br />Thank you.
Enrique Rubio, 26-02-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion on this Epibryon species with scattered, setose, blackish, roundish, pseudothecia up to 65 microns growing on leaves of Jungermanniales on very wet acidic soil.</p>
<p>The ascospores are 1-septate, sometimes unequal celled, easily germinating. Epibryon casaresii seems to have shorter and narrower ascospores. Have you some idea for it?</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-09-2014
Hi again
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this 'ceratostomelloid' fungus growing on rotten wood of Fagus sylvatica. The beaked, scattered, glabrous, inmersed perithecia are up to 1 mm high with only the long necks erumpent across the surface.</p>
<p>The asci are cylindrical, shortly stipitate, 63-85 x 6-7 microns, with an conspicuous apical apparatus IKI negative and 8 ascospores obliquely uniseriate. Paraphyses septate tapering at the end. Ascospores 8.5-11.5 x 4.3-4.9; Q = 1.96-2.58, allways 2-guttulate, smooth, maybe porate (?).</p>
<p>I think this fungus agrees better with Xylomelasma than Ceratostomella. What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Alessio Pierotti, 01-01-2015
Happy new year to all friends of the forum<br />Someone has these two jobs to PDF?<br /><br />Moravec J. (1984): Two new species of Coprobia and taxonomic remarks on the genera Cheilymenia and Coprobia (Discomycetes, Pezizales) - Ceska Mykologie146-155<br />MORAVEC J. (2005): A world monograph of the genus Cheilymenia (Discomycetes, Pezizales,<br />Pyronemataceae). – Libri Botanici 21: 1-256
Enrique Rubio, 16-06-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this Leptotrochila species growing on previous years leaves of Silene (alba?, vulgaris?) at 1400 m of altitude</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 21-10-2021
I would be grateful for an opinion on this Orbilia which forms tiny, pulvinate, non-flattened ascomata on herbaceous stems, most probably Galium mollugo, at 1700 m altitude. Secretions can be seen at the margins but no true glassy processes.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2018
Hi to everybodyI'd like to know your opinion on this Phomatospora species growing on Tamus communis hanging stems, at the sea level. The perithecia are 100-250 microns in diam.,inmersed under the peridermis of the host. Their walls are built by a somewhat textura epidermoide than angularis and the ascospores are finelly longitudinally striate. No sheaths, no caps.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 02-04-2013
Hi to all<br />Have you any idea about these substipitate, hairy ascomata up to 0.6-0.7 mm that grew on wood of Quercus ilex still attached branches? <br />The hymenium is brownish/violaceous and the hairs, multiseptate, minutely incrustate have a brownish base and subhyaline apex. They arise of the brownish, angularis to prismatica textura of the ectal excipulum. <br />Asi IKI negative, 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses filiform withouth conspicuous Vb's.<br />It has several affinitys with Zotto's collection HB 5363 E, as Lasiobelonium 'encoelia'.<br /><br />Thanks again<br /><br /><br />All the photos of the hairs are made in KOH
Castillo Joseba, 10-03-2021
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, recolectado entre el musgo en bosque de Eucaliptus<br /><br />Las medidas de las esporas sin decoración<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 07-04-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Does anyone have the next paper?</p>
<p>LUNDQVIST, N. (1960). Coprophilous ascomycetes from northern Spain. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 54>: 523-529.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-03-2015
<p>HI again</p>
<p>Could you help me for to obtain this one?</p>
<p>Francis S.M. (1975). Anthostomella Sacc. (part I). Mycol. Pap. 139: 1-79</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-08-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like your help with this small patellarioid, sessile, Peziza < 10 mm in diameter with greenish hymenium and fuscous excipulum that grew on very rotten wet hardwood near a rivulet.</p>
<p>I see any visible latex when I studied it but under the microscope there are very abundant greenish yellow pigment around the paraphyses and in all the excipulum. The ascospores are smooth with gel sheaths when they are ejected from the asci. I HAVE SEEN ANY CROZIERS AT THEIR BASE. The excipulum is built by a continuous textura globulosa mixed with elongated or inflated cells with any layer with textura intricata.</p>
<p>I don't find any species that matches with these characteristics.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Hello, everyone!
My name is Angelos Papadimitriou and I am from Xanthi, Greece. This is my first message to the forum.
Could someone please tell me the spore size of Arpinia fusispora? (Any other information also appreciated).
carl van den broeck, 10-03-2023
Dear forum<br />On the west coast in Flanders (B) we found a very small peziza-like fungus on bark of Acer, perhaps on algae, but not on lichen.<br />Fungus peziza-like very small (1 to 2 mm) with fan-shaped rim. Substipitate, somewhat triangular in side view.<br />Possibly curved hairs on the edge of the excipulum (see photo). Texture angular.<br />Occurs on bark (Acer), possibly on algae, but clearly not on the lichen nearby (Lecidella elaeochroma).<br />Spores 6.8 x 2.7 mu, hyaline, ellipsoid with two drops.<br />Ascen 8-spored, 40-45 x 4-6 mu<br />No reaction with lugol.<br />Can someone help me further?<br />Thanks<br />Carl<br /><br /><br />
Elisabeth Stöckli, 03-09-2018
<p>Trouvé sur feuilles mortes de Potentilla palustris (au bord d'une tourbière à 998 m), apothécies 0.5 - 0.9 mm de diamètre, stipitées, Hyménium brun clair, surface externe plus foncé, asques 91 - 101 x 10 - 11 µm, octosporés, IKI+, spores 12 - 14.5 x 4.6 - 5.2 µm, biguttulées, lisses, hyalines, paraphyses filiformes, à vacuoles réfringentes.</p>
<p>R. kalevi? Qu'en pensez-vous ? Merci d'avance.</p>
Uwe Lindemann, 26-05-2021
Hi Forum,<br />does somebody have the following paper: Kanti Jain & R. F. Cain (1973): Mycoarctium, a new coprophilous genus in the Thelebolaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany, Vol. 51 No. 2, pp. 305–307?<br />I would be happy for sending it to me. <br />Best, Uwe<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-01-2006
Someone knows about that Pyrenomycete sur Alnus glutinosa.
Spores two-celled, one of that brown at maturity, and longitudinal germ slit?
Enrique Rubio, 20-03-2012
Dear friends:<br />Has someone this article about Pseudombrophila?<br />Dämon W. (1996) .<br /> Ein Fund von Pseudombrophila guldeniae Svrcek in den Hohen Tauern (Österreich). <br /> Mycol. Bav. 1: 53-63<br /><br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique <br />
Enrique Rubio, 13-08-2019
Hi friends<br />These spherical or pyriform blackish perithecia, 0.2-0.3 microns in diameter, with coarse warts on the surface, grew on the hymenium of Phlebia aurea deforming their spines. I have not been able to see any blackish or hyaline setae on its walls. The spores are biporate and apiosporous. I feel that it is close to H. odontiae, but in the absence of setae I dare not say so.What do you think?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique<br />
Sánchez Leandro, 09-06-2021
Bonsoir,<br />Sous <em>Pinus uncinata</em>, 1975 mts, jusqu'à 30 mm diamètre.<br />Croziers -<br />Amitiés.<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-10-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>This fungus with small (up to 0.8 mm), turbinate, shortly and narrowly stipitate, gregarious apothecia with pale yellowish hymenium and no blackish stipe was found on Vaccinium uliginosum leaves at 1700 m of altitude.</p>
<p>The excipulum is made by roundish cells that make short, septate, obtuse hairs at the flanks. Marginal cells, as the paraphyses, are filled with many small roundish VBs that stain in CRb. Asci 120-141 x 13-14, IKI negative even after KOH-pret., with no croziers.</p>
<p>I don't know a good genus for it. Maybe a Phaeohelotium or Hymenoscyphus species? </p>
<p>Thanks again for your help</p>
Mirek Gryc, 30-08-2020
Hello everyone<br />Pezicula fruiting bodies have been growing on the bark for several years in my yard, on Metasequoia glyptostroboides.<br />I am not able to define the genre myself and it seems quite interesting.<br />Original substrate that I have not found in the literature and very small fruiting bodies not similar to others known to me.<br />Now the fruiting bodies are still very poorly mature, but I decided to present the collection, hoping that they might be of interest to someone. I have the material to collect at my fingertips, so it won't be a problem.<br />Or maybe someone knows something about species on this type of substrate?<br />best regards<br />Mirek
Castillo Joseba, 14-02-2022
me mandan el material de Galicia, recolectadas en cañas de hierbas<br /><br />En un principio me pareció un Myximyceto, pero tengo dudas<br /><br />A ver si hay alguien que pueda darme alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 07-07-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need your help again with this fungus growing on wet wood of Erica arborea at 1400 m of altitude. The superficial, sessile, gregarious, roundish, rough, papillate, ostiolate,pseudothecia are 0.4-0.8 microns in diam. and they grew on a sparse subiculum of brownish hyphae. Their walls are carbonaceous and the inner wall of the young stromata have ochraceous or reddish pigments that don't exist around the ostiole as in B. schiedermayeriana. The 8-spored asc are bitunicate and shortly stipitate. Pseudoparaphyses trabeculate. Mature ascospores are brownish, 1 septate (or with 2 more secondary septa), no appendages, no sheath.</p>
<p>I think this fungus could belongs to the genus Byssosphaeria and maybe this is B. salebrosa. What do you think?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Thierry Blondelle, 19-07-2023
<br /><br />Hello<br />In a section of a spot leaf of Ilex aquifolium, I observed what I did not expect. No asci or spores of Trochila ilicina but an intraepidermal formation shaped like an urn and releasing numerous spores or conidiaby a kind of ostiola. Hera are some photos. What do you think ?<br />Bests
Malcolm Greaves, 17-06-2021
Has anyone got a copy of the description of Peziza flavida <br />Peziza micropus var. flavida W.Phillips, Man. Br. Discomyc.: 64<br />Thanks<br />Mal
Mirek Gryc, 25-12-2020
Hi<br />The fungus grew on a dead branch of Prunus spinosa, carefully covering its bark over a large area.<br />I have no idea.<br />Mirek
Enrique Rubio, 31-01-2017
These very small (up to 200 microns high), black, conical, superficial, gregarious, scattered, ostiolate, somewhat glabrous pyrenomycete was found on a thin branch of Populus nigra lying on the ground.<br />Asci bitunicate, 8-spored. Pseudoparaphyses trabeculate. Ascospores 1-septate, hyaline, later perhaps brownish (?), somewhat dimorphic, no sheath.<br />Could you help me with it? Maybe a Didymella species?<br />Thanks again
Castillo Joseba, 23-07-2016
Este Ascomyceto en madera de fagus, creo que esta viejo, me ha costado mucho encontrar unas pocas esporas<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 04-09-2006
J'aimerais connaître une opinion sur ce Pyreno avec l'estroma creux qui croît sur des branches de Corylus. Jusqu'a 6 cm. Asci up to 170 x 5; I (+). Spores brunes, brun-verdatres, 2-gutulées, sans pore ni germ-slits, 8-12 x 5-6,5.
Merci beaucoup par votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 30-06-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Can you help me again with this article?</p>
<p>Applanodictyosporous Pleosporales: Clathrospora, Comoclathris, GraphyIlium, Macrospora, and Platysporoides</p>
<p>R. A. Shoemaker, C. E. Babcock</p>
<p>Canadian Journal of Botany, 1992, 70(8): 1617-1658, 10.1139/b92-204</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-11-2019
Hi again<br />This Mollisia grew on corticated branches of Cornus, 2 cm thick, lying on the ground. The apothecia are minute, coalescent, whitish, amber colour or grayish when old.<br />The ascospore are (0-)1-septate, even inside the living asci, arising from croziers, with an apical pore dirty red, rb, even after NH4OH-pret. (I didn't have KOH to do it).<br />The paraphyses, as the narrowly clavate marginal cells, have somewhat inconspicuous refractive VBs that stain in cresyl blue. Ectal excipulum with pale brownish textura angularis.<br />Do you have any ideas that might help me?
Ron Bronckers, 21-05-2019
Hi everybody,<br /><br />Maybe someone can help me to obtain a copy of the following paper:<br /><br />Khare, K.B. (2003) - Descriptions and comments on some species of <em>Octospor</em>a and <em>Kotlabea</em> (Peziales, Humariaceae). <em>Nova Hedwigia</em> <strong>77</strong>(3-4): 445-485.<br /><br />Thanks in advance!<br />Best,<br />Ron
Manta Park, 08-05-2023
Dear Friends<br />I'm searching for the followig paper:<br />Dissing 1966 (The genus Helvella in Europe with special emphasis on the species. Norden Dansk Botanisk Arkiv , 25: 1-272)<br />If somebody has it as a pdf, could you please send it to me?
<p>Thank you.<br />Manta</p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-06-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I need your opinion about these small, sessile, erumpent, first olivaceous, later blackish, ascomata on Ranunculus sp. stems and leaves.</p>
<p>The hypermature ascospores become 1-(2) septate. The living paraphyses have many small Vbs as the clavate end-cells of the marginal region.</p>
<p>I think could be an Spilopodia species but the limits of these Dermateaceous genera are very dark for me.</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
Castillo Joseba, 24-03-2022
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España) recolectado en semilla de Acacia<br /><br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2023
I'm searching for <br />Candoussau, F., Magni, J.F., Petrini, L.E., Barr, M.E. & Petrini, O. (1996) Bambusicolous fungi collected in Southwestern France: an annotated list. Mycologia Helvetica 8: 11–20.<br />Could you help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 04-05-2014
<p>I need these two papers. Can you help me?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>GALLI R. & LITTINI G. 1981. — Una specie critica di Gyromitra. Micologia</p>
<p>italiana, 1 : 43-46.</p>
<p>LITTINI G. 1988. — Gyromitra ticiniana sp. nov. Pagine di botanica,</p>
<p>12 : 17-20.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Joaquin Martin, 29-07-2023
Hi<br />On Friday I found this Xylaria on a moss-covered stump.<br />After doing the micro I found only one species that fits very well with my species Xylaria cornu-damae, american species, and I am surprised not to find collections of this species, or a synonymy, european.<br />The spores are immature, that's why the green colour, they are supposed to be brown when they mature.<br />I would like to know your opinion on this.<br />Thank you.
<div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: -8px; top: -20px;"> </div>
Enrique Rubio, 24-08-2015
<p>Hi to everyone</p>
<p>This small Microglossum with heads with violaceous hues ans smooth stems was found on a calcareous lawn on december 2011.</p>
<p>Some idea for it?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 03-09-2014
<p>Does anyone have an idea about these small (up to 0.5 mm), gregarious, ostiolate, globose, superficial, never inmersed, black, rough walled but glabrous pseudothecia growing on corticated roots (Prunus spinosa?) near the freshwater of a stream at the hill level?</p>
<p>The ascospores are hyaline, later greyish and finally greyish-brown and they seem to have smooth walls. The asci are bitunicate, 8-spored, narrowly clavate and they arise from croziers. The trabeculate peseudoparaphyses heve many anastomoses. Pseudothecial walls angularis.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for this fungus?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p> </p>
BERNARD CLESSE, 01-08-2016
Alors là, il n'y a vraiment plus du tout de saison !!...... :o)
<p>1er août 2016, sur branchette morte (probablement de noisetier), dans le lit d'un ruisselet.</p>
<p>Spores ellipsoïdes-subfusiformes : 35-47x13-18<br /><br />Bernard </p>
Enrique Rubio, 30-04-2022
The setose pseudotecia of this venturiaceous fungus grew in circles around blackish spots on stems of Euphorbia hyberna at 1300 m of altitude. I cannot find any Venturia on such a substrate in the literature, except for one recently described, in its asexual morph, in Euphorbia paralias.<br />As you can see the spores are greenish, smooth and have a distinctly infra-medial septum.<br />Do you have any ideas that could help me?
Enrique Rubio, 09-08-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>What do you think about this Lasiobelonium species growing on old stems of Valeriana pyrenaica at 1000 m of altitude?</p>
<p>The high lipid content of the ascospores remind me (but I think is not the same fungus) another older collection from Somiedo on Lithododora diffusa (ERD-5859, photo 4). By the other hand, the lignicolous L. lanecolatum Raitv. is described with biguttulate ascospores, so I think it doesn't fit well with my fungus.</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Castillo Joseba, 29-06-2021
De ayer en KK de caballo<br />Pensaba en Cheilymenia granulata, pero las esporas son mucho mas pequeñas<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 06-07-2014
En madera de populus, en O Grove (Galicia) España a nivel del mar.<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 17-07-2008
Zotto Baral m'avertit, nouvellement, d'une erreur dans ma fiche de N. melatephroides. Effectivement, les asques dans l’IKI de la partie inférieure gauche, sont, en réalité de N. eriophori. Les deux champignons croissaient ensemble dans la même tige de Juncus.
Je regrette de m’avoir trompé et pouvoir induire aux erreurs ou une critique le reste de collèges.
Je vous demande des excuses par cela
Zotto Baral informs me about a mistake in my card of N. melatephroides. Really, the asci in IKI of the low left part, are, indeed of N. eriophori. Both fungi was growing together in the same Juncus's stem
I’m sorry to have mistaken and to induce to mistakes or critique to the rest of colleagues.
I request my excuses for it
Enrique Rubio, 06-02-2013
Hi to all:<br /><br /><br />Does anybody have this article? Orn another taxonomic information about this fungus.<br /> <br /> Kohn, L.M.; Nagasawa, E. (1984) A taxonomic reassessment of
<p>Sclerotinia camelliae Hara (=Ciborinia camelliae Kohn), with observations on flower blight of camellia in Japan. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 25, 149-161.<br /><br />I would be happy if you can help me<br /><br />Thanks again<br /><br />Enrique </p>
Viktorie Halasu, 12-02-2017
Hello, <br />would anyone have this article please? <br /><br />Jeannerot B., Etchepare J.-F. & Rivet G. (2015): Contribution à l'étude du genre Scutellininia (Pezizales). VI: Scutellinia pennsylvanica (Seaver) Denison. Bull. mycol. bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 216: 45-57.<br /><br />Thank you in advance.<br />Viktorie<br />
Enrique Rubio, 30-04-2022
This Plagiostoma with perithecia immersed under the epidermis of stems of Euphorbia hyberna and with more or less central long necks (> 200 microns long) is common in the Cantabrian Mountains. The spores have a median septum and thin, barely perceptible appendages.<br />I find no affinities with any of the euphorbiaceous species of the genus.<br />Have any of you ever been able to study it?<br />Thanks again.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 29-08-2016
Hi to everybody
<p>These very densely, gregarious apothecia were growing on the hymenium of a very decayed resupinate, poroid fungus on wood of Fagus sylvatica at 1000 m of altitude. The apothecia are white, shortly stipitate by a stout, broad, cylindrical pseudostipe. The white hymenium is briefly cupulate, later aplanate or only slightly convex, 200-500 microns in diameter. Excipulum downy, as the margin.</p>
<p>The inconspicuous marginal cells are cylindrical or slightly clavate, smooth or finelly incrustate, but not verrucose as in Cistella species. Ectal excipulum of hyaline, roundish, angular to prismatical cells with no inclusions or VBs. Paraphyses optically empty, with no VBs.</p>
<p>Asci 8-spored, IKI b or rb, with croziers.</p>
<p>I think it could be near to Calycina guttulifera from Zotto's folder.</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Rubén Martínez-Gil, 16-02-2022
Hola a todos.<br />Subo unas fotos de un asco que hemos encontrado sobre hojas de olivo.<br /><br />Pensé en Trochila oleae.<br />¿Qué les parece?<br /><br />Gracias por su ayuda<br />Rubén<br />
Enrique Rubio, 07-12-2018
Quelqu'un pourrait-il avoir une copie de ce document ?<br /><br />DONADINI Jean-Claude, 1984. - Peziza martini sp. nov. de la section Violaceae sect. nov. du<br />sous-genre Galactinia (Cooke) Donad., Bull. Soc. linn. Provence 36 : 167-177.<br />Merci en avancé<br />Enrique<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 31-07-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Have you some idea about these gregarious, up to 1 mm high, inmersed to subsuperficial, membranaceous, blackish, perithecia that grew on very rotten wood of Juniperus communis subsp. nana at 1800 m of altitude?</p>
<p>The long cylindrical 8-spored asci have a conspicuous refractive annulus IKI negative and they are not shortly stipitate. The ascospores, slightly yellowish at maturity, are regulary 5-septate and they seem to germinate by both poles.</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Andgelo Mombert, 27-05-2017
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />Sur tige morte de Aconitum napellus, Mont Tendre, Suisse (1425 m d'altitude).<br /><br />Apothécies érumpantes mesurant jusqu'à 1,5 mm de diamètre.<br /><br />-Spores cylindriques elliptiques, 14-16 x 2,5-3 µm, à petites guttules présentes aux extrémités.<br />-Asques 50-70 x 5-6 µm, octosporées, à sommet amyloïde, à base pleurorynque.<br />-Paraphyses 45-55 x 3-4 µm, cylindriques, non réfringentes. KOH-<br />-Excipulum formé de cellules rondes brunâtres, d'oû sortent des poils septés 6-7 x 2-2,5 µm<br /><br />J'essaierai de faire des photos micro demain.<br /><br />Merci pour votre aide !<br /><br />Andgelo<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 03-11-2021
I would like to know your opinion on these small, blackish, blackish, setose, pyriform, pseudothecia, semi-immersed under the epidermis of herbaceous stems, probably of Galium mollugo at 1700 m altitude.<br />The asci are bitunicate and the leptosphaerioid ascospores are already septate within them. The spores appear hyaline, but I have not been able to know if they always remain so.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br />
Castillo Joseba, 12-05-2016
En madera de haya (Fagus)<br /><br />Alguna sugerencia?<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 15-04-2021
I am very confused about this pyrenomycete growing under the bark of Ulmus minor and maybe someone has a good idea that can help me.<br />It forms blackish stromata with several deformed perithecia when compressed.<br />The asci are long, polysporic, without a conspicuous apical apparatus and often strangulate, but the stipes do not appear to be long as in Coronophorales and the spores are small, allantoid and completely hyaline.<br />Could be Fracchiaea a good genus for it?<br />
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Castillo Joseba, 22-03-2017
Me ha llegado material para hacer micro de un ejemplar que a mi me parece Discina melanoleuca.<br /><br /><br />A ver si teneis alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Salvador Tello, 18-01-2013
Este ascomiceto crecía en madera de Pinus pinea. Tiene apotecios de hasta 0,5 mm, con pelos hialinos de paredes finas de 33,2 [38,7 ; 44,7] 50,2 x 1,7 [2,3 ; 3,1] 3,7 µm. Ascas de ápice amiloide de 33,2 [38,7 ; 44,7] 50,2 x 1,7 [2,3 ; 3,1] 3,7 µm. Esporas lisas hialinas de 5,3 [6,1 ; 6,3] 7,1 x 1,8 [2,1 ; 2,2] 2,5 µm y paráfisis septadas.<br />Yo llego hasta Hyaloscypha fuckelii ¿estoy en lo cierto?<br />Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Mirek Gryc, 29-08-2020
Hello all.<br />The fruiting bodies grew on a dead Pinus branch lying on the ground.<br />Spores: Me = 6.2 × 1.4 µm; Qe = 4.6<br />Reaction to iodine negative even after previous application of KOH.<br />Any suggestions are welcome.<br />best regards<br />Mirek
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2021
Could this fungus be Hysterographium fraxini on an unusual host?. It was growing on still attached branches of Rosa canina at 1300 m of altitude. I don´t think it is Gloniopsis subrugosa.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance.
Enrique Rubio, 09-01-2013
Hi again<br /><br />This material was sent to me from M. Tapia (Navarra, NE of Spain) as Hamatocanthoscypha species growing on rotten, blackish, leaves of Cupressus. The ascomata are minute, briefly stipitate and allways white.<br /><br />The spores are ovoid eguttulate or provided of 1-2 small polar guttules. Asi IKI negative (-), croziers positive (+). Paraphyses with any content. Ectal excipulum elongate of and + or - elongate textura prismatica. Hairs granulate, many of them uncinate.<br /><br />I think is a good Hamatocanthoscypha species that not fits well with H. obsoleta. In Zotto's CD there is an Hamatocanthoscypha 'rotundispora' HB- 7444 that is very close with this fungus.<br />What's your opinion?<br /><br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 16-05-2016
I'd like your opinion on this Seynesia (¿?) species growing on Arundo donax stems at the sea level, at the north of Spain.
<p>The blackish, roundish, inmersed perithecia, single or in pairs, are more or less roundish, up to 1 mm in diam., beneath a thin clypeus. Only the papilla is visible on the peridermis of the host, but it is not surrounded by teeth-like flanges as described for Seynesia nobilis.</p>
<p>The 8-spored asci have a wedge-shaped, amyloid, subapical apparatus. The living paraphyses are filled with a conspicuous, refractive, oily content that not dissapear in NH4OH. The ascospores are brownish at maturity, smooth-walled, two celled, constricted at the septum, with a full length germ slit in each cell, a thin mucilaginous sheath surrounding the ascospores and an obtuse or short cylindrical, not really conical, cap-like appendage at each pole of the spore.</p>
<p>I feel this species could be into the genus Seynesia, but I think it doesn't fit well with the somewhat known species of this genus (i.e. S. nobilis)</p>
<p>What is your opnion</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Castillo Joseba, 18-08-2020
He recolectado una Diatrype disciformis, y al ir a mirarla veo unos discos blancos entre los apotecios, he intentado hacer algo de micro pero no veo nada viso en ellas.<br /><br />Pueden estar muertas? <br />Es algo que tiene la madera que no es un hongo? <br /><br />Algguien me puede decir algo?<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba<br />
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2015
<p>HI again</p>
<p>I'm looking for specific literature on Rosellinia glabra. Could you help me?</p>
<p>Petrini's World Monographie on Rosellinia has only a brief reference about this fungus.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-02-2023
Hi to verybody<br />I have tiny immersed or semi-immersed perithecia growing on apothecia of Bactrospora patellariodes in the Balearic Islands (Spain). The asci are polysporic and the mature spores are olive-brown with one transverse septum (exceptionally two). No conspicuous hamathecium. I think in the Muellerella lichenicola complex, but the spores are narrower than usually given to M. lichenicola st. sensu. Or perhaps a Bellemerella species?<br />What do you think?
Garcia Susana, 19-01-2015
Hi all:
<p>I found a ascomiceto I think belongs to the genus Ciliolarina, but i dont have bibliography to species.<br />I would appreciate you to send me the genre publications (keys, descriptions ...)</p>
Thanks in advance.<br />
Robin Isaksson, 25-11-2019
Spores round 3.5-4.5 um smooth it seems.
Asci is lugol negative, have 8 spores.
Found on metzgeria furcata, the host seems to be dead where ascomata is found.
Someone have an clue?
Andgelo Mombert, 13-03-2022
Bonjour,<br /><br />Je recherche l'article suivant :<br />Barr 1981. the genus curreya: an example of taxonomic confusion in the ascomycetes. - mycologia 73: 599-609.<br /><br />Merci d'avance pour votre aide.<br /><br />Andgelo
Enrique Rubio, 31-12-2012
Hi again:<br /><br />Yesterday I have collected on Tilia wood at 800 m of altitude these small ascomata up to 0.45 mm in diam. with IKI bb asci, croziers (+), some of them with basal globule and + or - lanceolate paraphyses with small yellowish Vb's. Ectal excipulum of an elongate textura prismatica without gelified tissues. <br />Hairs in fascicles very difficult to dissociate, + or - yellowish, multiseptate with end cell straight to slightly uncinate, KOH negative.<br /><br /><br />Maybe a Psilocistella species? because I think it's not an Hamatocanthoscypha as H. uncipila.<br />What's your opinion?<br /><br /><br />Many thanks again<br /><br /><br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 24-09-2014
Bonsoir les amis
<p>Peut etre j'avais recolté le memme chapi de Piet Bormans (<a href="../search_forum/24967"></a>#) sur une tige d'Umbelliferae morte dans un lieu tres humide, mais mes ascomes ont des fascicles de poils hyalines que Piet n'as pas vu.</p>
<p>Description de mon rècolte:</p>
<p>Ascomata superficial, scattered, turbinate, up tp 0.5 mm, yellowish, KOH negative, with no conspicuous ostiole, bearing some scattered hairs made by fascicles of hyaline, elongate, cylindrical, septate, obtuse elements.</p>
<p>Asci fusiform, 8-spored, with no conspicuous apical apparatus</p>
<p>Ascospores hyaline, 1-septate, slightly contricted at the septum, smooth (?)</p>
<p>Avez vous quelque idée pour ce champi?</p>
Maren Kamke, 14-11-2016
Hi again,<br />another strange discomycete on the inner side of a piece of pine bark between green algae. Up to 0,8 mm, convex, ocher-yellow when young, later brownish red. Short stipitate, bright yellow on the underside. Hymenium up to 100 µm. Ascospores hyalin with sidespores, 0-7-septate, 28-36,5x7-8,5 µm, Asci 8-spored, 88-115 x 16-20 µm, with croziers, strong red porus-reaction with IKl, after KOH-treatment blue. Two types of paraphyses (or hairs?), one with brownish cap, incrustate up to 7 µm wide, the other hyaline clavate up to 3,5 µm wide.<br />Regards, Maren
Enrique Rubio, 29-12-2012
Is it possible that nobody has a copy of this article?<br /><br /> Greletia reticulosperma Donadini, Riousset & G. Riousset, in Donadini, Docums Mycol.<br />16(no. 62): 58 (1986)<br /><br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique
Pintos Angel, 06-05-2017
Hello anybody have :<br /><br />Munkovalsaria Aptroot, Nova Hedwigia 60(3-4): 346 (1995)<br /><br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br /><br />Regards<br /><br /><br />Angel
Enrique Rubio, 14-04-2019
Hi to everybody<br />I am surprised with these semi-inmersed perithecia growing in cow dung in southern Spain. There doesn't seem to be a well defined clypeus and the asci are neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, although they have an inconspicuous apical apparatus. The spores, surrounded by a wide gelatinous sheath after its expulsion from the asci, have no germ slits and they have a small caudal hyaline dwarf cell and an apical germinative pore.<br />In theory the closest genus should be Hypocopra, but there are many evidences and contradictions against this genus.<br />Do you have any idea that might help me?<br />
Enrique Rubio, 19-02-2021
These small, white, gregarious, broadly sessile apothecia, 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter, with glabrous margins, grew among algae and liverworts on corticated wood of Pseudotsuga menziesii near the sea.<br />The asci are ventricose, slightly dextrinoid in IKI, with croziers and a broad, very bluish apical apparatus in IKI, and contain eight spores already septate even inside the asci. The paraphyses are moniliform near the apex and the marginal hairs are similar and closely agglutinated.<br />It doesn't look like a Hyaloscypha, but I couldn't say to which genus it might belong, perhaps it could be an ascolichen?<br />
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 11-01-2017
Hi to everybody<br />Some time ago my friend M. Tapia, from Navarra (NE of Spain) sent me this strange, gregarious, turbinate, 0.2-0.5 mm in diam., pale grayish-brownish with brownish pruinose hymenium surface by the existence of a brownish, verruculose, granulate, matter that not dissolves in KOH, growing on old leaves of Cornus sanguinea.<br />The apothecia seems to be glabrous, and many leaves have hyaline or translucent gelatinous conidiomata perhaps belonging to his asexual morph.<br />The asci are IKI negative, with no croziers and the ascospores do not turn darker. I could see that some paraphyses have VBs that stain in cresyl blue. Excipulum made by prismatical to roundish cells. <br />Some idea will be wellcome <br />Thanks again
Malcolm Greaves, 09-09-2019
<div>Is anyone able to confirm that this find was a Miladina lecithina. It was on a rotten log in a woodland stream.</div>
<div>The paraphyses were slightly swollen and contained orange granuals the spores were minutely warted and 22 x 12.5.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 21-05-2018
Hi again<br />Ascomata (thyriothecia) small (100-125 micr. in diam.), ostiolate, growing on overwintered leaves of Tilia cordata at 1000 m of altitude.<br />Their walls with textura subepidermoidea of irregular cells covered by brownish mycelium. Asci bitunicate. Hamathecium present. Ascospores with a small apical hyaline germ pore.<br />Could yo help me?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 19-11-2019
Dear all<br />I would very much appreciate any suggestion about this fungus growing on fallen dead leaves of Magnolia grandiflora at the sea level.<br />The conidiomata (acervular?) are 0.2-0.5 mm in diameter, are opened by means of a lid as in some genera of Helotiales (Hysterostegiella), and they are surrounded by a crown of dark brown setae up to 300 microns long. The conidia seem to be holoblastic, hyaline and sickle-shaped.<br />Many thanks for help me again
Enrique Rubio, 08-04-2020
Hi to everyone<br />This fungus forms very small ascomata, isolated or in small groups, not ostiolate (or not well visible), without a well-defined stroma, just under the bark with a green algae coating on a Carpinus betulus branch.<br />The asci appear bitunicate and dextrinoid, the pseudoparaphyses abundant and the spores hyaline, smooth and bicellular.<br />Do you have any ideas to help me? <br />Maybe it could be a lichenized corticolus pyrenomycete?<br />Many thanks again<br />
Garcia Susana, 23-07-2020
<div>Agradecería si alguien pudiera enviarme el siguiente artículo</div>
<div>Tregiene, Ausra . New species of Kananascus and its anamorph from Lithuania. Mycotaxon 96: 173 - 180. 2006.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 04-11-2013
Hi to all<br />This nice Otidea makes auricularioid apothecia briefly stipitate up to 60 mm high with some basal ribs that may be branched and anastomosed. The excipulum is citrine yellow and furfuraceous (under lens!) and the hymenium first greyish late ochraceous. <br />It grew on a oromediterranean environnement at 1100 m of altitude under Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus ilex at the north of Spain (province of León).<br /><br /><br />The paraphyses have no pigmented vacuoles and they are straight or curved. The cells of the textura prismatica of the ectal excipulum have rich citrine yellow incrusting pigment but they have not amber drops in Melzer or IKI reagent.<br /><br /><br />I feel this fungus is close to O. concinna or O. phlebophora . What's your opinion?<br />Thanks again <br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 08-01-2020
Does anyone have a copy of this article?<br /><br />DÖBBELER P. 1997. — Biodiversity of bryophilous ascomycetes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6: 721-738<br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 13-04-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>This fungus grew on a culture of fox dung with many rests of animal hairs, and forms small, gregarious, superficial, roundish, yellowish at first, later orange and finally brownish cleistothecioid, smooth, ascomata, growing under a very copious white hypal mat.</p>
<p>The asci are small, roundish to ovoid, and the ascospores are smooth, yellowish, roundish or very broadly ellipsoid, 4.5-5.2 x 3.8-5.2 microns. Cleistothecial walls built by a yellowish textura angularis.</p>
<p>I feel this fungus belongs to Onygenales and it could be near to Aphanoascus fulvescens, a keratinophilic fungus, but J. Guarro suggest me another possibility: Xanthothecium peruvianum. So I'd like to know your opinion</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Enrique Rubio, 28-03-2016
Hi to everybody
<p>Looking for fungi on Arundo donax I have found these very small roundish, blackish, inmersed perithecia up to 100-120 microns, more or less arranged in rows and covered by a melanised periderm on dead leaves lying on the ground. Only protruding the roundish papillate necks. The shortly stipitate asci have a conspicuous refractive apical hemiamyloid apparatus (deep blue after KOH-pret.) and hyaline apiospores.</p>
<p>I feel this fungus might belong, or to be near to the genus Pseudomassaria, or into the Diaporthales?.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p>The collection was made at the Botanical Garden of Gijón (north of Spain), at the sea level</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-08-2013
Hi again<br /><br /><br />Have you some idea about this fungus on Alnus glutinosa wood at the sea level? <br />Their erumpent stromata are + or – discoid, pulvinate, 3-10 mm in diam. x 1 mm high. Perithecia 2 to many, in diatrypoid configuration, 0.37-0.57 x 0.42-0.62 mm, sphaerical to flask-shaped, with short conical to cylindrical necks 0.25 x 0.15 mm up to 0.15<br />mm over the stromatal level. <br /> Asci long stipitate, I think IKI negative, 8-spored, pars sporifera 28-42 x 5-7 µm.<br /><br />Diatrype? Eutypa?<br />Thanks again
Blasco Rafael, 05-07-2015
Hola, necesito de su ayuda otra vez.<br />tengo esta pequeña muestra, sobre tallos de plantas del año anterior en una pradera de montaña a unos 1500 m, <br />sumergido en la madera, diametro 0,36 X altura 0,39.<br />como se ve estan maduras y expulsan una masa esporal de color ambar.<br />parafisis rectas , septadas X2,5---X3.<br />esporas con 3 septos la mayoria, miden entre 30--34 x 6--9.<br />Ascas J- , Croziers + , 90---152 X 10---11.<br />Alguna idea de que genero mirar<br />Un saludo<br />Rfaael
Joaquin Martin, 10-07-2015
Hola<br /><br />Orbilia encontrada en bosque de ribera, sobre una rama descortezada, en el cauce de una regata ( Populus,Fraxinus,Ulmus ) bastante degradada.<br />Esporas 6.5-8.3 x 1.1-1.4(1.6) Me = 7.4 x 1.3 µm ; Qe = 5.7<br />Creo que podria ser Orbilia luteorubella a ver que os parece.<br />Gracias<br /> <br />
Castillo Joseba, 26-02-2020
me envian material seco de esta especimen recolectado en zarza<br /><br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 28-01-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>Have you some idea for this Cryptovalsa? I have doubts between C. mori/C. protracta</p>
<p>The asci seem to have an low and minute apical apparatus blueing in Melzer reactive</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-07-2013
Dear friends<br /> <br />Under a melanized, epidermial blackish tissue with inconspicuous perithecial mounds, we have collected these inmersed, isolated. not really stromatic perithecia up to 0.2 mm in diameter under a clypeate structure.<br />The long cylindrical 8-spored asci have an appical apparatus IKI bb and the brownish (at maturity) ascospores have a germ-slit full spore lenght and they have not visible appendages.<br /><br /><br />The fungus was on still attached branches of Berberis vulgaris at 1700 m of altitude.<br /> <br />With the classic keys I arrive to the genus Anthostomella. What do you think? <br /><br />Thanks again <br /><br />
BERNARD CLESSE, 02-12-2016
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />Voici un asco hypogé trouvé sous saule marsault (Salix caprea) en banquette alluviale dans une région calcaire.<br /><br />Spores globuleuses, très ornementées, à longues épines (jusqu'à 10 mu de long) denses, cylindro-coniques, parfois courbées au sommet ou tronquées, formant un semblant de réticulum ??. Diamètre des spores ornementation comprise : 35-38 mu<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 12-04-2013
Hi to everibody<br /><br /><br />This fungus, collected on thin branches of Quercus robur, seems to be Calospora arausiaca (Fabre) Sacc. but do you know what's the actual status of this fungus?<br />In Whemeyer's Revision of Pseudovalsa....he says that could be only an inmature form of Pseudovalsa umbonata (actually Prosthecium pyriforme Jaklitsch & Voglmayr). <br />Close to the fruitbodys I have found acervuli and brownish conidia of perhaps their anamorphic state. Do you know if this conidia belong to the sexual state that I have found?<br />Could this fungus be an inmature state of Pseudovalsa longipes? <br /><br /><br />Many thanks again
Thomas Læssøe, 11-12-2020
In addition very small-spored (heterosporous) and KOH-inert.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />cheers<br /><br />This would appear to be conspecific - found no asci with spores but many spores on the surface <br /><br /><br />And here another Trichoderma on dung: <br />
Enrique Rubio, 15-01-2023
Could someone please send me a copy of this article?<br /> <br />Diplocarpa constans sp. nov., a new species of Cordieritidaceae from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa Vol. 561 No. 1: 6 September 2022.<br />Many thanks in advance.<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 08-07-2015
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>These inmersed stromata were collected on november 2014 on indeterminate hardwood, maybe Quercus but not Alnus. The stromata are 3-7 mm broad and 2.5-3 mm high and the perithecia 0.5-1.2 mm in diameter. The brownish mature ascospores have a minute pore.</p>
<p>I feel this is Camarops microspora on an unusual sustrate. Could I right?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p> </p>
Viktorie Halasu, 30-11-2016
Hello forum,<br /><br />would anyone have these articles please? Thank you very much in advance.<br />Viktorie<br /><br />Harmaja (1976): New species and combinations in the genera Gyromitra, Helvella and Otidea. Karstenia 15: 29-32.<br />Harmaja (2009): Studies in Otidea (Pezizales). Karstenia 48(2): 33-48.<br />
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 01-12-2022
... found near Snasa, 3.7.22, on remains of Poaceae in a small acid marshy rivulet, between Sphagnum. The spores are about 14,5-18/5-5,5 µm large, croziers are present. What irritates me is that the IKI-reaction of the ascus porus is not clearly blue but more greyish-red. Does somebody know about such specimens?<br />Yours, Lothar
Enrique Rubio, 10-03-2017
Hi<br />These small, scattered, erumpent, semi-inmersed ascomata up to 1 mm in diam, were collected on Rosa twigs. The hymenium is IKI negative, the scolecospores are multiseptate and they seems not disarticulating, or, at least, not in small pieces. Paraphyses and ascus tips embebbed in a mucous substance that stain in Crb.<br />The fungus remember me the HB 6488b (Baral's folders) collection also on Rosa.<br />What do you think? <br />Tahnks again
Castillo Joseba, 05-03-2021
De ayer, en camino forestal, en bosque de pinos y encinas<br />Ejemplares de 1-2 cm. de diametro<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 08-02-2016
<p>Hi forum</p>
<p>Could someone help me with a pdf of this article?</p>
<p>TRIGAUX, G. (1985): Paratrichophaea macrocystis – genre et espèce nouveaux. – Doc. Mycol. 16(61):1-6.</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href="mailto:enrirubio@asturnatura.como">enrirubio@asturnatura.como</a></p>
Castillo Joseba, 22-02-2021
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, recolectado en hojas de eucalipto<br /><br />Parecen discomycetes de entre 516 a 648 µ<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 31-03-2017
Aunque no se puede identificar, por la consistencia me parece una rama de alguna graminea.<br /><br />Veo esporas con y sin septos<br /><br /><br />No tengo ni idea por donde mirar<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Sánchez Leandro, 26-12-2018
Bonjuour:<br />Je recherche<br />Peziza badiofuscoides Donadini, Bull. Soc. linn. Provence 31: 21 (1979) [1978]<br />Merci d'avançé<br />Cordialement<br />
Castillo Joseba, 03-03-2022
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España) </font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">He hecho 3 micrófonos, pero no veo ni Ascas ni parafisis </font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">No se si se podra decir algo </font></font><br /><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Saludos </font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Joseba</font></font>
Enrique Rubio, 30-10-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>This Arachnocrea species grew on the hymenium of Agaricales, maybe Rhodocollybia prolixa var. distorta, over a dense, white subiculum. The perithecia are small, up to 0.4 mm in diam., slightly papillate, pale yellow and KOH negative.</p>
<p>The part-spores are more or less monomorphic, conical, maybe smooth but no apiculate as in a previous own record on Fagus wood. Do you think this fungus could be A. stipata, that I think has apiculate ascospores and not recorded on Agaricales?</p>
Garcia Susana, 02-04-2020
<div>Ascomas inmersos en la corteza de una rama de Prunus spinosa.</div>
<div>Creo que puede tratarse de Discostroma, y en particular D. fuscellum, aunque el ancho esporal es sensiblemente menor.</div>
<div>¿Que opinais?</div>
<div>Gracias, </div>
Enrique Rubio, 14-03-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this fungus that makes globose or pyriform inmersed pseudothecia (I think the asci are not unitunicate) < 500 microns on a Vitis vinifera branch. Their protruding necks are somewhat stout and they are up to 200 microns long. Hamathecial filaments hyaline, much branched and with anastomosis. Ascospores with conspicuous striate walls. Pseudothecial walls pseudoprosenchimatous.</p>
<p>My guest is Didymosphaeria massarioides. What do you think?</p>
<p>Thans again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 18-02-2015
Hi to everybody
<p>These small (0.3-0.4 mm) orange perithecia grew on incubated rabitt dung for one month. They seem to be ostiolate because there is a crown of hyaline setae around the very inconspicuous, not protruding, neck. Perithecial walls are more o less glabrous. Asci clavate. Ascospores citriform, biporate with smooth walls.</p>
<p>According to GARCIA & al. (STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY 50: 63–68. 2004) the genus Sphaerodes currently comprise species characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata (if they are ostiolate they have a short neck surrounded by a crown of hyaline setae) and reticulate ascospores, umbonate at both ends. So only rest Melanospora as a good choice for my fungus. But I don't know a keyed species that matches with this collection.</p>
<p>Could you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Castillo Joseba, 22-02-2023
me mandan la muestra seca de Galicia (España) recolectada sobre hoja de Quercus suber<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Sánchez Leandro, 28-07-2015
Sur feuillus, stromata jusqu'à 5 mm de longeur<br />KOH -<br />Cordialement
Alvarado Cordobes Manuel, 02-03-2018
Buenas tardes otra vez a todos .<br />En excremento de conejo silvestre ( crotte de lapin ) .<br />Creo que puede ser Ascobolus inmersus.<br />¿ Que os parece ?<br />Gracias por vuestra ayuda<br />Saludos<br />Manuel Alvarado
Enrique Rubio, 26-03-2015
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this Mycosphaerella species growing on dead wet stems of Ammophila arenaria. Pseudothecia are gregarious in long rows with pseudothecia inmersed in groups.</p>
<p>Ascospores of my fungus are broader than M. lineolata (14-24 x 3-5) or M. psammae (10-12 x 2.5-3 sec. DENNIS, 1983) another common graminicolous fungi on Ammophila . By the other hand M. elymifoliae has broader ascospores 19-22 x 7-8.</p>
<p>Some idea ?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 12-06-2018
Hi again<br />I'd like to know your opinion on this fungus with superficial, scattered, brownish black, hemisphaeric thyriothecia, 125-150 microns in diam. with a surface composed of intricately interlocked dark brown cells. growing on the periderm of Rosa twigs at 1000 m of altitude.<br />The hyaline ascospores are bicellular, dimorphic and easily fragmenting. Asci bitunicate.<br />I think it may belong to the genus Microthyriella, but I don't know of any species that fit my collection well.<br />What do you think?<br />Thanks again<br />Enrique<br />
Castillo Joseba, 18-05-2016
Creciendo en caña de hinojo (Foeniculum vulgare) <br /><br /><br />No he visto Ascas, asi que puede que no sea un Asco<br /><br /><br />Alguna sugerencia?<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 10-07-2017
Del pasado sabado en rama de abeto <br />Los apotecios son muy pequeños y dificiles de ver, los he mirado con el micro x40<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br /><br />Joseba
Spooren Marco, 29-11-2024
<div>Does someone has for me :</div>
<div>Weresub LK , LeClair PM 1971 :On Papulaspora and bulbilliferous basidiomycetes Burgoa and Minimedusa.Canadian Journal of Botany 49 : 2203 - 2213.</div>
<div>Papulaspora is ascomycetous, to validate my request on this forum.</div>
<div>Best Regards,</div>
Enrique Rubio, 08-04-2018
Hi again<br />These minute (200-300 microns) erumpent, gregarious, globulose blackish ascomata are covered by an ephemerous greenish blue tomentum and they vertically collapsing when dry.The fungus was collected on decorticated wood of Prunus dulcis in central west Spain, a region with a mediterraneous climate.<br />The asci have not a conspicuous apical apparatus and the ascospores are cylindrical, straight to allantoid, smooth, hyaline or sligthly yellowish.I think it could belong to the genus Nitschkia.<br />Have you some idea for this collection?
