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Thierry BlondelleBonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les
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Stephen MifsudI have found an interesting Xylaria growing on fal
Yellow with lid
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 00:40
Small disc (< 0,5 mm), yellow-green, without stipe, growing inside a "naranjero salvaje" dead leaf (Ilex platyphylla) and broken the epidermis with a circular lid, that remains perpendicular to the leaf. Inside a laurisilva forest.
Asci measurement (1000x, in water without glycerin, fresh material)
71.4 [84.6 ; 93.8] 107 x 6.5 [8.5 ; 9.8] 11.7; N = 15 ; C = 95%; Me = 89.21 x 9.13
Sporal measurement (1000x, in water without glycerin, fresh material)
7.9 [9.6 ; 10.1] 11.9 x 3.4 [4.3 ; 4.6] 5.5; Q = 1.8 [2.2 ; 2.3] 2.7 ; N = 65 ; C = 95%; Me = 9.86 x 4.43 ; Qe = 2.24
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 00:47
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 00:51
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 00:54
René Dougoud,
03-07-2009 09:13
Re:Yellow with lid
Cher Collègue,
Voir dans le genre Trochila
Voir dans le genre Trochila
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 13:34
Re:Yellow with lid
Thank you René, I have been finding in the web and there are some photos of Trochila illicina very similar to mine. I have never seen T. illicina with this appearance, every time like a black spot. I am going to check the micro with the literature.
Miguel Á.
Miguel Á.
Hans-Otto Baral,
03-07-2009 15:16
Re:Yellow with lid
Clearly Trochila ilicina, nice photos. Dry the apothecia completely close their lid and then looking like black dots. When rehydrated they open slowly.
The angularis is surely the ectal excipulum. The long upper cell of paraphyses contains a large conspicuouos yellowish refractive vacuole when alive (here figured for T. laurocerasi), yours are dead, therefore the cell looks empty. The "bands" in the lower cells are possibly also artificial. If the find was made several weeks before, then you have litle chance to find living paraphyses.
The angularis is surely the ectal excipulum. The long upper cell of paraphyses contains a large conspicuouos yellowish refractive vacuole when alive (here figured for T. laurocerasi), yours are dead, therefore the cell looks empty. The "bands" in the lower cells are possibly also artificial. If the find was made several weeks before, then you have litle chance to find living paraphyses.
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 19:11
Re:Yellow with lid
Ok, then I saw live paraphysis in water (see the attached files). Now I know how is a live or dead paraphysis, at least in Trochila ;)
Really my find was made yesterday inside my refrigerator, I had there the ilex leaf because it has another "fungi" (I supose) and I saw it checking again the material, so it has been developed in my house.
Thank you one more time.
Miguel Á.
Really my find was made yesterday inside my refrigerator, I had there the ilex leaf because it has another "fungi" (I supose) and I saw it checking again the material, so it has been developed in my house.
Thank you one more time.
Miguel Á.
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 19:13
Hans-Otto Baral,
03-07-2009 20:24
Re:Yellow with lid
Miguel Ángel Ribes,
03-07-2009 20:34
Re:Yellow with lid
Miguel Á.
Miguel Á.