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09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

27-05-2024 22:10

Ethan Crenson

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26-05-2024 12:05

Alain Delannoy

Bonjour,Je n'arrive pas à mettre un nom sur cette

25-05-2024 16:40

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjourj'aimerais confirmation ou pas pour ce peti

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Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I found a group of Mitrula gracilis? on wet debris

25-05-2024 16:54

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjour j'aimerais confirmation ou infirmation de

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Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On debarked Fagus I found some small wh

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Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all,Could this be Venturioscypha or Venturiocis

21-05-2024 11:33

Nihad Omerovic

Hello,found on dead, dry, attached (and fallen) tw

07-11-2018 08:34

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, could someone send this publication to me

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Nectria s.l. inconnu sur Hypoxylon fragiforme
Andreas Gminder, 21-05-2014 00:15
Andreas Gminder

Bonjour chers collègues,


aujourd'hui j'ai ramassé un Nectria s.l. sur Hypoxylon fragiforme, que m'etonne par ces charactèrs que je ne connais pas (ce que ne veut dire beaucoup, car je connais des Nectrias assez mal ....)


Les spores sont assez petit, appr. 8-10 µm de longeur, verruculeuse.

C'est pas Nectria episphaeria, parce-que les perithecia ne sont pas papillé, mais avec une sommet applati.

Voici des impressions sur cets perizhecia.


peut quelqu'un me donner un piste pour cet espèce, ou me instruire que je doit examiner en plus?

merci beaucoup,


  • message #29391
  • message #29391
  • message #29391
Cesar Herrera, 21-05-2014 01:02
Re : Nectria s.l. inconnu sur Hypoxylon fragiforme

I bet this fungus is Cosmospora arxii. The apex of the perithecia does puzzles me a bit, though. The perithecia of specimens that I have seen of C. arxii have had blunt apices. I think it must be a morphological variant of the same species. You can confirm the identity of the fungus by isolating it into pure culture. It should have a salmon-pink colony on potato-dextrose agar.


Cesar Herrera
Andreas Gminder, 21-05-2014 07:34
Andreas Gminder
Re : Nectria s.l. inconnu sur Hypoxylon fragiforme

Dear Cesar,


thank you very much for your tentative identification.

Unfortunately I have no possibility to make a pure culture of it. Is there something else to verify the identification? How certain is it that I can put the name arxii to it?


thank you again,


Alain GARDIENNET, 21-05-2014 07:42
Re : Nectria s.l. inconnu sur Hypoxylon fragiforme

Hi Andrea, hi Cesar.

Cesar, could you send me a complete description of C. arxii please.

This fungus is very current in our countries.


Christian Lechat, 21-05-2014 12:19
Christian Lechat
Re : Nectria s.l. inconnu sur Hypoxylon fragiforme
Cosmospora arxii sexual state is not described. Only asexual state was described by Gams 1971 as Acremonium arxii.

Andreas, if you want I can try a culture from your specimen. I am interested because there are two species occuring on H. fragiforme. One with a pink-salmon colony and another with a green colony.
