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16-04-2015 11:25

Garcia Susana

Hello, I found these apothecia on wood probably s

15-04-2015 22:57

Quijada Luis

Hi all, somebody has the following manuscript:Kor

15-04-2015 16:48

Eduard Osieck

Capronia with partly submuriform spores: 16-19 x 5

12-01-2015 03:08

Nick Aplin

Salut Ascofrance, I wonder if anyone can help me

15-04-2015 17:38

Martin Pastircak

Hi, I'm looking for the following one publicatio

14-04-2015 17:56

Camille Mertens

Bonjour à tous. Trouvée entre les pavés d'une

14-04-2015 20:34

Steve Clements

Hi,This is one which i thought would be relatively

12-04-2015 22:32

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à tous,Voici un autre asco poussant sur b

13-04-2015 20:05

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi to everybody I know Hypcopra is a very difficu

14-04-2015 07:58

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola , tengo esta pequeña muestra recogida sobre

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I would need litterature
Christian Lechat, 05-04-2015 09:21
Christian LechatDear friends,
would anyone have the following article?
Lasionectria dothideicola Petch, Ann. R. bot. Gdns Peradeniya 9: 320 (1925)

a lot of thanks in advance