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10-05-2024 17:40

Anna Klos

Good afternoon, Thursday during an inventory we f

11-05-2024 18:08

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Mollisia on tree leaves: On dead Quercus leave

11-05-2024 00:33

Ethan Crenson

I'm not entirely sure that Encoelia-like is the ri

11-05-2024 10:09

Luc Bailly Luc Bailly

Hello all, Does anyone have access to this? Thyr

07-05-2024 00:04

Ethan Crenson

A friend found these black gelatnous cups on a twi

09-05-2024 18:33

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friendsDou you have a pdf copy of this paper?

09-05-2024 13:07

Thorben Hülsewig

Hi there,i'm looking for following pdf:Morris, E.F

06-05-2024 10:02

François Bartholomeeusen

Good morning,At the end of an excursion in De Zegg

07-05-2024 19:26

Louis DENY

Bonsoir forum Sur tige de rubus fruticosus de l'a

06-05-2024 08:27

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola Buenos días.Alguno de ustedes tiene disponib

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Björn Wergen, 22-03-2014 00:11
Björn WergenHi friends,

I have a collection from Braga, Portugal, on indetermined plant debris (very flat stems with hairs on the surface, I do not know what that is). On this substrate I have found a nectrioid species with a Volutella anamorph and Gibberella cyanogena with a Fusarium anamorph. According to Rossman 1999, Volutella is a common anamorph of the genus Pseudonectria, which unfortunately has one septated ascospores. Is there any other idea what this one can be?

Fruitbodies are about 200-260µm in diametre, orange-yellow and with prominent papilla, with a 7-15µm broad wall and 8spored asci about 70-90x6,5-8µm. Spores are 8,2-10,3x4-4,5µm, 2celled and with dotted surface. KOH negative.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Walter Gams, 22-03-2014 10:17
Walter Gams
Re : Pseudonectria?
Dear Björn, It seems that you have the rare teloeomorph of the very common Volutella ciliata. volutella is heterogeneous as shown by Gräfenhan et al. in Stud. Mycol. 68: 79-113. The teleomorph of Volutella s. str. was formerly in Cosmospora, but is now segregated and the generic name Volutella will be retained for these fungi. On the other hand, Volutella buxi is now in Pseudonectria buxi.  In a study of these fungi many years ago, Gary Samuels confused this fungus with the teleomorph of V. minima. A detailed description of the teleomorph with molecular study of an isolate would be worth while.
Björn Wergen, 22-03-2014 11:26
Björn Wergen
Re : Pseudonectria?
Dear Walter,

so can I send you the collection for further studies? I am very interested in this.
