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Mot de passe perdu? S'inscrire

02-03-2015 16:29

Salvador Tello

Hola a todos.Hace unos días recogí unos hongos q

02-03-2015 21:08

Jenny Seawright Jenny Seawright

Hello all, This asco was found on old, thick stems

26-02-2015 16:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, necesito alguna ayuda para saber por lo meno

02-03-2015 15:13

Chris Johnson

Good afternoonFound growing on the partly desiccat

01-03-2015 00:10


Bonjour,récolte réalisée sur mousses au sol en

01-03-2015 14:48

Jenny Seawright Jenny Seawright

Hello all, Hoping that help might be possible with

01-03-2015 14:56

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,   today Tanja found a small white stipit

01-03-2015 14:59

Chris Johnson

Good afternoonThere are two papers on Coniochaeta

01-03-2015 13:22

Nina Filippova

Dear forum,I have something Botrytis- like that ma

01-03-2015 09:48

Leandro Sánchez Leandro Sánchez

Sur QuercusAsques 140-150 / 6-7Spores 11,30 - 13,6

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Epibryon on Jungermanniales
Enrique Rubio, 26-02-2016 20:45
Enrique Rubio

Hi again

I'd like to know your opinion on this Epibryon species with scattered, setose, blackish, roundish, pseudothecia up to 65 microns growing on leaves of Jungermanniales on very wet acidic soil.

The ascospores are 1-septate, sometimes unequal celled, easily germinating. Epibryon casaresii seems to have shorter and narrower ascospores. Have you some idea for it?

Thanks again 


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