Enrique Rubio, 26-02-2020
Hi to everybody<br />Minute superficial setose roundish pseudothecia growing on Foeniculum vulgare. At the same host there are indistinct fruitbodys of the sexual and asexual form of the fungus. In the pics you can see the hyaline conidia and the bitunicate asci with several 'leptosphaeriod' up to 7-septate ascospores perhaps not very mature.<br />Do you have some idea? Maybe Herpotrichiellaceae?<br />
Castillo Joseba, 10-03-2017
En madera de Acacia<br /><br />Apotecios surgiendo de la corteza, de 790 a 930 µ de color crema y textura algodonosa <br /><br /><br />No se que decir<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 11-09-2022
Ayer encontramos entre la madera podrida y materia organica en un tocon de abeto estos Cordyceps? no pudimos encontrar a lo que parasitaban, si hipogeo o bicho<br />Con las fotos macro y la micro se puede dar alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 03-03-2017
Encima de la corteza de un pino, entre el musgo<br /><br /><br />Pienso en Hymenoscyphus rhytidiadelphi<br /><br /><br />A ver que opinais<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 09-02-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>We have found these pustulate, ellipsoid, scattered, erumpent stromata up to 18 mm in diam. and 1 mm high on small branches of Juglans nigra lying on the ground. Perithecial necks are black protruding, long cylindrical and furrowed, and the entostroma is pale ochraceous or withish.</p>
<p>Ascospores are allantoid, subhyaline, not or only very pale yellowish, 8.2-10.3 x 1.9-2.4. Asci shortly stipitate with a pars sporifera 25-33, with a conspicuous apical apparatus deeply blue in IKI. Some ascospores (aberrant?) are ellipsoid, not allantoid (marked with white arrow).</p>
<p>I think this fungus could be EUTYPELLA JUGLANDICOLA (Schwein.: Fr.) Ellis & Everh, at least sensu Rappaz (Mycologia Helvetica, 1987), but surprisingly the Index Fungorum says that this fungus is only a synonym of Botryosphaeroia obtusa.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Malcolm Greaves, 22-06-2018
<div>A small leaf and surrounding debris was collected from a ditch area because of the S nigrohirtula growing on it. Under the scope I spotted a couple of plane brown ascos.</div>
<div>Spores with two guttules and granular surface. No reaction with Lugol and slightly swollen paraphyses with brown contents(also in Lugol)</div>
<div>Can someone help.</div>
PASCAL DUBOC, 04-09-2014
<p>j'ai trouver qqes hypogées ce soir dans un bois de douglas dans des grattés de chevreuil<br />quelqu'un pourrait m'aider..<br />il y a sûrement un elaphomyces car un elaphocordyceps capitata en sortait<br />que faut-il chercher en micro pour l'identifier</p>
<p>merci pascal</p>
Blasco Rafael, 30-06-2016
Hola, esta especie estaba sobre madera muy degradada de Pinus sylvestris a unos 1400m.<br />Pelos rectos de hasta 60 x 5<br />cristales abundantes en las preparaciones<br />ascas entre 35--50 x 5--7<br />crozier +<br />esporas 7--9 x 2,5--3<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Juuso Äikäs, 15-06-2022
These little pyrenos were growing on a fallen, decayed Betula leaf, picked from a bog.<br /><br />The spores have a septum and long appendages and measure 13 - 15 × 1.9 - 2.2 µm (without appendages). Asci 26.4 - 29.7 × 7.5 - 8.4 µm, IKI negative.<br /><br />The best candidate I've found is Ophiognomonia ischnostyla, but I'd appreciate a second opinion.
Enrique Rubio, 05-06-2007
Je vous prie an idée sur cet asco que croit sur bois decortiquée de Fraxinus, Acer or Corylus (?).
Poils > 100 micr, bruns, multi-septées, apex plus claire, avec gummy sustance extraparietale.
Asci IKI bb, up to 130 x 8, croziers (+). Spores 0-1-3 septa, 22-37 x 3.5-4. Ectal excipulum prismatica. Paraphyses cilindriques.
J'ai pensé a Lasiobelonium spp.?
Merci a tous par votre aide.
Chris Yeates, 06-06-2021
Bonjour tous<br />
<div>I think this is the taxon on <em>Vaccinium myrtillus</em> without croziers.</div>
<div>Presumably the major problem is that there is no type material of Phillips' original collection on <em>Acer pseudoplatanus</em>? The <em>Vaccinium</em> host would appear to have some significance, and that whatever we call it is a different species from this collection on a <em>Quercus</em> leaf? <strong></strong>.</div>
An interesting feature of this collection is that several of the asci showed distinct "<em>Psilachnum</em> bodies" as can be seen in two of these images.<br />Regards, Chris
Michel Delpont, 21-06-2019
<div>Bonjour à tous!</div>
<div>Je recherche la description d'Ascobolus densereticulatus J.Moravec (1970) !</div>
<div>Merci par avance.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 16-05-2012
Hi again<br /><br />What do you think about these small (up to 0.5 mm), gregarious, blackish, inmersed (suepidermial), glabrous, sessile and ostiolate (not compressed) pseudothecia that grew on indeterminate dicot. stems at 1600 m of altitude?.<br />The yellowish ascospores are persistently 5-septate, 6-celled, and the third cell are apically sligthly enlarged. <br /><br /><br />Many thanks in advance for your kindly help<br />Enrique
Castillo Joseba, 30-01-2021
Me mandan el material seco, recolectada en hoja de Eucalipto<br /><br />A ver que os parece<br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 17-07-2023
These blackish, effuse stromata have immersed perithecia up to 0.5 mm in diameter, visible as obtuse swellings on the wood, perhaps of Acer. The long asci have a discoid and amyloid apical apparatus and the spores, with smooth walls, are light-coloured for a long time and then gradually become olivaceous and finally dark brown, without gelatinous sheaths or germ slits.<br />I suppose it could belong to the genus Amphisphaeria, but I can't find any species well adapted to these characters.<br />Perhaps someone might have some idea that could help me.<br />Many thanks in advance.
Francisco SÁNCHEZ, 09-08-2016
<p>Je dois la description originale de Gyromitra accumbens.</p>
<p><strong>Harmaja, H. 1986. Les études sur la Pezizales. Karstenia. 26: 41-48</strong></p>
Marcel Heyligen, 02-08-2020
I'm looking for next article publishers october 2014:<br />
<p>Morphological and molecular study of Peziza emileia and P. howsei, two distinct</p>
<p>taxa Gianfranco Medardi, Katherine F. LoBuglio, Donald H. Pfister & Angela Lantieri</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Bernard Declercq, 09-04-2023
Hello,<br /><br />I am looking for following paper:<br /><br />Réblova M. et al. 2012 - Phylogenetic classification of Pleurothecium and Pleurotheciella gen. nov. and its dactylaria-like anamorph (Sordariomycetes) based on nuclear ribosomal and protein-coding genes. Mycologia 104: 1299-1314.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 25-06-2013
Hi to everibody<br />This fungus makes small (up to 0.5 mm), erumpent, superficial, blackish and sub-glabrous, roundish pseudothecia on branches of Ribes petraeum at 1700 m of altitude. It has isolated or more commonly aggregated of many pseudothecia on the bark of branches lying on he ground.<br /><br />The asci are bitunicate and the ascospores are hyaline and 1-(3) septate, constricted at the septum and with a thick sheath. Pseudoparaphyses trabeculate are present.<br /><br /><br />Maybe a Massarina species?<br /><br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 10-01-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need the next paper</p>
<p>Morphological and molecular study of Peziza emileia and P. howsei, two distinct</p>
<p>taxa Gianfranco Medardi, Katherine F. LoBuglio, Donald H. Pfister & Angela Lantieri</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Could you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Jac Gelderblom, 17-04-2019
<div>I am looking for Holm & Holm: Lophiostomataceae in Sweden</div>
<div>Can anyone help me?</div>
<div>Jac Gelderblom</div>
Bernard Declercq, 07-06-2023
Dear all,<br /><br />I am looking for following paper:<br /><br />Hyde, K.D., Norphanphoun, C., Abreu, V.P. et al. Fungal diversity notes 603–708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species. Fungal Diversity 87, 1–235 (2017).<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.<br /><br />Bernard
Thorben Hülsewig, 28-03-2020
Hi there,<br />yesterday I found this Pyreno on the fruit of a Corylus avellana.<br />Could it be a Discostroma ?<br />The asci are IKI- .<br />best regards,<br />Thorben
Tyler Bailey, 20-06-2022
<div>I found this small cup fruiting on charred wood in a firepit that I could use some help with. NE US. Spores seemed small for Pulvinula but it could have been immature I couldn't get many to drop onto a slide.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Apothecia 1-3 mm On burnt wood in a campsite fireplace. Paraphysis hooked, mostly unforked very little keratinoid pigmintation, IKI-, Spores single large guttule: (7.1) 7.5-8.6 (9.2) x (6.8) 7.2-8.6 (*9.4)</div>
<div>Asci 147x10.6</div>
<div>Higher resolution pictures:</div>
Enrique Rubio, 21-02-2014
<p>HI to all</p>
<p>I'd like to know some idea about this pyreno on a bark of indeterminate hardwood (Alnus?, Salix?). The pseudothecia, up to 0.5 mm, are inmersed just beneath the surface with an unconspicuous little protruding not laterally flattened black papilla . They seem to be not stromatic and the finely verruculose ascospores are extremely variable with up to 7 transversal thick septa and some vertical or oblique ones, ends obtuse or acute.</p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Enrique Rubio, 15-08-2012
Hi to everybody:<br />This Scutellinia grews on sandy soil among mosses (not on wood) at 1600 m of altitude.<br />Marginal hairs are up to 1400 x 37 microns and they have 1-2-multi roots. Excipular hairs are shorter.<br />Spores are broadly ellipsoid, 20-22 x 13-15 with discrete verrucose-ocassionally cristate ornamentation.<br />Have you some idea?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 30-07-2014
<p>Dear friends</p>
<p>This Mollisia makes small greyish fruitbodys on rhizomes of Juncus balticus at 1800 m of altitude.</p>
<p>Asci up to 40 x 5, IKI b, with croziers, 8-spored. Ascomata KOH negative. The ascospores I think are narrower of those of Mollisia palustris.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks </p>
hannie wijers, 28-05-2013
<p>On a couple of different leaves I found this hairy Asco. The measure of the hairs 57-72 x 5 µm and septated 4x wirh large christal caps. <br /> Paraphysis measure 57-66 x 2,5 µm, one sept. <br /> Measure of asci 33-38 x 3,5 µm. <br /> Measure of spores 8,2, 10, 12,5 x 3,5 µm.<br /><br />I didn't get any reaction with Melzer.<br /><br />I was looking in Fungi non delineati 31 and saw the picture on page 46 ( Incrucipulum densiseptatum). <br /><br />I wonder if this could be the same. Can anyone give me a tip to look for? Maybe I have to do something else with the asco?<br /><br />Thank you anyway <br /><br /><br />Hannie </p>
Enrique Rubio, 24-03-2015
<p>Hi to averybdy</p>
<p>I need description of Stomiopeltis juniperi in Dennis, R.W.G.; Reid, D.A.; Spooner, B.M. 1977. The fungi of the Azores. Kew Bulletin. 32(1):85-136</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Can you help me</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 29-03-2013
Hi to all<br />This fungus makes isolated, imersed, blackish perithecia up to 0.4 mm in diameter with very inconspicuous ostioles on small branches of an indeterminate deciduous tree (maybe Salix).<br />I think in a Cryptodiaporthe species and my guest is C. salicella, but my ascospores and asci are greater than the Wehmeyer's description. On the other hand this species seems to be very variably described in the literature.<br />What do you think? <br /><br />Thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 24-05-2020
Hi to everybody<br />These superficial globulose or barrel-shaped, luteous, minute up to 0.2 microns) pseudothecia sometimes with groups of periostiolar brownish, short septate setae, grew on decorticaed wood of Fagus sylvatica mixed with perhaps related ascomata of Chaetosphaeria ovoidea.<br />Its appearance and color is quite similar to that of Tubeufia cerea, but the existence of acute setae or protruding brown hyphae and smaller spores seem to differentiate of it.<br />Do you have any suggestions?
Enrique Rubio, 23-04-2008
J'amarais conaitre votre opinion sur si le nom correct c'est Melastiza scotica Graddon ou Melastiza contorta (Massee & Crossl.) Spooner & Y.J. Yao, Mycotaxon 53: 469 (1995).
Quelq'un peut me faciliter cet documentation (Mycotaxon 53: 469 (1995) de Spooner & Yao?
Merci en avance
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2021
Could someone please give me a copy of this paper?<br /><br />Thind KS, Kaushal SC, Kaushal R (1978) The genus Coprotus in India. Journal of the Indian<br />Botanical Society 57: 63–67.<br />Many thanks in advances<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 26-12-2006
Quelle est la formule appropriée pour préparer IKI ?
Merci a tous
Peter Thompson, 07-01-2015
Hello Everyone,<br /><br />Happy New Year.<br /><br />I would be grateful if someone could send me a copy of the following, please:<br /><br /> APTROOT, A., 1995. Redisposition of some species excluded from Didymosphaeria (Ascomycetes). , Nova Hedwigia 60: 325+379.<br /><br />Thank You,<br />With Best Wishes,<br />Peter.
Rubén Martínez Gil, 21-01-2014
Hola a todos.<br />Subo unas fotos de una Gyromitra que encontramos todos los años, durante la primavera, sobre restos de avellano, arce y espino albar, junto con algún otro árbol de ribera, a orillas de un río.<br />Tiene ascas de 430-465 x 20 micras.<br />Esporas a intervalo del 95%: 28,6-37,8 x 12,3-15,5 ?m; Qesp=2-2,8, ornamentadas con finas verrugas y que al madurar forman un retículo bastante fino.<br /><br />¿Podría ser Gyromitra martinii? <br /><br /> Gracias por su ayuda.<br />Un saludo<br />Rubén
Elisabeth Stöckli, 28-08-2016
<p>Au sol, sur tiges et feuilles mortes de fougères (2'230m), apothécies 0.1-0.2mm de diamètre, cupuliforme, stipitée, l'hyménium et surface externe blanchâtre, stipe vers la base brun, asques octosporés, 74-90x11-15µm, IKI+ (rouge), spores lisses, hyalines, 3 cloisons, 14-16x4-5µm, paraphyses filiformes, contiennent vacuoles réfringentes.</p>
<p>Merci d'avance pour vos idées.</p>
Salvador Tello, 27-04-2020
Hola a todos.<br /><br />¿Álguien me puede enviar el siguiente trabajo?<br /><br />Petrini, L.E. 1992. Rosellinia species of the temperate zones. Sydowia. 44(2):169-281.<br /><br />Muchas gracias <br />Salvador.
William Slosse, 06-11-2016
I found this brownish discomyceet on cowdung in a dunemeadow.<br />Anyone an idea about the genus?
Castillo Joseba, 26-05-2015
No me es posible confirmar que la rama es de Viscum o quiza Sambucus<br /><br /><br />Son ejemplares muy pequeños y estan secos, quiza por eso no he podido ver esporas.<br /><br />La foto y medidas que pongo de esporas son de las 3 unicas que he visto y no tengo claro que sean las esporas de esta especie.<br /><br /><br />No he visto reacciones noi al IKI ni al Melzer<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2016
Hi to all
<p>This fungus forms subcuticular pseudothecia (¿?) under the periderm of stems of Arundo donax. These pulvinate and ostiolate ascomata, arranged in longitudinal lines, are singly or situated on small stromata with some other ones, 0.4-1.5 mm long, up to 0.15 mm high.</p>
<p>The 8-spored asci are cylindrical and I think they are bitunicate altough I can see maybe a small structure near the apex. The golden brown bi-cellular ascospores and the pseudoparaphyses are showed in the pics. I tough could be a Didymella or a close related genus, but I don't know a good genus for this collection.</p>
<p>Have you some ides for it?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 14-04-2015
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I think this fungus found on old Juncus stems is an Anthostomella that forms uni (bi) peritheciate blackish, clypeate, stromata 0.3-0.5 mm broad with an encircled whitish ostiole. Asci long cylindrical. up to 140 x 7, with an wedge-shaped, euamyloid, apical apparatus. Ascospores unicellular, without dwarf hyaline cell, obliquely uniseriate, (16-)20(-23) x (5.2-)5.8(6.7); Q = 3.1-4.2, only light brown, with no gelt sheath and no germ-slit.</p>
<p>I don't find a species that matches well with these characters</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-02-2015
Hi to all
<p>I need your help again with this pyrenomycete growing on still attached branches of Castanea sativa near the sea. Unfortunately I can't to study well the perithecial walls and periostiolar region because the stromata are not well preserved. In fact I could not have observed the existence of a quellkörper of another stromatic structures.</p>
<p>Asci + or – long stipitate and polysporic. Maybe they have 64 hyaline, cylindrical, allantoid, multiguttulate ascospores, 9.6-12.8 x 2.8-3.3; Q = 3.26-4.62, that seem have a dextrinoid region near the middle.</p>
<p>I don't know if this fungus could be a Cryptosphaerella (close to C. globosa), a Coronophora species or it belongs to another genus in Coronophorales.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>This fungus was collected on small cutted branches, up to 10 mm broad, of Genista florida not lying on the ground, at the Natural Park of Somiedo (N of Spain), at 1500 m of altitude. It grew together with stromata of Thyronectria roseovirens.</p>
<p>The fruitbodys are made of several subcuticular, blackish, perithecia more or less circinate, not forming a not well definite ascostroma, in valsoid configuration, with erumpent blackish ostioles.</p>
<p>The cylindrical, shortly stipitate 8-spored asci have a conspicuous apical apparatus NOT STAINING BLUE in IKI and the ellipsoid, brownish, unicellular ascospores have a full lenght germ slit. Paraphyses are present.</p>
<p>I think this fungus belongs to Xyalariaceae and maybe it could be into the genus Lopadostoma but the inamyloid asci don't fit well with this genus.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 19-06-2014
Bonsoir a tous mais mais en particuliere á Jacques Fournier, bienvenue des Antilles.
<p>Ce estrome est né sur les crottes, je pense que de mouton en melange avec des autres de lapin, mais le teleomorphe est en conexion directe avec une grosse crotte que je pense n'est pas de lapin. Ces excrements ont etait en culture depuis quatre mois et ils ont formé beaucoup des rhizomorphes avant de faire l'estrome qui a 14 mm d'hauteur, perithéces rondes et papilées jusqu'a 0.5 mm.</p>
<p>Les crottes etaient sur un papier humide non sur la sable ou la terre.</p>
<p>Peut etre Podosordaria tulasnei? Peut cette espece naitre sur les crottes d'autres mammifères que le lapin (ou lièvre)?</p>
<p>Merci en avancé</p>
Enrique Rubio, 10-09-2012
Hello my friends<br /><br /><br />I present you a new problem with these small (up to 1 mm), white, stipitate, gelatinous, 'cyathiculoid' ascomata that grows on Fagus (Betula?) wood close to the river at 1500 m.<br /><br />The long, fusiform, not septate, multiguttulate ascospores are very peculiar at least for me.<br />The asci have an apical broad pore that I think is of Calycellina-type (?), reddish at low concentrations of IKI and very blue at higher. They seems to have not croziers and they are 8-spored. Paraphyses and marginal cells have conspicuous Vb's as the subhymenium too.<br /><br />Excipulum of textura porrecta.<br /><br />I think could be a Calycellina species but I'd like to know your opinion.<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Castillo Joseba, 21-11-2014
En musgo, bajo quercus<br /><br />Pongo algo de micro
Pascal RIBOLLET, 23-05-2017
Bonjour,<br />Savez-vous si la Monographia Discomycetum Bohemiae est disponible quelque part sur le Net ?<br /><br />Pascal<br />
Castillo Joseba, 21-11-2014
Estoy vastante perdido con esta, asi que agradecere cualquier ssugerencia<br /><br />Ejemplares de 1 cm. de diamertro<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 21-01-2022
Could someone please send me the following document?<br />Scopinella caulincola (Fuckel) Malloch, Fungi Canadenses, Ottawa: no. 82 (1976)<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Enrique Rubio, 12-05-2017
This Ophiobolus (¿) species is extremely common on herbaceous stems (ie. Ranunculus) in Somiedo in the montaneous zones(1000-1400 m) of the Park.<br />The pseudothecia (375-450 µm) are inmersed with only the thick papilla raising the periderm of the host. The pale golden-brown ascospores are mainly 5-septate, rarely 6-septate, with a enlarged zone at the top of the third cell.<br />Long time ago I have asked you for this fungus. Maybe you have some new ideas for me?<br />Thanks again
Gernot Friebes, 02-07-2014
Hi,<br /><br />I have a collection of a Tarzetta species here from today's field trip which seems to be Tarzetta spurcata as described e.g. by Häffner (1992) or Boudier 337 (as Pustularia ochracea). Unfortunately I don't have Harmaja's paper so I wanted to ask if anybody could send me<br /><br />Harmaja, H. 1974. Tarzetta pusilla n. sp. and T. spurcata (Pers.) n. comb. from Finland. Karstenia. 14:116-120<br /><br />Thanks and best wishes,<br />Gernot
Philipp Eschmann, 28-03-2022
Grüezi<br /><br />I found this Orbilia on bark of Salix spec. laying on snow at an altitude of about 1200m. Is it possible to identify this species after these fotos?<br /><br />Spores 6.3 - 7.0 - 8.6 x 1.3 - 1.4 - 1.5. QØ = 5.0 n=10<br /><br />Greetings<br />Philipp Eschmann
Blasco Rafael, 26-03-2015
Hola, tengo esta muestra recogida sobre madera posible Corylus, en orilla lago a 1200 m, no pinos, pensaba en pyrenopeziza atrata pero las medidas se van y en la base de datos no encuentro ninguna sobre Corylus.<br />0,92 diametro la mayor.<br />parafisis X4--X5 ,apice redondeado, ultima celula con una gran gota aceitosa.<br />Ascas J+, Croziers +, miden entre 64--75 X 6--7,5.<br />esporas de 12--15 x 2,5--3.<br />margen formado por celulas clava,de hasta 30 x 10.<br />Excipulo de celulas globosas a subglobosas<br />Con IKI las parafisis que tienen esa gran gota se disuelve en gotas pequeñas.-<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 25-04-2019
Hola a todos/as<br />Adjunto fotos de unas Melastiza recolectadas en suelo húmedo con pequeños briofitos, dentro de una plantación de Eucalipto, en la Serranía de Ronda (Sur de España).<br />Ascomas de hasta 4mm, himenio de color naranja/rojizo con el margen y la parte externa granulosa y de color marrón oscuro, en algunos ascomas con los colores no tan intensos.<br />Los caracteres microscópicos quedan reflejados en las fotografías adjuntas.<br />Consultando biografías, creo esta recolecta pueda tratarse de Melastiza flavorubens.<br />Que pensáis??<br />Gracias anticipadas y saludos a todos.<br />Curro Valencia
Castillo Joseba, 15-09-2019
De ayer en bosque de hayas y abetos, posiblemente sobre madera muy deteriorada de abeto<br /><br />Creo que esta parasitando algun Mixomyceto, posiblemente a Metatrichia vesparium<br /><br />a ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 08-11-2012
Hello my friends<br />I need your help with these minute (up to 0.4 mm), gregarious, superficial, pubescent, very narrowly sessile, subturbinate, bright yellow ascomata that grew on the decaying flower covering structures (calyx) of Camellia japonica at the sea level. <br />I think could be a Calycellina species but I don't see some species that fits well with our collection.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 10-12-2006
Je voudrais connaître une opinion sur ce Dermateaceae qui croît dans des branches de Sarothamnus scoparius. Les apotheces sont covexes et pruinoses; ils mesurent 0.5-1 mms. Asci I (-), avec croziers, 100-108 x 20-22, 8-spored. Spores 0 (1) septa, 20-27 x 7-8. L'excípulum est dextrinoide.
Merci beaucoup à tous par votre aide
I wanted to know some opinion about this Dermateaceae that grows in branches of Sarothamnus scoparius. The apothecia are sesile, convex and pruinate, 0.5-1 mm. Asci I (-), with croziers, 100-108 x 20-22, 8-spored. Spores 0 (1) septa, 20-27 x 7-8. The excípulum is dextrinoid.
Thank you to all and best regards
Bometon Javier, 02-07-2013
Apoteocios blancos, cupoliformes, con pie.<br /> <br />Ascas 45-55 X 5-6, 8 esporas, biseriadas, iki+<br /><br />Parafisis 46-55 X 3 um, cilindrcas, VBs+<br /><br />Esporas 9-12 X2-3 um, lisas.<br /><br />Pelos con abundantes cristales marrones VBs+ <br /><br /><br />Alguna idea<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Javier
Enrique Rubio, 13-11-2012
<p>Dear friends<br />Can you help me with these turbinate ascomata growing on Quercus robur old leaves at 100 m of altitude?<br />The paraphyses have little refractive Vb's. Asci IKI positive, with croziers. Medullary excipulum textura intricata. Ectal excipulum textura angularis or subglobulosa.<br /><br />Thanks again! </p>
Enrique Rubio, 19-04-2009
Je ne connais pas cet Cistella (?) avec apos jusqu'a 1 mm, sessiles ou subestipitates, hymenium jaunatre, sur rachis de Pteridium.
Asques IKI bb, avec des crochets, jusqu'a 69 x 7, 8-spores. Paraphyses cilindriques, scarcely protruding. Spores multiguttulés, 10-13.8 x 2.3-3. Excipulum prismatica to porrecta. Poils hyalines, epineuses. IKI sur medulla ou excipulum (-).
Merci de votre aide
I don't know this Cistella (?) species that grews on Pteridium aquilinum old rachis. Apos up to 1-1.1 mm, sessiles or substipitate. Fresh hymenium yellowish or yellowish-cream. Asci IKI bb, with croziers, up to 69 x 7, 8-spored. Spores multiguttulate, 10-13.8 x 2.3-3. Excipulum textura porrecta to prismatica, IKI (-) on medulla and excipulum. Hairs hyaline, septate, clearly spiny up to 1/2 of their lenght.
Many thanks for your help.
Enrique Rubio, 03-08-2015
<p>Hi everyone</p>
<p>Please see the attached pdf. Could this fungus be Diplonaevia luzulina? I think there are too much differences in spore and ascus size...The fungus was collected at 1500 m. </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-02-2017
Hi again<br />I have found on fallen branches broken by the wind, these small (500-870 microns high, up to 100 microns broad), pyriform, subepidermial or inmersed on the wood, somewhat glabrous pseudothecia, solitary or arranged in fused groups, on Ulmus minor. The fungus seems to be xerophilous, because only the fall of the branches allowed me to see it.<br />The asci I think are not unitunicate, although that is not easy for me, with a variable numeber of ascospores (often 8). Pseudoparaphyses narrowly trabeculate. Ascospores yellowish, brownish, brownish-black, uniseptate (secondarily septate at maturity), heteromorphic, with clearly longitudinaly striate walls, sometimes sub-reticulate. Pseudothecial inner walls with hyaline prismatic or roundish cells.<br />I think could be near to Didymosphaeria, because the pseudothecia are not arranged in Valsoid-type as in the Valsariales.<br />Have you some idea for me?<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 13-04-2012
Hi to all:<br />We have collected these small perithecia (or pseudothecia?) up to 0.5 mm in diam. inmersed under the bark of branches of indeterminate hardwood (Acer or Prunus, not Tilia). Ostioles are very nconspicuous.
<p>The spores are very unequally 2-celled. Asci seem to have a very inconspicuous apical apparatus but I'm not sure. They are Melzer negative.<br />I think in the genus Pseudomassaria but their asci are described as Melzer positive...<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again </p>
Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 25-05-2018
Hola todos/as<br />Adjunto fotos de unos ascos recolectado en tallos muertos de Sambucus ebulus.<br />Ascomas de hasta 1,4mm de diámetro, himenio de color marrón claro, con el margen furfuráceo de color blanco,<br />Esporas de cilíndrica-fusiforme, de:<br />(9.9) 10.3 - 12.2 (13.2) × (1.9) 2.1 - 2.4 (2.5) µm<br />Ascas: amiloides, no presenta croziers en la base, aunque presenta un abultamiento justo debajo de la inserción, de:<br />(64.2) 67.5 - 72.7 (73.5) × (5.5) 5.8 - 6.49 (6.5) µm<br />Paráfisis multigutuladas, con el ápice de hasta 3.9 µm<br />Excípulo medular de textura intrincada., el excípulo ectal presenta un entramado de hifas multigutuladas.<br />Agradecería vuestra ayuda en la identificación, yo tengo dudas incluso con el género.<br />Un saludo a todos<br />Curro Valencia
Yannick Mourgues, 29-01-2014
Besoin d'un petit coup de pouce pour ce Durella qu'à priori je ne reconnais pas.<br /><br />Asques IKI-<br />Spores 6-7 cloisons, 26,3-44,6 x 7,2-8,7 um,<br />Paraphyses fourchues plusieurs fois au sommet, avec les extrémités dans un gel brun olive.<br /><br />Merci par avance pour vos réponses.<br /><br />Yannick
Enrique Rubio, 14-05-2019
These small, gregarious apothecia up to 0.5 mm in diameter grew on a branch of Fagus sylvatica fallen to the ground at 1300 m altitude. At the beginning they are whitish, but step by step they are invading of gray or amber gray color from the base.<br />The asci have croziers and the apical pore is IKI b . The margin is not overflowing and it is made by hyaline clavate cells with vacuolar bodys. The paraphyses contain vacuoles sometimes abundant, sometimes refractive, sometimes not, so the content is not clearly that of a Mollisia.<br />KOH negative or almost negative. I think it's a Mollisia, perhaps related to the amberina/ subamberina/sublivbidula group, but the asci IKI b seem to separate it from this complex.<br />What do you think?<br />
Rémi Péan, 19-02-2016
Bonsoir<br />Je recherche une clé de détermination des Lophodermium s'il en existe une.<br />Merci <br />Bonne soirée<br />Rémi
Riet van Oosten, 10-11-2021
<div>Found by Laurens van der Linde, November 2021 on fallen leaves of Crataegus sp.</div>
<div>Is Dasyscyphys aeruginelles (syn. Chlorociboria aeruginella) correct?</div>
<div>- small fruitbodies very short stemmed</div>
<div>- asci IKI+ b</div>
<div>- asci with croziers</div>
<div>- hairs with incrusted material</div>
<div>- spore sizes: Me 11.2 x 2.7 µm N = 12</div>
<div>Greetings, Riet</div>
<div> </div>
<br />
Angel Pintos, 06-06-2023
hello<br />,anybody has:<br />Kohlmeyer J (1966) Ecological observations on arenicolous marine<br />fungi. Z Allg Mikrobiol 6:94–105<br /><br />Kohlmeyer J (1973b) Fungi from marine algae. Bot Mar 16:201–215<br /><br />Kohlmeyer J, Volkmannn-Kohlmeyer B (2003) Marine Ascomycetes<br />from algae and animals' hosts. Bot Mar 46:285–306<br />thanks in advance<br />Angel<br />
Castillo Joseba, 27-08-2014
Del pasado dia 10/8 en el Pirineo en madera de haya (Fagus)<br /><br />No le he visto ascas <br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
BERNARD CLESSE, 23-11-2019
Bonsoir à toutes et tous,<br /><br />Que pensez-vous de cette Tarzetta trouvée sur place à feu ?<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 16-02-2021
Hi again<br />These ascomata grew on corticated wood of Acacia melanoxylon lying on the ground in the NW of Spain. The colour of the hymenium varies from whitish to greyish and becomes amber in drier specimens. The excipulum is brown or orange-brown (pigmented textura angularis o globulosa-angularis) and the margins are not overflowing. Ascomata KOH negative.<br />Asci are IKI negative with croziers and form spores with high lipid content which only septate at maturity and always outside the asci. The paraphyses are filiform, barely dilated at the apex lacking refringent content, so I think Pyrenopeziza is the appropriate genus for this collection, a genus with very few lignicolous species, none of which are coincident.
<p>Do you have any idea that could help me?<br />Many thanks again</p>
Castillo Joseba, 26-07-2016
<br /><br />He visto este verde y otro amarillo, en KK que estaban a 1 m. de distancia
<p>Pongo otro post con el otro Ascobolus, que me parece que es el mismo<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba </p>
Enrique Rubio, 23-06-2015
Hi to everybody
<p>On last spring my friend Mikel Tapia from Navarra (NE of Spain) sent to me these semiinmersed gregarious perithecia covered by a clypeoid purple tissue KOH negative on very old wood of Populus sp. The ascospores are striate-subreticulate. No anamorphic stage near the perithecia I have seen.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for this fungus?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-07-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>These very small (up to 0.5 mm), superficial, gregarious, very shortly stipitate whitish apothecia with a convex hymenium grew on Epilobium angustifolium old stems at 1500 m.</p>
<p>The margins are only downy by smooth very packed cells with no Vb's. Excipulum of an elongate textura prismatica of hyaline cells with slightly gelified walls. Asci up to 70 x 9, 8-spored, IKI red-blue, arising from croziers. I cannot study well the paraphyses but I tink they are not conspicuous VBs. Ascospores with high oily content.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Bometon Javier, 21-12-2015
Esporas (27) 31-37 (40) X 12-14 um, llenas de LBS.<br /><br />Ascas 140-185 X 23-25 um, 8 esporas, croziers +, IKI RR, <br /><br />Parafisis engrosadas en el ápice 4-6 um, septadas y ramificadas.<br /><br />En bosque de ribera, posiblemente en madera de alnus.<br /><br />Alguna idea?<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Javier<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 13-04-2017
Hi to everybody<br />These minute, pulvinate, broadly sessile, pale orange apothecia, 0.2-0.5 mm in diam., were growing on roe deer dung placed in moist chamber during several weeks. The carotenoid pigments are obvious as small orange guttules at the lower cells of the paraphyses and in the not dextrinoid, not cianophilic excipulum of a textura globulosa to angularis, more prismatica towards the flanks, with clavate cells (paraphyses-like) at the margin.
