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Stephen MifsudI have found an interesting Xylaria growing on fal
Patellaria on Tilia
Martin Bemmann,
22-06-2009 22:57
this is a today's find on a dead branch of Tilia. I found the same or similar one in January but could not end in a "terminating" determination. So here is another try:
Martin Bemmann,
22-06-2009 23:01
Martin Bemmann,
22-06-2009 23:09
Jacques Fournier,
23-06-2009 10:18
Re:Patellaria on Tilia
Hi Martin,
I do not know P. crassispora. Where is it cited?
Why not merely P. atrata? Hawksworth and Kutorga (1997) gave the wide range of (20-) 30-45 (58) x (6-)7-9(12) µm for the spores of this taxon. You should also check the number of septa, they gave 5-11.
Best wishes,
I do not know P. crassispora. Where is it cited?
Why not merely P. atrata? Hawksworth and Kutorga (1997) gave the wide range of (20-) 30-45 (58) x (6-)7-9(12) µm for the spores of this taxon. You should also check the number of septa, they gave 5-11.
Best wishes,
Martin Bemmann,
23-06-2009 10:39
Re:Patellaria on Tilia
Hi Jaques,
P. crassispora is a nom.prov. in the Key on Zotto's DVD. One of the features that separates them from atrata is the colour of the exudate that should not be bluish at atrata but "blackish-olive-brownish".
Best regards,
P. crassispora is a nom.prov. in the Key on Zotto's DVD. One of the features that separates them from atrata is the colour of the exudate that should not be bluish at atrata but "blackish-olive-brownish".
Best regards,
Jacques Fournier,
23-06-2009 10:45
Re:Patellaria on Tilia
yes I agree this bluish colour is unusual and not typical for atrata. Glad to learn that! Thanks!
Martin Bemmann,
23-06-2009 22:56
Re:Patellaria on Tilia
Thank you Jacques for your confirmation of the exudate colour.
I never saw atrata as it should be...
That's why I was unsure and asked for comments.
Best regards, Martin
I never saw atrata as it should be...
That's why I was unsure and asked for comments.
Best regards, Martin