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13-03-2019 18:52

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello together, is that Pseudombrophila ramosa? I

12-03-2019 23:17

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Vendredi passé, j'ai tr

12-03-2019 00:56

Elsa Sousa

Good evening,On a fallen branch. I'm not sure abou

11-03-2019 11:15

Per Marstad Per Marstad

We have found this on the same wood as Ditopella d

08-03-2019 17:37

Ethan Crenson

Found in New York City on the detached bark of unk

12-03-2019 11:54

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me maqndan el material seco de Galicia,  recolect

10-03-2019 22:31

Ron Bronckers

Hello,Can anybody provide me with a copy of the fo

12-03-2019 10:42

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el material seco desde Galicia, naciendo

10-03-2019 09:17

Hans Halbwachs

Dear all,I would like to ask the community to help

05-03-2019 05:12

Ethan Crenson

I found this tiny discomycete in New York City par

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Literature: Arachnopeziza
Gernot Friebes, 20-09-2014 21:16

I'm looking for original descriptions of a few Arachnopeziza species. These are the ones I'm still missing:

Svrcek M. 1988. New or less known Discomycetes. XVIII. Ceská Mykologie. 42(3):137. (A. depauperata)

Engel H. 1993 ["1990/1991"]. Pilzfunde an Lindenästen (Tilia spec.). Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens (Weidhausen b. Coburg) 14/15: 129. (A. engelii)

Korf RP. 1959. Japanese discomycete note IX-XVI. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. (Tokyo) 4: 392 f. (A. japonica and A. nuda)

Whitton SR., McKenzie EHC., Hyde KD. 2012. Fungi Associated with Pandanaceae. Fungal Diversity Research Series, Vol. 21: 32. (A. lachnoidea)


Best wishes,
François Valade, 20-09-2014 21:21
François Valade
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza
I cand send you Svrcek
Gernot Friebes, 20-09-2014 21:39
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza
Thank you!
Hans-Otto Baral, 20-09-2014 22:53
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza
I sent you Engel

Michel Hairaud, 20-09-2014 23:01
Michel Hairaud
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza

Hi Gernot

I send you Korf Japanese disco 

I am also interested in Engel's paper. 



Hans-Otto Baral, 20-09-2014 23:03
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza
I send you both Engel.
I think it is Cistella tenuicula....
Gernot Friebes, 20-09-2014 23:10
Re : Literature: Arachnopeziza
You guys are great. Thanks so much!

Best wishes,