<p>I don't find any species that fits well with this collection. Could you help me?<br />Many thanks again</p>
Garcia Susana, 07-03-2016
Hi,<br /><br />I have found this pyrenomycete growing in needles of Pinus sylvestris. <br />Size around 300um in diameter. <br />I think that it can be Anthostomella conorum. Is it correct?<br /><br />Gracias de antemano. Saludos<br />Susana<br />
Castillo Joseba, 20-03-2022
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, (España) recolectado en PhragmitesVeo<br /><br /> <font><font>algunas esporas que todavia no han salido del Asca, que tienen estrias verticales</font><br /><br /> <font>hay alguna <font><font>sugerencia</font><br /><br /><font>Joseba</font></font><br /><br /></font></font>
Quijada Luis, 23-11-2016
Hi all, <br /><br />somebody has the following manuscript:<br /><br /><br />Yao, Y.J.; Spooner, B.M. (1996). Notes on British species of Tympanis (Leotiales) with T. prunicola new to Britain. Kew Bulletin 51 (1): 187-191.<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br /><br />Luis
Enrique Rubio, 18-05-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like to know your opinion about this Pyrenopeziza species growing on dead stems of Cirsium palustre at 1400 m of altitude.</p>
<p>Tha lanceolate paraphyses have some inconspicuous hyaline VBs that stain in congo red (I don't know in Crb). Marginal protrudings absent, only a few hyaline short clavate cells are present.</p>
<p>I ask me if Pyrenopeziza lanceolata could fit well with my collection because this species is typical for Filipendula (in my region), the paraphyses are more clearly lanceolate and the hymenium is not so dark.</p>
<p>Could yo help me</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Thierry Blondelle, 14-08-2023
Bonjour à tous,<br />Je vous soumets cette récolte du 10 aout sur involucre de noisette.<br /><em>Lachnella villosa </em>me paraît être l'espèce la plus probable au regard des spores dissymétriques et étroites et des granulations grossières sur les poils marginaux. Qu'en pensez-vpous ?<br />Merci d'avance.<br />Cordialement.
Enrique Rubio, 07-06-2023
I'm looking for this paper. Could someone help me?<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Molecular phylogenetic assessment of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales: Pyronemataceae)<br />Paola Angelini,Giancarlo Bistocchi,Andrea Arcangeli,Roberto Venanzoni &Andrea Rubini
<p>Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology<br />Volume 157, 2023 - Issue 1<br /></p>
Enrique Rubio, 24-04-2014
<p>Hello forum</p>
<p>I found these minute inmersed fr.bodys on leaves of Carex sp. on a very wet place. The pale lips of the fuitbodys are never fragmented and the hymenium is very pale too. The fusiform asci seem to have a little apical apparatus IKi dirty red, and the ascospores a 3-septate only visible in IKI</p>
<p>I think this fungus could belong to the Naeviaoideae, but I'm not sure</p>
<p>What's your opinion</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 24-07-2013
Dear friends:
<p>I need your help for to know this Nemania species that grew on the underside of a piece of wood of Salix alba in a very wet place periodically covered by the water of a lake.</p>
<p>The blackish multiperitheciate stromata are crust of 50 x 25 mm and 1 mm thick covered by a mass of olivaceous fresh discharged ascospores. Ostioles conspicually papillate. The perithecia are ellipsoid and 0.45-0.70 mm long. The tissue beneath the perithecial layer is whitish, soft,extending into the wood.</p>
<p>The asci are long stipitate, 180-207 x 8 microns, pars sporifera 98-107. The apical apparatus is IKI and Mlz. deep blue. Fresh ascospores, 12-17 x 5-6, are brownish olivaceous and they have a short, inconpicuous germ slit probably situated on the more convex side.</p>
<p>I think this fungus is close to Nemania aenea var. macrospora or the Nemania sp. leg. J. Vivant from the wonderfull Fournier's web page.</p>
<p>Have you any idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Salvador Tello, 05-05-2014
Hola.<br /><br />No sé si estos hongo son Massaria.<br /><br />Peritecios inmersos en una especie de estromas de 1-2 mm, irrumpiendo entre la corteza de una rama muerta de Quercus faginea. Creo que las ascas son bitunicadas, aunque no lo tengo claro, no amiloides, octospóricas, de (141,83) 146,58 - 163,84 (172,11) x (33,78) 33,99 - 38,05 (38,91) µm. Esporas fusiformes, lisas, marrones, con los ápices hialinos, irregularmente biseriadas, con 5 septos, muy poco o no constreñidas en el septo primario, de (39,33) 45,02 - 57,18 (66,59) x (14,80) 15,88 - 18,83 (19,97) µm; Me = 50,42 x 17,14 µm ; Qe = 2,95. (Solo he visto una espora con envoltura gelatinosa)
<p>He visto en Saccardo, P.A. Sylloge Fungorum II: 7 (1883) Massaria platani Var. quercini, que no se si podría encajar (mi Latín es muy, muy malo). ¿Qué opináis?. Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador. </p>
Lepista Zacarias, 08-04-2019
Dear all,<br />I found the fungus in the attached photos last weekend in Sintra, Portugal, while looking for lichens in a mediterranean forest. The fungus has a black carbonization and is projected from inside the bark of the tree/shrub. It has asci with 8 spores each, and the spores are simple with the following dimensions:<br />(29.7) 31.4 - 37.3 (39.2) × (11.4) 11.7 - 14.2 (16.2) µm<br />Q = (2.2) 2.4 - 2.9 (3.3) ; N = 20<br />Me = 34.3 × 12.9 µm ; Qe = 2.7<br />I would appreciate any comment, guess or analysis toward its identification.<br />Thanks in advance,<br />zaca
Enrique Rubio, 28-09-2009
Hi to all:
I’d like to know your opinion about this Hymenoscyphus (Phaeohelotium) species that grows on vegetable debris : roots and leaves of Betula alba in a very moist ground at 1300 m of altitude.
Puebla de Lillo (León) N of Spain, 27-IX-2009.
The apothecia are substipitate, yellowish, up to 2-3 mm of diam.
Enrique Rubio, 14-06-2015
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need the original description of Urceolella saxifragae Svrcek, Ceská Mykol. 21: 149 (1967)</p>
<p>Could you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Jason Karakehian, 12-08-2021
<div>Hi everyone,</div>
<div>Here is our paper on methods for obtaining an ascospore deposit to study living, mature ascospores. I hope that it is useful.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 01-03-2021
Hi again<br />I have found small, rounded, gregarious, non-stromatic pseudothecia, semi-immersed in the bark of branches of Arbutus unedo still attached to the tree, revealing only a papillate ostiole which is usually broad and laterally compressed. The caudate ascospores are hyaline or light brown at maturity, smooth and they have many transverse and occasionally some vertical or oblique septa, they do not appear to be surrounded by gelatinous sheaths but seem to have inconspicuous conical polar appendages. The base of the asci is twisted and thinned towards the end.<br />Do you have any ideas that could help me?<br />Platystomum? Sigarispora?<br />
Castillo Joseba, 18-06-2023
me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España) recolectada en madera sin determinar<br /><br /><br />No tengo idea por donde mirar<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Castillo Joseba, 21-08-2018
De ayer en bosque de fagus <br /><br />Me pareció una Hypocrea, pero no me cuadra<br /><br />Veo en la micro algo que me parecen hifas?<br /><br />Tambien veo unas esporas muy grandes, que no se si son de alguna contaminación<br /><br />a ver si alguien tiene alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 01-09-2020
Hola a todos/as<br />Tengo estos Thecotheus sp, recolectados en los márgenes de un rio, en el suelo húmedo que deja n las aguas cuando bajan el caudal, en el sur de España.<br />Apotecios de hasta 3´5mm de diámetro, de turbinados a pulvinados, himenio al principio de color blanco brillante, después débilmente grisáceo por la maduración de las esporas, parte externa concolor con el himenio.<br />Los caracteres microscópicos quedan reflejados en las fotografías adjuntas.<br />Tiene cierto parecido con T. pallens, el hábitat terrícola sin presencia de excremento, la distribución de la esporas dentro de las ascas (biseriadas) y las paráfisis de dos tipos es similar en esta especie. El característico apículo esporal, en ocasiones con tres puntas y las esporas ampliamente elipsoidales en esporas maduras creo separan a T. pallens de esta especie.<br />No tengo ninguna otra idea...<br />Alguien conoce y puede ayudar??<br />Saludos<br />Curro Valencia
Bometon Javier, 01-12-2021
Apotecios de hasta 12mm, copulados de joven, sesiles<br />Esporas 15-20 X 12-15 um, reticuladas con una o dos gutulas<br />Ascas IKI -, octosporicas con base pleurorinca.<br />Con pigmeto lila por toda la muestra, especialmente en la carne que se disuelve ligeramente con KOH.<br /><br />Habitat bosque mediterraneo que se ha quemado varias veces con dominio de Rosmarinus y Calluna, con Juniperus y Quercus aislados.<br /><br />Alguna idea?<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Javier
Bometon Javier, 31-07-2016
Esporas 16-18 X 7-9 um, septadas, Lbs.<br />Ascas 130-150 X 12-15 um, croziers +, IKI -.<br />Parafisis lig. enfrosamiento ápice 5um, pigmento vacular marrón que con KOH se disulve y enrojece, septadas.<br />Excipulo pigmento marrón, verde con KOH.<br /><br />En madera semisumerguida en un arrollo.<br /><br />Alguna idea?<br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Javier<br />
Enrique Rubio, 31-07-2016
<p>I'd like to know your opinion on these small (0.2-0.4) broadly sessile, with a hymenium with olivaceous hues and a brownish black, not hairy, excipulum. It is possible they grew from a shield of hyphae, but I'm not sure. They were found on Carex leaves together with Caricinella species, at 1700 m.</p>
<p>Ascospores 1-septate even inside the living asci, without sheath. Paraphyses with some VBs covered by a greenish mucilagous covering. Ectal excipulum textura globulosa of brownish roundish cells,a s in the margin.</p>
<p>I have explored Scutomollisia, Hysteronaevia and other related genera of fungi on Cyperaceae but without success.</p>
<p>Could yo help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 20-02-2015
<p>Hi to all,<br />I would appreciate if someone has a pdf of this article:</p>
<p>Dennis (1949). A revision of british Hyaloscyphaceae with notes on European related species. Mycol. Pap. 32: 1-97.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 18-12-2012
Dear friends<br /><br /><br />Is Anthracobia maurilabra a good species of the genus or only another name for A. melaloma? <br />What do think about our collection with witish, ochraceous, yellowish and orange ascomata?<br /><br />May thanks again<br />Enrique
Jean-Luc Ranger, 31-03-2023
Pouvez-vous m'aider pour ce petit asco pulviné poussant sous de jeunes mousses après un incendie. Diamètre 1 mm, Asques J- 180 X 15 µ unisériées, spores 16 X11 µ ovoides avec une grosse guttule, paraphyses septées, élargies au sommet X 4µ.<br /><br />Merci d'avance Jean-Luc<br />
Enrique Rubio, 30-09-2019
Growing on a thiny branch of Pterospartum tridentatum (Genista tridentata). Minute white turbinate apothecia 125-375 microns in diam. with fineley downy margins. Hymenium reddening with the age. Asci arising from croziers, apical pore of the Calycina-type, IKI bb. Excipulum of a dense textura oblita with longitudinaly oriented narrow hyphae with obtuse end cells plenty of refractive VBs.<br />Do you have some idea?<br />Thanks again.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 27-11-2012
Hi to all:<br />My friend F.J. Balda have sent to me from Navarra (NE of Spain) this rare fungus that grows on semirotten wood of Quercus.<br />The ascomata are shortly stipitate by a short and stout pseudostipe and they are up to 2 mm in diam. <br />The hymenium seems to be reddening with the age.<br />The spores are very polimorphic and up to 1-(2-3) septate at maturity. At the moment of the study they have septa inside the living asci.<br />Asci IKI b of the Hymenoscyphus-type, Without croziers. Only repetitive false croziers or abortive croziers at their base. Paraphyses with multiguttulate Vb's.<br />Ectal excipulum made of a brownish textura globuloso-angularis or only angularis. Medullary excipulum textura intricata.<br /><br /><br />I feel my fungus is close to Hymenoscyphus. What's your opinion?<br />Many thanks again <br />
Enrique Rubio, 13-11-2012
Hi again<br />My friend M. Tapia of Navarra (NE of Spain) ask to me for these substipitate by a short and stout stipe gregarious ascomata that grew on Quercus ilex old cupules.<br />The asci are IKI negative, croziers positive and the paraphyses have some little refractive Vb's.<br />The spores are very polimorphic, ultimately 1-septate and the ectal excipulum have a textura + or - angularis.<br /><br />Have you some idea? Maybe a Pachydisca species?<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 15-04-2009
Cher tous:
J'ai trouvé sur bois tres degradée ces petits peritheces, non inmergées, tous ils couverts de poils hyalines jusqu'a l'ostiole. La morphologie des spores et ses changes me parlent de Cercophora caudata (= Inmersiella c.).
Connaisez vous s'il est possible cette couveture blanche dans cet spece? Je n'ai trouvé dans la literature acune reference a cet caracter.
Merci en avancé
Enrique Rubio, 24-01-2006
Conaissez vous cette Pyrenomycete sur Alnus glutinosa?
Spores two-celled, at maturity one of this brown and with an longitudinal germ-slit
Ascus I +
Merci par votre amicale aide
Josep Torres, 06-11-2022
Hola.<br />Unos diminutos peritecios globosos de color negro de entre 0,19 a 0,23 mm. que brotaban sobre excrementos de ganado vacuno, compartiendo espacio con unos ejemplares de Cheilymenia stercorea.<br />Dos tipos de esporas distintos, por un lado unas formaciones que podrían corresponder a conidios, fuertemente pigmentadas de marrón con la base truncada donde están adheridas a un pedicelo hialino. Estos posibles conidios con unas medidas de (18) 18.9 - 20.9 (21.9) × (8.5) 8.8 - 9.8 (10.2) µm.<br />Ascos sin reacción al Melzer.<br />Ascosporas cilíndricas y sinuosas con dos largos cilios, uno en cada extremo de la espora y con múltiples vacuolas lipidas globosas en su interior, con unas medidas sin contar los cilios de (46) 47.2 - 55.3 (55.9) × (4.7) 4.9 - 5.7 (7.3) µm.<br />Esto creo haberlo visto antes por aquí pero no recuerdo a que puede corresponder.<br />Cualquier opinión será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Blasco Rafael, 14-10-2016
Hola otra vez necesito de su ayuda.<br />Esta especie creo que puede ser una Cistella, pero cual de ellas???<br /><br />sobre rama be abies alba de 1cm<br />Diametro 0,27--0,30<br />ascas 41--45 x 7--9<br />Crozier - , J +<br />Esporas con grupo de gotas pequeñas en los polos miden 11--14 x 2--2,5<br />parafisis bifurcadas, septadas, X1,3--X1,5<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 15-08-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I'd like to call it Hyaloscypha quercina Velen.[= Psilocistella quercina (Velen.) Svrcek] but I think it is not possible because the anguste cylindricae spores 5-8 in the original description of this taxon. Hyaloscypha quercicola (Velen.) Huhtinen with asci not arising from croziers, shorter hairs and ascospores 7-12.5 x 2-3 microns, neither fits well with my fungus, but yes, it looks alike Baral's folder Psilocistella quercina.</p>
<p>The scattered apothecia of my collection are somewhat sessile, up to 0.6 mm, whitish but reddening after damage or with the age, but not with NH4OH. Asci IKI b Calycina-type, 8-spored, arising from croziers. Excipulum of textura prismatica. The long hyaline obtuse hairs, up to 125 x 4, are undulate, up to 4-septate, arising from slightly broadened base. They don't have any apical solidification (as in Protounguicularia variepilosa). No subiculum I have seen.</p>
<p>Could you help me again?</p>
<p>Thanks a lot</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 28-03-2023
J'aimerais connaître la revision de Van Vooren sur le type d'Elaiopezia boudieri dans les Cahiers de la FMBDS - N° 7 (2020)-N. Van Vooren & M.-J. Mauruc.<br />J'ai un exemplaire de cette publication, mais je l'ai perdu ou je n'arrive pas à le retrouver. Auriez-vous l'amabilité de me scanner ce fragment avec les dessins correspondants ?<br />D'avancé merci<br />Amitiés<br />Enrique<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 18-05-2016
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>These minute (up to 0.35 mm) urceolate apothecia were growing on the underside, on dead parts of Arenaria grandiflora L. subsp. incrassata, a postrate small plant living on calcareous rocks. This collection was made at Saliencia, Somiedo, at 1400 m of altitude.</p>
<p>The 8-spored asci, 39-58 x 5-8, arising from croziers, IKI b. Ascospores cylindric or cylindric-clavate, (9-)12(-17) x 1.5-2.7, with some polar small guttules. Hairs apex 2-5 microns broad, with a spiny ornamentation. The prismatic cells of the ectal excipulum with granules of ochraceous pigment.</p>
<p>Maybe this fungus is close to the more caulicolous 'Cistella grevillei complex', with shorter, different ascospores and larger apothecia, but I'd like to know your opinion</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
Mirek Gryc, 09-11-2019
Hello<br />I am still looking for a name for this mushroom:<br /><br />Does anyone have?<br />A new species of Thecotheus from Croatia with a key to the known species with apicuate spores.<br />Do I rightly suspect that it could be Thecotheus?<br />Thank you in advance!<br />Mirek
Castillo Joseba, 20-04-2016
Estoy buscando una especie concreta en Arundo donax, y no la encuentro, pero voy viendo otras cosas<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia para esta<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br /> Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 30-05-2021
Dear friends<br />Do you have some idea that could help me with this Pyrenopeziza growing on stems of Ranunculus aconitifolius at 1600 m of altitude? The erumpent ascomata have short hyaline marginal protrudings.<br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2013
Hi again<br />We have collected this fungus growing on old stems of Lithodora diffusa.<br />Asci IKI bb, arising from croziers, paraphyses broadly lanceolate 10-15 micr. over the level of the asci. Ectal excipulum angularis/subprismatica to globulosa, maybe little gelified. Hairs brownish with subhyaline tips, incrusted by amorphous substance.<br /><br />Have you some idea?<br /><br />Many thanks in advance <br />
Blasco Rafael, 03-06-2015
<font><font>Hola tengo this Muestra Recogida en el Misma Melilotus o rama Lathyrus, con la Muestra de Dubenia mandada anteriormente, no se que genero mirar, Alguna idea ???. </font></font><br /><font><font>diametro Hasta 0.39. </font></font><br /><font><font>esporas con Todo Lo surco genminal en Largo, Miden entre 18--19 x 7,5--8. </font></font><br /><font><font>ASCAs D +, báculos - se podido Medir Una inmadura, Que Seguro No es tan this Medida, Puede Ser mas larga, 120 x 8. </font></font><br /><font><font>parafisis RECTAS X4 - X6 , Acabando en punta. </font></font><br /><font><font>Un saludo </font></font><br /><font><font>Rfaael</font></font>
Malcolm Greaves, 25-08-2016
This was found in an area of woodland damaged by tree felling.<br />Pale orange, I thought it might have been a Scutellinia, about 5mm across with a stalk, mostly submerged, 8mm long.<br />The asci tips were blued with Lugol and the spores were 10.5 x 4.5µ.<br />Can anyone suggest a name or group?<br />Thanks<br />Mal<br />
Castillo Joseba, 26-07-2016
encontrado en excrementos de vacuno<br /><br />He visto ests amarillo y otro verdoso, en KK que estaban a 1 m. de distancia<br /><br />Pongo otro post con el otro ascobolus, que me parece que es el mismo<br /><br />Saludos<br />Josebas
Enrique Rubio, 20-01-2021
Perithecia non stromatic, clypeate, inmersed under the bark of a tiny branch of a broad leaved tree. The ascospores are hyaline, 3-septate at maturity, with a broad gel sheath and the asci are long cylindrical with an refringent not amyloid, not congophilous apical apparatus.<br />Do you have some idea that help me?<br />Many thanks again
Salvador Emilio Jose, 16-03-2023
Bonjour bon après-midi, ce matin j'ai photographié cette espèce dans l'écorce de Populus alba. Albacete (Spain)<br />
<div>Serait-ce Eutypella ?</div>
<div>Un saludo.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 11-07-2013
Hi to everybody<br /><br /><br />This Pyrenopeziza fills overwintered leaves of Veratrum album at 1700 m of altitude. The margin is built by short hyaline, clavate cells and the excipular cells are hyaline and only brownish at the point of attachment.<br /><br />Have you any idea?<br /><br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 18-03-2019
Hi to everybody<br />These minute, white, sessile, pruinose, hemisphaerical, neither applanate nor cupulate, 0.5-0.7 mm in diameter, grew among Ceratodon purpureus and algae on sandy burnt soil.<br />The thick-walled, strongly dextrinoid asci which may appear to be bitunicate, have an irregular apical dehiscence as in some Mniaeceia species (white arrow). No conspicuous paraphyses I have seen. Ascospores coarsely verrucose.<br />Some idea for it?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique<br />
Thomas Flammer, 04-12-2024
Ascus with 4 spores - [17,3-22,4] x [8.5-11.1] Q=[1.6-2.3] N17<br /><br />The best fit for now i can find is Pezicula frangulae. However if i compare with the page<br /><br /><br />I am not quite sure any more, since the spores look really like septated (muriform).<br /><br />Also the spores indicated by Enrique Rubio Domínguez are IKI-<br /><br /><br /><br />
roman vargas alberto, 22-05-2009
Salut apprécierait opinions à propos de cette collection sur le bois planifolia (Corylus avellana possible), je pense qu'il pourrait être Eutypella scoparia. Spores avec deux gutulas positionné aux pôles.
Merci beaucoup.
Alberto Román.
Hi would appreciate opinions about this collection on wood planifolia (Corylus avellana possible), I think it could be Eutypella scoparia. Spores with two gutulas positioned at the poles.
Thank you very much.
Alberto Román.
BERNARD CLESSE, 08-02-2017
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />Trouvé ce petit asco brun sur tronc mort et décortiqué de saule marsault.<br /><br />a) poils septés, pointus, à pointe à contenu réfringent<br />b) excipulum à cellules brun foncé<br />c) spores étroitement ellipsoïdes, à rares microguttules : 6,5-8x3<br />d) asques à spores bisériées, IKI+, apparemment sans crochet à la base<br />e) paraphyses septées, filiformes, hyalines <br /><br />Une idée ?<br /><br />Bernard
Andgelo Mombert, 09-06-2020
<div>Sur branche morte de Ribes petraeum. 1500 m d'altitude.</div>
<div>Ascospores : 17,5-21,5 x 7,5-9 µm, fusiformes, septées, hyalines, lisses.</div>
<div>Pouvez-vous m'aider à l'identifier ?</div>
<div>Merci d'avance !</div>
Castillo Joseba, 04-05-2017
en madera de Fagus, no veo casi nada excepto pelos ... quiza este inamadura<br /><br /><br />Saaludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 23-10-2024
Hi again<br /><br />These tiny apothecia (100-200 µm) were growing on wood of still attached branches of Rhamnus alpina at 1700 m altitude. I had not studied them until I was able to detect them with the bino three weeks after I had collected them.<br />Erumpent from the wood, with an olive-grey hymenium, asci without croziers, IKI-negative and spores without septa with a relatively high lipid content. The excipular hairs do not have solidifications nor septa, nor dextrinoid, but they do have walls up to 1 µm with a continuous lumen. Despite their conditions, the apos appear to have tolerated desiccation perfectly well.<br />The material agrees fairly well, except in some respects, with Raschle's description of Hyalopeziza nectrioidea, but less well with those of some other authors.What do you think?<br />Many thanks in advance
Blasco Rafael, 04-10-2016
Hola, necesito de su ayuda para ver de conocer esta especie.<br />Recogida sobre tallos del año anterior de Angelica sylvestris, tambien habia otras plantas similares.<br />Diametro 0,8--0,9 mm<br />Ascas 98--130 x 10--11<br />J + , Crozier ¿? <br />esporas 14--20 x 3,7--4,2<br />parafisi X 2--X 2,5 <br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 06-09-2019
Small, white, substipitate or broadly stipitate apothecia erumpent from bark of Quercus robur (soc. Rosellinia corticium). Asci 8-spored, IKI b with apical apparatus of the Calycina-type, arising from croziers. Ascospores usually bicellular but also short ellipsoid and unicellular. Excipulum with highly developed textura oblita. Many Chalara-like conidia attached to the hymenophoral cells.<br />Have yo some idea for me?<br />Many thanks again.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 08-06-2007
Je vous prie, nouvellement, une opinion sur cet Psilachnum (?) que croit sur les pieds morts de Helleborus viridis a 1500 m.
Il est minuscule, urceolée puis cupulée, marge blanc et fimbriée, sessile; blanc, puis jaune et finallement rouge. Les vapeurs de NH4OH le changent avec violence au rouge.
Spores 6-10 x 1.7-2.4. Asques avec crochets, IKI bb. Poils septées (1-3), apex obtuse, hyalines. Ectal excipulum angularis. Le IKI provoque l'aparition d'un couleur bleuatre (amyloide) sur les poils et la base des memes. Ps. rubrotinctum Graddon, une spece que je ne connais pas des Filipendula et Cirsium, a les spores (selon la Literatture) plus petites.
Avez vous une idée sur cet champignon?
Merci beaucoup a tous par votre aide.
Pintos Angel, 19-07-2016
Good afternoon, see if you can help me with this that I have a couple of evenings with it.<br />Stroma multilocular, immersed pseudothecia, erumpent medium size 300mic ay h 278 mic, hamatecium trabeculated pseudoparafisis, bitunicates asci cylindrical, octosporic medium size 88.2 x 9.90, ascospores hyaline, fusiform one septum, asymmetric medium size 23.57 x mic 5.34.<br />Thank you for your suggestions.<br />a greeting<br />Angel Pintos
Enrique Rubio, 30-04-2012
Dear friends of the forum<br /><br />I need your help with this fungus that forms inmersed perithecia flask-shaped up to 250 microns. These perithecia, solitary, in pairs or in 'valsoid' groups have short or long necks with ostioles scarcely protruding and very inconspicuous. I have seen any obvious stroma or stromatic disk. No black line. I had seen these perithecia only when I cut the branch, because I was not suspecting that they are here.<br />The perithecia are placed just below the periderm with short necks or at some mm and then its necks are longer.<br />The branches of Juglans regia are 20 mm in diam. and they are liying on the ground.<br />I don't know a good genus for my fungus. Maybe Cryptodiaporthe? <br />Many thanks again for your help.<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 12-08-2015
Hi to everyone
<p>This superficial, globose, finely craked, blackish-brown stromata, 10 mm high 15 mm broad is narrowly attached on bark of Acacia melanoxylon together with stromata of Daldinia sp., Jumillera cinerea and Nemania aureolutea.</p>
<p>The small monostichous perithecia are more or less globose, 0.6-0.8 x 0.5-0.7 mm, with a roundish conspicuous papilla</p>
<p>KOH-extractable pigments brightly greenish. Asci long stipitate 225-262 x 9-10, pars sporifera 142-160, 8-sspored, with a conspicuous hat shaped apical apparatus deeply blue in Mlz. and IKI, longer than broad. Ascospores olive brownish, 21-27 x 7-8.5, with a germ-slit shorter spore lenght on the less convex side. Perispore indehiscent in KOH.</p>
<p>Could be a penzigioid Xylaria species? Are normal the existence of KOH-extractable pigments for these fungi?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Juuso Äikäs, 25-04-2023
These little black pyrenos were growing yesterday on a herbaceious stem (possibly Rubus idaeus).<br /><br />The spores are asymmetrically 2-celled, have a setula at both ends and measure 8.2 - 10.3 × 2.7 - 2.9 µm. The asci are IKI negative and measure 37 - 41 × 6.5 - 7.5 µm.<br /><br />Maybe someone knows what this is?
ruiz Jose antonio, 03-07-2022
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hola a todos,en resto de herbáceas,en zona muy húmeda,con Acer campestre Laurus,Quercus,Corylus,de tamaño muy pequeño de 1mm o menos .Compartiendo espacio con Acrospermum.</font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Las esporas tienes dos o tres gotas medianas y varias pequeñas,OCI 5. </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Parafisis con muchas vacuolas pequeñas,se tiñen mucho con lugol. </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Alguna idea?? </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Saludos </font></font></font></font><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 27-07-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>These gregarious, small apothecia (150-300 micr. in diam.), translucent, broadly sessile, minutely downy apothecia were growing on a copious brownish subiculum on a branch of Calluna vulgaris at 1700 m of altitude.</p>
<p>The excipulum is made by cylndrical undulate hyaline hairs denesely packed, perhaps gelified, very difficult to dissociate, with smooth tips and slightly thickened walls. Ascospores with some small polar LBs. Asci IKI b, 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses filiform, without VBs.</p>
<p>Maybe could be related with the old genus Pezizella? Have you some idea for me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Marc Detollenaere, 28-03-2018
<p>Good evening everyone,</p>
<p>On dung of deer I found a small Ascobolus barrel-shaped, with a light yellow colour ,asci of about 95x16µ and warted ellipsoid spores of about 24x10.5µ. A part of the excipulum had a brown colour.</p>
<p>Spores seemed to large for hawaiiensis. Following the key in Van Brummelen I arrived at boudieri</p>
<p> </p>
Thorben Hülsewig, 04-08-2023
Hi there,
i'm looking for the following literature:
"Discochora yuccae sp. nov. with Phyllosticta and Leptodothiorella synanamorphs" Canadian Journal of Botany 64(8):1720-1726
Does anyone have this literature and can send it to me ?
best regards,
Castillo Joseba, 30-07-2015
en rama de haya (Fagus)<br /><br /><br />No he visto ascas<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Gernot Friebes, 28-01-2014
Hi,<br /><br />I'm looking for these three standard references of the genus Hypoxylon:<br /><br />Ju, Y.-M, & J. D. Rogers. 1996. A revision of the genus Hypoxylon. Mycologia memoir no. 20. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. 365 pp.<br /><br />Miller, J. H. 1961. A monograph of the world species of Hypoxylon. Univ. Georgia Press, Athens. 158p.<br /><br />Petrini, L. E., & E. Müller. 1986. Haupt-und Nebenfruchtformen europäischer Hypoxylon-Arten (Xylariaceae, Sphaeriales) und verwandter Pilze. Mycologia Helv. 1(7): 501-627.<br /><br />It'd be great if someone could send me PDFs of these publications. In case Petrini & Müller (1986) and Ju & Rogers (1996) are not available as PDFs but someone has a printed version and would be kind enough to scan/take pictures of a few pages, I'm specifically looking for the parts dealing with Hypoxylon ferrugineum.<br /><br />Thanks :-)<br />Gernot
Castillo Joseba, 03-11-2016
Pequeños discos de color blanco, con el borde amarillo y con pelos<br /><br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Thomas Læssøe, 19-09-2016
Cam anybody provide a digital copy of this one:<br /><br />Ryberg, O. 1933. Cordyceps militaris (L.) Link. Några bidrag till kännedomen om dess förekomst och värddjur. Botaniska Notiser 1933: 417-420.<br /><br />cheers<br /><br />Thomas
Nicolas Suberbielle, 20-06-2024
Bonjour, <br /><br />J'ai trouvé cette espèce sur les feuilles mortes de Carex microcarpa a 1200m d'altitude.<br />Je pensais un Ombrphila (cypericola ??) mais je ne suis pas certain du tout...<br />Je joins outes les infos et les photos dans le PDF.<br /><br />Merci de votre aide<br /><br />Nicolas<br /><br /><br /><strong>Edit : <em>Cudoniella clavus / tenuispora</em></strong>
Bernard CLESSE, 16-05-2023
Bonjour à toutes et tous,<br /><br />Voici un asco qui m'intéresse bien et que je n'ai jamais vu mais pour lequel je vous demande de l'aide au niveau détermination.<br /><br />Sur branche morte de prunellier (Prunus spinosa) en terrain calcaire.<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 01-01-2013
Hello again and happy new year for all<br /><br /><br />Together with the ascomata of Psilocistella/Psilachnum species on Tilia wood that turns reddish with ammonia vapour (see the macrophoto) they were another witish cupulate ascomata with big 8-spored asci IKI (-) negative and croziers (+) positive. IKI with KOH pret. is negative (-) too.<br /><br />The marginal hairs are very agglutinated and very difficult to segregate. Initially they seem to be smooth but the end cell is very finelly verrucose in KOH. For it, my impression is that this fungus could be a Cistella species that I don't know.<br />What do you think?<br /><br />Many thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 02-10-2006
Someone knows about that Coccomyces. Asci I(-), 160-186 x 12-15, with croziers.
Spores needle shape, 64-87 x 2.5-3, occasionally twisted, no septated (inamatures ?) .
Paraphysis not enrrolled, clavate, up to 7 broad.
Thank you for your kindly help.
Christian Lechat, 30-05-2007
Does anybody know this e-mail address? :
Not valid ! can you please correct it ?
Are you able to say me to whom it belongs?
Quelqu'un connait-il cette adresse e-mail? :
Non valide ! pouvez-vous la corriger?
Pouvez-vous me dire à qui elle apartient?
Mirek Gryc, 09-04-2021
Hi.<br />Probably anamorph but I have never seen so big conidiophores.<br />Do you have any ideas?<br />greetings<br />Mirek
Jakob Schneller, 19-07-2016
<p>Dear collegues, I need help.</p>
<p>The fruitbody is very small about 0.1-0.2 mm. It shows a peculiar outer, dark excipilum with somewhat a netlike structure. The inner excipulum has more or less rectangular cells. Spores are unicellular and are about 6-7.5 um large. The asci about 30-35 um, with a blue tip with melzer. It was found in the Lower Engadin at about 1330 m a.s.l.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Jakob Schneller</p>
Enrique Rubio, 25-07-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I need information on the genus Arctomollisia. Could you help me with this paper?</p>
<p>Raitviír, A. 2008. The Helotiales of the Magadan and Chukotka areas of the Russian Arctic. Rune D. Okland (toim.). Sommerfeltia. 31:179-190</p>
<p>Many thanks in advance</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
Enrique Rubio, 23-07-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>Could you help me with this yellow, long stipitate, Hymenoscyphus growing in a peat bog, on Rumex sp. old stems at 1700 m of altitude? Spores allipsoid with very low oily content. Asci up to 140 x 11, IKI b of the Hymenoscyphus-type, 8-spored, arising from croziers. Paraphyses with yellow, multiguttulate VBs. Excipulum with no globulosa or angularis tissue.</p>
<p>I don't find any species that fits well with this collection</p>
<p>Thanks again </p>
Castillo Joseba, 08-06-2018
No se que pueda ser<br /><br />En tierra en bosque de fagus, en forma de garbanzo, mas o menos de 1-1,5 cm. de diametro de color blanco-sucio<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 21-05-2009
I need your help for determinate this small (0.2-0.3 mm) and erumpent ascomata, spherical and ostiolate, later patellarioids, amber to amber brown, that grew on Betula pubescens overwintered leaves.
What do you think?
Enrique Rubio, 15-09-2014
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>These very small yellowish, scattered, long stipitate apothecia, up to 0.7 mm high 0.5 mm broad, were found on old stems of Narthecium ossifragum in a boggy place at 1400 m of altitude.</p>
<p>Asci are broadly clavate, 8-spored, up to 145 x 18, apical pore IKI b of Hymenoscyphus-type, without croziers. Ascospores ellipsoid, with many small guttules, 0-(1) septate. Paraphyses multiguttulate as the marginal cells. Excipulum bulit by a + or – elongate textura prismatica with no gelified tissue.</p>
<p>I don't find any species that fits with our find. Any idea for it?</p>
<p>Associated fungi: Mollisia cf. palustris and Mollisia russea.</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-03-2012
Hi to all<br />Some years ago (2004) I found these gregarious, small (up to 500 microns in diam.), flask-shaped and black perithecia inmersed on donkey dung. No obvious stroma, tomentum or clypeus I have seen around the perithecia.<br />Asci cylindrical up to 160 x 10, 8-spored, with an conspicuous and complex apical pore Mlz. and Mlz. bb (+).<br />Spores ellipsoid with a germ slit 3/4 spore length and an obvious gel seath that persists across the years.<br />What's your opinion about this fungus?. I think maybe is an Hypocopra species but I find any species that fits well with my collection.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />Enrique<br /> <br />The photos were made from rehydrated material
Andgelo Mombert, 03-05-2020
<div>Sur branchette morte de Betula pendula, au sol.</div>
<div>Ascospores : 17-23 x 7-9 µm, elliptiques, uniseptées, hyalines, lisses.</div>
<div>Asques : octosporés, à appareil apical congophile.</div>
<div>Anamorphe : à conidies brunes, en forme de prunes, non septées, lisses.</div>
<div>Je pense qu'il pourrait s'agir de Melanconis stilbostoma mais je trouve que les spores sont trop courtes.</div>
<div>Merci d'avance !</div>
Enrique Rubio, 27-03-2020
Hi to evreyone<br />Although it was not in perfect condition for study, I would like to know your opinion about these tiny, subsessile, finely pubescent ascomata growing on rachis ferns. Marginal cells are not very protrusive, obtuse and contain large refracting vacuoles as the paraphyses. Asci arising from croziers with an apical pore IKI b maybe of the Calycina-type. No rounded cells seem to be seen in the excipulum.<br />I'm thinking of some species in the genus Calycellina.<br />Many thanks in advance<br />
Jacques Fournier, 28-03-2008
Bonjour à tous,
je pense que tout le monde connaît Melanomma pulvis-pyrius, c'est une espèce commune, mais il suffit d'en avoir besoin pour être incapable de le trouver en bon état.
Je lance donc un appel à ceux d'entre vous qui auront la chance de le récolter en bon état (avec asques et spores), je leur demande de me faire parvenir leur récolte après séchage lent à température ambiante. Le printemps n'est certainement pas la meilleure période pour le trouver, mais je peux attendre jusqu'à l'automne.
D'avance un grand merci pour votre aide!
