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11-02-2025 13:06

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea de que puede ser esta muestra ??

11-02-2025 09:41

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, supongo que tambien sera Trichopeziza perrot

23-02-2022 18:55

William de Jong

Hi everyone,I found an ascomycete on a twig of Rob

22-09-2009 09:47


Bonjour, Curieuse récolte que ce Pleospora imme

10-02-2025 16:40

Karen Poulsen

Hello, I found these fungi on dead branches of Fa

09-02-2025 22:51


BonsoirEst-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire s'il s'ag

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

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CistellaSur boisTrès petites apothécies (0.1 –

06-02-2025 18:11

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, while digging in my fungarium, I found an

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BonsoirPetit pyrénomycètes d'environ 1 mm sur bo

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lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 27-02-2017 18:12
Lothar Krieglsteiner

On Thursday, during a seminar, we found a nice lichens with rosy-pink-lilac-brown apothecia in moist stage, in dry stage more ochraceous - on the bark of a living tree, likely Fraxinus, in Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Schwäbischer Wald near Gschwend-Schönberg, Osterbachtal.

I compared pictures and found Mycobilimbia sphaeroides very similar. Under the microscope I found spores of the right shape and form, but most of them are only 1-septate and not 3-5-septate as indicated in Wirth, for instance.

Is it M. sphaeroides anyway or does somebody have a better suggestion?

The paraphyses are guttulate in living stage, as are the spores. The asci seem to be fissitunicate and stain strongly blue with IKI. The first 4 micro-fotos are in water, the next two in IKI, the last two in KOH.

Regards from Lothar

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Lepista Zacarias, 27-02-2017 18:30
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?
Hi Lothar,
Mycobilimbia pilularis fits quite well, since the macro coincides with your description and the spores are predominantly 1-septate, fusiform-ellipsoid, with dimensions (9.5-)11.5-13.9(-17) x (3.0)4.2-4.3(-5)um. In addition, it uses to grow on Fraxinus and Quercus (maybe others).
Have a look at
Best regards,
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 27-02-2017 18:45
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?

Hi Zaca,

thank you very much for your rapid answer!

In Wirth (1995 - "Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs") M. pilularis (Körber) Hepp is included as a synonym in M. sphaeroides (Dickson).

In Wirth (1980 - "Flechtenflora" - UTB Ulmer) a "pilularis" is not included, and Bacidia sphaeroides (Dickson) Zahlbr. is keyed out (page 131) with "sp. 4(-6)-celled, 12-25/4-7"

I do not have further literature on this topic.

So what?

Best regards from Lothar

Lothar Krieglsteiner, 27-02-2017 18:50
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?

I just looked in Index of Fungi

Biatora sphaeroides = Mycobilimbia pilularis


Lothar Krieglsteiner, 27-02-2017 18:54
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?

Hi Zaca,

where do you take the information about predominantly 1-septate spores? I do not find this on "Irishlichens". Am I only blind? ...

Thanks and best regards, Lothar

Lepista Zacarias, 27-02-2017 19:07
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?
The data I mentioned is from
The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland, Smith et al., 2009, BLS;
where Bacidia sphaeroides does not appear. I'm not very familiar with these species, so I can not say anything valuable.
Good luck,
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 27-02-2017 19:21
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : lichen on tree bark - Mycobilimbia sphaeroides?

Hi Zaca,

thank you very much anyway.

I jus found another book in my library :-):

Dobson, F.S. (2011, 6th edition): Lichens. An illustrated guid to the British and Irish species.

So - there I find (on page 281): Mycobilimbia pilularis (= Biatora sphaeroides). And the text: "Spores 1-septate (with a few older spores 3-septate)."

I can find my specimen within this :-)

So I think the determination can be kept - but still I do not know what name is to be used ...

Best regards from Lothar


Best regards, Lothar