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17-09-2024 17:33

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp

17-09-2024 15:31

Bernard Declercq Bernard Declercq

Hello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip

17-09-2024 02:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat seems like Hymenoscyphus s.l

16-09-2024 14:20

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Sur une pierre recouverte de mousse (forê

06-09-2024 16:23

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour,J'ai trouvé cette semaine Caesiodiscus po

15-09-2024 12:51

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi

08-10-2019 21:31

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF

08-09-2024 21:31

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut

14-09-2024 01:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Ascobolus species on wild herbivore dung.• S

13-09-2024 07:19

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

BonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les

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Help with an anamorph
Josep Torres, 16-06-2024 14:36
Josep TorresHello.
An anamorph located in nature, on the surface of a trunk stripped of bark from the planifolio soil, near a river bed.
Conidiogenous hyphae strongly pigmented brown, somewhat more hyaline at the apex, with 5 to 7 septa, just over 0.1 mm. which produce brown, turtle-shaped conidia, mostly with 8 to 9 cells, with a more hyaline protuberance at one end, which is where it comes off.
These conidia with measurements of:
(18.9) 21 - 26.8 (28.5) × (15.8) 16.6 - 22 (24.5) µm
Q = (1) 1.1 - 1.4 (1.5) ; N = 30
Me = 23.9 × 19.4 µm; Qe = 1.2
Any suggestion from you will be well received.
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards.
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  • message #79511
Josep Torres, 22-06-2024 17:03
Josep Torres
Re : Help with an anamorph
Alguna sugerencia.......................................
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:28
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:28
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:29
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:29
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:29
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Franz Berger, 24-06-2024 21:29
Franz Berger
Re : Help with an anamorph
Dear Josep,

Looks somewhat related to Acrodictys (see Seifert et al. 2011).
Conidia smooth or with ornamention? 

No experience with such difficulkt stuff.
Josep Torres, 25-06-2024 01:19
Josep Torres
Re : Help with an anamorph
Gracias Franz.
Parece que tanto la conidiogénesis como la morfología y medidas de los conidios encajan bien con Acrodictys, y por los datos microscópicos obtenidos, incluso con Acrodictys globulosa, actualmente Junewangia globulosa, ya que parece encajar bastante bien (incluidas las medidas de los conidios) a falta de otra propuesta más parecida, la dejo en mis archivos adjuntos como Junewangia aff. globulosa.
De nuevo, muchísimas gracias por vuestra ayuda.