Enrique Rubio, 03-07-2013
Hi again<br /><br /><br />I'd like to know your opinion about this Unguiculariospsis species that grew on very old stromata of Gibberella baccata f. sp. moricola on still attached branches of Morus nigra.<br /><br /><br />The perfectly roundish ascospores, relatively long 8-spored asci IKI negative (-), with croziers and the paraphyses longer than the asci say me that this fungus is close to Unguiculariosis ravenellii subsp. hamata but I have seen any Rhytidhysteron under the ascomata.<br /><br />Have you any idea for help me?<br /><br />Thanks again
Mirek Gryc, 23-02-2022
Hi<br />
<div>Maybe someone has a PDF:</div>
<div>Lar.N. Vassiljeva, <em>Nizshie Rasteniya, Griby i Mokhoobraznye Dalnego Vostoka Rossii,</em> Griby. Tom 4. Pirenomitsety i Lokuloaskomitsety (Sankt-Peterburg): 17 (1998)</div>
<div>Thank you in advance!<br />Mirek</div>
Morozova Irina, 16-01-2014
Hello!<br />Does everyone have a literature on Cyttaria?<br />I've found some unidentified specimens from Terra del Fuego in our herbarium and want to identify them.<br />My e-mail is <br />Thank you<br />Irina
William Slosse, 09-09-2021
Hello everyone,<br />on 04/09/21 I found the following asco growing on chestnut husks and surrounding litter in the Galgenbossen in Elverdinge, Belgium.<br />I suspect a Phaeohelotium sp..<br />Traces: Av 15.31x4.38µm (N=17); some tracks septated.<br />Asci: J-; with croziers<br />Paraphyses: multiseptated; sometimes forked, with (sparing) oil drops.<br />Possible to adjust this determination?<br />Regards,<br />William
Enrique Rubio, 30-07-2012
Hi to all<br />These blackish, sessile and minute ascomata grew on the wood of lying branches of Sarothamnus scoparius at 1500 m of altitude.<br /><br />The asci are IKI negative (KOH pret. = negative too), croziers + and they have 8 ascospores 3-septate inside the living asci.<br /><br />Ascomata KOH negative. Marginal 'hairs' blackish brown 2-3 celled Medullary excipulum is subhyaline. Ectal excipulum blackish brown or olivaceous black. <br /><br /><br />The provisional Baral's name of 'Mollisia cytisi' has asci IKI bb<br />I don't know this species. Can you help me again?<br />Many thanks<br /><br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 25-04-2019
Minute orange apothecia firmly anchored to the lichen thallus, that a friend of mine tells me can be a Nephroma. These apothecia are relatively hard, the asci react very deeply in IKI giving a very intense blue color, almost greenish and the excípulum seems to contain greenish cells perhaps coming from the algae. The asci appear be bitunicated and contain eight broadly fusiform spores, with yellowish walls. By the other hand. the apothecia have some hyaline septate thick-walled hairs which seems to me a rare character in this type of fungus.<br />In other words: I don't know if it's just simply the ascomata of the lichen or if it's a lichenicolous parasitic fungus.<br />I'd like to know your opinion<br />Thanks again<br />
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 01-12-2022
on 4.7.22, in the marginal area of National Park Skjaekerfjella, on a thin twig of Betula nana in marshy fjell-vegetation. The few apothecia first were fully unripe, and I took the with me in a moist plastic bag for weeks and still kept it at home before it became halfway ripe. Unfortunately, I missed to take spore measures, but fortunately have a measure in my pictures to estimate. <br />There is no material left now.<br />I think this could be Godronia urceolus. Can somebody confirm this or express another opinion?<br />Yours, Lothar
Enrique Rubio, 11-12-2006
Je voudrais connaître une opinion sur ce Nectriaceae. Les ascomas, 0.5 mms diám., ils ont des fascicules de poils hyalines. Asci I (-), 8-spores, jusqu'a 85 x 8. Spores hyalines, 1-septées, lisses (non striées), 22-32 x 4-5.
Merci beaucoup par votre aide.
I want to know some opinion about this Nectriaceae. The ascomata, 0.5 mm diám., they have fascicles of hyaline hairs. Asci I (-), 8-spores, up to 85 x 8. Spores hyalines, 1-septate, lisses (not grooved), 22-32 x 4-5.
Thank you for your kindly help.
Francesco Doveri, 19-05-2016
Dear all,<br />I have read that recently many of you have rceived "Hilber & Hilber, 2002. The gnus Lasiospharia and allied taxa" Can someone of you send me this work ? Thank in advance,<br />Francesco Doveri
Enrique Rubio, 14-02-2019
Hello friends of the forum. I would like to know your opinion about these scattered perithecia growing on semirotten and very wet wood of Populus, who were neither half-submerged in water nor near a river. The (sub) superficial blackish ostiolate peritecia up to 300 microns in diameter, more or less carbonaceous, pyriform, papilate but no beaked, glabrous. Asci long cylindrical, 8-spored, with a long attenuated base, 165-200 x 10-11, with a thick refractive, Melzer negative, apical annulus. Paraphyses filiform. Ascospores hyaline, mostly with 5 eusepta.<br />No anamorph I have seen. In a way it seems to remind me of a species of the genus Chaetosphaeria (Ch. cupulifera), but the ring of the asci seems excessively large, as does its length.<br />Do you have some idea for this collection?<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 16-09-2019
This Otidea grew at 1000 m in a forest with Corylus avellana and Fagus sylvatica on calcareous soil. The pruinose young excipulum has persistent lilaceous hues.<br />Excipulum not reddish in Melzer's reactive, bright yellow in KOH (fresh material). Neither crystal-like aggregates among the hyphae of the medullary excipulum, nor striate exudates on these cells. This species is relatively common in Asturias (north of Spain) on calcareous soils of forest without conifers.<br />I think that the strongly yellow reaction in KOH of the fresh ectal excipulum, and the rest of the characters I have described separate it from O. caeruleopruinosa, O. bufonia and Otidea mirabilis.<br />What do you think?<br />
Bernard Declercq, 05-11-2013
Hello everyone,<br /><br />Collected on a decorticated branch of Quercus robur here in Belgium: <br />Ascomata superficial to slightly immersed, subglobose, 0,1-0,15 mm diam., papillate, pale brown, covered by black setae. <span lang="EN-GB">Asci <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>cylindrical, apex truncate, 8-spored but mostly observed with 16 part-spores, 42-47x6 µm. Spores fusiform, constricted 1-septate, soon disarticulating in part-spores; part-spores ellipsoid to wedge-shaped, smooth, hyaline, 3-3,5x1,5-2 µm. Para</span><span lang="EN-GB">physes soon disappearing. Ectal excipulum of pale brown, small-celled textura ?epidermoidea; setae acute, base swollen, smooth, thin-walled, aseptate, blackish, 39-56x7-10 µm.</span> <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
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<![endif]--><br />With those Hypocrea-like spores, this must be a Melanopsammella? Unfortunately, I only have documentation of species with septate hairs.<br />Your help is welcome.<br /><br />Bernard<br /><br /><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
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DirkW, 20-03-2021
Salut a tous,<br /><br />yesterday i found this little discomycete on leaves of Juniperus sabinae:<br />Apothezia: 0,3-0,8mm, fresh translucent to white, drying the hymenium becomes greyish to light brown, stalked up to to 0,5 mm, base is blackening (!).<br /><br />Asci 40-50 x 6-8, J+ (blue), Croziers +. Spores 8-9 x 4, Oil 0-1.<br />Excipulum ends in little hairs up to 8-12, 1-septated, a little curved and apical swollen. they seem to be very fine warted, not totally smooth.<br /><br />It reminds me at genus Cistella, but I'm not really convinced by this idea. Is there a species on Juniperus?<br /><br />Who can help?<br /><br />All best from Dirk
Enrique Rubio, 17-02-2012
Hi to all:<br />I need some help for to identify these very small, gregarious, white to light ochraceous, turbinate ascomata up to 400 microns in diameter. The hymenium is + or - convex and pruinose. The marginal region is + or - smooth. They grow on corticated branches of Salix (?) still attached to the tree. <br />Basal excipulum of a texture angularis is olivaceous brown, not hyaline. Marginal hairs are very indiferenciate and colourless. <br />Maybe a Parorbiliopsis species? <br />Many thanks for your help<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 11-05-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>This Karstenia species was found on debris of Ammophila arenaria. This fungus seems to match with Karstenia idaei, a fungus that we found commonly on subalpine woody sustrates, but I have doubts with Karstenia macer a species that I don't know although it has a negative asci IKI reaction. </p>
<p>Can you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 24-04-2023
Hi my friends<br />I'd like to know your opinion on this peculiar fungus.<br />Perithecia superficial, gregarious, growing on branches of Ficus carica still attached to the tree but close to the ground, but away from water, apparently not growing on pyrenomycetes or other fungi. Pyriform, 200-400 µm high, collapsing vertically when dry, blackish, ostiolate, densely hirsute due to subhyaline or light brown hairs with acute apex, multiseptate, (100-)165(-225) x (10-)11(-12) µm with thick walls 1.5-3.0 µm. Asci fusoid (72-)80(-102) x (14-)17(-20) µm, 8-spored, without an apical apparatus or subapical globule visible. Ascospores ellipsoidal (18.0-)20.0(-22.5) x (7.0-)7.5(-8.0) µm; Q = (2.3-)2.7(-3.0), with obtuse poles only slightly attenuate; hyaline, yellowish at maturity, constricted to a median transverse septum, ornamented by conspicuous warts up to 1 µm high surrounded by a thick, usually persistent episporium.<br />The fungos shares characters of Echinosphaeria and Helminthosphaeria. It seems close to Echinosphaeria incondita A.E. Bell & Mahoney, CBS Biodiversity Series 15: 79 (2016) with aquatic ecology, with up to 3 septa more fusiform larger ascospores 25-31 x 6-8, not constricted and asci vith an apical apparatus.<br /><br />
Blasco Rafael, 30-08-2016
Hola, necesito de su ayuda para confirmar esta especie, pienso sea Urceolella carestiana,<br />pero esta crispula y no se si hay alguna otra similar.<br /><br />recogida sobre tallos de Angelica silvestris del año anterior<br />diametro 0,17--0,22 mm, sin contar los pelos.<br />pelos de 80--160 x 7--8<br />esporas de 10--11,5 x 2--2,5 con dos gotas en el interior<br />ascas 39--40 x 5--6<br />J+, Crozier +<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael<br /><br /><br />
Gilbert MOYNE, 16-01-2017
Bonjour,<br />Un petit service à demander : connaissez-vous la répartition de Peziza vacini.<br />J'ai le texte de Röffler mais sa répartition date de 1968 et je pense qu'elle a évolué depuis.<br />Si vous l'avez trouvée ou si vous avez connaissance des pays où elle a été rencontrée, ça m'aiderait.<br />Merci à tous<br />Gilbert
Daniel Ghyselinck, 26-03-2021
Found on hardwood, plenty of these long necks arising from the bark.<br />Difficult to have a good photo of the ascus, there are probably very thin. The apical pore is slightly blue in IKI.<br />Spores small, variable in shape and size, 3,5 - 6 x 1 - 1,8 µm, often slightly bent, sometimes strongly, pale yellow brown under the microscope.<br />Looks like Togninia minima, but the ascus blue in IKI does not fit.<br /><br />Thanks and best regards,<br />Daniel
Enrique Rubio, 18-04-2013
Hi to all
<p>On medium size (40-70 mm in diam.) felled branches of Alnus glutinosa lying on the ground<br />I have found many inmersed, at first hyaline later greenish, perithecia that no<br />are into a clearly definited stroma. No ventral black lines. The necks are protruding across a well visible greyish disc.</p>
<p>The asci have an apical refringent apparatus and they are abruptly contracted at their base<br />(Diaporthales). No paraphyses I have seen. The ascospores are hyaline, later greenish, 1-(0) septate, very polimorphic, with some aberrant forms. No appendages. The spores are surrounded by a gelatinous sheath.</p>
<p>Dispersed between the perithecia they are many inmersed greenish conidiomata that could<br />be the anamorphic state of this fungus.</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Alvarado Cordobes Manuel, 27-02-2018
Hola a todos. <br />Lo encontr,e en excremento de conejo silvestre ( crotte de lapin )<br />Creo que puede ser Sporormiella capybarae por<br /><br />muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda <br />Manuel Alvarado
Margot en Geert Vullings, 18-03-2023
<div>Seen on Crataegus monogyna 'Compacta' in our garden.</div>
<div>Is this Pseudotrichia viburnicola?</div>
7 septate spores.<br />
Thorben Hülsewig, 18-10-2021
Hi there,<br /><br />3 days ago I found this ascomycet on leaves of Populus.<br />Any idea what that could be ?<br />
<p>best regards,<br />Thorben</p>
Enrique Rubio, 29-06-2016
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>These small, superficial, iregular to orbicular, whitish to ochraceous patches, 10-15 mm in diameter, were found growing on a thin, white, poorly developped subiculum on a small branch of Fraxinus excelsior lying on the ground. Any polyporaceous fungus were under the somewhat fleshy stromata up to 0.5 mm broad, KOH-negative, that contain several ostiolate, papillate, perithecia up to 0.2 mm high.</p>
<p>Asci 65-70 x 4-4.5. Ascospores 1-septate, hyaline, dimorphic, maybe finelly spinulose. Anamorphic stage not seen.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me? Could be a Nectriopsis or Sphaerostilbella species?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-07-2007
Cher amis du Forum. J'ai trouvé ces petites fructifications (jusqu'à 1-1.5 mms x 2 mms d'altitude) sur des inflorescence de Juncus inflexus. Mes espérances de ce qu'il pût s'agir de Gloeotinia juncorum se sont évanouies et j'ignore son identité.
Spores 10-13 x 4-5. Asques 90-110 x 8, avec crochets, IKI bb. Paraphyses avec LBs. Je n'ai pas observé d'esclerote, ni même à l'intérieur du support.
Je pense de ce qu'il peut s'agir d'un Hymenoscyphus.
Merci para votre aide.
Dear friends of the Forum. I have found these small fructifications (up to 1-1.5 mm x 2 mm of height) on inflorescences of Juncus inflexus. My hopes that it could be a question of Gloeotinia juncorum have vanished and I do not know her identity.
Spores 10-13 x 4-5. Asques 90-110 x 8, with croziers, IKI bb. Paraphyses with LBs. I have not observed any esclerotium, not at least(even) inside the support.
I think is a Hymenoscyphus species.
Tnahk you for your kindly help.
Enrique Rubio, 25-06-2007
Bon soir a tous:
Je vous prie une opinion sur cette Tricharina avec l'hymenium blanchatre-grisatre que croit sur sol boueux a 1700 m, entre les Veratrum et les Caltha palustris. Apotheces jusqu'a 5 mm.
Spores 16-19 x 10-11, lisses, sans guttules et polar granules. Asques 165 long, avec crochets, IKI (-). Poils jusqu'a 200 micr. long.
Les clés de Yang et Korf me portent á T. gilva ou T. ochroleuca, me je ne suis pas capable de me décider par une d'elles.
Merci par votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 04-01-2023
These apothecioid ascomata are gregarious, superficial but perhaps erumpent, and colonise the underside of overwintered Ligustrum ovalifolium leaves. They are very exiguous and measure 100-200 microns in diameter; sessile, initially very shortly cupulate, later flattened to become convex and pulvinate and possess abundant and conspicuous excipular hairs with several septa, the base of which arises from a pigmented vesicular cell and the ends with an hyaline and obtuse apex. Their walls are not smooth but slightly roughened, as if encrusted, but not truly warty like those of the genus Cistella. The excípulum has an angularis or prismatica texture with angular or more or less rectangular cells, with the walls provided with a yellowish-brown pigment.<br />The 8-spored asci are clavate, with a base without croziers and a probable apical pore with no reaction in IKI. The ascospores are hyaline and smooth, cylindrical, with a fine guttular content. I envisage two genera for this ascomycete: Cistella and Psilachnum, although I am more inclined to the latter as the hairs do not have distinctly warty walls.<br />What do yo think?
Enrique Rubio, 26-06-2012
Hi to everibody<br />Have you some idea for our collection of this Crocicreas species growing on Veratrum album old stems at 1800 m of altitude?<br />The hymenium is yellowish and the excipulum brownish or blackish. The asci are 8-spored, IKI negative, up to 65 x 9, and they have croziers.<br />Spores hyaline, fusoid, eguttulate, straight to curved or sigmoid.<br />I have seen any species (Zotto's CD, Carpenter's paper...) with these data.<br /><br />Thank you for your help<br />Enrique
Michel RIMBAUD, 13-02-2017
Bonjour, <br />Je suis perdu dans la détermination de ce petit disco diam.0,3-0,4mm à marge poilue, en petite colonie sur bois de feuillu décortiqué indéterminé (peut-être Salix).<br />Je ne trouve rien de satisfaisant dans le genre Hyaloscypha (H.quercina ? H.velenovski ?), pas mieux dans le genre Cistella.<br />Merci de votre aide.<br />Michel<br />
Sánchez Leandro, 25-01-2017
Sur feuillus, diamètre max 9 mm<br />Spores 25,2-31,9 / 8,5-11,0 Q= 2,4-3,4<br />Cordialement
Enrique Rubio, 17-06-2007
Bonjour a tous. Je vous prie une oipnion sur cette Hetrosphaeria (?) que croit dans les pieds morts de Veratrum album a 1700 m. Hymenium gris souris-olivatre a ocracée (au se desecher). Asques avec crochets, 95-110 x 10-13, octosporiques, IKI rr. Spores (0)-1 cloison (deja dans les asques), 20-25 x 5.6-6.
J'avais pensée à H. veratri, mais les dessins de H. O. Baral me découragent parce que les spores ont de moindres dimensions et semblent ne pas avoir septa.
Il est possible que même je sois trompé et il ne s'agit pas du genre que je suggère.
Merci en avant par votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 27-04-2020
Following the thread of Lieve Deceuninck's message in this same forum about Mollisia pteridis Gillet, I have found several cupulate and sessile ascomata up to 0.5 mm in diameter, KOH negative, on blackened parts of Pteridium aquilinum rachis. The exccipulum is hairy and formed by a brownish textura angularis which on the flanks of the fruitbodys forms septate, long and pigmented hairs, while on the margin these are also long but hyaline.<br />The paraphyses have small vacuoles that stain in cresyl blue, but do not contain the large cylindrical and refractive VBs typical of the genus Mollisia.<br />This fungus that Ellis & Ellis assimilate to Mollisia pteridis and that fits very well with the drawings they make of the lateral and marginal hairs, could also fits with Gillet's succinct description.<br />What do you think?
Blasco Rafael, 22-09-2016
Hola , necesito de su ayuda para llegar a conocer esta especie, salia al lado de Calycellina flaveola y de ¿ Microscypha arenula ?<br />Diametro 0,18<br />Ascas J+ , Crozier - , 39--43 x 7--8<br />esporas 14 x 3,7---16 x 3,5---16 x 4---20 x 3,2---20 x 3,5<br /><br />en la base de datos no veo nada parecido<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 25-05-2022
Hi forum.<br />These tiny, gregarious, gregarious, blackish, conical or pyriform ascomata up to 200 µm long, grew on Phragmites australis stems. The ascomata are glabrous, but the necks of the ascomata are fimbriated by long hyaline hairs but more shorter brownish hairs surround the ostiole. I see no paraphyses and the asci are very peculiar, cylindrical, rather long, sometimes more than 100 µm long, without reaction in Melzer's reagent, with numerous small, ellipsoidal, hyaline ascospores. I don't know their discharge mechanism and am therefore I'm very confused about the placement of this fungus, which I don't exclude that it could be lichenized since numerous green algae surround the ascomata.<br />Do you have any idea that could help me?
<p> </p>
Francisco SÁNCHEZ, 16-05-2019
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Buenas tardes a todos. </font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">A continuación os dejo algunos datos del estudio de esta colección, y que estoy algo desorientado con ella. </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Recolectado el 10/05/19, en bosque de ribera con Fraxinus sp., Creciendo junto a Morchella fluvialis. </font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">APOTECIOS de 20-40 mm de diametro. </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">SUBESTIPE de 10 mm de alto. </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ESPORAS inamiloides de </font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">(14.3) 16.6 - 19.4 (20.8) × (9.2) 9.5 - 10.7 (12.7) µm, Me = 18.1 × 10.2 µm; </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Qe = 1.8, aparentemente lisas y sin apículas. </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ASCAS inamiloides de (294.7) 297.7 - 375.2 (386) × (14.4) 14.6 - 18.9 (19.5) µm, con base ¿pleurorrinca? </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Habitualmente bifurcada. </font></font></font></font></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">EXCIPULO de textura intrincada. </font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Muchas gracias anticipadas.</font></font></font></font></font></font>
Salvador Tello, 15-04-2019
Estas Cheilymenia crecían en Sierra nevada (España) en excrementos de caballo semisumergidos en el agua, en una zona de turbera a 2800 m de altitud.<br /><br />Los apotecios parecen no tener pelos, pero sí que tienen algunos pelos hifoides hialinos y a veces algo marrones, de ápice generalmente romo o a veces algo agudo, de (77) 80 - 180 (182) × (10) 11 - 15 (16) µm. El excípulo ectal es de textura globulosa o globuloso-angular y el excípulo medular de textura intrincata. Ascas cilíndricas de (220) 221- 252 (255) × (17,1) 17,7 - 21,3 (21,5) µm. Esporas lisas de (19,7) 20,1 - 22 (22,7) × (12) 12,5 - 13,5 (14,2) µm, Q = (1,5) 1,55 - 1,7 (1,8) ; N = 32, Me = 21,3 × 13 µm ; Qe = 1,6 que están envueltas en una masa gelatinosa.<br /><br />Aunque las esporas son algo mayores que en la descripción de René Dougoud, pienso que podría tratarse de Cheilymenia laevispora. ¿Qué opináis?<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.<br />
Stephen Mifsud, 31-07-2020
Reddish ascomycete (presumably) on Salix repens twigs, about 3mm across. Help to determine the species is wecomed. Jakobstad, Finland 30-7-2020.<br />Thanks
Enrique Rubio, 25-01-2017
Hi again<br /> I need your ideas for to identify this small, sessile, scutellate, whitish to pale yellowish, unchanged ascomata growing on a pruned branch of Laurus nobilis.<br />Asci IKI rb (at high concentration), 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses filiform, not enlaged at their tips, with no VBs but with some small SCBs, with yellowish content only in older specimens.<br />The excipulum made by hyaline hyphae running + o - parallel to the surface. No textura globulosa or of cubic cells. Margin made by clavate, hyaine, smooth cells with no content.<br />It seems to be an Helotiale belonging to the older genus Pezizella.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again
Vasileios Kaounas, 03-03-2014
for starters I have these items available<br /><br />spores 11.5-13.5 x 1,8-2,1 <br />hairs ~250<br />
Stefan Blaser, 04-11-2019
<div>Hello everybody,</div>
<div>I did have limited possibilities and time to work on this collection, but very likely the characteristics of the species are special enough to get some help here...</div>
<div>Ecology: On deciduous wood, most likely Tilia</div>
<div>Macro: Apothecia about 1-2 mm in Diameter, dark olive-green, discoid, in small groups. When old nearly black.</div>
<div>Micro: Spores brown, smooth, aseptate, filled with greenish oildrops, 11.5-13 x 7.5-9 µm. Paraphyses zylindric, about 2 µm broad, conspicuously filled with greenish oildrops that turn reddish in IKI. Asci IKI negative.</div>
<div>Thanks a lot for any help,</div>
Steve Clements, 04-08-2016
Bonjour,<br />Cet disco était sur un Digitalis purpurea mort. C'est Pyrenopeziza digitalina? Je ne le pense pas. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est?<br />We found this little disco on the flower stalks and dead flower remains of Foxglve, Digitalis purpurea. It was with Flagelloscypha (cyphelloid), and the Hymenomycetes Periconia byssoides and Dendryphion comosum. The only similar species of discomycete on Digitalis in the UK seems to be Pyrenopeziza digitalina. However, that species isn't described as having hairs, is reported to be found on dead stems, and looks darker. Pezizella discreta and Pyrenopeziza revincta have also been found on Digitalis, but I don't think I have one of those.<br />The ascocarps were sessile, fringed, and up to 0.3 mm diameter. Released spores were few but I estimated them to be about 7-10 x 1.5-2. Asci were biseriate, without croziers, and typically 40 x 5. The tips turned blue in Lugol. Some cells looked like hairs, and were minutely spiny.<br />Cordialement,<br />Steve
Garcia Susana, 13-11-2020
<div>He encontrado sobre una rama descortezada de planifolio unos pseudotecios globosos, de hasta 480um de diámetro, inmersos y errumpentes a través de una papila comprimida lateralmente.</div>
<div>Las caracteristicas microscopicas se muestran en las imagenes.</div>
<div>Por el aspecto macro, entiendo que ha de pertenecer a la familia Lophiostomataceae. He revisado el articulo de Holm 1988 y no encuentro coincidencia con ninguna especie.</div>
<div>He visto, que Enrique Rubio tiene publicada en la web una especie, Lophiostoma angustilabrum, con la que podría tener coincidencias, pero no tengo la descripción.</div>
<div>¿Qué opinais?</div>
<div>Muchas gracias. un saludo</div>
Andrés Valverde Valera, 22-05-2022
Bonjour,<br /><br />Je vous envoie des images de cet ascomycète que j'ai trouvé le 29 mars sur une crotte probablement de chien, près de Tregurà (Pyrénées catalanes).<br />Fructifications d'environ 200 µm de diamètre.<br />Spores 19,2-20,5 x 12,7-14,4 µm. Je n'ai pas pu observer d'autres structures car c'était très mature.<br />Je ne sais pas de quelle espèce il peut s'agir.<br />Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!<br /><br />Cordialement,<br /><br />Andrés Valverde Valera
Enrique Rubio, 08-09-2012
Hi again<br /><br />This fungs has superficial, gregrious, pyriform, with a small papilla, ostiolate, yellowish perithecia up to 300 microns and grews on very wet rotten hardwood (Fagus, Betula) at 1500 m close to the river. KOH negative (or only more vivid yellow).<br /><br />The perithecia show conspicuous appendages. The spores are 1-septate, maybe smooth. Asci fusiform with an apical apparatus refringent in Melzer and clearly visible in cotton blue.<br /><br /><br />Have you any idea?<br />Thanks again
Jakob Schneller, 09-09-2015
I need help
Enrique Rubio, 17-03-2014
<p>Someone has this article on Sordaria?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Watanabe T., 1989: Three species of sordaria and eudarluca biconica from cherry seeds. Nippon Kingakukai Kaiho. 30(4): 395-400. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 30(4): 397 (1989)</p>
<p>Three species of Sordaria, S. fimicola, S. nodulifera, sp. nov. and S. tamaensis, sp. nov., and one species of Eudarluca, E. biconica are described. All of these species were isolated from cherry seeds collected at the cherry tree preservation forest at Asakawa, Tokyo, Japan.</p>
Rubén Martínez Gil, 02-04-2017
<p>Hola, buenos días a todos.</p>
<p>Subo unas fotos de un asco que encontramos ayer sobre tierra y algún resto de hojas en una chopera recién talada.</p>
<p>Esporas con gútulas en su interior, que miden 16,5-19 x 10-11 micras.</p>
<p>Ascas no amiloides, pleurorrincas.</p>
<p>Vistos pelos ¿hifoides? en base de apotecio.</p>
<p>En el campo, pensé en Cheilymenia granulata pero creo que no encaja.</p>
<p>¿Podrían ayudarme?</p>
<p>Gracias por sus respuestas.</p>
Rubén Martínez Gil, 02-10-2016
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Subo unas fotos de un asco que encontramos ayer sobre conos de Fagus. Cuando se secan son de color amarillo rojizo.</p>
<p>Miden hasta 2 mm de diámetro.</p>
<p>Esporas con gútulas medianas y pegueñas con querencia a situarse hacia los polos, de 12,3-14,5 x 4,5-5,2 micras.</p>
<p>Ascas amiloides, aporrincas.</p>
<p>Paráfisis filiformes con VBs en su interior.</p>
<p>Pensé en Hymenoscyphus rokebyensis, ¿Qué les parece?</p>
<p>Gracias por sus respuestas.</p>
Thomas Læssøe, 13-05-2019
tiny, pale brown apothecia with ± distinct margin, non-hairy. At the margin of Eutuypella prunastri stromata attached to dead Prunus cerisifera branch 1 m above ground in damp scrub. Paraphyses longer than asci, mainly non-circinate, with clavate apices, imbedded in gel. Asci ca. 63 µm long, 8-spored, + croziers, I-. Spores hyaline, 1-celled, flattened ellipsoid, . Sporer ca 11.9 x 5.1 µm with slighly grainy contents but no guttules.<br /><br />See:<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 05-08-2013
Hello again<br /><br />This spring we have found this strange fungus, perhaps close to the genus Ciboria, growing on old stromata of Rhytisma salicinum on decaying leaves lying on the ground of Salix sp. at 1600 m of altitude. At the same place thay are many stromata with the ascomata of Rhytisma salicinum hanging on the branches of Salix.<br />This fungus was previously collected in another far place by our friend A. Román and was showed in Ascofrance <a href="../search_forum/7900"></a>.<br /><br /><br />The ascospores are 2-nucleate, with polar dextrinoid bodys and late they seem to make sphaeric microconidia. Asci with apical pore of the Sclerotinia-type, with croziers. Medullary excipulum of textura intricata. Ectal excipulum globulosa, not blueing in IKI. The paraphyses have not conspicuous Vb's. <br /><br /><br />Have you any idea?<br />Thanks again
Rajamaki Martti, 16-01-2014
Hello!<br /><br />I made observations about two jelly fungi last week. This one was on Hypogymnia tubulosa. Area was parklike with small houses. 9.1.2014, Riihimäki, Finland.<br /><br />- Martti
Enrique Rubio, 10-06-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I need your help with these pinkish orange erumpent ascomata up to 0.5 mm by a longitudinal rupture of the peridermis of the host. There are not lips or valves around them.</p>
<p>The lateral ectal excipulum seems to be a prismatical/subangularis texture but it is very difficult to cut well. Asci with croziers, 8-spored, IKI red or dirty red blue in IKI (at high concentration), IKI b after KOH pret.</p>
<p>The end cells of the paraphyses have a peculiar snake head-like morfology and they have big roundish but incolore Vb's.</p>
<p>I think it belongs to the genus Laetinaevia but I don't see it in Hein's paper on this genus.</p>
<p>The fungus wwas found growing on indeterminate grasses at 1500 m of altitude</p>
<p>Have you any idea?</p>
Enrique Rubio, 25-09-2013
Hi to all<br /><br /><br />These small orange/reddish perithecia are situated under (in small clusters on the bark of Acer) or on the thallus of Frullania dilatata (it's very difficult to see). The perithecial necks have some rigid and hyaline 'hairs' and the spores become brownish with striate verrucose walls.<br />KOH violaceous/purple. <br />Please, Christian, don't make me cut it! I have only five fingers!<br /><br />Have you some idea for this fungus?<br />Thanks again
Enrique Rubio, 04-04-2017
Hi again<br />This Cyathicula species was growing on old stems of Urtica dioica at 900 m of altitude.<br />The ascomata are stipitate and fully whitish, with a fimbriate margin made by cylindric-clavate cells with many small refractive guttules as in the paraphyses. The ascospores have some small LBs at their poles and no septa. Asci IKI b, 52-68 x 5-7, without croziers. Ectal excipulum textura oblita covered by many crystals.<br />I think this collection deviates from typical Cyathicula cyathoidea, said to have croziers, so I'd like to know your opinion.<br />Many thanks again
Maren Kamke, 26-04-2021
<div>Hello everybody,</div>
<div>I found this fungus with dark, encrusted, septate hairs, maybe of two kinds on Quercus twigs.</div>
<div>Asci 8-spored with croziers, IKI negative, spores ciborioid.</div>
<div>I'm glad about any help</div>
jean claude chasle, 28-01-2022
Bonsoir,<br />Récoltées sur branche décortiquée en décomposition, au sol, d'Alnus glutinosus ces apothécies blanches de 0.5-1 mm de diamètre<br />Asques octosporés 35-48 / 5-7 µm, Cr+, IKI bb.<br />Ascospores : 7.5-10 (11.4) / (2.5) 2.7-3 (3.3) µm (n=50)<br />Poils : 45 ? 150 µm de long ; 1.5- 2 µm de large au sommet ; 5-6 µm de large à la base.<br />Hyaloscypha bulbopilosa ?<br />Merci pour vos avis<br />Jean-Claude
Enrique Rubio, 29-09-2012
Hi to all:<br />We have found this Calycina species on very wet eroded hardwood very close to the water level.<br />Apothecia, up to 1 mm in diam., are fully white, not reddening, stipitate and they have a convex hymenium.<br />No Chalara anamorph I have seen.<br /> <br />I think it's closely related (if not the same) with Calycina parilis.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 13-11-2012
Hi to all:<br /><br />We have collected these fully white ascomata, very shortly stipitate, with no conspicous blackened base, up to 2 mm in diam. on petioles and veins of old Prunus cerasus leaves at 800 m of altitude.<br />The spores are 1-nucleate. The paraphyses have some very little refractive Vb's, The asci HAVE NOT CROZIERS and the ectal excipulum have an angularis to very broadly prismatical textura.<br /><br />I think our finding is close to Hymenoscyphus immutabilis, but this species seems to be croziers at the base of the asci.<br /> <br />Can you help us?<br />Many thanks again
Elisabeth Stöckli, 21-08-2021
<p>Sur les tiges mortes et les inflorescences de cirse épineux (Cirsium spinosissimum/2'615 m) de l'année précédente, sous des plantes vivantes dans des endroits humides. Apothécies de 1,5 - 4 mm de diamètre, stipitées, nombreuses sur les sclérotes, spores 7 - 12 x 2,5 - 3 µm, lisses, hyalines, asques 81 - 90 x 5 - 6,5 µm, amyloïdes, crochet+, paraphyses droites, remplies de gouttelettes. Merci d'avance.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 04-05-2016
Hi again
<p>These small (up to 250 microns high) gregarious, scattered, seminmersed, ostiolate perithecia grew on very wet, semirotten wood of Populus. Only the free, somewhat papillate, neck and the apical region of the pyriform ostiolate perithecia are blackish by the existence of agluttinated short hair-like black cells. The rest of the fruitbody is smooth and subhyaline.</p>
<p>The cylindrical, 8-spored, shortly stipitate asci, 90-105 x 8-9 microns, have a highly refractive, small, IKI negative apical apparatus, the stipes not disolving at maturity.</p>
<p>Ascospores hyaline, smooth, 3-septate, 13-20 x 4.5-5.5, with many guttules, with no gel seath, no appendages. Paraphyses septate, apically attenuated.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for it?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-05-2013
Dear friends
<p>We have found these minute (up to 0.5 mm), very densely gregarious ascomata growing on<br />stromata of Eutypa sp. on Fagus wood. There were hundred of fruit bodys filling<br />the surface of the stromata that, on the other hand, were fertil. No anamorph.</p>
<p>The ascomata, turbinate and attached by a narrow point, are vinaceous brown and the hymenial surface (and the excipulum too) is very pruinose by the existence oh hooked granulate hair-like paraphyses. The excipular and marginal hairs are hyaline or subhyaline with hooked and granulate neck, whith any refringence at their walls and they arise from the<br />gelified and reddish brown cells of the excipulum.</p>
<p>The asci are 8-spored, IKI negative, croziers positive. Some ascospores seem to make<br />ellipsoid microconidia.</p>
<p>I don't know an Unguiculariopsis species with these characters. ZHUANG (1988) describes<br />U. parasitica and U. dimorpha as parasitic of pyrenomycetes, but their ascospores are different.</p>
<p>Can you help me</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Ethan Crenson, 29-08-2019
<div>Hello all,</div>
<div>Recently I found this tiny discomycete on rotted hardwood in the Eastern US. It is white, discoloring to amber/orange, cushion-shaped, perhaps with a pseudostipe or narrowing at the point of attachment. Asci 120-150 x 12-14µm, IKI-. Spores very guttulate, 5-8 septate, 32-50 x 4-5µm. Paraphyses with irregular, swollen tips about 4-5µm wide at the widest point. One thing I noticed is that the base of the excipulum stains blue-green in iodine. This combination of features seems very similar to discussions of Strossmayeria basitricha I have read on this forum-- especially an exchange from April 2015 between Enrique Rubio and Zotto. Is this S. basitricha? Many thanks in advance.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 10-02-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>I have found these minute (up to 0.3-0.4 mm), gregarious, obconical, witish to amber downy ascomata growing on wood of cankers of Ulex europaeus at the sea level.</p>
<p>The asci are IKI negative, 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses with small roundish colourless Vb's that stain in Crb. The hairs are long cylindrical, at least with 1 septum, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, straight at the margin but coiled at the flanks,</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I don't know a good genus for this collection. Can you help me again?</p>
Tanja Böhning, 05-09-2019
Hello from NMC in Norway,<br /><br />Today I found a very very small little hairy white Ascomycete with nice characteristics. <br /><br />IKI red<br />Spores 20-25(-30)x3,5-4,5 µm<br /><br />....but the pictures are much better than any description:<br />
Enrique Rubio, 14-07-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>This fungus was found at the base of Carex sp. at 1700 m of altitude. Only six sessile apothecia, 0.4-20 mm in diam. over a well developped brownish subiculum. It has a mollisioid facies but the paraphyses have not refractive VBs and the asci are 4-8 spored. I think it is near to 'hemimollisia goldersbach! (Baral's Cubby) but the asci are shorter, the pore IKI rb, and it has less fusoid, shorter ascospores.</p>
<p>By the other hand I feel this fungus could be close to Dennisiodiscus</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
BERNARD CLESSE, 02-02-2020
Sur microsol humifère d'une dalle calcaire xérophile. Diamètre apothécie : 1 cm.<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 26-03-2015
Hi to everybody
<p>Several times we have found this Iodophanus species (pulvinate ascomata up to 1 mm) on wet dead stems of gramineae (Ammophila, Elymus), Calystegia soldanella or Tortella flavovirens on calcareous sand dunes at the north of Spain. At the field we thought this was the common Iodophanus carneus but the ascospore morphology, the spore size and the much larger callose-pectic markings at the poles (up to 1 µm) were very different of those of I. carneus.</p>
<p>Iodophanus granulipolaris Kimbrough has a similar ornamentation buy it is a coprophilous species with larger ascospores 24-26 x 15-16 and longer spore markings too.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for this fungus?</p>
<p>My pics have a low quality because the ascomata have not a natural more yellowish colour. Really they are pinkish or salmon-orange, with the typical colors of most Iodophanus.</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Castillo Joseba, 16-05-2016
En pila de abeto<br /><br />Alguina sugerencia?<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 13-01-2010
Dear friends
Do you know this Melastiza (?) species that grows on sandy soil under Pnus pinea in Zamora (NW of Spain) with a circum-mediterranean climate?
Enrique Rubio, 25-05-2015
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>This Amicodisca species grew on wood, under the bark of a 10 cm thick branch of Quercus petraea lying on the ground at 950 m of altitude. The apothecia, 0.2-0.4 mm broad, have a greyish brown hymenium and very pale yellowish hairs with lumps of a resinous sustance. They are macroscopically not well preserved due to the dry weather but the microscopical characters are in good condition.</p>
<p>I feeel this fungus is very close to Amicodisca svrcekii a fungus with wide apical pore faintly MLZ +, spores ellipsoid to suballantoid, aseptate, containing 2 polar lipid guttules, 8-11 x 1.8-2.5 as described by Raitviir and Huhtinen. Two Baral's drawings show ascospores 8.5-14 (-17.7) x 2.7-3.2(-3.5) asci IKI 3bb and 8-10-11.5 x 2.6-2.9 asci IKI 3rb respectively and another one by Stip 10-14.5-3-4 asci IKI bb. In all these cases the ascospores show many small guttules and asci lacking croziers.</p>
<p>But my collection have ascospores 6.1-9.1 x 2.1-2.9 with scanty guttules, asci not arising from croziers and in special way CONSISTENTLY IKI NEGATIVE EVEN AFTER KOH-PRET.</p>
<p>For it I wonder if this character is sufficient as to consider this fungus as a different species</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for your opinion</p>
<p> </p>
Juuso Äikäs, 17-06-2021
<div>Might've I found M. albogrisea this time?</div>
<div>The substrate is a fallen, decorticated branch of a deciduous tree located in a moist depression.</div>
<div>KOH vivid and lasting yellow; spores 10.1 - 12.4 × 2.4 - 3.1 µm, many with some tiny oil drops.</div>
<br />
Jukic Nedim, 18-07-2011
Hello and greetings from Bosnia & Herzegovina and Sarajevo, <br />this is my first post to ascofrance, but surely not the last.<br /><br />I`m curious about the Pezizales illustrated and shown bellow. I found three fruit bodies in the dry but still wet stream bank, accompanied by Trichophaea woolhopeia and Humaria hemisphaerica. Specimens were growing from the wet soil covered with the a little moss (not sure which species), and some kind of gametophyte, apothecia 0,3-0,5 cm in diammeter.<br />Other micro data are mentioned at the drawing.<br />Could be this some species of Leucoscypha, by the fusiformes shape of the ascospore it looks like possible solution for me, but I don` have proper literature, works and key for this genus...<br />Full mature spore dimesions: 24-25x8-8,5<br /><br />I would be very thankful if someone find solution (I still have one live fruit body in the box, for potential further neccessary analyses).<br /><br />Also I would appreciate if someone could mail me any litterature about this genus (besides L. semmi-immersa and L. patavina).<br /><br />Nedim Jukic
Enrique Rubio, 24-07-2006
Quelqu'un sait-il quelque chose à propos de Tarzetta velata ?.
