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16-05-2024 11:19

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour, j'ai récolté sur une branchette de feui

14-05-2024 09:19

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hi, I want to announce for next Sunday 17.00 middl

16-05-2024 11:49

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

De ayer en rama de abetoNo se por donde mirarA ver

14-05-2024 09:50

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Hi. Found on decorticated wod of Populus cf. alba

16-05-2024 09:02

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 15-05-24 in forest with Abies cephalonica, i

29-01-2022 21:44

Jan Eckstein

Good evening, apothecia small, yellowish, 150-300

15-05-2024 17:26

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

First time I find this season and in this habitat,

16-05-2024 07:34

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found in forest with Abies cephalonica. Diameter 0

15-05-2024 10:54

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, would anyone have this paper please? I did

14-05-2024 19:48

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Hymenoscyphus: Habitat, macro, spores, paraphy

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Nova Hedwigia 60
Björn Wergen, 29-01-2014 14:14
Björn WergenHi there,

does anyone have this one?
Aptroot, A. (1995). Redisposition of some species excluded from Didymosphaeria (Ascomycotina). Nova Hedwigia 60(3-4): 325-379

If so, can you send it to me? Many thanks in advance.
Matthew Nelsen, 29-01-2014 14:34
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hey Bjorn,

I just sent it to your email.

Björn Wergen, 29-01-2014 16:34
Björn Wergen
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Thank you Matt :)

Very interesting article. I was looking for Montagnula spartii.

Guy Garcia, 29-01-2014 17:41
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

Si c'est possible, je suis aussi intéressé par cet article.
Merci par avance
Yannick Mourgues, 30-01-2014 19:37
Yannick Mourgues
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
I would like to receive it too !
Chris Yeates, 31-01-2014 01:51
Chris Yeates
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
I too am interested . . .
Enrique Rubio, 31-01-2014 18:07
Enrique Rubio
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

And me, please

Thanks in advance

Peter Püwert, 31-01-2014 18:17
Peter Püwert
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hello Matthew,
if possible please send me the article too.
Greetings Peter.
Peter Püwert, 31-01-2014 19:05
Peter Püwert
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hello Matt,
thank You very much to this way, my e- mail is defect.
Greetings Peter.
  • message #27242
Björn Wergen, 01-02-2014 17:33
Björn Wergen
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Someone there who still hasn't it?
Gernot Friebes, 01-02-2014 17:35
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
yes, please, I'd be interested. :-)

Best wishes,
Ueli Graf, 01-02-2014 17:38
Ueli Graf
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hallo Björn,
könntest du mir das auch senden?

Liebe Grüsse
Ueli Graf, 01-02-2014 21:07
Ueli Graf
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hi Matt,
best thanks for the PDF.

Björn Wergen, 01-02-2014 22:31
Björn Wergen
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hi Gernot,

however, a mail to your account has been send back, noted as "failed". Do you have another email?

Gernot Friebes, 02-02-2014 02:10
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
Hi Björn,

oh, das hab ich fast schon vermutet - bekam nämlich heute die Nachricht, dass mein Postfach voll ist. Eigentlich hab ich mittlerweile schon etwas Platz geschaffen, das heißt wenn die Datei nicht riesig ist, sollte es funktionieren. Falls es wieder nicht klappt wäre es super wenn du's mir über die Dropbox zukommen lassen könntest.

Schöne Grüße
Eduard Osieck, 21-02-2014 19:05
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
yes please I didn't realise the paper concerns also Cucurbitaria spartii.
Thanking you in advance, Eduard
François Valade, 23-02-2014 10:24
François Valade
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60
I am interested too.
John Plischke, 24-02-2014 09:24
John Plischke
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

I am also interested


Thank you,


hannie wijers, 25-02-2014 15:41
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

When it's no problem I'm also interested. Thanks


Joop van der Lee, 25-02-2014 15:54
Joop van der Lee
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

Hello Björn can you send me one if possible.



hannie wijers, 25-02-2014 17:21
Re : Nova Hedwigia 60

Thank you for the paper Andrew
