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27-05-2024 22:10

Ethan Crenson

Hi everyone, I found these lovely stipitate ascos

09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

26-05-2024 12:05

Alain Delannoy

Bonjour,Je n'arrive pas à mettre un nom sur cette

25-05-2024 16:40

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjourj'aimerais confirmation ou pas pour ce peti

25-05-2024 18:29

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I found a group of Mitrula gracilis? on wet debris

25-05-2024 16:54

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour j'aimerais confirmation ou infirmation de

22-05-2024 23:39

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On debarked Fagus I found some small wh

21-05-2024 17:48

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all,Could this be Venturioscypha or Venturiocis

21-05-2024 11:33

Nihad Omerovic

Hello,found on dead, dry, attached (and fallen) tw

07-11-2018 08:34

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, could someone send this publication to me

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Lasiobelonium variegatum (?) sur Salix caprea
Bernard CLESSE, 18-04-2018 21:06
Bernard CLESSEÊtes-vous d'accord avec Lasiobelonium variegatum, trouvé sur tronc pourri de saule marsault ?

  • message #53176
  • message #53176
  • message #53176
  • message #53176
Hans-Otto Baral, 18-04-2018 21:16
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lasiobelonium variegatum (?) sur Salix caprea
You must look on the lower side of the apo for the strongly undulating hairs. But even then it is difficult with L. lanceolatum which has more protruding and broader paraphyses.
Bernard CLESSE, 18-04-2018 22:26
Bernard CLESSE
Re : Lasiobelonium variegatum (?) sur Salix caprea

I checked and indeed there are long undulating hairs. The paraphyses exceed the asci of 19-25 ?m.

  • message #53180
Hans-Otto Baral, 19-04-2018 07:21
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lasiobelonium variegatum (?) sur Salix caprea
Yes, but the paraphyses look to me like depassant only 5-15 µm?

I think L. variegatum is clear.
Bernard CLESSE, 19-04-2018 08:20
Bernard CLESSE
Re : Lasiobelonium variegatum (?) sur Salix caprea
OK thank you Zotto !