My collection are spores 21-23 x 13-14 and pharaphysis unbranched
Juuso Äikäs, 03-08-2020
I came by a shrub of some kind in a park-like environment and found these guys growing beneath it, on blackened twigs. <br /><br />The apos were fairly tough and yellowing. <br /><br />Asci with croziers, IKI+, paraphyses with VBs. If I interpreted correctly, the medullary excipulum is of textura intricata and ectal excipulum of textura prismatica. <br /><br />Spores:<br /><br />(15.7) 16.7 - 18.9 (20.5) × (4) 4.3 - 4.9 (5) µm<br />Q = (3.2) 3.7 - 4 (5.1) ; N = 20<br />Me = 17.8 × 4.6 µm ; Qe = 3.9<br /><br />Might someone know what the species could be?
Castillo Joseba, 26-02-2016
Este ejemplar en madera sin determinar, de unos 3 cm. de largo<br /><br />Creia que no era un Ascomyceto y lo he hecho la micro con Rojo Congo<br /><br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Jacky Launoy, 15-03-2016
Bonjour,<br /><br /> je cherche une description de Podosordaria violacea (Ell. & Ev.) Krug & Cain. Qui peut m'aider ? Je pensais avoir trouvé Hypocopra stercoraria sur une crotte de cheval mais la couleur violette du clipeus me fait penser à Podosordaria violacea. J'ai consulté " New species of Hypocopra" par Krug & Cain (1973) Can. J. Bot 52 809-843 mais sans résultat positief. Jai également consulté la discussion sur ce forum du 13 avril 2015 par Enrique Rubio.<br /><br />Jacky Launoy<br />
Mirek Gryc, 08-04-2021
Hi<br />Small mushrooms but a big problem :)<br />This is the first species Nitschkia that I researched, so I lack experience.<br />A rich collection in ascomata so I devoted a large group to find a hair and subiculum. Despite many attempts, unfortunately, I have not found these elements.<br />Dimensions of spores are the most similar to Nitschkia modesta?<br />Nitschkia grevillei has a narrower spores.<br />Nitschkia pezizoidea has the most suitable spore sizes but ascomata not tuberculate.<br />Spores 1-septate (poorly visible):<br /><br />(7.1) 7.5 - 9.7 (9.8) × (2.4) 2.5 - 2.9 (3.2) ?m<br />Q = (2.6) 2.7 - 3.5 (3.6); N = 15<br />Me = 8.5 × 2.7 ?m; QE = 3.1
<p>9.73 2.80<br />9.19 2.54<br />8.83 2.89<br />8.53 2.91<br />9.77 2.68<br />7.29 2.73<br />7.68 2.81<br />8.14 2.75<br />7.47 2.89<br />9.49 3.21<br />8.08 2.52<br />8.30 2.37<br />9.68 2.84<br />9.02 2.87<br />7.06 2.35</p>
<p>greetings<br />Mirek</p>
Enrique Rubio, 11-04-2008
Quelle est le nom (et les auteurs) correcte pour la morille des sables? Morchella dunensis (Boud.) Clowez?
Rubén Martínez Gil, 01-10-2016
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Subo unas fotos de un disco amarillo que hemos encontrado hoy sobre tallos de helecho.</p>
<p>Miden unas 500 micras de diámetro.</p>
<p>Ascas tetraspóricas, amiloides, con croziers.</p>
<p>Esporas de unas 18 x 2,5 micras (Aún no tengo esporada libre y la medida es aproximada).</p>
<p>Paráfisis con una gran gútula de color amarillo en tramo apical.</p>
<p>Excípulo ectal con artículos terminales conteniendo gútulas del mismo color amarillo.</p>
<p>¿Qué les parece? Gracias por su ayuda.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 05-04-2018
Hi to everibody<br />I'd like to know your opinion on this fimicolous pyrenomycete with gregarious, very small (up to 250 microns in diam.), blackish, roundish, semi-inmersed, glabrous perithecia with cylindrical, bitunicate (I pressume) asci with pale brown, dimorphic, 1-septate, ascospores with probably minutely verrucose walls, with no germs-slits, no sheaths.<br />The ascomata grew on incubated dung of a small mammal, maybe a fox.<br />Many thanks for your help<br />Perhaps close to the genus Roussoëlla?
Castillo Joseba, 30-11-2016
No puedo concretar que tipo de Quercus, polsiblemente Quercus robur<br /><br />No tengo ni idea de por donde mirar, no se si es un Ascomyceto o un Basidiomyceto <br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Josep Torres, 23-05-2023
Hola.<br />Unos pequeños apotecios sesiles blanquecinos sobre una hoja en descomposición de encina (Quercus ilex).<br />Con un diámetro de entre 0,2 a 0,7 mm., y el borde piloso.<br />Pelos marginales septados, con ensanchamientos en el ápice y con contenido granuloso en su interior.<br />Excipulo de textura globoso angularis.<br />Ascos ostospóricos y al parecer sin uncínulos en su base, aunque en algunas imágenes si parecen apreciarse unos pequeños uncínulos, con reacción amiloide al Melzer y al Lugol de un muy diminuto maparato apical.<br />Ascosporas cilíndricas, algo apuntadas en un extremo, con contenido de aceite 0-1, y unas medidas en agua de:<br />(6.3) 6.7 - 8 (9.1) × 1.8 - 2.3 (2.6) µm<br />Q = (3) 3.2 - 4 (4.5) ; N = 36<br />Me = 7.4 × 2.1 µm ; Qe = 3.6<br /><br />Por sus características pienso en Mollisia, pero no he encontrado ninguna dentro de las Claves que encaje con mi propuesta.<br />Cualquier opinión por vuestra parte será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Enrique Rubio, 20-05-2009
J'amairais conaitre votre opinion sur ce Lophiostoma sur les pieds morts de Gramineae. Les spores ont regulierement 5 septa.
L. caudatum?
Merci de votre aide
Enrique Rubio, 24-06-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>Can someone help me with this article on Pleospoarles?</p>
<p>HOLM, L. (1957) - Études taxonomiques sur les Pléosporacées. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 14(3): 1-188.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 08-08-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I need again your help with these small (uo to 0.7 mm), gregarious, blackish, conical, conspicually papillate, allways superficial pseudothecia with trabeculate hamathecium, 4-spored clavate asci with 3-septate hyaline and smooth ascospores, later brownish, verrucose, many times with end-cells paler. No gel-sheath, no appendages at all.</p>
<p>The fungus grew on decorticated twigs of an ericaceous, lignified, host at 1800 m of altitude.</p>
<p>In 2005 keys on this genus (Tanaka, Harada & Barr) I don'find a species that matches with my collection.</p>
<p>Have you some idea?</p>
Martin Bemmann, 26-05-2013
Hi todos...<br /><br />two years ago I compiled all the finds of Pseudotrichia viburnicola. Since then we have now 4 new collections:<br />it was Stip Helleman to find one during MellAsco 2011 in Le Bois de Sairé on Hedera helix:<br />next was Enrique Rubio who found it in Serín, Gijón, Asturias, Spain 13IV2012 on ?:<br /><br />then a find of Thierry Duchemin in Trouville, Normandy on Clematis connecting those geographically from southern England:<br /><br />And some days ago I found it in my mothers garden in Bonn, Germany where we enjoyed some Pentecôte holiday. It grew there on a dead twig (on the ground) of most probably Rosmarinus (some pictures attached, an updated map of distribution as well).<br />I wish all of you who will meet in Somiedo a fruitfull and friendly foray which I sadly cannot join.<br /><br />New Spanish records of Ps.v. are welcome... ;-)<br /><br />Best regards<br /><br />Martin<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-03-2013
Hi to all
<p>This fungus<br />make superficial and ostiolate pseudothecia, singly or in small groups up to<br />20-25 pyriform pseudothecia 0.3-0.4 mm high but really they are not stromatic.<br />The host is a hanging decorticated branch of Quercus ilex in a sunny exposed submediterranean<br />situation growing close to Corticium medioroseum, a typical southern fungus.</p>
<p>The pseudothecial walls, covered by a yellowish KOH negative covering, are redish and the gelatinous content orange.<br /> I don't know what genus belongs this rare fungus(Dictyotrichiella, Capronia?...)</p>
<p>Many thanks again for your help</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-03-2017
Hi to everybody<br />Could you help me with a pdf copy of this work on Hypoderma <br />Powell, P. E. 1974. Taxonomic studies in the genus Hypoderma. PhD thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 117 p.<br /><br />Many thanks again<br />
Enrique Rubio, 24-02-2014
Can anyone help with these gregarious, small (up to 0.3-0.4 mm) sessile, white to amber, slightly gelified apothecia growing on old stromata of Hypoxylon grex rubiginosum? I don't know if the sustrate is reddening because the host is red.
<p>The hairs are very difficult to dissociate and they are hyaline, long cylindrical, with no clavate and verrucose apices. Asci IKI red with croziers. Paraphyses with some colourless Vb's.</p>
<p>I think could be an Hyphodiscus species, maybe the Hyphodiscus 'cistella' of Baral's folders but perhaps it could be Nannfeldt's Cistella geelmuydenii. Or these two fungi are conspecific?</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Blasco Rafael, 27-05-2019
Hola, He recogido estas muestras en ramas de 10--12 mm de rosaceas, hay dos especies juntas,la cara que da al suelo tiene Propolis versicolor var. versicolor, pero la cara que esta al aire tiene una especie diferente, puede ser un cryptodiscus sp.<br /><br />He revisado los generos Cryptodiscus, Stictis, Propoleos, Propolina y Propoloides y no veo nada parecido, posiblemente sea algun otro genero que no conozco.<br /><br />Largo 1,6 mm x ancho 1 mm<br />parafisis muy finas x1--x1,3 bifurcadas en apice<br />esporas con 3 septos en la madured,<br /> ascas 100--110 x 9--10<br />Crozier presente<br />Alguna idea de por donde continuar????<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rfaael<br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 28-12-2012
Hi again<br /><br />These gregarious, small (up to 0.6 mm), shortly stipitate and fully white ascomata are firmly attached to the aerial parts of bryophita that grows on Pinus wood. The material was sent to me by M. Tapia from Navarra (NE Spain).<br />The asci are IKI negative and they have croziers (+). The ascospores are small and smooth. The paraphyses have some colorless VB's. Ectal excipulum with textura globulosa to prismatica with any gelified tissues. The margin has not differenciate hairs, only chains of cells with clavate and smooth end cells.<br /><br />We think perhaps this fungus is close to Pezizella muscicola Graddon, but the original diagnosis seems to be short and very incomplete.... <br /><br />What's your opinion <br /><br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Enrique Rubio, 15-05-2007
Je vous prie une aide pour detterminer cette Mollisia que croit dans les tiges d'Erica arborea.
Asci IKI bb, with croziers. Spores 40-51 x 3, multiseptées. Tout les ascomes sont KOH (-). Marginal protrudings subhyalines, brunatres, olivacées en KOH.
Je pense a Mollisia ericae Rolland selon les clés de Andreas Gminder.
Merci par votre aide.
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 07-12-2004
Il manque le genre je crois dans le base de données
Marc Detollenaere, 29-03-2020
<p>On a decorticated branch of Fraxinus I found a white colony of hypho's</p>
<p>Witn the microscope I saw synnemata of 400x17oµ and hyaline conidia of about 22x15µ. Conidia seemed to be solitary.Conidiophores were subhyaline and not markedly branched.Hyphae were 2µ thick.</p>
<p>Could it be Pachnocybe albida?</p>
Josep Torres, 15-02-2023
Hola.<br />Unos diminutos apotecios con forma de grano, de color anaranjado claro, de entre 0,8 a 1,3 mm. de diámetro, brotando de manera dispersa sobre unas hojas en descomposición ya bastante degradadas de planifolio tropical indeterminado, fotografiadas en la zona de Laguna Bávaro (República Dominicana).<br />Excípulo medular y excípulo ectal muy parecidos, con hifas filamentosas muy entrelazadas.<br />Ascos octospóricos, unitunicados, inoperculados, al parecer sin uncínulos en su base y con aparato apical que no reacciona al Melzer (-).<br />Paráfisis filiformes, hialinas con múltiples septos, sin ensanchamientos en el ápice y generalmente curvados.<br />Ascosporas elipsoidales, de pared gruesa con granulaciones en su interior, con unas medidas de las esporas libres de:<br />(11.6) 12.3 - 14.8 (15.8) × (8.2) 8.4 - 9.8 (10.5) µm<br />Q = (1.3) 1.35 - 1.58 (1.6) ; N = 30<br />Me = 13.4 × 9.2 µm ; Qe = 1.5<br /><br />Cualquier sugerencia que pueda apuntar en la dirección correcta será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.<br /><br /><br />
Enrique Rubio, 04-06-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>These small (0.3-0.6 mm) gregarious, sessile, not really cupulate apothecia were found on Typha old leaves at 1350 m of altitude. The excipulum is brownish black and they have not conspicuous marginal elements. Any crystal we have seen in medulla or excipulum. The ascomata are KOH yellowish. Ascospores strongly clavate with well visible gel sheath around fresh discharged ascospores.</p>
<p>It seems to be close to Mollisia hydrophila that I found regulary on Phragmites at the sea level, but this species are paler ascomata with many crystals.</p>
<p>Have you any idea for help me?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-07-2007
Cher amis du Forum:
Je vous propose une nouvelle question : Ces ascomata, turbinatées, extérieurement tomentoses, de 1mm d'altitude et 1 mm de largeur, croissent sur les feuilles mortes de Daphne laureola à 1700 m d'altitude.
Asques IKI bb, jusqu'à 132 x 11, sans des crochets. Paraphyses avec beaucoup de VBs jaunes - verdâtres. Spores 10.5-16 x 5-8, pleines d'une multitude de guttules refringents. Excipulum médullaire intricata et ectal globulosa.
Je pense a Rutstroemia sp. parce que sa base apparaît stromatisée et noirâtre et par ses caractères microscopiques.
Avez vous quelque opinion?
Dear friends of the Forum:
I propose you a new question: this ascomata, turbinate, outside tomentose, of 1mm of height and 1 mm in width, grows on Daphne laureola old leaves at 1700 m.
Asci IKI bb, up tol 132 x 11, without croziers. Paraphyses with many VBs yellow - greenish. Spores 10.5-16 x 5-8, full of a multitude of refractive guttules. Medullary excipulum intricata. Ectal excipulum globulosa.
Thank you for your kindly help.
Enrique Rubio, 25-02-2015
Bonsoir mes amis
<p>Je me demande si cette Eutypella qui fait des pustules irregulaires de 2-3 mm avec 1-plusiers peritheces de diametre 0.5-0.6 mm sur le bois cortiqué d'Acacia melanoxylon pourrait etre Eutypella paraphysata (Speg.) Rappaz. Les cols emoussés, peu prominents, 140-150 µm ne sont pas cruciformes.</p>
<p>Les espores jaunatres ou jaune-brunatre, allantoides, 6.7-10.7 x 1.6-2.1 µm. Asques longuement stipités, IKI bleu, pars sporifera 35-40 x 6.5-7.0, les stipes jusqu'a 112 µm. Il y a des paraphyses ramifiés un peu partout avec des goutelettes refringentes.</p>
<p>J'aimarais connaitre votre opinion même si je connais bien les difficultés de ce genre.</p>
<p>Merci en avancé</p>
<p>*Je joint la diagnosis de Spegazzini </p>
<p> </p>
Savic Dragisa, 18-07-2016
Another Peziza, diam. 2-5 cm, on the ground near the stream.<br />Maybe P. depressa?<br />
Michel Hairaud, 21-01-2015
Hi to every one,
<p>I am looking for help after the collection of a tiny, stipitate, white- hyaline creature on (I think ?) Frullania. on Picea standing and living trunk.</p>
<p>Apos from 0,1 to 0,2 mm .</p>
<p>Ascus 50 - 80 x 11-12,5 , IKI negative , H+, clavate with a narrow base</p>
<p>Paraphyses with the last cell very broader , with CRB + vacuolary content</p>
<p>Spores with OCI 4,5 , most often with 2 larger guttules x 2,8 µm and smaller ones, 13-15 x 3-3,5 µm , mostly 1x septate oustise ascus (and also sometimes inside) .</p>
<p>I apologize for the rather poor picture quality and the lack of information on the excipulum (at least)</p>
<p>Amitiés et merci, Michel</p>
Yannick Mourgues, 25-09-2008
Voilà un très beau champignon trouvé dans une mouillère dans les PO à 1700m d'alt. sur une branche de bois (à proximité : aulnes, hêtres, bouleaux) indéterminé.
Macro :
Ascome haut jusqu'à 9mm ! cupuliforme à orbiculaire étalé. Hymenium de diamètre 6 mm max, crème grisâtre.
Excipullum furfuracé. Excipullum et stipe (jusqu'à 6 mm de haut) crème-grisâtre un peu plus foncé que l'hymenium.
Ne rougit pas à la blessure.
Micro :
Spores incurvées, 20-25x6-7 um remplies de guttules de 2 à 3 um de diamètre.
Asques 70-90x10-12 um, IKI+ dans le Lugol. Spores unisériées. Boucles +
Paraphyses larges de 4 um, septées, remplies de guttules non réfringentes.
Avec les clés dont je dispose, je n'arrive à rien de convainquant.
Pouvez-vous m'aider dans cette détermination ?
Merci par avance.
Yannick Mourgues
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 07-01-2005
Chers tous : j'envoie maintenant un anamorfo, il croît sur un champignon sec, est minuscule et sa forme rappelle les Leptosphaeria; des suggestions sont remerciées, par ailleurs les exemplaires sont frais, du même matin s'il est nécessaire de faire quelque chose avec ceux-ci.
Blasco Rafael, 27-05-2014
<font><font>Hola, Tengo this Muestra sobre madera Recogida en Corylus, tiene sobre 0,5 mm, forma Grupos densos la recogi mi Hace unas semanas y la di como C. phaeostroma, Pero acabode ver en el Banco de Datos que tambien esta C. fusca, y no se que differencias tienen entre las dos </font></font><br /><font><font>Ascas con crociers, 105-117 X 16-18 </font></font><br /><font><font>Esporas de 30-37 X 5,3-9, tres septos, pongo Alguna foto inmadura </font></font><br /><font><font>Pelos o hifas de color marrón oscuro en color X9 - X8, 5 </font></font><br /><font><font>Micro agua </font></font><br /><font><font>Un saludo </font></font><br /><font><font>Rafael</font></font>
Sánchez Leandro, 12-06-2017
Sur Betula, diamètre max 6 mm<br />Rutstroemia firma ??<br />Cordialement
Enrique Rubio, 31-07-2012
Ascomata turbinate, not scutellate, that grew on peaty soil with small roots and liverworts, fully whitish, up to 3 mm, strongly gelified, margin not ciliate.<br />Spores 2-guttulate that seems verruculose but is not confirmed by the use of cotton blue.<br />Asci 8-spored, IKI negative (KOH pret. negative too), croziers +, up to 100 x 13.<br />Paraphyses polimorphic, without Vb's, embebed in a hyaline gelified matrix.<br />No crystals, no blue reaction in Melzer. <br /><br />Margin of a firmly textura porrecta. Ectal excipulum of the flanks with a fine outer layer of cilyndrical gelified hyphae. All the layers are gelified too.<br /><br /><br />I think could be a Pezoloma species but I don't know what could be<br />Many thanks again
Luis Ballester, 29-06-2020
Hola a todos<br /><br />I found this small <em>Tarzetta</em> that seemed strange to me from the beginning, different from the <em>T. catinus</em> I have seen other times.<br /><br />The size is very small, the largest specimen is 13 mm in diameter, the ascocarp is sessile and the hymenium is more grayish than the excipulum.<br />Also the habitat is different from the one I usually find<em> T. catinus</em>, this time it is in muddy soil, next to a stream with <em>Quercus ilex</em>, the PH of the soil is acidic.<br /><br />I have been looking for possibilities and I have found a taxon that I did not know called <em>T. quercus-ilicis</em>. What is your opinion?. If there is any microscopic difference with <em>T. catinus</em> I could look it under a microscope<br />
Blasco Rafael, 21-01-2016
Hola, tengo esta muestra sobre musgos, me recuerda a Bryoscyphus dicrani, pero con muchas dudas ya que las esporas se quedan pequeñas. puede ser algun otro ???????<br />Diametro 0,13--0,18<br />Altura sobre 0,10--0,11, no lo he podido medir bien.<br />Ascas entre 73--90 X 8--10.<br />Crozier +, Lugol +<br />Esporas entre 9--11 x 6--7 (13x8)<br />parafisi llenas de pequeñas gotas x3--x3,5 <br />Con Lugol pared del Asca parece que toma un color rojizo, y las parafisis un poco ocre anaranjado.<br />Un saludo<br />Rafaeal
Enrique Rubio, 25-11-2005
Someone knows about that small, pubescent and sesile disc shaped Helotial (1-1.5 mm) with beautiful blue-green colours?
Spores 10-12 x 3-3,5 micr.
Asci pleurorrhincous and 8-spored
Enrique Rubio, 22-04-2013
<br />Hi to all<br /><br />Could this fungus be Leucostoma persoonii or some close species of this genus? It grew on Prunus sp. branches at 1000 m ofaltitude. I don't know its Cytospora anamorphic state.
<p>Do you know some modern keys of Leucostoma?<br />Thanks again </p>
Rubén Martínez Gil, 21-02-2016
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Subo unas fotos de un asco que hemos encontrado sobre hojas de Quercus ilex.</p>
<p>Miden unas 750 micras de diámetro.</p>
<p>Esporas con 3 septos, de 14-17 x 4-5 micras.</p>
<p>Ascas amiloides y con croziers.</p>
<p>Paráfisis filiformes, más anchas en tercio superior con una gran gútula en el interior.</p>
<p>¿Pueden ayudarme? Pensé primero en Mollisia o Niptera.</p>
<p>Gracias por su ayuda.</p>
Garcia Susana, 23-02-2016
Hola,<br /><br />I found these perithecia in Elm wood. <br />They have diameter 400um size and a variable neck, up to 1400um in length. <br />The Asci are octosporadas with visible apical apparatus in water, IKI - <br />Spores are colored and I don't see having germinative slit. It seems that they have apical germination pore.<br />I can't identify it, perhaps next to Anthostoma?<br /><br />Saludos,<br />Susana<br />
Enrique Rubio, 19-07-2011
Hi to all:<br /><br />These perithecia grow on a well developped reddish stromata erumpent from bark of Populus nigra. KOH = purplish. The asci have an conspicuous apical apparatus. Macroconidia are hyaline and 3-7 septate. Maybe Neonectria coccinea?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Blasco Rafael, 31-08-2016
Hola, he recogido estas muestras a 2200m, en orilla rio, zona humeda sobre el suelo, lo mas cercano que veo es Ramsbottomia lamprosporoidea, les parece que puede ser esta especie o alguna otra cercana.<br />diametro 1--1,6 mm (2,2)<br />parafisis pigmentadas 210--220 ultima celula llega a 7--9<br />parafisis con lugol, el pigmento naranja vira a negro<br />esporas espinosas 17--18,5 x 16,5--17,5<br />espinas hasta 5 micras<br />ascas 220--310 x 20--23<br />J- base alguna veo doble<br />excipulo ¿¿ oblita o porrecta ??<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Pintos Angel, 04-06-2016
En graminea sin determinar, puede ser Leptosphaeria sp?<br />Gracias
Marcel Vega, 05-01-2014
Bonsoir,<br />un copain a besoin de l' article suivant:<br />SPOONER & CANDOUSSAU (1988): Bambusicolous fungi from the Southwest of France III. A new species of Encoelia. Trans. Mycol. Soc.Japan 29: 219-223<br />Quelq'un peut aider?<br />Merci,<br />Marcel
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 10-05-2007
Voici la description d'un petit Dermateaceae récolté lors des journées Ascos de Belcaire, sur tige morte d'Euphorbia, qui me semble proche de Diplonaevia mollisioides mais je n'ai pas de littérature sur cette espèce hormis une planche proposée par Zotto sur son DVD.
Apothécies érompantes, à hyménium beige jaunâtre ; surface externe beige présentant à la marge des touffes d'hyphes ± dressées, noirâtres. Ø 0,1-0,2 mm
Asques fusoïdes, avec crochet, contenant 8 spores bisériées, 41-52 × 4-5 µm, à anneau apical IKI+ (bb). Paraphyses droites, hyalines, cloisonnées, contenant des gutulles réfringentes. Spores fusiformes avec un sommet un peu plus large, hyalines, avec quelques fines guttules, non cloisonnées, 8-10 (11) × 1,5-2 µm. Excipulum de textura prismatica.
Je joins mes dessins micros et une photo macro de qualité moyenne (pas facile à photographier ces petites bêtes...)
Merci pour votre aide.
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 29-05-2023
<p>Good afternoon</p>
<p>Do you know what this "Pyreno" could be? In Acer leaves, surely A. monspeliensis. They are soft black dots, bulging when hydrated, tiny, which occupy the entire width of the leaf, as you can see in the photos. It doesn't look like a classic Pyreno, it probably isn't.</p>
<p>The asci have a curious apical apparatus, very marked, but it is inamyloid. All asci I've seen have that irregular shape on the walls, I assume they're alive, although it looks like they're not. Spores are 2-celled, with 4 large LBs, 2 per cell, and hyaline conical appendages at the ends.</p>
<p>Orienting myself for the spores I have gone to the genera Anisomeridium, Naetrocymbe, Lophiostoma, Vaginatispora, Lophitrema, Pseudocoleophonea and Wettsteinina, but I don't see anything like that.</p>
<p>These are the measurements:</p>
<p>(15.5) 16.1 - 17.4 (18.3) × (4.1) 4.7 - 5.3 (5.6) µm</p>
<p>Q = (3) 3.1 - 3.6 (4) ; No. = 38</p>
<p>Me = 16.7 × 5 µm; Qe = 3.4</p>
<p>(60.1) 60.6 - 72 (83.9) × (10.8) 11.8 - 14.5 (15.6) µm</p>
<p>Q = (4.2) 4.4 - 5.7 (6) ; No. = 42</p>
<p>Me = 67.1 × 13.3 µm; Qe = 5.1</p>
<p><br />Thank you so much.</p>
<p>Miguel Á. Ribes</p>
Enrique Rubio, 03-03-2016
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>What about this Sporomega/Colpoma growing on dead wood of Cistus ladanifer lying on the ground at the SW Spain?</p>
<p>The ascospores are 1-septate with a gel seath and an apical globule. Paraphyses with conspicuous Vbs stained blue by Cresyl blue. No yellow KOH reaction or only greenish on the dark, marginal, elements. This collection agrees with Guy Garcia's GG 04040402 and GG 05041001 from 2004 and 2005 on Calluna and Castanaea wood. But my spores are only 1-septate (not 3-septate) and lacks de yellow KOH reaction (saids 'as some Mollisia species').</p>
<p>Do you now some news on this fungus?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Malcolm Greaves, 07-04-2020
Has anyone got a key to Pososordaria or information on P leporina?
Patrice TANCHAUD, 19-03-2016
Bonjour,<br /><br />récolte sur déchets de tournesol pourrissant en tas. Apothécies jusqu'à 2 cm, spores 15-17 x 7,5-8,5 µm. J'arrive à P. fimeti ...<br />Merci d'avance pour vos avis.<br /><br />Patrice<br />
Joop van der Lee, 22-01-2016
Found on rabbit dung.<br />This species has characteristics of Sordaria as well as Coniochaeta but up till now I do not have any clou what it might be.<br />Fruitbody: Spherical, with a short and broad neck, no hairs foung, body is completely submerged in the dung and only the neck is visible.<br />Asci: 8-spored; 256.6-274.5X25.5-28.2 um, swelling in width from 43-59 um in water. Apical apparatus showing blue with Melzer; short stalk.<br />Spores: Uniseriate; very dark brown when mature; mature spores 26-43x16-23 um;<br />immature spores 26.4-28.8x12-15.9 um; spores are surrounded by a gelatinous sheath; spores have a longitudinal germ slit along the entire length of the spore.
Enrique Rubio, 27-11-2006
J'aimerais connaître une opinion sur cette espèce de Leptosphaeria (Phaeosphaeria) qui croît sur des tiges d'Ammophila arenaria. Les spores, avec 5 (4) septa, mesurent 25-30 x 7.
J'ai pensé qu'il pourrait s'agir de Leptosphaeria larseniana Munk.
Merci à tous
I would like to know some opinion about this Leptosphaeria species (Phaeosphaeria) that grows on stems of Ammophila arenaria. The spores, with 5 (4) septa, measure 25-30 x 7.
Might he be Leptospharia larseniana Munk?
Thanks to all
Blasco Rafael, 30-03-2015
Hola, tengo estea muestra que ha salido al lado de Pseudombrophila cervaria, un unico ejemplar,<br />pense en alguna especie dentro de los generos , Peziza o Pseudombrophila, pero en la base de datos que tengo no veo nada que se le parezca.<br />Alguna idea ??????<br />Sobre estiercol de caballo.<br />0,98 diametro.<br />Esporas con apiculas gelatinosas a su vez estas esporas estan dentro de una vaina hialina, y miden sin contar los apiculos 34 x 16---35 x 17----37 x 16.<br />Ascas J- Croziers ¿? miden entre 275--290 x 38--43.<br />parafisis septadas, x 3---x4,5 con apice hasta x10.<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Salvador Tello, 17-08-2014
Hola a todos.
<p>Hace unos días cogí un hongo que crecía en tallos y brácteas de Eryngium bourgatii ue no tengo idea de cuál puede ser ¿alguien tiene alguna idea? Gracias.</p>
<p>Ascomas gregarios o solitarios de 0,3 - 0,6 mm, anaranjados con la parte externa de color oscuro, irrumpiendo de entre la epidermis de tallos y brácteas muertas de Eryngium bourgatii, en una zona encharcada a 2500 m de altitud. Escípulo ectal compuesto por células de textura prismática, generalmente envuelta por una capa de color púrpura, cubierta de cristales, con el margen terminando en algunos pelos hifoides hialinos. Ascas de aproximadamente 135 x 18 µm, octospóricas, inoperculadas, no amiloides y con croziers en la base. Ascosporas de (15,69) 17,14 - 21,13 (24,92) x (6,79) 7,12 - 8,97 (9,81) µm, biseriadas, lisas, hialinas, envueltas en una vaina gelatinosa que desaparece rápidamente después de ser expulsadas. Paráfisis más largas que las ascas, ramificadas, multiseptadas, con algunas pequeñas gotitas de pigmentación anaranjada mucho más abundante en la parte inferior y con numerosos cristales acumulados en la parte superior.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador. </p>
Juuso Äikäs, 22-03-2022
Hello, <br /><br />today I found some tiny Helotiales growing on a well-rotted piece of board. This was a rather large growth -- a dense group of thousands of fruitbodies.<br /><br />Asci 8-spored, IKI+(rb), croziers(+). Paraphyses with a rough, inflated tip. <br /><br />Spores: <br />
<p>(5.7) 5.9 - 7.4 (7.5) × (2.9) 3 - 3.2 (3.3) µm<br />Q = (1.9) 1.92 - 2.26 (2.3) ; N = 10<br />Me = 6.4 × 3.1 µm ; Qe = 2.1<br /><br />Identification help is naturally welcome!</p>
Illescas Tomás, 22-05-2016
Hola a todos:<br /><br />Adjunto imágenes de una recolecta del pasado 8-5-2016, sobre hoja de <em>Quercus ilex</em> en Cazorla (Andalucía, España), a 1100 m snm. Ascomas de 100-200 µm de diámetro, con pelos marginales de color pardo al microscopio óptico, de pared algo engrosada, provistos de abundantes cristales en el ápice. Ascas octospóricas, bitunicadas; aparato apical con reacción positiva azul en IKI. Paráfisis cortas, cilíndrico-fusiformes, poco septadas.<br /><br />Esporas lisas, hialinas, elípticas, con escasas vacuolas, de 5,5-7,5 x1,75-2,5 µm.<br /><br />Pienso en Incrucipulum o algún género similar.<br /><br />Agradecería orientación al respecto.<br /><br />Un saludo,<br /><br />Tomás Illescas<br /><br />
Blasco Rafael, 05-07-2015
Hola, a ver si me pueden ayudar con esta Nectriaceae, les parece que sea la que propongo ??? .<br />recogida sobre madera de Buxus descortezada.<br />de joven redondeado y de maduros forma conica.<br />peritecios de diametro 0,28---0,30.<br />Esporas con 1 septo, verrugosas, 12--13,5 x 7--7,5.<br />Ascas J-, no he podido medir bien, 100---115 x 7,5---8.<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Enrique Rubio, 23-05-2018
Hi again<br />Minute semi-inmersed pseudothecia (up to 200 microns in diam) with only the obtuse papilla visble, on stems of Tamus communis (Dioscorea c.).<br />The golden light ascospores are (1-)3-septate, the second cell slightly enlarged, with obscure apical conical appendages. <br />It seems to match with the plate 0506 in last Bjorn Bwergen's book on Pyrenomyecetes, under the name Leptosphaeria scitula on Chelidonium. But the spore (and asci) size is larger than Holm and Shoemaker's descriptions.<br />What do you think?<br />Thanks again for help me.
Enrique Rubio, 25-07-2013
Dear friends<br /><br />Under a melanized thin, blackish, clypeoid pseudostroma they are these very small, roundish, glabrous, ostiolate perithecia up to 175 microns in diameter. Single or in groups up to 18-20 confluent perithecia with ostioles that allways are not collectivelly erumpent. I have not seen a true stroma and the peritecia are not in valsoid configuration.<br /><br />The fungus grew on a corticated branch of Salix lying on the wet ground periodically covered by the fresh water of a lake, together with Lophiostoma appendiculatum. <br /><br />The asci are shortly stipitate, up to 90 x 7 (pars sporifera up to 70), 8-spored, with an apical apparatus deeply blue in IKI and Melzer. The brownish fresh ascospores have a conspicuous sigmoid and oblique germ slit; appendages or slimy sheath are absent.<br /><br />With the keys on Xylariaceous fungi I arrive to the genus Anthostomella but I don't know a good species that fits with my collection<br /><br /><br />What do you think?<br /><br />Thanks again
Marc Detollenaere, 08-12-2020
<p>Good evening Forum,</p>
<p>I'd like to ask your help for an anamorph looking as densely grouped subulate spines on the bark of Acer.</p>
<p>Under the microscope I found 1-septate hyaline conidia of 8x2.6 to 9.4x3.4µ pointed at one end.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 02-07-2013
Hi to all<br /><br /><br />On very wet hardwood my friend M. Tapia was found this Pyrenopeziza with white to amber pallid sessile ascomata up to 1 mm in diameter, attached by a narrow point to the sustrate. They are discoid, aplanate, never deeply cupulate and their margins are not pilose. The excipulum has the same color than the hymenium.<br /><br /><br />Asci whit conical apices IKI b not of the Hymenoscyphus type, close to the Calycina type, 8-spored, with croziers. The ascospores are clavate with a low lipid content. Paraphyses without conspicuous refringent Vb's. The excipulum is made by an angularis-subglobulosa hyaline texture becoming prismatica in the flanks and towards the margin. Hyaline short clavate hairs make the apothecial margin. <br /><br /><br /><br />I think is not P. dilutella but I don't know a species that fits well with this collection.<br />Have you some idea<br />?<br /><br />Thanks again<br /><br /><br />
Thomas Læssøe, 30-05-2022
<br />conidiomata immersed. Conidia on short conidiophores, brown, septate, typically 4-6 septate, lengthwise striate, 30.8-41.7 (av. 36,1) x 5.9-7.6 (av. 7,1) µm.<br /><br />
Rubén Martínez Gil, 03-12-2016
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Pongo unas fotos de un asco de color amarillento que hemos encontrado hoy sobre un tallo de una herbácea sin identificar.</p>
<p>Miden unas 500 micras de diámetro y tienen un pequeño estípite.</p>
<p>Esporas alantoides, de 20-25 x 6-7,5 micras, con ¿3 septos? cuando maduras.</p>
<p>Ascas hemiamiloides, pleurorrincas.</p>
<p>Paráfisis engrosadas y dobladas en el ápice, con contenido inerno de color amarillento claro.</p>
<p>¿Pueden ayudarme?</p>
<p>Gracias por sus respuestas.</p>
Enrique Rubio, 07-03-2016
<p>Hi to the Orbilia lovers</p>
<p>This nice species was found on the inner bark of Eucalyptus camaldulensis lying on the ground at the SW Spain, exactly at the place named Cuestas de Torreseca, Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres) Spain, 40º 03'48.59" N; 5º 35'22.22" O, 363 m. The sessile ascomata 0.4-0.9 mm in diameter have conspicuous glassy processes and the short 8-spored asci have the four lower spores reversed.</p>
<p>I feel it is close to albidorosea buy I'd like to know your opinion</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
Castillo Joseba, 08-06-2016
Hay alguna tecnica o sistema para medir las esporas curvas?<br /><br />Yo uso Piximetre y siempre tengo problemas y dudas con las medidas de este tipo de esporas<br /><br /><br />Agradeceré cualquier sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 19-03-2008
Cher amis:
J'aimerais connaître votre opinion sur ce Saccobolus qui croissait dans un crottin de cheval. Les asques mesurent jusqu'a 85 x 20. Les clusters (8 spores) 40-44 x 12-15 et les spores 15-16 x 6,5-7, avec un (sub) reticulate pattern.
J'avais pensée dans S. eleutherosporus Brumm, mais je ne suis pas sure.
Merci de votre aide.
Joaquin Martin, 19-12-2014
Hi<br /><br />Pyrenomyceto found on branch dead of Quercus ilex, bright, subsumerged perithecia.<br />Found in a Holm oak forest at 100-150 m from the Cantabrian Sea, with clear saline influence.<br />Perhaps being somewhat immature, I have not observed germination pore.<br />It is the closest that I find in<br /><br />Thanks.<br />
Maren Kamke, 19-03-2014
Hi everybody,<br />I need your help again.<br />I continue to find this species on decidious wood and old, thick rubus stems. It is very small with a size of 0,2 mm, becoming superficial, gregarious. Spores hyaline without septa, but I'm not sure if they become 3-septate with age, (19-23) 21,33 x 4,25 (4-5) µm. Asci 85-101x6-8 µm, IKl negative, biseriat with croziers.<br />Thanks<br />Maren
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 11-12-2004
Ce serait 1 º désirable?
2 º convenable?
et 3 º possible?
Déposer des documents : une bibliographie, des articles dans une base d'adtos on line accessible?
Blasco Rafael, 06-09-2016
Hola , tengo esta especie recogida en zona de Hayedo-- Abetal, sobre rama caida de cara al suelo<br />Pienso que sea Olla scrupulosa, pero no se si puede haber otra candidata mejor.<br />Diametro 0,20--0,36<br />Esporas de 9--10 x 2,6--3<br />ascas de 55--60 x 6--6,7<br />Crocier +<br />Pelos muy abundantes<br /><br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
Blasco Rafael, 30-06-2015
Hola tengo esta muestra sobre estiercol de vaca, y necesito su confirmacion ya que la veo diferente.<br />el color en mas amarillo verdoso que anaranjado.<br />alguna muestra aislada, stercorea siempre la he visto en grupos.<br />Parafisis rectas, no engrosadas en apice.<br />diametro el mayor 0,58.<br />Pelos septados,rectos, incrustados, base doble y alguno triple, hasta 435 x 26.<br />visto un solo pelo estrellado.<br />Ascas 235---260 x 14---15, crozier -.<br />esporas dentro asca 18---19 x 11--12<br />Un saludo<br />Rafael
William Slosse, 06-12-2020
Hello everyone,
<p>on November 26, 2020 I found an asco growing at the base of presumably Carex arenaria. The site is located in the gray dunes in Koksijde, Belgium (coastal area). The asco appeared in abundance and I think it could be a Rutstroemia.<br />Can somenone give me a clue?</p>
<p>Spores: elliptical; filled at the poles with clusters of droplets; Av 16.34x6.50µm (N = 17)</p>
<p>Asci: J-; uniseriated, 8-spored</p>
<p>Paraphyses: filiform; cilindric; sometimes branched at the top; multiseptated; finely encrusted (?); diameter on average around 3.17 µm</p>
<p>Hairs (?) or paraphyses on the edge: thick-walled; multiseptated; finely encrusted; tapered top; content colored.</p>
<p>The photo series in the same order with a final image of the outer excipulum.<br />All measurements were done in water.</p>
<p>Kind regards, William</p>
Mlcoch Patrik, 20-08-2018
Hi, <br />I would like help with determination.<br />Perithecia singly or small groups, distale zone absend, subepidermal, only ostiole prominent on surface, 620 um in diam., 300 um hight, ostiole 200-500 x 100 um, a long filiform, wall of ascocarp textura angularis, cells 15-20 x 10-14 um. Asci (37)40-43(48) x (7)7,6-9(9,5) um, ascospore biseriale, (12)13-15(16) x (2,8)3,1-4(4,6) um, Q=4,1, with polar apiculum 4-5 um long. I thought, that it is somewhere from the Diaporthales, but microscopic structures are diferent or somewhere with group Apiognomonia errabunda, Ophiognomonia rubi-idaei, Gnomoniopis chamaemori, comari or fructicola, but its microscopic structurs are by me different. Sub. dead stems of Rubus idaeus.
