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07-10-2018 11:51

Marja Pennanen

Hello forum, yesterday I collected tiny , hairy l

07-10-2018 13:35

Rubén Martínez-Gil Rubén Martínez-Gil

Hola a todos. Subo unas fotos de un asco que enco

06-10-2018 23:57

Rubén Martínez-Gil Rubén Martínez-Gil

Hola a todos. Subo unas fotos de un asco que hemo

06-10-2018 22:55

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Que pensez-vous de ce La

07-10-2018 14:35

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found: 06-10-2018. On: Meripilus giganteu

06-10-2018 18:53

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta posible Mollisia??sobr

06-10-2018 19:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta muestra ?? lo mas pare

06-10-2018 09:46

Tapio Kekki

These was growing on a Populus-trunk in rich fores

05-10-2018 19:57

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello, does anyone have any information about Doth

05-10-2018 19:28

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, que les parece esta Scutellinia, tengo dudas

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Lasionectria? on Lonicera = Trichonectria hirta
Marja Pennanen, 07-10-2018 11:51
Hello forum,

yesterday I collected tiny , hairy lasionectrialike fungus on a Lonicera twig. They are about 0,1-0,2 mm wide.

The spores are quite big, 60-80x5-6, filled with droplets, propably becoming multiseptate.

The hairs are about 50-80x6-10.

I have no proper key for xyznectrias, where to find one?

  • message #54825
  • message #54825
  • message #54825
  • message #54825
Marja Pennanen, 07-10-2018 11:55
Re : Lasionectria? on Lonicera
How to remove the other of two accidently made messages?
Nick Aplin, 07-10-2018 19:39
Re : Lasionectria? on Lonicera
Hi Marja,

Perhaps you should compare it to Trichonectria hirta?

Marja Pennanen, 07-10-2018 20:47
Re : Lasionectria? on Lonicera
Hi Nick,

thank you.

I first thoght to tell you, that how can I compare, when I have no description of the species, but after looking for a while from ascofrance and net, I managed to find photos and an old description.

T. hirta seems to fit. Nice, a totally new genera for me and the species seems new for Finland, too.

Nick Aplin, 07-10-2018 22:26
Re : Lasionectria? on Lonicera = Trichonectria hirta
Hi Marja,

It's amazing what you can find here at AscoFrance :)

Marja Pennanen, 08-10-2018 11:56
Re : Lasionectria? on Lonicera = Trichonectria hirta
Hi Nick.

I have found many, many experienced and wise persons and people, who I call dear friends from Ascofrance. Without this forum I would be even more alone in the wildeness, than I am today.

Thank you for being here: Marja