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Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 20-08-2009 11:36
Bonjour tous le monde, peut-etre dans ce forum quelqu'un me pourrait aider?

Sur des tiges de Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax encore sur la buisson, J'ai trouvè un imparfait aux coremies blanches (jusqu'a 1 mm). Les conidies avaient les mesures 20-40 µm x 4 µm, elles me sont apparues unicellulaire avec un petit "bouton" aux pointes. C'etait dans une vallee de haute-montagne, altitude 1800 m, sur sol calcaire au nord du Triglav en Slovenie.

Je vous rémercie pour chaque idée!

Hermine Lotz

  • message #8761
Hans-Otto Baral, 20-08-2009 12:06
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
From your photos I see that the peridium is pigmented. The conidia remind me of the anamorph of Dermea, although I do not know a species on Rhamnus. If a Derma, the peridium pigment should react ionomidotic in KOH, i.e., a strong, usually redbrown stain extrudes in the medium when KOH is added to a water mount.

Hermine Lotz-Winter, 20-08-2009 15:48
Re:Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
Thank you so much, it helped me a lot.

I looked for Dermea - Rhamnus in Google and found, that Rehm had described in 1889 Dermea micula , the name based on the imperfect stage Micula mougeotii, described by Duby in 1858 on Rhamnus alpina. Fuckel had described a Cenangium morthieri on Rhamnus already in 1870, which is conspecific. I found a very nice drawing of Micula mougeotii and description in Migula, Emil Friedrich August Walther. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland [...] Band III. Pilze. 4. Teil. 1. Abteilung, 1914-1921, page 455, resp. Table LIX, on It fits nearly perfectly to my collection. According to Indexfungorum the current name for the presumed teleomorph ist Pyrenopeziza morthieri, synonyms being Cenangiella, Cenangium, Phaeangella and Pezicula. Micula mougeotii is listed in indexfungorum, but there is no hint of the relation to a teleomorph. Possibly this is not properly established?

I will test the ionomidotic reaction on my dried specimens, I hope it works there as well as in dry Ionomidotis fulvotingens :-)

Best regards


Hans-Otto Baral, 20-08-2009 22:31
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
Dear Hermine

I was not very sure with my idea, but apparently it was right. I see in Verkley's monograph of Pezicula that he treats that species as Dermea morthieri in the excluded species. As Groves, Verkley found that D. morthieri is somewhat intermediate between Dermea and Pezicula. No images of that species are in Verkley's work, but almost a full page of discussion.

Liebe Grüße
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 21-08-2009 19:56
Re:Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
Cher Zotto,

I looked it up in Verkley's monograph, which is online on the CBS website, up to now couldn't find the appropiate page, but I will try.... Thank you for your help.

Viele Grüße Hermine
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-08-2009 20:15
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Anamorphe (?) très interessant sur Rhamnus alpinus ssp. fallax
Das ist auf Seite 146.

Hermine Lotz-Winter, 21-08-2009 22:49
Danke, merci, thank you
ich habs gefunden :-)