Enrique Rubio, 14-01-2014
<p>Hi to all</p>
<p>My friend F.J. Balda sent to me these gregarious, very small, turbinate, white to amber apothecia growing on the inner bark of Crataegus together with Orbilia xanthoguttulata.</p>
<p>I don't know a good genus for this fungus that maybe reminds me the callorioid fungi. Asci IKI negative, with croziers. Paraphyses with clavate tips and without Vb's. Excipulum with + or - roundish hyaline cells. Marginal 'hairs' hyaline, clavate, smooth, with any content. </p>
<p>Have you any idea?</p>
<p>Many thanks again</p>
Salvador Tello, 01-03-2014
Hola.<br /><br />He encontrado estos Ascobolus que no consigo identificar. ¿Alguien los conoce?<br />Gracias.<br /><br /> Apotecios marrones, hasta de 2 mm, creciendo sobre tierra rodeada de excrementos de conejo, en principio ovoides sin exponer el himenio, más tarde rompiéndose la parte superior para exponer el himenio, con las ascas maduras sobresaliendo por encima. Ascas de (471,61) 533,37 - 649,45 (671,83) x (17,15) 71,23 - 97,07 (105,34) µm; Me = 591,59 x 81,92 µm, de paredes amiloides, operculadas, con 4 a 8 esporas. Esporas esféricas, de 28,47 - 35,94 µm; Me = 32,59 µm, al principio hialinas, después pasando por diferentes tonos liláceos y posteriormente marrones, uniseriadas o irregularmente biseriadas, envueltas en una masa gelatinosa, (en cuanto a la ornamentación, es un poco complicado, porque esta es muy variada. En su mayoría se ven casi lisas, ligeramente punteadas o con pequeñas estrías, que a su vez pueden tener pequeñas o grandes grietas. Aunque con menos frecuencia también aparecen verrucosas, con diferentes formas de las verrugas). Paráfisis cilíndricas, septadas, cubiertas por una masa amarilla en su parte superior.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Patrice TANCHAUD, 01-12-2022
<div>récolte réalisée sur un pin brûlé, spores 4-4,5 µm, lisses et hyalines (elles peuvent paraître verdâtres, mais c'est le résultat de la photo sous le micro). J'aboutirais à H. schweinitzii...</div>
<div>Merci d'avance pour vos avis éventuels.<br /><br />Patrice T.</div>
Viktorie Halasu, 24-12-2021
Hello,<br /><br />wish you a merry christmas! <br /><br />In case someone drops by, I have this small Pyrenopeziza(?), on a piece of bark stuck 1m above ground between branches, on its inner side. The tree is Crataegus, I'm not sure about the piece of bark. <br />Asci seem inamyloid, mostly inflated with a narrow base. <br />Paraphyses cylindrical, VB-, not reacting in Baral's either. <br />Only short brownish clavate cells on the margin.<br />Soc. Orbilia xanthoguttulata. A row of trees between railroad and a field, riparian forest nearby.<br /><br />Am I in a correct genus? I've seen just a few lignicolous species in Bernard's key and neither was a good match. Maybe it froze a bit overnight, perhaps a damaged Mollisia would be a possibility too?<br />Thank you in advance.<br />Viktorie <br />
Chávez Domingo, 29-10-2012
Hi all!<br />It's the first time I have spoken in the forum, and here I bring these specimens asking for your help.<br />Specimens found in leaves of Castanea sativa.<br />A greeting and thank you very much!
<p>Domingo Chávez</p>
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 18-01-2005
Je crois il manque dans la base le genre Tricharina
Enrique Rubio, 02-09-2012
Hi to everybody<br /><br />I'd like to know your opinion about these totally white ascomata, not yellowish nor reddening, small (up to 1.4 mm in diam.), gregarious, shortly stipitate by a stout and short stipe. The margin is glabrous an inrolled and the excipulum is white and pubescent.<br />The ascomata grow on Betula alba wet wood at 1600 m of altitude.<br /><br /><br />The asci seems to be IKI very faintly blue, 8-spored and they have croziers. Paraphyses have long cylindrical and refringent vacuoles. Ectal excipulum with textura angularis with many short polymorfic indiferenciate hairs. No basal blue reaction with IKI or Mlz.<br />I can't see a clearly textura oblita in the excipulum and because of it I cannot say that my fungus is close to Bisporella subpallida.<br />What do you think?<br />Many thanks again
Salvador Tello, 21-11-2012
Hola.<br />Antes de nada me presento, ya que es la primera vez que entro al foro.<br />Mi nombre es Salvador Tello y soy un aficionado a la micología. Vivo el Valdepeñas de Jaén (España) y no logro identificar este Ascomiceto.<br /><br />Mide unos 2 cm y estaba en restos de una hoguera en un bosque de Quercus ilex. Yo estaba pensando en Geopora pero las esporas no me cuadran con ninguna de las de las claves que tengo.<br />Las ascas no son amiloides y estas son las medidas de las esporas.<br />23,8 [25,6 ; 26,1] 27,9 x 11 [11,8 ; 12] 12,8 µm<br />Q = 2 [2,1 ; 2,2] 2,4 ; N = 57 ; C = 95%<br />Me = 25,9 x 11,9 µm ; Qe = 2,2<br /><br />
roman vargas alberto, 03-06-2009
Ces spécimens collectés sur la terre humide sur les bords d'un fleuve près de la plage.
De taille entre 0.2-0.5 cm en présence de l'une des macro ou de poils microscopiques, fortement épineux spores.
Je vous remercie de votre avis.
Alberto Roman.
These specimens collected on the wet earth on the sides of a river near the beach.
In size between 0.2-0.5 cm in the presence of either macro or microscopic hairs, strongly spiny spores.
I appreciate your opinions
Enrique Rubio, 18-07-2012
Hi to everibody<br />We have collected on previous years leaves of Rubus ulmifolius these strange orange to yellowish ascomata arising of veins and petioles. Apothecia are gregarious, very small, up to 200 microns, and they are barrel shaped, columniform, later substipitate, turbinate and subcupuliform.<br />No hairs or another piliform structures we have seen in the margin or the excipulum.<br /><br /><br />Ascospores are filiform and up to 3-septate at maturity. Asci IKI b, croziers unknow. The paraphyses have allways some refractive vacuoles at their apices. Excipulum maybe with textura porrecta.<br /><br />We don't know what genus agrees with our collection. Can you help us?<br />Many thanks again<br />Enrique
Salvador Tello, 04-12-2012
Sobre cúpulas de bellotas de Quercus ilex, de 1 o 2 mm.<br />Ascas no amiloides, paráfisis sectadas con numerosas gútulas en el ápice y esporas de 7,6 [9,2 ; 9,6] 11,2 x 3,8 [4,3 ; 4,4] 4,9 µm (algunas sectadas)<br />No se que puede ser.<br />Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
BERNARD CLESSE, 06-09-2015
Bonsoir à tous,<br /><br />En prospectant une place à feu, j'ai photographié un Anthracobia je pense. Sur la photo à l'écran d'ordinateur, je m'aperçois qu'il y a un autre champignon (un pyrénomycète je pense). <br /><br />Les spores sont fusoïdes, très guttulées, noir verdâtre puis noires à maturité, avec un appendice hyalin d'un côté : 18,5 x7-8 sans l'appendice, 20x7-8 avec appendice.<br /><br />Une idée ?<br /><br />Bernard
Georges Greiff, 08-12-2021
Hello all,<br />A couple of colleagues collected a whitish disco from living thalli of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha (subsp. ruderalis). I think this is Pezoloma marchantiae.<br />Ascospores lacking guttules with dark spots near the ends (nuclei?). In water, n=20, averaging 8.65 x 4.3. Asci 8-spored, in IKI tips with a faint reddish band.<br />
<p>I have put some photos in the comments below. Please let me know if there is more information that would help to confirm the ID. <br /><br />Thanks,<br />George</p>
Amadej Trnkoczy, 27-02-2017
Hi,<br /><br />May be somebody more experienced can help me. Is it possible that these pictures show Kretzschmaria deusta in a not yet mature (black) state? I know only bright whitish-gray anamorph form and completely black stoma. I've never seen something in between. Some pictures of stromatal surface like in<br /><br /><br /><br />may give some hope? Unfortunately I have no pictures of section of stroma or microscopy.<br />Found on large Fagus sylvatica trunk (cut surface, not on bark)<br /><br />Thanks for your response.<br />Amadej
Marja Pennanen, 27-05-2010
I found these on a juncus-like grass. They are about 0,5-0,7 mm high and 0,2-0,4 mm wide. The base of stipe is brown.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 06-03-2023
I found only this one perhaps premature, but full ripe stroma. It is small, only about 1,3/0,8 cm in the dried specimen.<br /><br />24.02.2023, Portugal, Algarve, near Monchique<br />seemingly on the ground, but possibly connected with wood (most likely Quercus suber), in the margin of a small animal hole in a small canyon to a rivulet), in Quercus suber-forest (with Arbutus u.a.)<br /><br />With the key of Jacques Fournier I end at Xylaria longipes, with a fitting spore size. But: there is no Acer in wide surrounding, and the specimen looks very different from everything I by now saw as X. longipes. The germ slit of the spores is straight in my specimen (siee last foto). <br /><br />Who can help further?<br />Yours, Lothar<br /><br />P.S. We found also X. violaceorosea on Castanea, and X. cf. putaminum on Olea stones (form with small spores fitting X. oxyacanthae) - and a lot of X. sicula
Rubén Martínez Gil, 13-06-2013
Hola a todos.<br />Pongo unas fotos de especie que encontramos sobre tallos de Sambucus ebulus.<br />Esporas de 8,3-11,4 x 1,3-1,9.<br />Croziers (-), aunque en alguna podría parecer que sí.<br />¿Qué os parece?<br />Gracias
Alessio Pierotti, 08-02-2017
Hello ! Someone have this work ?
<p>Bakshi B. K. 1951. – Studies on four species of Ceratocystis, with a discussion on fungi causing sep-stain in Britain. Commenwealth Mycological Institute Mycology Research Paper 35: 1-16.<br /><br />Hunt J. 1956. – Taxonomy of the genus Ceratocystis. Lloydia 19: 1-58.<br /><br />Samuels G. J. 1993. - The case for distinguishing Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma. In: Wingfield et al., Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology, and Pathogenicity.</p>
<p>Upadhyay HP (1981). A monograph of Ceratocystis and Ceratocystiopsis. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, USA. 176 pp.<br /><br />Alessio </p>
Barredo Andrés, 25-09-2006
Je voudré saboir si vous conaiçais ce champignon qui à crû dans ma terrace, prèt de la Serra de à Barcelone. Moi je j'ai pensé qui'il peut être quelque marasmius ou microphale mais je ne suis pas sure.
Pablo P. Daniëls, 09-12-2023
Buenos días,<br />Encontré un lophodermium en las hojas de QUercus ilex (1 x 0.4 mm). Las esporas miden aproximadamente 40-47 micras y los ascos miden más de 125 micras de largo. La mayoría de las especies son de coníferas, por lo que esto no debería ser complicado.<br />El petiolorum crece en los nervios, lo cual no es mi caso.<br />¿Pueden ayudarme con eso?<br />Muchas gracias<br />Pablo<br /><br /><br />Bonjour,<br />J'ai trouvé un lophodermium dans les feuilles de Quercus ilex (1 x 0.4 mm). Les spores mesurent environ 40-47 microns et les asques mesurent plus de 125 microns de long. La plupart des espèces sont des conifères, donc cela ne devrait pas être compliqué.<br />Le petiolorum pousse sur les nerfs, ce qui n'est pas mon cas.<br />Vous pouvez m'aider ?<br />Merci beaucoup<br /><br />Pablo
Garcia Susana, 06-05-2013
Hello<br />This gnomoniaceae grows abundantly on leaves of Quercus.<br />Size: 350 - 400 x 280-350um. Neck 900-1300 x 45-50.<br />Asci: 30-33 x 9-13um. Apical apparatus 2um<br />Spores: 13-15 x 2-3um, noncentral septum (60% -40%). With small appendages (2-3um) at the ends.<br />Initially I thought it was Ophiognomonia setacea, but lacks the central septum. It looks like gnomnia incrassata, but the neck is long and slightly smaller spores, and the host is Quercus. <br />Do not know whose it is?<br />Can anyone identify the species?<br />Thanks in advance
<p>Susana (Spain)?</p>
Castillo Joseba, 11-07-2016
He encontrado esta especie en jardin, debajo de pìceas, mochos ejemplares de entre 1 y 2 cm. de diametro, NO TIENE LATEX<br /><br />He intentado varias micros y tambien he puesto un ejemplar a esporar, pero no he podido ver esporas libres.<br /><br />A versi hay alguna sugerencia <br /><br />Joseba
maurice pelissier, 17-03-2014
Poussant sur une grosse branche morte 10 cm de long jaunatre se tachant de brun rouge rempli d'une matiere gelatineuse et visqueuse comme sarcosoma orientale asques rares un seul mur ou l'on voit des spores lisses bigutullées . une idée ??
ruiz Jose antonio, 02-02-2023
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hola, una Anthracobia en restos de quemados compartiendo espacio con Anthracobia tristis.</font></font></font></font>
<div><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">De tamaño de 4 a 5 mm.Recubierta de pelos marrones de 2 septos , tamaño de unos 80 a 90 micras. </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tamaño de esporas incluidas en las fotos. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Veo dos tipos de pelos los marrones son excipulares y los hialinos con base ampuliforme, que seguramente no sé si son pelos o hifas. </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Adjunto plancha de mykodb,en la que aparecen dichos "pelos"</font></font></font></font></div>
Enrique Rubio, 13-04-2015
<p>Hi to everybody</p>
<p>I know Hypcopra is a very difficult genus but I'm surprising by this species growing on horse dung because their asci have a complex apical apparatus IKI r, IKI b or mixed red-blue at the same structure. Unicellular ascospores, more or less equilateral, with a germ slit 4/5 spore lenght, are surrounded by a broad gel sheath.</p>
<p>Blackish clypeate stromata content 1 to 4 perithecia up to 750 microns in diameter. Black papilate ostioles are encircled and have not tomentum.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Camille Mertens, 19-04-2021
Hi everyboby.<br /><br />Doe's somebody could provide some article or information about Ciborinia camelliae?<br />I'll be happy if you could help me.<br />Thanks.<br /><br />Camille<br />
Bonjour, je recherche les 2 articles suivants (de préférence au format pdf): <br /><br />Kimbrough J. W., Luck-Allen E. R. & Cain R. F., 1972.- Noth American species of Coprotus (Thelebolaceae : Pezizales). Can. J. Bot., 50 : 957-971.<br /><br /> Bezerra J.L. & Kimbrough J.W., 1975.- The genus Lasiobolus (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Canadian Journal of Botany, 53(12) : 1206-1229.<br /><br />D'avance merci <br />Amitiés à tous et toutes <br /><br />Hello, I look for following 2 articles (rather in the size(format) pdf):
<p>Kimbrough J. W., Luck-Allen E. R. and Cain R. F., 1972.-Noth American species of Coprotus (Thelebolaceae: Pezizales). Can. J. Bot. 50: 957-971.</p>
<p>Bezerra J.L. and Kimbrough J.W ., 1975.-The genus Lasiobolus (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Canadian Journal of Botany, 53 ( 12 ): 1206-1229.</p>
<p>Beforehand thank you<br />Friendships in all and all<br /><br />Francis<br /> </p>
Castillo Joseba, 23-02-2017
En rama de Oenothera, pequeños ascomas de 500 a 900 µ, de color marron oscuro<br /><br /><br />He hecho algo de micro y hay elementos que no se si son las ascas y parafisis o no<br /><br /><br />Alguna sugerencia?<br /><br /><br />Josebas
Salvador Tello, 21-01-2013
Hola.<br /><br />Este ascomiceto de 2 mm crecía en tallos secos de Rubus ulmifolius, tiene un pequeño pie, casi inapreciable y el esterior del apotecio cubierto de un entramado de pelos septados, narrones, de entre 3,8 y 6 micras de grosor. <br />Ascas de 127,8 [136,1 ; 141,1] 149,4 x 10,9 [12 ; 12,7] 13,9 µm, con el poro apical amiloide. Paráfisis divididas en la base, septadas y con el ápice anaranjado. Esporas lisas, con munerosas gútulas pequeñas en su interior (he visto solo una septada).<br />Creo que puede ser Lachnellula, pero no logro averiguar cual. <br />Gracias.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.<br />
Marja Pennanen, 07-07-2010
this morning I went to pick some Psilachnum cassandrae. While picking and looking for more of them I found a beautiful white thing on one of the Chamaedaphne leaves. After picking enough I looked, if something interesting would turn out on Andromeda leaves and found a little more of this :)
They are about 0,1 to 0,3 mm wide.
Thorben Hülsewig, 30-09-2020
Hi there,
<p>i found this asco on 25.09.2020 on a Fagus cupules.<br />At first I thought of an ombrophila, but in the meantime I am not so sure anymore. Interesting is that this species seems to have hairs on the underside of the apothecium.<br />Also the reaction of the asci on Lugol is weakly blue.<br />Any idea what it could be ?</p>
<p>best regards,<br />Thorben</p>
Adam Polhorský, 04-05-2016
Hello everyone, <br /><br />microscopy corresponds well with U. tityri, but the host is atypical(?). Could there be another possibility?<br /><br /><strong>Asci:</strong> MLZ-, crozier+, bi to uni-seriate<br /><strong>Spores:</strong> 5-7 x 3,5-4 , with few guttules<br /><strong>Paraphyses: </strong>perhaps 2 types?? majority protruding, coiled or straight, narrowing to the apex<br /> others are immersed between asci with rounded apex<br /><strong>Hairs: </strong>i dont think i observed hairs, could not find them at the margin.<br /><br />Thank you,<br />Adam<br />
Enrique Rubio, 19-01-2022
Hi Forum<br />The ascomata of this fungus grew on corticated wood of Ulex europaeus, making cleistothecia (apparently non-ostiolate), blackish-brown, up to 0.5 mm in diameter, erumpent, isolated or coalescent and more or less spherical. The evanescent asci are claviform, pedicellate and contain (2-3-)4 dark brown spores with an apical pore, probably also monosporic since some excessively large spores may be seen. <br />At the end, the contents of the ascomata are powdery and consisting of a large cluster of spores and the asci disappear.<br />I wonder if this fungus could be well accommodated in the monospecific genus Boothiella, although it is different from Boothiella tetraspora, with larger cylindrical asci and larger and different spores.<br />Many thanks in advance for your opinions.<br />
Matthias Mann, 24-01-2017
Dear Forum!<br />First tiny white dots on Quercus-wood aroused my attention and then I saw the red colored wood. Under binocle I found following Pyreno. Could the white spots be it's anamorph? -all speculation.<br />
Enrique Rubio, 26-07-2016
<p>These very small (100-300 µm), erumpent, greenish, somewhat pulvinate apothecia were found, by chance, under the bino, between ascomata of Pezicula myrtillina and Gibbera sp, on thiny terminal branches of Vaccinium myrtillus at 1700 m of altitude.</p>
<p>The apothecia are fringed by a crown of sparse hyaline subacute hairs, with somewhat partially glassy solid walls, IKI negative, that don't dissolve in KOH.</p>
<p>The 8-spored asci are IKI negative, arising from croziers. Paraphyses without VBs. Ectal excipulum globulosa to prismatica with strongly pigmented greenish walls. The peculiar ascospores 1(-2) septate.</p>
<p>I feel this fungus could be into the Naevioideae, perhaps close to Chaetonaevia.</p>
<p>Have you some idea for help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 25-07-2012
This Mollisia species grews at the very humid basal parts of grasses (maybe Molinia caerulea) in peat bog soil at 800 m of altitude.<br />The ascomata, up to 1 mm, grew on a + or- developed brownish subiculum and the hymenium is yellowish or amber. KOH is clearly yellowish (+) but not strongly yellow. Ascospores are eguttulate. Asci IKI b, up to 75 x 8, 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses have cylindrical Vb's or fragmenting refractive Vb's,<br />Medullary excipulum with hyaline or subhyaline textura intricata. Ectal excipulum with vesiculose or angular hyaline or palid yellowish cells. Marginal cells are clavate, hyaline and slightly gelified.<br /><br /><br />I think in Mollisia citrinopigmentosa but 'my spores' are bigger<br />What do you think?
Suite à plusieurs demandes, je viens de mettre au point, en toute modestie, une petie clé pratique des espèces rencontrées sur notre territoire. Je n'ai que peu de mérite puique je l'ai "extraite" de la clé mondiale du genre de Rappaz. Que nos voisins se rassurent, ils ont à peu près les mêmes espèces. Mais il en existe d'autres (je pense à Eutypella caricae qui sort sur Ficus dans le sud de l'Europe = bassin méditerranéen, que j'ai hésité à insérer par exemple).
Je vous demanderai de la relire et de me signaler toute erreur de la virgule jusqu'à des erreurs plus fondamentales, et de la tester. Ce n'est que lorsqu'elle aura été éprouvée, corrigée, critiquée et validée que j'oserai demander de la joindre dans la rubrique documentation.
En attendant de futurs échanges, je vous souhaite une bonne soirée.
Elisabeth Stöckli, 24-10-2016
Bonsoir,<br /><br />Récolte réalisée sur branches mortes d'Acer recouvert de mousse (Orthotrichum) en forêt de montagne à 1'150m. Apothécies stipitées, 0.15-0.4mm de diamètre, l'hyménium de couleur blanc, plus foncé vers la base du stipe, asques octosporés, 65-80x8-10µm, IKI+, spores contenant quelques gouttelettes, lisses, hyalines, 8-11x5-5.5µm, paraphyses multiguttulées, 2-3µm, septées.
<p>Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions.</p>
Pablo Sandoval, 09-03-2017
Estimados,<br /><br />Me podrían dar un consejo o cual es su metodología para la observación de esporas de Scutellinia. He tenido problemas con muchas colecciones donde me ha sido dificil observar la ornamentanción esporal, probablemente por inmadurez de las esporas.<br /><br />Tambien hay muchas colecciones donde el azul de algodón funciona de inmediato, sin problemas, pero hay casos en que practicamente me ha sido imposible ver algo de ornamentación.<br /><br />Si me pueden dar consejos o contar sus metodologías se los agradecería mucho,<br /><br />Saludos
Enrique Rubio, 07-09-2014
<p>Hi again</p>
<p>I need your help with this fungus with superficial ascomata growing on previous years leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus at 1400 m of altitude. Withish, turbinate, minute, up to 0.20 mm in diam. and 0.15 high, with an attenuate brownish base. Hymenium white, margin shortly pubescent, never with long hairs.</p>
<p>Asci clavate 48-65 x 6.0-7.5 µm, IKI bb Calycina-type, 8-spored, with croziers. Paraphyses with Vbs that stain in Crb. Ascospores hyaline, smooth walled, narrowly fusiform but slightly scutuloid, with some small guttules at the poles, 13.5-15.8 x 2.2-3.1; Q = 4.35-6.63. Excipulum built by a textura prismatica with their walls very gelatinized. Marginal cells short conical with abundant gelatinous matter over their walls and Vbs that stain in Crb. Any long hairs I have seen.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Any idea?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
<p> </p>
Enrique Rubio, 16-03-2017
Hi to everybody<br />I'd like to know your opinion on these scattered, small (0.2-0.5 mm), subturbinate, very shortly stipitate, semitranslucent, not gelatinous, glabrous apothecia, growing on sandy, old burned soil, among the moss Ceratodon purpureus, together with apothecia of Octospora rustica..<br />The hymenium and the excipulum are covered by a thin gelatinous, colorless layer making an epithecium. Asci 8-spored, IKI negative, with open, big, croziers as in many Orbilia species. Paraphyses with a small, roudish vacuole that does not stain in Crb. SCBs seem to be also present. Excipulum of hyaline, pyriform to roundish cells elongated towards the margo. Perhaps the free ascospores make narrowly ellipsoid microconidia.<br />I don't know what genus could be good for this fungus. Maybe it belongs to the Epiglia-Mniaecia complex?<br />Thanks again for your help
SYLVAIN ARD, 03-08-2014
Bonjour,<br />Si l'un de vous a ces articles :<br />Petrini, L.E. 1993. Rosellinia species of the temperate zone. Sydowia 44: 169-281.<br />Petrini L.E., O. Petrini & Francis S.M. 1989. On Rosellinia mammaefornis<br />and other related species. Sydowia 41: 257-276<br />Merci de me les faire partager.<br />Amicalement.<br />
Castillo Joseba, 13-05-2016
Os presento el programa y precios del VI Congreso ....<br />Para el personal que este interesado puede solocitar una hoja de inscripción en el correo <br /><br /><br />o tambien en el correo<br /><br /><br />Animaros que lo pasaremos bien<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Elisabeth Stöckli, 05-09-2016
<p>Dans l'écorce intérieur de Betula (tronc couché, zone humide à 950m), apothécies 0.2-0.4mm de diamètre, blanc à jaune clair, hyménium farineux, asques octosporés, 48-52x8-11µm, IKI+, spores lisses, hyalines, deux guttules 6-7x2.8-3.2µm, paraphyses droites, septées, à contenu réfringent.</p>
<p>Merci pour votre aide.</p>
Björn Wergen, 31-03-2014
Hi friends,<br /><br />does anybody have this work?<br /><br /><strong>Hyde, K.D.</strong> (1996). Fungi from palms. XXIX. <em>Arecophila</em> gen. nov. (Amphisphaeriaceae, Ascomycota), with five new species and two new combinations. Nova Hedwigia 63(1-2): 81-100.<br /><br />It may help to find a name for Nick's fungus, recently shown here as Cainia. <br /><br />thanks in advance.<br /><br />All the best,<br />björn<br />
roman vargas alberto, 12-05-2009
Salut, ces Pezizas, je les ai reprises sur des excréments bovins.
Un aliment pourrait se fréquenter(se soigner) de la Peziza fimeti, tant par la grandeur esporal, comme par les caractères macroscopiques (aucune ne dépassait les 2 cm), en révisant une bibliographie je ne trouve pas la différenciation claire avec la Peziza vesiculosa.
J'attends vos opinions.
Merci beaucoup.
Un salut.
Alberto Román
Hello these Pezizas, I gathered them on bovine excrements.
Fodder might treat about the Peziza fimeti, so much for the size esporal, since for the macrocospic characters (none was exceeding 2 cm), checking bibliography I do not find the differentiation clear with the Peziza vesiculosa.
I wait for your opinions.
Thank you very much.
A greeting.
Alberto Román.
ruiz Jose antonio, 19-01-2024
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hola, Peziza en zona musgosa en la orilla de un pinar (mezclado también suelo ácido) en concreto bajo jara pringosa (Cistus ladanifer) y Cantueso (Lavandula ).Tamaño de hasta 25 mm. </font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Agradecería vuestras opiniones.Saludos</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br />
Pierre-Yves Julien, 26-05-2021
Bonjour,<br /><br />Je nécessite votre aide pour cet asco que je n'arrive même pas à rattacher à un genre.<br /><br />Récolte le 25/05/2021 – Lardy (91) – France – Etude sur matériel frais vivant.<br /><br />Sur une brindille (diamètre 1mm) d'essence inconnue entre une pelouse sablonneuse calcaire et un bosquet (j'ai vu des Corylus). Agrocybe pediades et Tulostoma sp à proximité.<br /><br />Apothécies d'1mm de haut, stipitées, en coupes ouvertes (la marge enroulée vers l'intérieur sur la photo est due à la chaleur de la lampe de la binoculaire). Les ascomes sont distants de 15mm les uns des autres sur la brindille. L'hyménium est beige/jaune pâle, la face externe blanche semble veinée, difficile d'évaluer le relief avec mon matériel. Je n'ai pas vu de poils sous la bino (excusez la qualité des photos...)<br /><br />-spores cylindriques à contenu lipidique variable, le plus souvent 3-septées mais aussi 4-septées. Elles semblent posséder une sorte de périspore incolore/transparent assez épais ; 15 mesures dans l'eau sans compter ce périspore = [20-30]x[4-5]µm.<br /><br />-asques octosporées IKI+ et paraphyses moniliformes renfermant de nombreuses petites guttules.<br /><br />Difficile de faire une coupe propre et nette, je peux réessayer si nécessaire.<br /><br />Merci d'avance pour votre aide,<br /><br />Pierre-Yves
Enrique Rubio, 06-04-2009
J'amairais conaitre votre opinion sur cet petit ascomycete (ascomata: 0.2-0.5 microns), sessile ou subsessile, avec l'hymenium amber-verdatre- brun, frangée de poils hyalines ou legerement brunatres dans la maturesse, avec les extremites epineuses (type Cistella?).
L'excipulum est gelifiée, avec textura porrecta et les asques (jusqu'a 60 x 7) ont des crochets, 8-spored et IKI rougeatre ou bleu-rougeatre. Spores 5.7-8.3 x 2.8-3.4.
Il croit de maniere gregaire sur le bois de Tilia mort.
Merci de votre aide
I'd like to know your opinion about this small asco (ascomata: 0.2-0.5 micr.) that grows on Tilia sp. wood. Sessile or subsessile. Hymenium umber-greenish-brownish. Excipulum with gelified textura porrecta. Asci up to 60 x 7, 8 spored, with croziers, IKI r or rb.
The distal element of the hairs are spiny (Cistella-like?) . Spores 5.7-8.3 x 2.8-3.4.
Many thanks for your help.
Zetti Mario, 06-11-2023
I am not sure how much you can help me with these images found on a dead tree presumably Quercus sp. The fungus manifests itself as widespread black stromata forming large irregular patches often in longitudinal patterns. The surface is minutely bumped by almost-microscope pycnidia. <br /><br />I have not collected a specimen, but I can if revisit and collect, nonetheless the cross section of the stroma reveals some data that might be helpful<br /><br />So to conclude I assume this is a Biscogniauxia sp. and wonder if from the photos we can determine the species - maybe Biscogniauxia mediterranea ?<br /><br />Tnx<br />
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 13-05-2007
Voici de nouveau une récolte effectuée à Belcaire lors des journées ascos, sur tige morte de chardon (peut-être un Cirsium), et qui me pose problème malgré des caractères assez remarquables.
Apothécies discoïdes, à hyménium gris sombre, surface externe noirâtre avec un liseré gris pâle au niveau de la marge. Ø 0,5-1 mm
Asques fusoïdes, octosporés, avec crochet, 48-63 × 6-7 µm, à anneau apical IKI + (bb). Paraphyses lancéolées à spatuliformes, pluriguttulées mais sans réfringence, non cloisonnées, 57-62 × 4-5 µm. Spores fusiformes, hyalines, contenant quelques guttules, non cloisonnées, (14) 16-19 × 2,7-3,2 µm. Excipulum de textura globulosa/angularis à cellules noirâtres, se décolorant vers la marge et devenant plus allongées (cf. photo).
En suivant la clé de Bernard Declercq du genre Pyrenopeziza, on s'approche de P. carduorum mais cela ne colle pas pour les paraphyses et les spores de cette espèce sont un peu plus guttulées me semble-t-il.
En suivant la clé des Dermateoideae de Nauta & Spooner (1999), on arriverait, selon moi, sur le genre Mollisiopsis. Mollisiopsis lanceolata (= Pyrenopeziza l.) présente bien des paraphyses lancéolées mais pas aussi fortement que celles-ci et ses spores sont plus petites...
Donc j'arrive à des impasses. Merci pour vos suggestions.
Michel Hairaud, 17-03-2014
Bonjour à tous, Queridos amigos, Hi to everyone, <br /><br />Dans le prolongement du congrès de Somiedo de juin 2013, Enrique Rubio a dirigé l'élaboration d'un document numérisé complétant l'inventaire des Ascomycota du Parc de Somiedo. Ce document évoque aussi largement le déroulement du congrès, dont chacun s'accorde à dire qu'il fut une parfaite réussite. <br />Il est disponible en PDF à l'adresse :<br /><br /><br />Amitiés à tous. <br />Michel Hairaud pour l'équipe de Somiedo Ascomycota 2013<br /><br />Queridos amigos
<p>En el siguiente enlace podéis descargar un resumen de las jornadas Somiedo Ascomycota 2013 en el que os adjuntamos los resultados de las mismas.</p>
<p>Esperamos que hayais pasado unos buenos días en nuestra compañía y que pronto podamos volver a encontrarnos</p>
<p>Un abrazo<br /><br />Hi to everyone,</p>
<p>Please find at the following site a link for the now available pdf of the collected species during Somiedo Ascomycota 2013.<br />We do hope you will keep a pleasant memory of this meeting</p>
<p> Yours cordially,</p>
<p>The Somiedo Mycological team.</p>
<p> </p>
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010
After some time I tried an Orbilia again....
I found it today on a piece of rotten soaked wood, lying in a small creek, half submerged.
The few (4-5) apothecia are very fragile and light apricot in colour.
Asci are 8 spored, uni- to biseriate, IKI- and with a furcate base. (28-34.5 x 3.2-39 µm, without base)
Paraphyses are covered at the tip with a gelatinous mass, shape is capitate and there are septa in the stipe.
The spores are ovoid to fusiform featuring a prominent refractive body. (3.2-4.2 x 1.3-2 µm)
I believe that I have found O. coccinella two times before. Is it the third time?
François Bartholomeeusen, 17-05-2016
Dear forum,
<p>I found a few fruiting bodies on a dead twig of Myrica gale, partially decortated. Nearby grew several fruiting bodies of Incrucipulum sulphurellum</p>
<p>FRB: disc shaped, 237 x 191 µm, with long curling hairs</p>
<p>Spores: oblong: 5,56-8,1 x 1,89-3,29 µm Q= 2.93 with some drops at the poles<br />Asci: cylindrical, 23,64-28,83 x 3,37-5,44 µm in melzer apex slightly blue; no croziers<br />Paraphyses: filiform, sometimes forked: 26.57 x 2.43 µm<br />Hairs: thick walled, broad base and ending twisted like a corckscrew; 44,82 µm long, base 4.35 µm, wall: 1.91 µm</p>
<p>Thanks to this forum I think it is Hyaloscypha leuconia. I have no literature, can anyone help me to determine whether it is the var. leuconica or var. bulbopilosa?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance,</p>
<p>François Bartholomeeusen<br /><br /><strong>In annex one picture of the curling hairs and one document </strong></p>
Enrique Rubio, 06-04-2015
Hi to all
<p>Few days ago I have found these small fruitbodys growing on old wet stems of Rubus grex fruticosus at the sea level. Here is my description of this fungus.</p>
<p>Apothecia superficial, gregarious, scattered among the blackish brown setae of the conidiophores of a dematiaceous mould (Pseudospiropes?), narrowly turbinate, more or less gelified, whitish to amber color, up to 0.30 x 0.25 mm, substipitate on a short and stout pseudostipe 0.12 high and 0.15 broad. Hymenium flattened, smooth or only slightly pruinose. Margin involute, glabrous, that exceeds the hymenium level. Excipulum glabrous and whitish.</p>
<p>Asci narrowly clavate, inoperculate, unitunicate, 137-182 x 19-20 µm, 8-spored, IKI negative, arising from croziers. Ascospores biseriate, hyaline, smooth, with many small LBs, very polymorphic, ellipsoidal, cylindrical, subfusoid, obovoid, clavate, (19-)30(-38) x (5.2-)6.9(-9.8) µm; Q = (1.9-)4.6(-6.9), with 3(-5-6) cross septa only well visible in Melzer's reactive or congo red. A more or less smooth and complete gel sheath surrounds the fresh ejected ascospores. Paraphyses filiform, septate, not enlarged at their tips or only up to 2-2.5 µm, with cylindrical Vbs. Ectal excipulum textura oblita with cylindrical, elongate, septate, hyaline cells 2-2.5 µm, with a thin gel layer between them, wider at the apothecial base. Medullary excipulum is indistinguishable</p>
<p>The basal region of the ascomata stained blue in IKI. All the apothecial tissues extrude in fresh condition a bright yellow fluid in KOH 10%.</p>
<p>After reading Iturriaga & Korf's paper I don't know a species that fits well with this fungus.</p>
<p>Could you help me?</p>
<p>Thanks again</p>
Enrique Rubio, 01-07-2007
Bon soir mes amis du Forum:
Je vous prie une idée avec cette Peziza:
Ascomata cupulées, sessiles ou subestipitées, jjusqu'à 2,5 cm de diamètre, avec l'hymenium de couleur jaunâtre olivacée, mélangée avec du brun, qui envahit progressivement la totalité de celui-ci. Excipulum plus claire, légèrement furfuracée de brun près de la marge, qui est denticulée dans les très jeunes exemplaires. Chair jusqu'à 1,5 mm d'épaisseur, avec des tons olivacés dans des exemplaires frais et jeunes, et qui ne semble pas émettre latex après être exposé à l'air.
Spores largement elispoidales, avec un contenu jaunâtre et homogène, sans guttules, avec des murs un peu grossis et optiquement lisses (bleu cotton). Après être expulsé des asques elles présentent fréquemment les restes d'une enveloppe gélatineuse et hialine (perisporium) qui se détache seulement partiellement, en manière d'apéncice globuleuse collé à l'un de ses parois, de (19-20-21-(22) x (11-12-(13.5) m; Q = 1.6-(1.7).
Adques cylindriques, pourvus de crochets, 275-337 x (12-17-(20) m. Des extrémités intensément bleutés dans IKI.
Paraphyses multiseptées, cylindriques, sans des segments moniliformes, l'apical brusquement dilaté jusqu'a x 10 m. Elles ne semblent pas contenir un pigment intracelular. Le pigment, de couleur brune - rougeâtre ou brune - olivacée, semble être fixé dans les dites extrémités, en manière d'une incrustation extrapariétale.
Excipulum médullaire avec un mélange d'hyphes vesiculeuses (textura globulosa) et d'hyphes plus ou moins cylindriques, larges et plus ou moins entrelacées (une textura intricata). Excipulum ectal avec une claire textura globulosa, d'hyphes vesiculeuses jusqu'à 62-70 m d'un diamètre avec pigmentación jaune - olivacée.
J'ai pensée a Peziza granulosa var. boudieri Cooke (= P. boudieri (Cooke) Donadini, mais j'ignore si je suis erroné. J'aimerais connaître votre opinion.
Merci en avant
Josep Torres, 20-12-2021
Hola.<br />Unos ascomas con forma de dedo de color negro sobre la superficie de un tronco degradado de planifolio.<br />Ascomas con una altura de entre 0,34 a 0,49 mm. y una anchura de entre 0,12 a 0,14 mm.<br />Hifas del peridio externo de textura angular, pared gruesa y pigmentadas.<br />Hifas del excípulo por debajo del himenio hialinas y de forma angular.<br />Ascos uniseriados, octospóricos y con unas medidas de 52.6 - 65.7 × 6.7 - 7.3 µm.<br />Paráfisis que sobresalen mucho por encima del nivel de los ascos, hialinas, septadas, terminadads en un largo cuello, con una anchura de entre 2,6 a 4,3 µm. y con inflamientos que pueden llegar en algunos casos a las 7,3 µm.<br />Ascosporas elipsoides, de pared gruesa, con gotas lípidas y contenido granuloso en su interior, con unas medidas de:<br />(7.3) 7.4 - 9.2 (9.4) × (3.3) 3.6 - 4 µm<br />Q = (1.8) 1.9 - 2.4 (2.5) ; N = 25<br />Me = 8.2 × 3.8 µm ; Qe = 2.2<br />Cualquier sugerencia por vuestra parte será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Salvador Tello, 12-07-2015
Hola a todos, siempre me surgen dudas de que sería más apropiado decir. Veo trabajos donde aparece en la descripción de las ascas, diciendo "ascas biseriadas", pero en otros trabajos aparece en la descripción de las ascosporas, diciendo "ascosporas biseriadas"
<p>¿Qué sería más apropiado? ¿Es una propiedad de las ascas, o de las ascosporas?<br /><br />Gracias.<br /><br />Salvador. </p>
Salvador Tello, 22-06-2014
Hola a todos.<br /><br />Quería que me confirmasen si estoy en lo cierto con la identificación de este hongo. Gracias.<br /><br />Ascomas de (363,98) 376,87 - 534,18 (565,52) µm, generalmente gregarios, negros, con la superficie rugosa, algo cuarteada y con algunas espinas muy pequeñas, creciendo sobre la corteza de una rama muerta de Quercus ilex. Ascas de 97,35 - 131,67 x 17,92 - 20,53 µm, unitunicadas, multispóricas, no amiloides. Ascosporas de (10,34) 11,05 - 13,68 (14,32) x (2,00) 2,30 - 2,65 (2,85) µm; Me = 12,23 x 2,47 µm ; Qe = 4,97, lisas, hialinas, cilíndricas, alantoides, con algunas pequeñas gútulas de aceite generalmente en los extremos y en algunos casos con un septo transversal.<br /><br />Yo pienso que es Nitschkia broomeana. Tengo entendido que lo normal es que tenga más espinas y que las medidas de las esporas sean algo mas bajas, pero supongo que esto entrará en la variavilidad de esta especie ¿estoy en lo cierto?. Gracias.
