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09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

27-05-2024 22:10

Ethan Crenson

Hi everyone, I found these lovely stipitate ascos

26-05-2024 12:05

Alain Delannoy

Bonjour,Je n'arrive pas à mettre un nom sur cette

25-05-2024 16:40

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjourj'aimerais confirmation ou pas pour ce peti

25-05-2024 18:29

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I found a group of Mitrula gracilis? on wet debris

25-05-2024 16:54

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour j'aimerais confirmation ou infirmation de

22-05-2024 23:39

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On debarked Fagus I found some small wh

21-05-2024 17:48

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all,Could this be Venturioscypha or Venturiocis

21-05-2024 11:33

Nihad Omerovic

Hello,found on dead, dry, attached (and fallen) tw

07-11-2018 08:34

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, could someone send this publication to me

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Eike Heinemann, 25-05-2019 11:56
In March we found also this Ombrophila ? I think the oil drops are to small for O.Violacea ?

It grows on a log of decidious wood (there were Fagus sylvatica,Carpinus betulus,Alnus glutinosa) in water .

The Asci are IK-positive . 69,5-76,3x7,2-10,0 µ.

The spores have moistly 2 small oil drops in the ends.They look smaller for me that the oildriops in Ombrophila violacea? I am write or is that false ?

The spores are 9,1-11,5x4,0-5,0µ . (More spore mesurements are on the photo)

Does anyone no the species?

Or i am false and this is O.violacea ?

  • message #57906
  • message #57906
  • message #57906
  • message #57906
  • message #57906
  • message #57906
  • message #57906
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 25-05-2019 12:02
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Ombrophila?

Hello Eike,

although Zotto surely can say more and much more competently, I want to ask for details of the excipulum. Is it gelatinized, and how does it look at all?

I think O. violacea can be excluded. If it is an Ombrophila at all is not sure from your fotos alone - in my opinion.

Best regards, Lothar

Hans-Otto Baral, 25-05-2019 12:03
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Ombrophila?
Ap size is small? Any gel in the excipulum?  Paraphyses with VBs? Shape of dead apicla ring? Microscopy could also relate to a Hyaloscyphaceae.
Eike Heinemann, 25-05-2019 12:13
Re : Ombrophila?
Hello Lothar & Zotto

i ask the photo-maker of he have more photos and more details . He was together with me on the exkursion and I not a good Photomaker . When I have the details I post they here.

Eike Heinemann, 29-05-2019 19:05
Re : Ombrophila?
Hello together

we look in the next time in the same place and when we found them again I will post the answers of your questions
