17-09-2024 17:33
Pierre-Yves JulienRécolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp
17-09-2024 15:31
Bernard DeclercqHello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip
17-09-2024 02:12
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat seems like Hymenoscyphus s.l
06-09-2024 16:23
Andgelo MombertBonjour,J'ai trouvé cette semaine Caesiodiscus po
15-09-2024 12:51
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi
08-10-2019 21:31
Jason KarakehianHi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF
08-09-2024 21:31
B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
13-09-2024 07:19
Thierry BlondelleBonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les
When I collected this, it remindet me of a Heterobasidiomycete - and when I put it under the slide it was "sliding" from side to side first.
Some time ago I learnt here that for instance Chaetospermum is a basidiomycete - but ...
... likely I show you the anamorph of some ascomycete.
When preparing it was obvious that there are two different hyphae - hyaline ones and dark ones embedded everywhere in the hyaline ones. The conidia are very small.
Can somebody provide me with a name or a hint?
Regards from Lothar
Hello Joey,
thank you very much for your proposal - this sounds good and as I thought it is a heterobasidiomycete. You think the black hyphae are a parasite - yes, why not?
Best regards from Lothar