Josep Torres, 24-06-2021
Hola.<br />unos diminutos apotecios de color amarillo fotografiados el pasado domingo sobre excrementos de ganado vacuno, compartiendo espacio con Cheilymenia granulata, Ascobolus furfuraceus y Pilobolus aff. chrystalinus.<br />Apotecios de forma globosa, de color amarillo, de entre 0,65 a 0,87 mm. de diámetro, con unas ascas emergiendo donde a 40 aumentos ya se pueden apreciar bien las esporas.<br />Hifas del contexto bastante uniformes, hialinas, septadas y con una anchura de entre 3 a 4,3 micras.<br />Asos octospóricos con una longitud que excede en muchos casos de 300 micras y con una anchura de hasta 80 micras.<br />Esporas anchamente elipsoides, hialinas en la juventud para ir coloreándose de violeta oscuro con el desarrollo, con una vaina mucosa en su alrededor, esta vaina visible ya en muchos casos dentro del asca y que se tiñe con el Rojo Congo, con algunas estrías irregulares en su superficie en función del plano observado, y con unas medidas de:<br />(55.9) 58 - 62.3 (63.4) × (29.5) 30.6 - 33.2 (34) µm<br />Q = (1.8) 1.83 - 2 ; N = 30<br />Me = 60.4 × 31.8 µm ; Qe = 1.9<br />Estas enormes medidas esporales no me encajan con ninguna especie de Saccobolus, y aunque si que tenemos el Ascobolus macrosporus y el Ascobolus grandisporus con esporas de gran tamaño, en ambos casos las esporas son esféricas, con lo que hasta he llegado a dudar de que se trate de una Ascobolaceae.<br />Cualquier sugerencia será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Elisabeth Stöckli, 24-10-2016
<p>Trouvé sur alluvions sableuses au bord d'un ruisseau à 1'150m. Apothécies discoïdes 2-5mm de diamètre, violet/brun foncé, asques octosporés, 150-200x18-25µm, IKI+, spores ornées 19-25x12-15, d'abord hyalines, puis violettes et enfin brunes, paraphyses élargies au sommet. Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer la différence entre Ascobolus behnitziensis et geophilus?</p>
<p>Merci d'avance pour vos avis.</p>
Pintos Angel, 09-07-2016
Hello, anybody have?:<br /><br />Sivanesan, A. (1984). The Bitunicate Ascomycetes and their Anamorphs. 1-701. Vaduz, Lichtenstein; J. Cramer<br /><br />Thank you <br />Angel Pintos
Castillo Joseba, 21-12-2024
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, recolectada en caña de Lythrum<br /><br />Esporas con halo, Ascas reacción negativa al IKI<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
ANDRE FEVRIER, 31-07-2013
4 ascomes à la base d'une tige morte de Typha plantée dans le sol boueux d'un bassin de rétention en cours d'asséchement<br />Ø des ascomes : 1mm, de couleur uniforme crème pâle, pulvinés, marge indistincte ou peu nette, consistance cireuse, paraphyses multicloisonnées vides optiquement Ø 10µ renflées à l'apex 20µ et dépassant les asques (ascomes non mâtures), asques 300-350 x 40-50µ à parois bleuissant nettement dans l'iode, spores globuleuses, bi-sériées et lisses à l'état jeune, monosériées et ornées à maturité par de longues épines tronquées jusqu'à 5 à 6µ, Ø 24-25 certaines jusqu'à 30µ (sans l'ornementation), cellules de l'excipulum constitué de cellules subglobuleuses à globuleuses jusqu'à 40µ.<br />Je pense à un Boudiera mais la couleur pâle des ascomes n'est pas commune dans le genre ; votre aide sera appréciée.<br />André
Juuso Äikäs, 13-07-2020
Yesterday I found some Pulvinulas growing on clay-rich soil near a pond.
<p>I thought the species might be Pulvinula convexella (= P. constellatio), but the spores are fairly small compared to some sources (although there seems to be broad variety between different sources). I'm thinking about the possibility of P. miltina.</p>
<p>I measured 15 spores from a spore print in water and the diameter was 14-15 microns.</p>
<p>There are many fresh expert approved sightings of P. miltina in the Danish In GBIF there are sightings from European countries and Australia and New Zealand. But I also found a comment by Nicolas Van Vooren on this forum from few years ago that P. miltina is an Australian species and possibly endemic.</p>
<p>So has there been some new study that has cleared this matter or is there still confusion about this species?</p>
Castillo Joseba, 22-04-2016
Buscando una especie, estoy viendo otras<br /><br />Esta me ha costado varias pruebas poder ver algunas cosas, no tengo seguridad de que es lo que he visto.<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia <br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Rodríguez Borja, 24-01-2011
Here´s a Acomycete from Madrid(Spain) between moss. 23-I-2011
I´ve thought about a species of Lamprospora but I cannot find something like..
They are red disc around 0.2 cm. at the centre red and in the margin pale orange.
The microscopic caracteristics:
Spores globose uniguttulate, with reticulum formed by ridges wich are >1µm high and 0.8 wide.
15.2 [16.6 ; 17.6] 19.1 x 13.3 [14.2 ; 14.8] 15.6 µm
Q = 1.1 [1.2] 1.3 ; N = 15 ; C = 95%
Me = 17.1 x 14.5 µm ; Qe = 1.2
Ascus around 180µm, paraphyses as the ascus and subcapitate 4-5 µm.
Also the are few hairs of 150µm.
Thank you very much!
Salvador Tello, 05-02-2014
Hola a todos.<br /><br />He encontrado estos hongos creciendo sobre excrementos de conejo. ¿Podría ser Pseudombrophila merdaria?<br />Gracias.<br /><br />Apoterios discoides, no estipitados, hasta de 5 mm, marrón claro, con el borde más oscuro, con un entramado de pelos septados.<br />Excípulo ectal de textura globulosa, con la parte exterior más coloreada. Excípulo medular de textura intrincada. Ascas de (155,28) 158,16 - 184,01 (186,90) x (10,71) 11,25 - 13,96 (14,19) µm; Me = 169,67 x 12,59 µm ; Qe = 13,55, no amiloides y algo curvadas. Esporas de (11,18) 11,36 - 12,43 (12,74) x (7,04) 7,50 - 8,17 (8,61) µm; Me = 11,88 x 7,86 µm ; Qe = 1,51, uniseriadas, hialinas, con algunas pequeñas gútulas de aceite, (no veo claramente si son finamente rugosas), Paráfisis septadas, no o ligeramente engrosadas en el ápice, simples o ramificadas en la parte superior, donde suelen estar cubiertas por una sustancia marrón.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
ANDIFE Antonio Díaz Fernández, 07-02-2018
Recolecta: 26/10/2016<br />Localidad: Saja - Cantabría (España) en el margen del río Cambillo.<br />Hábitat: Madera degradada de haya (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em>)<br /><em>Leg.: </em>Francisco J. Rodríguez Campo, José Antonio Rodea Butragueño y Antonio Díaz Fernández.<br /><em>Det.: </em>Enrique Rubio Domínguez.
Vasileios Kaounas, 13-02-2014
Found Attica Greece, dimensions 0,3-0,7 mm, in soil and wood in forest with Cupressus semprevirens.<br />Spores 16-18 x 9-10
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 07-12-2004
Pour faire des photos des gros plain: > 2 x les certaines digitales reflex avec un CMOS o CCD < 24 x 36 ont une aumentation extra: x 1, 5 (Nikon D 70) ou x 1,6 (Canon EOS 20 D) et une profondeur deu camp aussi extra.
Avec le souflage d'aumentation et un 28 mm ou 24 mm je peut actualement reusir une aumentagtion du 12 x.
La ilumination pas une probleme, des petits lampes et un flash anuler c'est sufit, avant, avec le boitier argentique seulement etait possible d'employer lumiere flash, anuler et un autre.
Une example hier: Lasiobolus
Alessio Pierotti, 01-01-2015
Since for the first time I got lucky ... I will try again...<br />Someone have...<br /><br />Schumacher 1990 - The genus Scutellinia. Opera Botanica 101: 1-107 ?
Michel RIMBAUD, 27-06-2013
Bonjour,<br /><br />Je rencontre le terme "croziers" dans la littérature et sur les sujets de forums Asco.<br />Qu'est ce que c'est exactement ? je sais que ça se trouve au pied des asques mais je n'en connais pas la définition et je n'en ai jamais vu. <br /><br />Je ne trouve pas ce terme dans les différents glossaires de mycologie, sauf celle-ci dans wikipedia : <a href=""></a>)<br /><br />Quelqu'un peut-il montrer une image de ce qu'il faut voir à la micro ? <br /><br />Merci de combler mon ignorance.<br />Michel
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 15-01-2005
Jái un probleme pour deposer des images ce matin, Fiche Tuber rufum, pas de photos, et toujous monis de 150 k
je pense une autre chose, Cést possible dans les fiches signaler lesquelles ont des photos o desings, pas seulement donnés?
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009
Hi together
I wish to show some results about the very interesting Orbilia collection made by Enrique, from Eucalyptus bark in Asturia. I identified this species as O. alba, but later found that while this Orbilia became senescent, another Orbilia developed with similar though wider spores with a larger, globose, central apical SB, which I identify as O. cotonoeastris (a close relative to O. rectispora and O. pellucida which JP Priou knows).
Now, I believe that to O. alba belong the adhesive knobs which trap arthropods, and also the Drechslerella anamorph with very thick 2-septate conidia and constricting rings. On the contraty, O. cotoneastris is a member of series Dactylella and has cylindrical multiseptate conidia and no trap organs are known.
The problems here are manyfold: The apothecia of O. alba are now decayed and no pure culture possible. We tried to cultivate the trap organs, but the result is still unsure. So, if this Orbilia shows up again I would be very glad to receive a further sample.
While the apothecia are gone, the adhesive knobs become more and more, and I added small spiders and mites. Actually, within a few seconds the legs stick to the knobs. Often the animals succeed to get free after keeping unmoved for some minutes to let me take pictures, but one small mite was captured yesterday and is now beginning to get overgrown by the hyphae.
The hyphae of the knobs with their Woronin bodies resemble well the anchoring hyphae of O. alba, but the last evidence should be brought by a culture.
When the animal legs touch the knobs, several knobs get glued together, and then the animal needs threefold power to get free.
Here an insect that was captured possibly 2 days ago and is now already overgrown by the hyphae.
Iglesias Plácido, 11-12-2018
Hola amigos, est sortie la revue Errotari de cette année avec 352 pages et le sommaire suivant mycologique:
<p>Mycena tubarioides por Enrique Rubio, E. Hernandez, Santi Serrano y F.J. Mateos</p>
<p>Psathyrella seymourensis en la Península Ibérica por Miquel A. Pérez de Gregorio y Santi Gibert</p>
<p>El género Hypoxylon: seis taxones nuevos para Galicia por J. M. Castro Marcote, Roberto Montes Papín y José Maria Costa Lago</p>
<p>Adiciones al catálogo micológico del Parque Natural del Gorbea y aledaños y listado de Ascomicetos (Ascomycota IV) por Javier Fernandez Vicente</p>
<p>Algunos Ascomicetos raros o poco comunes del País Vasco, Cantabria y Castilla-León por Javier Fernandez Vicente y José Luis Pérez Butrón</p>
<p>Aportaciones al catálogo micológico de la isla de Gran Canaria por Maren Oyarzabal, Plácido Iglesias y Javier Fernandez Vicente</p>
<p>Estudios en el género Hodophilus (Clavariaceae), con 3 especies nuevas; Hodophilus hymenocystis, H. fuscofoetens y H. praecox, por Sabino Arauzo y Plácido Iglesias.</p>
<p>Si quelqu'un est intéressé qui me le dit dans mon courrier particulier</p>
Josep Torres, 01-04-2020
Hola. <br />En estos momentos que debemos quedarnos todos en casa, debemos aprovechar para rescatar viejos temas que no logramos identificar en su momento, os presento uno del año 2016.<br />Las imágenes fueron tomadas el 23 de Marzo de 2016 en cauce fluvial, donde predominaban los chopos (Populus).<br />Pequeños cuerpos algodonosos con un corto pié, de color blanco y con un diámetro de tan solo entre 0,16 a 0,25 mm., estos compartían espacio con unos ejemplares de Nectria peziza (en la imágen abajo a la derecha), aunque no creo que tengan ninguna relación con la especie descrita.<br />En su microscopía solo destacar unas hifas dispuestas paralelamente, ramificadas y terminando en unas hifas conidiógenas irregulares, con septos simples, con una anchura de entre 3,2 a 3,5 µm y con ensanchamientos que pueden llegar a las 6,2 µm.<br />Conidios entre ovoides y elipsoides, con una forma de limón, con muy tenue contenido en su interior y unas medidas de 18,2 a 21 X 12,9 a 16,1 µm.<br />Cualquier sugerencia será bienvenida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
What is this ?
Pachyphloeus ligericus cf. ?
Petra Eimann, 31-07-2022
Hello all. I hope someone can help. Found on 19.03.2022 on hardwood. Fruiting body approx 1mm large, hook+ IKI+ Unfortunately I did not find any spores. On the last picture there could be a spore on the left edge, but I am not sure. Maybe someone has an idea in which genus I should look. I am grateful for any suggestions.<textarea id="BFI_DATA" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none;"></textarea><textarea id="BFI_DATA" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none;"></textarea><textarea id="BFI_DATA" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none;"></textarea><textarea id="BFI_DATA" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: none;"></textarea>
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Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 28-02-2019
Hola a todos/as<br />Adjunto fotos macro/micro de unos pequeños ascos turbinados no identificados, están recolectados en el sur de España en los márgenes de un camino con Eucaliptos (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), en el suelo húmedo con pequeños musgos.<br />Apotecios más o menos turbinados, de hasta 2,5 mm, de color marrón/rojizo y mechones de pelos en la parte externa.<br />Esporas globosas cuando son inmaduras, después anchamente elipsoidales, con envoltura gelatinosa, de: 21,5 [22,7 ; 24,2] 25,5 × 17,8 [18,6 ; 19,6] 20,4 µm, medidas realizadas dentro de las ascas, de paredes gruesas, con un núcleo y granulaciones en su interior.<br />Ascos octospóricos, algunas con el ápice capitada, con croziers ( amiloidad no testada)<br />Paráfisis con grandes gutulas, con septos y ápice fuertemente engrosado<br />Excípulo medular y ectal con textura globulosa/angularis<br />Pelos de color amarillo, septadas, de paredes gruesas y con el ápice terminado en punta.<br />A ver si me podéis ayudar con esta especie, yo ni tan siquiera me acerco al género.<br />Gracias anticipadas y un saludo a todos.<br />Curro Valencia
Savic Dragisa, 27-04-2016
I found it last year (april) on dead stem of Laser trilobum (Apiaceae).
Javier Ormad, 22-02-2010
Bonjour tout le monde
Eucalyptus bois dégradés, apothécies jusqu'à 3 mm. Mes conclusions sont partielles vers H. inflatula ou H. ulicicola (plus celle-ci), mais pas dans l'Index Fungorum ....
Je voudrais connaître votre opinion
Mirek Gryc, 24-11-2019
They grew on plant debris soaked in faeces together with Byssonectria terrestris.<br />I have no idea:(<br />KOH (-)<br />LUGOL (-)<br />Diameter up to 2 mm.<br />Mirek
Castillo Joseba, 14-01-2017
en rama de acacia, parasitando un aphyloproral<br /><br />No le veo una reacción evidente a los apices de las ascas con el Melzer<br /><br />Me parecia Hymenoscyphus, pero creo que no lo es<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br />Josebas
Gernot Friebes, 22-08-2021
Hi,<br /><br />I collected this discomycete at approx. 2400 m a.s.l. and I think it has strong similarities with this Roseodiscus aff. formosus:<br /><br />Spores measure about 10–13 x 3–3.5 µm, croziers are present, the asci are IKI bb.<br /><br />Just wanted to share this interesting collection.<br /><br />Best wishes,<br />Gernot
Javier Ormad, 19-02-2015
Hola a todos: <br />Lachnum/Capitotricha en herbácea, de zona dunar Apotecios <a id="_GPLITA_0" style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; background: transparent !important;" title="Click to Continue > by Deal Top" href="#">hasta<img style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: 10px !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 3px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: super !important; width: 10px !important; background: transparent !important;" src="" alt="" /></a> 1 mm de ø por 0.5 mm de longitud de pie. Ascas cilíndrico-claviformes, 8 esporas, mono o biseriadas, IKI+, con croziers, de 50-60 x 5.5-6 micras. Esporas largamente elípticas, lisas, hialinas, con 3-6 gútulas en ambos extremos esporales, de 9-13 x 2 micras. Parafisis lanceoladas, con inclusiones gutulares distribuidas irregularmente con pigmentación naranja. Pelos septados, <a id="_GPLITA_0" style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; background: transparent !important;" title="Click to Continue > by Deal Top" href="#">formados<img style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: 10px !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 3px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: super !important; width: 10px !important; background: transparent !important;" src="" alt="" /></a> generalmente por tres células, con excrecencias superficiales y cristales romboidales y polimórficos en ápice. Excipulo ectal <a id="_GPLITA_1" style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; background: transparent !important;" title="Click to Continue > by Deal Top" href="#">formado<img style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: 10px !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 3px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: super !important; width: 10px !important; background: transparent !important;" src="" alt="" /></a> por células globosas y subglobosas. <br />Llego a Lachnum morthieri o Capitotricha bicolor........ <br />¿Qué os parece? <br />Saludos <br />Javier<br /><br /><br />Aprovecho <a id="_GPLITA_1" style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; background: transparent !important;" title="Click to Continue > by Deal Top" href="#">para<img style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: 10px !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 3px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: super !important; width: 10px !important; background: transparent !important;" src="" alt="" /></a> solicitar si teneis <a id="_GPLITA_2" style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; background: transparent !important;" title="Click to Continue > by Deal Top" href="#">esta<img style="border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; text-indent: 0px !important; float: none !important; font-weight: bold !important; height: 10px !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 3px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: super !important; width: 10px !important; background: transparent !important;" src="" alt="" /></a> descripcion:<br />Ciboria asphodeli Duvernoy & Maire, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 44: 54 (1928)<br />
Mirek Gryc, 13-03-2020
Hello everyone.<br />Will someone help me identify?<br />Thank you in advance.
<p>Regards<br />Mirek</p>
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 01-12-2012
Bonjour.<br />On m'a confié la détermination d'un Elaphomyces récolté ces jours sous Quercus pubescens, mesurant 18-30 mm de diamètre. J'hésite fortement entre deux taxons : E. cyanosporus et E. persoonii.<br />Quels sont les critères objectifs pour séparer ces deux espèces ?
Josep Torres, 06-04-2021
Hola.<br />Unos diminutos ascomicetos peludos, con forma esférica y color marrón verdoso, con unas medidas de entre 0,9 a 1,7 mm. de diámetro total, brotando en un pequeño tronco de arbusto indeterminado procedente de las labores de limpeza en un campo de cultivo, cerca de un cauce contínuo de agua destinado al regadío. En el mismo tronco y a unos pocos centímetros compartía espacio con unos diminutos ejemplares de <em>Cephalotrichum microsporum.<br /></em>Toda la superficie externa repleta de largos pelos marrones al microscopio, con una anchura de entre 2,1 a 4,3 µm. con muchos septos, algunos bifurcados en la base, y con el ápice hialino y terminado con formas redondeadas. La superficie de las hifas mayoritariamente con finas granulaciones.<br />Hifas del excípulo de textura angular, con unas medidas de 8.1 - 19.8 × 6 -14.6 µm.<br />Al comprimir la muestra al eclosionar, del interior surgen una gran cantidad de esporas, aunque no pude observar ascas, por lo que probablemente sean quizás un producto de hifas conidiógenas. En las imágenes añado una del himenio por si puede dar alguna pista.<br />Conidios o ascosporas de forma entre ovoide y cortamente elipsoide, con los extremos apuntados y en muchos casos como si las hubieran pellizcado, como en forma de limón, entre hialinas y de color marrón oscuro, probablemente por el estado de maduración, con una o dos grandes gotas lípidas en su interior y con abundantes granulaciones mas pequeñas, las medidas de estos conidios o ascosporas de:<br />(9.2) 11.3 - 13.4 (15) × (8) 8.6 - 10 (10.4) µm<br />Q = (1.1) 1.2 - 1.5 (1.7) ; N = 60<br />Me = 12.3 × 9.2 µm ; Qe = 1.3<br />Dentro de las Botryosphaeriaceae, lo más parecido que he encontrado sería ¿Diplodia?, también he buscado entre los Dothideomycetos sin nigún resultado.<br />Cualquier pista que me pueda acercar a su identidad será muy bien recibida.<br />Agradezco de antemano vuestra ayuda.<br />Saludos cordiales.<br /><br />
Fedorenko Vassiliy, 06-03-2017
Does anybody have any ideas what genus is it? Among the <em>Aleuria</em>, <em>Neottiella</em>, <em>Melastiza </em>I didn't find suitable option.
<p>Fungi growing in desert on a grassy meadow where cattle graze, in the middle of April.</p>
<p>Apothecia size d 13-35 mm<br />Asci L 179-213 µm, d 9.3-10 µm<br />Paraphyses septate L 202-216 µm, d 4.31-5.17 µm<br />Spores (10.6) 11.4 - 12.9 (13.4) × (7.6) 8 - 8.9 (9.3) µm Qe = 1.4</p>
Castillo Joseba, 30-08-2021
Del pasado sabado sobre madera posiblemente de haya<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Enrique Rubio, 31-10-2005
what is the macro/micro difference between M. olivaceum and M. viride ?
Yannick Mourgues, 27-09-2008
Bonsoir à tous. / Hi everybody !
Je cherche le doc suivant : / I'm looking for :
BARAL H.O., MÁRQUEZ R.G., KRISAI-GREILHUBER I., MATOČEC N. & PALMER J.T. 1999 tatraea dumbirensis, new records of a rare leotialean discomycete in Europe. Österr. Z. Pilzk. 8 71-82 + fig. V.
Je cherche aussi toute référence/article au sujet de cette espèce.
I'm also looking for all references/article about this specie.
Le lien signalé par Zotto dans le message de Stip ne fonctionne plus.
Stip supplied Zotto's paper on Tatraea by a link, but this link doesn't work anymore.
Tout cela dans le but d'écrire un article sur cette espèce dans le compte-rendu des rencontres de la FAMM qui viennent d'avoir lieu dans les PO.
Merci par avance.
Yannick Mourgues
Salvador Tello, 01-04-2014
Hola a todos.<br /><br />Tengo estos peritecios que crecen en Pistacia lentiscus. Yo había pensado que podría ser Pleonectria virens, que también crece en alguna Anacardiaceae, pero no me termina de encajar, porque el hongo que os presento tiene las ascas más largas, uniseriadas, y las esporas no son hialinas. Supongo que Christian me podrá ayudar. Gracias.<br /><br /> Peritecios de aproximadamente 0,5 mm de ancho, generalmente gregarios, cubiertos por una capa escamosa de color amarillo-verdoso, que vista en el microscopio está formada por cristales rojos, con el ostiolo visible más oscuro. Los peritecios en KOH reaccionan desprendiendo y coloreándose de color amarillo-anaranjado. <br /><br />Ascas de (92,79) 94,16 - 116,03 (118,02) x (13,77) 14,28 - 17,17 (17,96) µm; Me = 105,24 x 15,80 µm, con 5 a 8 esporas. <br /><br />Esporas de (12,65) 14,57 - 19,64 (21,06) x (8,52) 9,72 - 11,68 (12,38) µm; Me = 17,06 x 10,73 µm ; Qe = 1,60, muriformes, con el septo primario más señalado, de color marrón-grisáceo, o ligeramente verdosas, que en KOH se colorean intensamente de verde y les aparece un envoltorio gelatinoso (generalmente a las más inmaduras).<br /><br /> Paráfisis mucho más largas que las ascas, hialinas, septadas, estrechándose en el ápice.<br /><br />Saludos.<br />Salvador.
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 08-12-2004
Est ce que certain peut m'expliquer bien la réaction ionomidotic dans Claussenomyces?, j'ai un taxa KOH dissout le couleur verte dans le milieu.
Anna Klos, 17-03-2023
Yesterday, during an inventarisation in Zoetermeer (The Netherlands) we found some ascomycetes on a leaf of Hedera. In my search to find the right species, I saw a topic on this forum which pointed to Lambertella tetrica. As far as I can see, all features seems to match my found. Am I right? <br /><br />Spores: 23-26 x 5 mu<br /><br />With kind regards,<br /><br />Anna
Philipp Eschmann, 24-03-2022
Hello everyone<br /><br />I'm an amateur from Switzerland, this is my first post.<br /><br />I found this fungus on a dead branche at about 900m altitude. The closest fit I could find is Tryblis arnoldii, but im not quite convinced yet. The size of the asci differs quite a bit from the values given in Cryptogamica Helvetica 23. Also the Substrate doesn't really fit. It looks like Fagus or at least deciduous wood to me.<br /><br />Spores: 14.9 - 16.9 - 19.3 x 5.5 - 5.8 - 6.8. Q = 2.6 - 2.9 -3.4 n=14<br />Asci: ca. 90-100 x 13 IKI-<br /><br /><br />There are also Conidiomata present which look kinda similar in color. I wonder if it's the same fungus.<br /><br />Any suggestions?<br /><br />Best wishes<br />Philipp
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 06-01-2005
J'envoie une image macro-micro d'une espèce ce matin. Je n'étudie pas ces groupes et je remercie une identification. Peut-être animez-moi avec ceux-ci, mais bufff.
Aves des petits ascospores, 17-19 x 5-6 µm.
Comment ne pas craquer devant ce joli disco jaune semi-immergé ou immergé dans un ruisseau ? Je le rencontre fréquemment et ne sais comment l'appeler.
N'ayant pas trop d'expérience dans la matière, je ne sais vers quel genre me tourner.
Précision sur mes photos, l'unité étant le micron, cela donne des spores de 20-23 x 12 µm avec des verrues remarquables.
Le connaissez-vous ?
Thomas Læssøe, 14-07-2020
See:<br /><br />This and a Swedish collection share the same characters.<br /><br />Ascomata seminectrioid with scurfy amber surface and conical ostioles; densely crowded or more scattered on soft rotten wood in ditch in a drained boggy forest area. Spores 16,2-18,5 x 5,3-5,9 µm, 2-celled, with terminal pores, sooty brown, multiguttulate, septum dark, thick; asci 8-spo., sp. uniseriate; apical appa. massive, lugol negative; paraphyses prominent, longer than asci, attenuated tow. the tips.<br />Some characters point in the direction of Submersisphaeria<br /><br />
Andgelo Mombert, 21-04-2020
<div>Bonsoir, </div>
<div>Sur brindille morte d'Acer pseudoplatanus. Pouvez-vous me confirmer Prosthecium platanoidis ?</div>
<div>Ascospores : 23-35 x 7-10 µm, cylindro-elliptiques, triseptées, rétrécies au niveau des cloisons, avec des éperons aigus peu visibles aux extrémités, hyalines, guttulées, lisses.</div>
<div>Asques : cylindriques, octosporés. Je n'ai pas remarqué d'appareil apical clairement congophile.</div>
<div>Merci d'avance !</div>
Cvenkel Miran, 13-01-2013
A couple of years old concrete beeing populated by mosses. The red color is right one. Can be spotted from far. Only specimen. Loc.: Slovenia.<br /><br /><a style="color: blue;" href="">photo</a>
Zuzana Egertova, 05-05-2016
Hello,<br />this ascomycete grew in a city in Czechia, on soil, 215 m asl.<br /><strong>Apothecia</strong> orange, up to 1.5 mm in diameter, smooth, sessile, rounded or slightly irregular. <br /><strong>Spores</strong> 19.5-22.5 x 12-13.5 micrometers, ellipsoid, thick-walled, hyaline, ornamented with very fine warts, without guttules.<br /><strong>Asci</strong> 235-260 x 32-35 micrometers, biseriate, longly clavate, in Lugol entirely blue.<br /><strong>Paraphyses</strong> containing orange pigment, straight, quite densely septate, sometimes branched or with short lateral projections, 4-6 micrometers broad in the middle, 6.5-11.5 at the apex, terminal cell 23-43 micrometers long.<br /><strong>Excipulum</strong> t. globoso-angularis, with cells measuring 17-46 micrometers in the longer dimension.<br />I looked to literature at Kotlabaea, Cheilymenia, Boubovia and many others, but something was always wrong.<br />I will be glad for your opinions.<br />Thanks,<br />Zuzana<br />
Enrique Rubio, 21-07-2012
Hi to everybody:<br />Yesterday we have seen this lenticular to pulvinate totally whitish ascomata up to 5-6 mm in diam. that grows on Eriophorum angustifolium old leaves (and ericaceous host too) on very wet acid soil.<br />The ascomata are sessile on a very broad base and they are glabrous.<br /><br /><br />The medullary excipulum has a loose textura intricata without crystals that becomes very gelified at the cortex. I think the asci are IKI negative (or very faintly positive?). Croziers positive. The spores have a faintly gel sheath around them.<br />I think is not an Hymenoscyphus species but I don't know a good genus for it<br />What's your opinion? <br />
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 21-05-2014
I have this Gyromitra (Discina), 5-8 cm diam., from an Abies forest and with Nicola's keys from I reach G. olympiana, but I never saw it before.<br /><br />Spores with 2 small appendages at ends, with a small and slight reticulum and 3 guttules. I am not sure with croziers, but sometimes forked base. Small marginal hairs.<br /><br />Spores (1000x, H2O, live)<br />(31.4) 33.8 - 38.3 (41.4) x (11.7) 12.5 - 13.9 (14.5) µm<br />Q = (2.3) 2.6 - 3.0 (3.2) ; N = 81<br />Me = 36.3 x 13.2 µm ; Qe = 2.8<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br />Miguel Á. Ribes
Castillo Joseba, 09-09-2015
hoy he encontrado unas Xylarias, todas ellas en el mismo trozo de madera de Corilus o de Fagus, a mi me parecen diferentes especies.<br /><br />He intentado algo de micro, pero nop veo nada, me podeis ayudar un poco de como hacer una micro a una xylaria ... he tomado muestras del ápice.<br /><br />A ver si alguna se puede identificar sin micro<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 07-02-2010
Good evening!
My friend Matthias Theiss found a beautiful Plectania in Portugal, 15.04.2008, Lago de Albufeira, near Lissabon. The diameter of the ascocarps was 1 cm. Substrate were twigs of Eucalyptus lying on a slope at an artificial lake. The soil was sandy and covered with a forest of Pinus pinea and Eucalyptus, there were different kinds of fern and Arum. Accompanying fungi were Arachnopeziza aurelia, Phellinus pini, Pisolithus arrhizos, Laccaria tortilis.
I enclose a foto and a foto of the spores.
What do you think, is it Plectania rhytidia?
Thank you for your opinion
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 11-12-2004
Nous faisons différentes photographies au microscope en mettant au point aux plans distincts ou des coupures(cours), après on monte à Photoshop en biffant les zones desenfocadas.
Photo supérieur un aspect(apparence) naturel Photo inférieur, une photographie toute faite apartir de quelques prises indépendantes.
Calzada Augusto, 18-01-2016
Hola amigos:<br />Hace unos dias recogí en excrementos de conejo silvestre una especie de <em>Pseudombrophila</em> que de acuerdo con las medidas esporales y con una clave que baje de internet hace unos años y que suelo utilizar me ha llevado a <em><strong>Pseudombrophila leporum, </strong></em>aunque veo que muy prooxima a esta puede estar <em><strong>P<em>s</em>eudombrophila misturae.</strong></em>Me gustaria saber si alguno teneis experiencia en estos dos tipo de ascomycete y como podeis llegar a diferenciar una de la otra.Si solamente existen diferencias microscopicas en en ancho esporal o hay algun que otro caracter diferenciador. <br />Ahi os dejo una pequeña descripcion de la especie en cuestion:<br /><br /> <em>Pseudombrophila leporum</em>¿¿
<p>Ascomas de forma discoidal con la superficie aplanada o ligermente cóncava. De 1 a 3(-4 mm.) mm. de diámetro. Superficie lisa. De color marrón rojizo, a marrón dátil, mas oscuro en hacia el borde del apotecio..Margen poco diferenciado. Ascas cilíndricas, de hasta 150 µm de longitud, octospóricas, con el ápice no amiloide. Ascosporas de forma anchamente elipsoidales, uniseriadas oblicuamente dentro del asca, hialinas y lisas. Paráfisis muy numerosas, ramificadas con gran numero de septos , ligeramente infladas en los ápices y en algunos tramos de los septos intemedios . Excediendo en longitud de las ascas.</p>
<p>Dimensiones esporales: L= (12.7) 13,4 -13,9 (14,6) µm A =(8,8) 9,3 –9,7 (10,2) µm Lm =13,7 µm A m =9,5 µm Qm= 1,4<br /><br />Corología: Palencia.Carretera circunvalación Poligono industrial (Pa). 740 m. Excrementos de conejo. 23-12-2015. Leg. : A.Calzada .<br /><br />Un saludo y gracias por adelantado </p>
Aafke Buijs, 01-05-2017
Dear forum,<br /><br />On hard wood I found this pyrenomycete with anamorph (second picture).<br />At first thought of an Amphisphaeria-species but those have coloured spores as far as I know.<br />Perithecia partly immersed, with short necks as small dots on the upper part; spores two- sometimes three-celled, hyaline, smooth, 17.5 - 23; asci eight-spored, uni-/biseriate, about 125 - 135, ascus-tip not reacting in J.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br /><br />Aafke
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 31-12-2021
Hi guys<br /><br />It is difficult to me to explan this in english, so I am going to write in spanish, sorry.<br /><br />El pasado 26/12 encontre nuevamente una pequeña colección de Thurmenidium atropurpureum, ya la tenía vista y estudiada del mismo sitio.<br /><br />Al intentar confirmarla al micro la sorpresa es que aparecen ascas con ascosporas hialinas, multigutuladas y sin septos, como corresponde a la especie, pero también numerosas ascas con esporas marrones, multigutuladas y con 7 septos, típicas de Geoglossum. Así que miré los 5 ejemplares de la muestra, habiendo esporas oscuras típicas de Geoglossum en 4 de los 5, sólo 1 muestra presentaba únicamente esporas hialinas.<br /><br />Los hechos son los siguientes:<br /><br />* Las ascas con ascosporas hialinas están vivas, y las ascosporas también.<br />* Las ascas con ascosporas marrones están muertas, pero las ascosporas están vivas.<br />* Todas las ascosporas vivas expulsadas espontáneamente de las ascas durante la observación son hialinas y sin septos. No se han observados esporas marrones y septadas expulsadas de las ascas, todas permanencen dentro de las ascas muertas.<br />* En 4 de 5 ejemplares de la colección hay ascas con esporas hialinas y marrones.<br />* No se trata de una contaminación, ambos tipos de ascas están intercaladas unas con otras en el himenio, y no estuve estudiando antes ningún Geoglossum.<br />* El patrón de gútulas de ambos tipos de ascosporas, hialinas y marrones, es el mismo, alrededor de 18-20 grandes gútulas redondas, la única diferencia es que las ascosporas marrones tienen 7 septos.<br /><br />Hipótesis:<br />1.- Las ascosporas inmaduras de T. atropurpureum son oscuras y septadas y al madurar se vuelven hialinas y pierden los septos. Poco probable.<br />2.- Las ascosporas de las ascas muertas de T. atropurpureum se vuelven marrones y se septan, pero aún así siguen vivas. Más probable.<br /><br />¿Alguien ha observado la presencia de esporas de Geoglossum en un Microglosum o Thuemenidium?<br /><br />Gracias por vuestras opiniones.<br /><br />Miguel Á. Ribes
NC NC, 02-07-2008
Bonsoir à tous,
La dernière fiche d'ASCOfrance envoyée par Enrique ( superbe comme d'habitude !!! la fiche) et décrivant Dasyscypha calyculiformis var. latebricola a suscité chez moi deux questions:
L'une d'ordre étymologique : que veut dire latebricola ??? mon dictionnaire latin du 19 eme siècle me donne : personne qui fréquente les lieux de débauche !! (Plaute). Pour un petit asco ça veut peut-être dire : qui se loge dans une cachette secrète ? ce qui, expliquerait pourquoi je ne l'ai jamais trouvé en Ardenne.
L'autre d'ordre taxinomique : ce champignon est manifestement (pour moi ) un Capitotricha et je trouve bizarre que Enrique soit obligé de choisir un genre devenu obsolète (toujours à mes yeux) comme Dasyscypha ou Dasyscyphus. Est-ce par manque de synonymie prioritaire ? Pourquoi pas Capitotricha latebricola ? Ce serait une espèce à part entière elle me semble bien mériter l'honneur de ne pas être une simple variété.
Qu'en pensez vous?
Dirk Wieschollek, 01-11-2008
salut asco-friends,
i don't speak french - sorry. has anybody out there a key for leucoscypha? i think i have leucoscypha semiimmersa here, but i'm not 100% sure, only 90% ;-) it was growing between pulvinula constellatio ...
further: does anybody know the current name of the taxon? i think there is a bit confusion ...
best wishes
Rubén Martínez Gil, 28-08-2014
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Subo unas fotos de lo que creo que son unos ejemplares de Chlorociboria aeruginascens encontrados sobre madera de Fagus.</p>
<p>Esporas de 7-10,5 x 2-2,5 micras.</p>
<p>ascas con croziers.</p>
<p>Paráfisis aparantemente sin contenido pero que en presencia de IKI forma unas gútulas internas de color amarillento.</p>
<p>Excípulo ectal con células globosas con pelos cortos verdosos.</p>
<p>¿Os parece correcta la determinación?</p>
Christian Lechat, 08-11-2004
bonjour à tous
de nouvelles fiches ont été ajoutées à la base de donnée
N'hésitez pas à ajouter vos propres données comme l'ont déja fait René Dougoud et Carlos Enrique Hermosilla.
Amitiés à tous
Dartanha Soares, 24-04-2015
Dear all,
<p>This week I found this fungus, which I believe be Hypoxylon rubiginosum "species complex", but I would like to hear some additional (expert) opinions.<br />In my opinion the fungus presented here is the same posted by Enrique Rubio (,<br />The fungus was found on dead twigs of Tabebuia sp., in Southeast Brazil.</p>
<p>Short Description:<br />Stroma dark brick-red to brown, 3 to 8 mm, sometime reaching 1 cm, with minute whitish dots (ostioles) below or at same level of the stromatal surface (Fig.1A-D); Ectal-excipulum textura prismatica (Fig.1H); Asci cylindrical up to 130 x 6-8 microns (Fig.1I-K); Ascopores periospores (Fig.1L-O) elliptical with on side flattened, 8.5-10 x 4-5 microns, with germ slit from end to end (Fig.1Q-S) and with almost inconspicous ring-like transverse ornamentation (Fig.1T).</p>
<p>Additional notes: This specimen reacted positively with MLZ (blue apical ring), without pre-treatment with KOH (Fig.1P). Orange pigments on paper with KOH 5% (Figs. 1E-F).</p>
<p>Any advise will be welcome.<br />Thank you very much.</p>
<p>Legend: <strong>A and B</strong> - superficial view of the stroma; <strong>C</strong> - transversal section of a stroma; <strong>D</strong> - laminar section of a stroma; <strong>E, F and G</strong> - pigments on KOH after 10 sec, 5 min, and 1:30 h, respectively; <strong>H</strong> - ectal-excipulum textura prismatica; <strong>I and J</strong> - asci on MLZ; <strong>K</strong> - young ascus on H2O; <strong>L, M, N and O</strong> - sheat release; P - blue apical ring in MLZ without pre-treatment with KOH; <strong>Q, R and S</strong> - germ slit;<strong> T</strong> - ring-like transverse ornamentation.</p>. Bars=10 microns, except A-G.
Castillo Joseba, 29-05-2016
Me recuerda a la Trichopeziza perrotioides, pero la micro no me cuadra<br /><br />En madera de Fagus<br /><br /><br />Alguna sugerencia?<br /><br /><br />Joseba
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 09-11-2021
Hello,<br />I have here an ascomycete collected in Moravia, in elevation 220 m a.s.l., on strongly decayed stem of a broad-leaved tree (dominant species in the place are Populus tremula, Betula pendula and Alnus glutinosa). <br />Ascospores hyaline, sometimes septate, (7.6) 9.7 - 12.1 (13.7) × (2.4) 2.7 - 3.1 (3.4) µm<br />Q = (2.5) 3.2 - 4.3 (5.4, Me = 10.7 × 2.9 µm; Qe = 3.7<br />Asci without croziers, IKI+, MLZ+, (49.3) 53.5 - 64.3 (73.7) × (7.1) 7.7 - 8.5 (8.9) µm<br />Q = (6.3) 6.33 - 8.4 (9.5), Me = 59 × 8.1 µm; Qe = 7.3.<br />Hairs are smooth.<br /><br />Using Seppo Huhtinen´s key, I came to Hyaloscypha herbarum, although the asci are longer. Also the pattern of lipid bodies is different than I can see in Enrique Rubio´s photos.<br />Can somebody confirm H. herbarum or suggest a better option?<br />Thank you, Zuzana<br />
ruiz Jose antonio, 05-03-2023
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hola a todos. </font></font></font></font><br /><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Recolectada en involucró de Castaña, muy pequeña de unos 2 mm de diámetro.<br />Ascas lugol +y croziers +,esporas con un nucleo.</font></font></font></font></font></font>
Per Marstad, 21-02-2019
I have found this on Fraxinus excelsior, in Norway.<br />Diameter 3 - 5 mm, dark hymenium, cellular outside.<br />Asci 80-85 x 7-8 my.<br />Spores 13-15 x 2,5-3 my. <br />It is nice with a name.<br />Per.<br />
Bernard CLESSE, 07-05-2023
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,<br /><br />Apparemment, je ne trouve pas cette espèce récoltée sur tronc mort de sureau noir (Sambucus nigra), dans les tomes de Björn Wergen.<br /><br />Suis-je dans l'erreur ?<br /><br />Bernard
Enrique Rubio, 11-01-2008
Bon soir a tous:
Je vous prie une opinion sur cette petite Otidea (ascomata jusqu'a 3 cm long.), que croit dans une foret mixte avec Abies alba et Fagus sylvatica, 1300 m, septembre 2007, dans les Pyrenées.
Spores 9.7-12.1 x 5.6-7; Q = 1.7-1.8. Asques jusqu'a 162 x 10. Medullary excipulum intricata. Ectal excipulum angularis avec poils emergents pigmentées.
Merci par votre aide
Vincent Ruiz-Badanelli, 06-01-2005
J'ai de difficultés pour distinguer ces deux espèces
Chris Yeates, 21-10-2021
<div>Bonjour tous</div>
<div>While processing images of this delightful little fungus I noticed that some of the ascospores show a distinct hyaline "sheath". I dismissed the possibility that it was an artefact, largely because it does not show on all the spores photographed in exactly the same way. As you can see it is also evident in the spore seen "end on". </div>
<div>I can easily see that this might be missed by normal light microscopy but wondered whether any other members have noticed this phenomenon?</div>
<div>Cordialement, Chris</div>
Attila Rigó, 17-11-2016
Dear Forum!<br /><br />I'm in a search for:<br />GAMUNDÍ, I. J. , 1960. Discomycetes Operculados de la Argentina: Familias Pezizaceae y Humariaceae. Lilloa, 30: 257-338.<br />I'm curious about the obscure Octoporas like O. argentina and O. antarctica... They are not on<br />If anyone has it please send it to me.<br /><br />Thanks in advice!<br /><br />Attila Rigó
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 18-01-2005
J'emploie actuellement une équipe reflex Nikon D 70 avec soufflet d'augmentation. cela va très bien, mais pour les plus grandes augmentations, de 8-13 x les buts que je possède (24 mm Sigma) qui étaient bons à l'équipe argéntico ne donnent pas de bon détail maintenant. J'ai acheté 28 mm Nikon, mais le résultat à grandes augmentations ne me semble pas de qualité, je me demande qu'elle expérience ont d'autres membres du forum.
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 22-04-2022
Buenos días<br /><br />El otro día me trajeron estas Plectania de 4-6 x 1-1,5 cm de un bosque mixto de Pinus y Quercus, separadas entre ellas por unos 100 m, saliendo en zona donde predominaba el Quercus y no había Pinus cerca.<br /><br />El borde es festoneado, el exterior está cubierta por una densa malla de pelos marrones-negruzcos, sobre todo en la base, no tiene látex.<br /><br />El <strong>excípulo ectal</strong> tiene textura subglobulosa-angularis, de células oscuras, marrones, con numerosos pelos marrones, largos, sinuosos, septados.<br /><br />El <strong>excípulo medular</strong> tiene textura intricata, de color claro, no se aprecia que sea gelatinoso. En su interior se aprecia de forma dispersa algo parecido a los pelos externos o pequeñas manchas marrones en las hifas, que recuerdan vagamente a los "finger-prints" de Otidea bufonia. No son abundantes como los señalados en "Contribution to the knowledge of Plectania milleri, a Northwestern American species" de Carbone, Agnello y Harnisch, pero sí están presentes.<br /><br />El <strong>subhimenio</strong> tiene textura intricata, de color claro.<br /><br />Las <strong>ascas</strong> son muy largas, octospóricas, uniseriadas, IKI -, con la base en zig-zag y en ocasiones bifurcadas, de (344) 370,9 - 458,3 (494) × (10) 11,6 - 14,9 (15,9) µm; N = 27; Me = 418,8 × 13,1 µm.<br /><br />Las <strong>paráfisis</strong> son de 2 tipos: unas estrechas cilíndricas y ramificadas en el ápice y con forma de cuerno; otras más gruesas, no ramificadas y con paredes más gruesas, en ocasiones más coloreadas, que podríamos llamar "setas".<br /><br />Las <strong>esporas</strong> son elipsoidales, bastante alargadas, lisas, en ocasiones con una cobertura gelatinosa en los laterales (no se han apreciado en los polos), y con <strong>4 núcleos</strong>, de (22,3) 23,4 - 26,8 (29,4) × (9,2) 9,6 - 11,2 (12,1) µm; Q = (2) 2,1 - 2,7 (3,2); N = 61; Me = 25 × 10,5 µm; Qe = 2,4.<br /><br />Con estos datos, viendo el artículo anteriormente citado, sólo llego a Plectania milleri, especie conocida únicamente en Estados Unidos. Aunque hay algunas discrepancias con lo citado en el artículo mencionado (el subhimenio es claro, el excípulo medular no es gelatinoso y no se menciona que las esporas tengan 4 núcleos) quizá se deban al estudio de material seco frente a este nuestro en vivo.<br /><br />Gracias por vuestra opinión.<br /><br />Miguel Á. Ribes
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 09-01-2005
J'ai trouvé dans un même lieu deux espèces de Mollisia stériles, avec abondance de parafisos, ascas peu abondantes, à l'intérieur des ascas on ne voit pas de spores mais petits conidios. Je connais de l'existence de champignons que parasitan à quelques ascomicetes, qui vivent inclus à l'intérieur de ses ascas, mais je n'ai pas de milieu de les identifier, ce doit être un difficile travail, j'envoie le schéma par si un collegue a une idée.
Andreas Gminder, 02-01-2016
<p>avant que je scan tout l'ouvrage je voudrais bien demander si par hazard quelqu'un a deja cet publication en version digitale?<br />Si oui, je serias très hereux d'obtenir une copie :-)</p>
<p>amicalement et merci,<br />Andreas</p>
Zuzana Egertova, 03-05-2016
Hello,<br />please, could someone provide me this paper?<br />Hawksworth D.L., James P.W., Coppins B.J. (1980): Checklist of British lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi. – Lichenologist 12: 1–115.<br />Thanks, Zuzana<br />
Fernández Vicente Javier, 23-03-2006
Hola amigos.
Desearía si fuera posible que me indicarais de cual podría tratarse esta Xylariaceae (Rosellinia).
Ascocarpo, de 0,8-1,5 mm, piriforme, negro, solitarios o juntos.
Ascosporas: (15,2)16-20,11x7,2-9,65 (10,5) micras. uniseriadas, elipsoidales, hialinas a marrones, multigutuladas; a veces una o dos grandes y varias pequeñas, con una linea central en la madurez, Burbuja de Bari, presente.
Ascas: 152-172x9-12 micras, cilindricas. J+.
Parafisos: hialinos, 400-480x4-5 micras.
Habitat: Rubus sp, Rosa sp.
Saludos a todos, Javier.
Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 09-04-2019
Hola a todos/as<br />Adjunto fotos macro/micro de unas pequeñas Cheilymenias no identificadas, están recolectadas en excrementos de vacuno dentro de un bosque mixto de Abies pinsapo, Altitud 1500 metros aproximadamente, en el sur de España.<br />Ascomas muy pequeños, de 01/02mm de diámetro, de color naranja, margen y parte externa con furfuraciones blanquecinas, no presentan pelos.<br />Esporas ampliamente elipsoidales cuando están desarrolladas, aparentemente lisas en CB, con perisporio evidente, de: 7,2 [9,9 ; 11,1] 13,8 × 6,0 [7,3 ; 7,8] 9,1 µm, había grupos de esporas expulsadas de las ascas por si solas que apenas superaban las 10 µm de diámetro y otros grupos con esporas mayores, estas alcanzaban hasta las 13,8 .<br />Ascos octospóricos, con la base normalmente bifurcada.<br />Paráfisis con gutulas de color naranja, ligueramente engrosada en el ápice (hasta 3,5µm)<br />No presenta pelos.<br />Excípulo ectal de textura globulosa/angularis.<br />No dispongo de la monografía de Moravec sobre el género Cheilymenia para poder comparar y estoy teniendo dificultades para identificar esta pequeña especie, alguien conoce y me puede ayudar???<br />Gracias anticipadas y saludos a todos<br />Curro Valencia
Josep Torres, 21-03-2022
Hola.<br />Un diminuto ascomiceto a modo de granos negros brotando sobre la superficie de un tallo fino de herbácea seco.<br />Pequeños apotecios sobresaliendo poco por encima de la superficie, con un diámetro de entre 0,4 y 0,8 mm., con un ostiolo en su parte central y en algunos ejemplares con una leve proyección vertical.<br />Ascos octospóricos, sin observarse de manera clara uncínulos en su base, con aparato apical amiloide al Melzer.<br />Paráfisis filamentosas, hialinas con tenue contenido granuloso en su interior y que sobresalen por encima del nivel de los ascos.<br />Ascosporas libres poco pigmentadas, con un septo en un extremo y con constreñimiento acusado en el tabique.<br />Ascosporas maduras obtenidas por esporulación natural pigmentadas, con cuatro o más gotas lípidas en su interior y con la celda pequeña hialina, esta celda tiende a desprenderse fácilmente del resto de la ascospora.<br />Las asosporas en agua con unas medidas de:<br />(23.4) 24.8 - 30.3 (31.6) × (4.9) 5 - 6.1 (6.5) µm<br />Q = (4.1) 4.3 - 5.5 (6.1) ; N = 36<br />Me = 27.4 × 5.5 µm ; Qe = 5<br /><br />Llevo un par de días con ella y ni tan siquiera me he podido acercar a ningun género.<br />Cualquier propuesta será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Marja Pennanen, 07-08-2010
So I've been forced to seek damp places. The bottoms of drying ditches have been full of wonders.
For instance these:
Peter Püwert, 17-10-2016
Hi all,<br />if somebody has Mycologia Montenegrina 16 (2013), in the special it is Strobiloscypha cupressina. The entry in database from E. Rubio I have already found. Thanks in advance.<br />Peter.
Matthias Mann, 13-05-2017
Dear Asco-friends, <br /><br />I found this on a gravel road with various material underneath. <br />Please remove my troubles I have with identification.<br /><br />Greetings!<br />Matthias
Chris Yeates, 14-11-2021
<div>Bonjour tous</div>
<div>I have been doing some collecting on <em>Rubus fruticosus</em> (agg.) recently, and this is one of several Helotiales I have encountered.</div>
<div>Apothecia subsessile up to 300µm diameter, minutely downy, starting creamy and turning rusty-red, basal cells thick-walled, globose, running into elongated rather glassy hyphae, the terminal excipular cells rather thick-walled and ending in cells with refractive contents as can be seen in the images.</div>
<div>Asci 8-spored, in IKI deep blue, I could not see any croziers. Paraphyses often with extensive continuous to interrupted vacuolar contents. Ascospores (7.2)8.1-8.9 x 2.7-3.2µm, guttules as seen in the images. Enrique Rubio commented recently that many spores of Helotiales, when freshly ejected show a sort of "sheath"; in this instance a number of spores showed a sort of "halo" at one end - see image.</div>
<div>Associated with this apothecium were a number of two-celled hyaline bodies which appear fungal; these can be seen in the final photograph but also in #2.</div>
<div>I was wondering about Pezizellaceae? As ever, any comments would be appreciated.</div>
Enrique Rubio, 19-08-2012
I need this article: <br /> MEDARDI G. 2005 Peziza alaskana signalée en Europe du sud en Italie. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 120 1-4 239-249.<br /><br />Can you help me?<br />Thank you in advance<br />Enrique
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 03-04-2013
J'en appelle à René...<br />Très petit, invisible à l'oeil nu, sur pelote de réjection, en compagnie d'Ascobolus brassicae.<br />Asques operculés, j - , à 16 spores, de 10-12 x 7-7,5<br />Les spores laissées sur lames perdant l'eau d'observation+lugol, se contractent et forment une guttule huileuse. <br />Je continue à chercher, mais les thelobolus sur excréments n'ont pas ces spores-là... S'il s'agit bien d'un Thelebolus.<br />Merci d'avance<br /> jean pierre
Andrés Valverde Valera, 19-12-2016
Bonjour, <br />Je vous ajoute quelques photos d'un dothideomycete (comme m'a dit le camarade Enrique Rubio), que j'ai trouvé le 5 décembre près de l'étang du Banyoles sur bois morte de possible Salix. Les pseudotecia? qui sont tuberculées mesurent 160 ?m aprox. J'ai pu regarder les spores, qui mesurent 14,4 x 4,8 micres.<br />J'espère que vous pouvez m'aider à déterminer de quelle espèce il s'agit.<br />Merci beaucoup d'avance,
<p>Andrés Valverde Valera<br />El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)</p>
<p>PD. Excusez-moi mes possibles fautes d'orthographe. </p>
NC NC, 16-08-2009
Bonjour à tous,
Un voisin m'a apporté une "truffe jaune " de son jardin sous pommier.
Odeur faible agréable indéfinissable (demi exemplaire un peu séché.)
taille 2,5 X 1,5 X 1,5 cm à bosses très arrondies
extériur ocre jaune. Peridium lisse épaisseur 0;2-0,3 mm blanc très distinct de la gléba elle même couleur liège à brun-moyen. "fils" blanchâtres 0,5 mm un peu rayonnants. Peu de crevasses ou failles.
Asques vides en poches transparentes subsphériques 100 X 65 µm 1,2,3 ou 4 sporiques Moyenne 3
Spores brunes elliptiques réticulées en nid d'abeille
Réticule hexagonal 4 à 8 µm hauteur 5 µm
Taille hors tout des spores: (1) 65 X 45 µm
(2) 50 X 40 (3) 45 X 35 µm (4) 40 X 30 µm retrancher 10 µm environ pour mesures sans réticule
Je n'ai que la clé de Nordic ascomycetes et trouve Tuber rapiodorum plutôt que borchii
Spores plus elliptiques moyenne du nombre de spores dans l'asque 3 au lieu de 1,5 et peridium bien distinct de la gléba.
Remarques: sur le Net rapiodorum semble plus connu sous le nom de rapaeodorum
rapaeodorum = puberulum ( Riousset ? )
En 2005 Trappe a fait des séquences ADN de truffes blanches :foetidum, maculatum, borchii, puberulum et rapaeodorum et semble affirmer que ce sont tous de bonnes espèces. (magnatum ???).
Pouvez vous m'aider dans ce domaine mal connu dans les Ardennes ?
Je n'ai pas la clé de Riousset 2001
Merci d'avance.
Rubén Martínez Gil, 20-06-2013
Hola a todos.<br />Pongo unas fotos de una especie que hemos encontrado esta mañana sobre hojas de Quercus a unos 1200 msnm. Miden 200-600 micras.<br />Pelos hialinos de unas 250 micras y esporas fusiformes con 1-3 septos de 17-22 x 2-3 micras.<br />Ascas IKI+ de unas 75 micras.<br />¿Pueden ayudarme?<br /><br /> Gracias por todo.<br />Rubén
Elisabeth Stöckli, 14-10-2016
<p>Voici une espèce sur tiges mortes d'Equisetum palustris trouvé au bord d'un ruisseau à 1'150m. Apothécies 0.3-0.9mm de diamètre, l'hyménium de couleur crème à brun clair, surface externe et marge couverte de poils, asques octosporés, 100-145x12.5-15µm, IKI+, spores lisses, hyalines, biguttulées, 18-20x6-7µm, paraphyses septées et élargies au sommet 5-7µm.</p>
<p>Merci d'avance pour vos avis.</p>
Matthias Mann, 01-02-2017
Bonjour!<br />Compared with Enrique Rubio's documentation and tried to identify with Raitviir (2004) I think I found Cistella grumosa on decayed Acer campestre leav. <br />So I ask for your opinion.<br />Greetings!<br />Matthias<br /><br />
Josep Torres, 10-08-2022
Hola.<br />Un Piremomyceto recogido este pasado domingo brotando de manara masiva sobre la superficie de un tronco cerca de un riachuelo y al lado de un bosque de pinos.<br />Peritecios negros, globosos, de pared gruesa, con superficie delicadamente verrucosa y una discreta protuberancia en su parte superior.<br />De pequeño tamaño, con un diámetro de entre 0,15 a 0,27 mm.<br />Ascos octospóricos, sin aparente reacción de su diminuto aparato apical ni al IKI y tampoco al Melzer.<br />Paráfisis filiformes e hilainas, inamiloides al Melzer que sobresalen poco por encima del nivel de los ascos.<br />Ascosporas fusiformes, algunas discretamente alantoides, de las que se producen y se desprenden de sus extremos unas pequeñas microsporas.<br />Las ascosporas obtenidas por esporulación natural y en agua con unas medidas de:<br />(17.4) 18.3 - 23.4 (24.6) × (3.2) 3.3 - 4.5 (5.5) µm<br />Q = (4.1) 4.8 - 6.1 (6.9) ; N = 30<br />Me = 20.7 × 3.9 µm ; Qe = 5.4<br />Las microsporas con unas medidas de:<br />(4.4) 4.8 - 5.4 (5.8) × (1.4) 1.6 - 1.9 (2.1) µm<br />Q = (2.5) 2.7 - 3.1 (3.8) ; N = 30<br />Me = 5.1 × 1.7 µm ; Qe = 2.9<br /><br />Consultando el trabajo de Baral, lo más parecido por sus características sería una Chaetosphaeriaceae. Lo curioso es que estudios parecidos a este ya habían salido por aquí antes, dejo un par de enlaces:<br /><br /><br />A día de hoy el primero sigue sin respuesta y con el segundo se baraja la posibilidad de que se trate de Chaetosphaeria pulviscula, pero he consultado los trabajos de Reblova y aunque siguiendo sus Claves me conducen a la Chaetosphaeria pulviscula, Reblova no menciona en su trabajo estas microsporas tan abundantes en mis muestras.<br />Cualquier oponión por vuestra parte será bien recibida.<br />Muchas gracias de antemano.<br />Saludos cordiales.
Stefan Jakobsson, 23-07-2022
I made an abundant collection of some Preussia/Sporormiella on dung of hazel grouze (Tetrastes bonasia) in western Finland. It is somewhere in the neighbourhood of leporina - subtilis but I have difficulties in finding a good match.
<p>The spores are (26.7) 27.8 - 34.9 (36.9) × (4.8) 5.0 - 6.3 (6.8) µm, soon breaking up into four part spores. The asci are (108.7) 120.4 - 151.5 (184.7) × (10.1) 11.6 - 14.2 (14.6) µm. Other details in the photos.</p>
<p>Ideas, anybody?</p>
<p>Update: I was wrong about the substrate - it is black grouse (Tetrao/Lyrurus tetrix).</p>
Javier Ormad, 13-01-2007
En zona arenosa incendiada hace año y medio, sobre arena pura o rodeados de musgos varios.
Apotecios de hasta 8 mms de diámetro, de coloración que veis.
Ascas cilíndricas, no amiloides, operculadas, octospóricas, monoseriadas. Ascosporas elípticas, lisa hialinas, la mayoría bigutuladas de 15-17´5 x 9-10 micras. Parafísis con contenido anaranjado, medidas hasta 175 x 11(en ápice) micras. Aquí es donde viene mis dudas pues las estructuras que os mando se diferencian de las parafisis y para ser pelos son hialinos, septados y sin ensanchamiento en ápice llegando a medir más de 200 micras.
Pensando en Anthracobia maurilabra, pero no lo tengo claro.
A ver que os parece.
Javier Ormad
Dans une zone sablonneuse incendiée il y a année et demie, sur un sable(arènes) pur ou entourés des mousses différentes.
Apotecios de jusqu'à 8 mms d'un diamètre, de la coloration que vous voyez.
Ascas cylindriques, non amiloides, operculadas, octospóricas, monoseriadas. Ascosporas elliptiques, hialinas plat, la majorité bigutuladas de 15-17'5 x 9-10 microns. Parafísis avec un contenu orangé, des mesures jusqu'à 175 x 11 (dans une extrémité) des microns. Ici c'est où il(elle) vient mes doutes puisque(donc) les structures que je vous ordonne diffèrent des parafisis et pour être poils(cheveux) sont hialinos, septados et sans ensanchamiento dans une extrémité en arrivant à mesurer plus de 200 microns.
En pensant à Anthracobia maurilabra, mais je de ne le bien sai pas.
À voir qu'il(elle) vous paraît.
Des saluts
Javier Ormad
Maren Kamke, 06-01-2017
Hi everybody,<br />I'm seachring for this article<br />Lundqvist, N. 1981. Fungi Fimicoli Exsiccati I-II (Nos. 1-50). Publications from the Herbarium University of Uppsala. 8:1-20<br />Thanks <br />Regards, Maren<br />
Ibai Olariaga Ibarguren, 30-11-2015
<br />Hello,
<p>I have collected several times a pyrenomycete that keeps me busy. All the collections were made on Phragmites culms.</p>
<p>Perithecia immersed, erumpent. Asci cylindrical 157-179 x 10-11 µm, with a well developed apical pore, amyloid in IKI. Spores 1-septate, dark greenish brown, with a long germ slit in each cell, without gelatinous caps or appendices (no China ink tested), 17-23.5 x 7.5-8.5 µm.</p>
<p>I think it must belong to Amphisphaeriaceae due to its 2-celled pigmented spores and asci with amyloid apparatus, but I fail to find any species with similar spores in the family, especially with those germ slits (which I would say are more typical in Xylariaceae). I compared it first with Cainia griminis, but it has longer spores with several germ-slits at the end of the spores. It keys out in Amphisphaeria according to Barr, but I do not find any species with similar spores in the genus.</p>
<p>Any hint? Anything I might have missed?</p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>
Juuso Äikäs, 18-06-2021
<div>These very small (the yellow stuff is pollen) Cistellas were growing on a dead stem of Juncus sp.</div>
<div>There were some budding things (conidia?) In all the preparations I made. Not sure if this is from the Cistella, or some contamination. The spores measure 8.2 - 10.1 × 1.9 - 2.1 µm, asci without croziers.</div>
<div>The spores are pretty narrow, but otherwise the folder "Cistella subfugiens" would seem to be similar to this.</div>
Ethan Crenson, 16-07-2019
<div>Hello all,</div>
<div>Does anyone happen to have...</div>
<div>Barr, M.E. 1982. On the Pleomassariaceae (Pleosporales) in North America. Mycotaxon. 15:349-383</div>
<div> any chance?</div>
<div>Thank you,</div>
Andrew N. Miller, 16-03-2020
Would someone have this article as a PDF?<br /><br />Thank you,<br />Andy<br /><br />Dissing H, Nannfeldt JA. 1966. Helvella cupuliformis sp. nov., H. villosa (Hedw. ex O. Kuntze) comb. nov., H. macropus (Pers. ex Fr.) Karst., and their allies. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 60: 325–337.
Gernot Friebes, 15-07-2015
Hi,<br /><br />I'm looking for this article:<br /><br />Pirozynski, K.A. (1974). Xenotypa Petrak and Graphostroma gen. nov., segregates from<br />Diatrypaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany 52: 2129-2135.<br /><br />Maybe someone here has access to it? Thank you!<br /><br />Best wishes,<br />Gernot
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 07-12-2004
Avec vous une clé pour Daldinia d'Europe? Je trouvé par example un bon site:
mais il a d'speces exotiques pour moi.
Je trouvé Daldinia vernicosa sur Genista cf. scorpius, mais je voudrai une documentation a propos ce taxon qui on dit il habite sur beaucoup d'esences.
BERNARD CLESSE, 18-05-2016
Bonsoir à tous, <br /><br />Je renvoie ce message car apparemment il ne vous est pas parvenu…<br /><br />J'ai trouvé hier, sur tiges pourries de baldingère (Phalaris arundinacea) ce que je pense être Lasiobelonium nidulum. Pourriez-vous me le confirmer ?<br /><br />a) poils cylindriques, septés, bruns, à extrémité hyaline, soit cylindriques à extrémité un peu enflée, soit coniques à base ampullacée<br />b) asques IKI+, plus courts que les paraphyses<br />c) paraphyses lancéolées, plus longues que les asques : 69-84x5<br />d) spores étroitement fusiformes : 8-15x1,5-2 <br /><br />Bernard
Rubén Martínez Gil, 15-06-2014
<p>Hola a todos.</p>
<p>Ayer encontramos estos ascos sobre los nervios de hojas de abedul al borde de una turbera.</p>
<p>Miden hasta 1 cm de diámetro, con forma de lenteja, sin pie.</p>
<p>Ascas croziers (+) y reacción IKI (-).</p>
<p>Paráfisis filiformes, septadas y algunas ramificadas.</p>
<p>Esporas de 10,5-13,5 x 4,5-5,5 micras.</p>
<p>He pensado en alguna especie de Cudoniella pero no lo tengo nada claro.</p>
<p>¿Qué os parece?</p>
<p>Gracias por sus respuestas</p>
Castillo Joseba, 01-06-2015
De Galicia ... en madera de melocotonero (Prunus persica)<br /><br />Alguno de los apotecios tienen doble capa<br /><br /><br />Saludos
Angel Pintos, 04-06-2023
Hello,<br />anybody has:<br /><br />Kohlmeyer, J., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, B., 1991. Illustrated key to the filamentous<br />higher marine fungi. Bot. Mar. 34, 1–61.<br /><br />Thnaks in advance<br />Angel <br />
Peter Püwert, 30-03-2017
Mycologia Helvetica. Hohmeyer (1988), The genus Arpinia.<br />Does somebody have a PDF?<br />Greetings Peter.
Per Marstad, 08-12-2018
This was growing on Fagus, 2-3 mm. The spores are like stars, 75 - 100 my, from tip to tip. I would like a name!<br />Greetings, Per.
Joaquin Martin, 27-05-2022
Hi,<br /><br />I found this Pyreno on fallen branch of Larix.<br />The measurement of spores are 12-14 x 3-3.3 with a hyaline end as you can see in the pictures.<br />The asci have not reaction to iodine.<br />Any suggestions ?<br />Thank you
ACAR ismail, 23-12-2015
<p>Hi all</p>
<p>on remains of burnt wood and soil</p>
<p>asci 110-160 x 15-25 um</p>
Castillo Joseba, 18-04-2022
Me mandan elmaterial seco de Galicia, recolectadas en el interior de una caña de Phragmites<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br /><br />Saludos<br /><br />Joseba
guy Garcia, 16-09-2014
Hi all,<br /><br />I search this paper <br /><br />THIND K.S. & SHARMA R. 1990 Unguiculariella, a new genus of the family Hyaloscyphaceae (Helotiales). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Section B. 100 (5) : 279-283.<br /><br />Can anyone help me ?<br /><br />Best, Guy
Pablo Sandoval, 03-08-2014
Estimados,<br /><br />Ando en busqueda de literatura acerca de Sarcosomataceae, y actualmente necesito los siguientes artículos:<br /><br />Cabello MN. 1988. Estudio sistemático del suborden Sarcoscyphineae (Pezizales, Ascomycotina) empleando técnicas numéricas. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 25(3–4): 395–413.<br /><br />Carbone, M., Agnello, C. & Baglivo, A. 2009. Plectania mediterránea una nuova specie dell'Italia mediterranea, con storia e circoscrizione del Genere Plectania. Rivista di Micologia, 52 (3): 245-266.<br /><br />Carbone M., Agnello C. & Baglivo A., 2010. Appunti su Plectania rhytidia e studio del typus di Urnula platensis. Rivista di Micologia 53(2): 119-135.<br /><br />Li L.T. & Kimbrough J.W. 1996. Spore ontogeny of Galiella rufa (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany 74 (10): 1651–1656.<br /><br />Li L.T. & Kimbrough J.W., 1995. Spore wall ontogeny in Pseudoplectania nigrella and Plectania nannfeldtii (Ascomycotina, Pezizales). Can. J. Bot. 73(11): 1761-1767.<br /><br />Agradezco de antemano su ayuda, saludos cordiales
Michel Hairaud, 12-03-2014
Bonjour à tous, Hi to all, <br /><br />Je sollicite votre aide pour la détermination de cette récolte ou vos commentaires . <br /><br />Substrat : Tige de Yucca gloriosa (soc : Patellaria atrata ) <br />Apothécies : , --> 1,5 mm, urcéolées puis étalées-discoides , grisâtre avec une nuance d'olivâtre, hymenium crème à jaunâtre. <br />Surface externe recouverte de poils --> 35 µm , 1-2 septa , englués dans une gangue de cristaux grossiers , rempli de vacuoles réfringentes (comme dans les paraphyses) à CRB +. <br />Asques 45-55 x 5,5-6 (7), H+, IKI - PS 22-24 µm<br />EE T. prismatica , orientation à angle faible, cellules à guttules peu réfringentes, 10-15 x 3,5-6 µm <br />EM plus étroite, T. intricata , cellules x 2-3,5<br /><br />Il me semble que des tissus gélatineux sont présents mais ne parviens pas à les mettre en évidence avec le CRB (?) <br /><br />Paraphyses : VBs ++ CRB +, x 2-3,5 <br /><br />Spores lisses, OCI 1-2, 7-10 x 2-2,5<br /><br />Je ne trouve pas de corespondance pour une espèce du genre Incrupila ou Hyphodiscus dans la littérature dont je dispose. <br /><br />I thought this collection would belong in Incrupila (or Hyphodiscus ?) but cannot find any species matching in the literature I have<br /><br />Merci <br />Michel<br /><br />
Andgelo Mombert, 11-06-2018
Bonsoir,<br /><br />Sur tige morte de plante, probablement d'Aruncus dioicus.<br />Massif du Jura, 10/06/2018, alt. : 1100 m.<br /><br />Apothécies de 1-1,5 mm de diamètre, grégaires, sessiles, urcéolées puis cupuliformes, déformées par pression mutuelle. Hyménium brun-roux sombre. Marge et surface externe concolores mais couvertes d'épaisses franges de poils blancs.
<p>Ascospores : 4,5-5,5 (7) x 1,4-1,6 (2)elliptiques, avec des guttules, OC 4, hyalines, lisses.<br />Asques : 20-25 x 4-4,5 µm, cylindriques, peu atténués à la base, à sommet non amyloïde, crochets+, inoperculés, contenant huit spores bisériées.<br />Paraphyses : filiformes, cylindriques, hyalines, larges de 1,5 µm.<br />Poils : 40-45 x 4-5 µm, à base élargie, a sommet aigu souvent couvert de cristaux.<br /><br />Merci d'avance pour votre aide !<br />Andgelo</p>
Hermosilla Carlos Enrique, 16-04-2005
Cher amis:
J'ai besoin une petite image s'il est possible de Rutstroemia maritima pour une aquarelle que je suis en train de faire des champignons littorale, pour inclure un petit asco.
Armin Groß, 07-05-2022
Hallo zusammen, viele Grüße an alle.<br />Ich bin hier neu, komme aus dem Saarland /Südwest-Deutschland. Ascokenntnisse Anfangsstadium, macht aber immer mehr Spaß.<br />Mit Hilfe vom pilzeforum eu ist mein Ergebnis: Laetinaevia diaphana (Rehm) Baral.<br />Ist das ok oder gibt es noch etwas anderes, das in Frage kommt?<br />Beschreibung:<br />Auf Innenseite (weniger außen) von vorjährigem Heracleum giganteum. Blass-lachsfarben, 0,2-0,5mm, stiellos, becher- bis kreiselförmig, weißlich-glasartige „Haarbüschel" am Rand und außen.<br />Sp: 11-14(15) x 4-5,5µm in H2O, 0-1(3)x septiert. Paraphysen 1,2-2,5µm breit, +- zyl., apikal schwach verdickt-gekrümmt, kaum kopfig, septiert, +- gegabelt.<br />Asci 50-70 x 9-11(12), IKI schwache Reaktion in Lugol und baral. Lösung hemiamyloid ? > siehe Foto Nr. 7. Haken ja, aber +-undeutlich gesehen.<br />Haare „saetenartig", spitz zulaufend +- dickwandig, verbreiterte Basis, wie gegabelt wurzelnd. -Exsikkat vorhanden-<br />Literatur / Internet:<br />O. Baral CCAscomycota > Iridinea-Hyalacrotes und Ascofrance Thema „Iridinia-Hyalocrotes?" (27.01.20 Björn Sothmann)<br />Enrique Rubio 18.Mai 2021:<br />Über Rückmeldungen würde ich mich freuen, vielen Dank<br />Gruß Armin
Quijada Luis, 09-04-2015
Hi all,<br /><br />somebody can help me to obtain the following manuscript:<br /><br />Dennis R.W.G (1964) The fungi of the Isle of Rhum. Kew Bull. 19: 77-131.<br /><br />Thanks in advance.<br /><br />Luis.
Gilbert MOYNE, 13-06-2010
Voici un petit champignon découvert vendredi 12 juin sur tige morte de graminée, sans doute Dactylis glomerata.
Apothécies stipitées, pas remaqué de stroma. Coupe de 2-3 mm de diamètre, un peu frangée à la marge. Hyménium à reflets rosâtres.
Asques curieusement renflés juste avant le sommet, autrement cylindriques, munis de crochets, J+, contenant 8 spores bisériées, 120-150 x 11-12
Parphyses contenant denombreuses gouttes, arrondies mais non renflées au sommet.
Spores cylindriques, parfois un peu arquées, hyalines, 3-septées, 24-35 x 3-4 µm
Pas de fourreau autour des spores.
Je n'arrive à rien. Si vous connaissez ...
Elisabeth Stöckli, 14-07-2019
<p>Voici une espèce sur branche morte de Vaccinium, trouvé au sol à 1'710 m, apothécies 0.25 - 0.5 mm, vert, marge et surface externe couvert de poils, sessile, asques 40 - 51 x 7 - 9 µm, IKI-, spores filiformes 35 - 42 x 1.75 - 2.5 µm, paraphyses septées, poils 25 - 55 x 3 - 4 µm.</p>
<p>Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée? Merci d'avance.</p>
Javier Ormad, 31-12-2010
Happy new year, at 12 p.m., of the 12 asci in a leaf of something more about 12 mm
Bonne année, à 12 heures, des 12 asques sur une feuille un peu plus de 12 mm
Feliz año nuevo, a partir de las 12 p. m., de los 12+1 ascos sobre una hoja de algo más de 12 mm.
Estimados amigos.<br /> Fotografiada en tronco de Alianthus altissima. Mi sorpresa ha sido cuando al efectuar un corte para hacer la foto, la masa interna es blanda, sobre todo la de la zona central que es de consistencia elástica/gelatinosa. Aunque no envío datos microscópicos, por inmadurez de los ascomas, mi pregunta es si ¿ con esa característica de la carne solo hay D. gelatinosa o también lo tienen otras especies de este género.<br /> <br /><br />Con mi agradecimiento anticipado, envío saludos cordiales<br /><br />Aurelio García Blanco<br />Valladolid. España
Stefan Blaser, 02-03-2014
Hello everybody
<p>It would be great to hear your opinion on this:</p>
<p>Substrate: Decorticated, deciduous wood</p>
<p>Fruitbodies: Up to 1 mm in diameter. Disc brown to slightly rose in age. Hairs in tufts, whitish (see photos).</p>
<p>Micro: Asci 60-75 x 7-9 µm, without crosiers, IKI- also after KOH pretreatment. Spores 14-22 x 2.8-3.5 µm, aseptate. Hairs up to 200 x 5 µm, hyaline to yellowish, thick walled, with resinous, brownish excretions. Paraphyses broadly lanceolate, up to 7 µm enlarged, often very fine granules on the apical cell.</p>
<p>Thank you for any help</p>
Castillo Joseba, 15-06-2021
De hoy en bosque de hayas<br />No tiene latex<br /><br />A ver si hay alguna sugerencia<br /><br />Saludos<br />Joseba
Francisco Calaça, 08-06-2014
Hi to all, how're?<br />I'm searching for this paper "Studies of coprophilous sphaeriales in Ontario", 1934, by Roy F. Cain. Someone can help me, please, sending me a PDF of this work?<br />Thanks alot in advance!<br />Francisco.<br />
Alain GARDIENNET, 04-12-2008
J'ai trouvé 2 Lophiostoma sur Ruscus : L. caulium et celui-ci qui me pose problème.
Des ascomes noirs globuleux, de diamètre 300µm environ, paroi de 35-40µm, immergés sous l'épiderme du Ruscus, llaissant apparaître un ostiole en surface plutôt cylindrique que compressé latéralement, à peine une petite fente visible.
Asques bituniqués, cylindriques rétrécis à la base, de 100-120 x 12-14µm.
Ascospores obliquement unisériées, brunes, trois cloisons transversales, 0, 1 ou 2 longitudinales, de 14-19 x 5.3-6µm, à extrémités assez arrondies.
Après avoir un temps pensé à Thyridaria rubronotata, je me suis tourné vers les Lophiostoma. J'avais pensé d'emblée à L. quadrinucleatum var triseptatum (nom peu original, convenons-en), mais mes spores sont trop petites. Je suis coincé. J'ai éliminé les espèces affines à compressum, de par l'aspect macroscopique.
Merci si vous pouvez me décoincer.
Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier, 02-09-2019
Hola a todos/as<br />Adjunto fotos de unos supuestos Iodophanus, recolectados en el norte de España, crecían en el suelo, entre el césped (Gramíneas) de una piscina cerca de setos de cipreses (Cupressus sp), muy probablemente relacionado con excrementos y orines de pequeños roedores, topillos (Microtus arvalis)<br />Ascomas de hasta 1,8mm de diámetro.<br />Esporas elipsoidales, con núcleo central, presenta una ornamentación muy difusa y difícil de observar, adjunto varias fotos en varios tipos de montaje a ver que pensáis? Yo creo que no están ornamentadas y son lisas.<br />De: 15,2 [16,2 ; 16,6] 17,6 × 11,8 [12,3 ; 12,5] 13,0 µm.<br />Ascas con 8 esporas, de paredes amiloides en IKI y base pleurorrincas?.<br />Paráfisis con septos, bifurcadas cerca de la base y pigmentos carotenoides de color naranja.<br />Excípulo ecta