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28-07-2019 12:19

Glew David

Thank you for accepting me to the site. I am a ne

27-07-2019 13:35

DirkW DirkW

salut a tous,anybody withPaulsen M.D., Dissing H.

26-07-2019 15:18

Guy Buddy

I have no idea.  Spores are ~ 55 x 6.5 um.

27-07-2019 10:19

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello again I need this two works of HughesHughes,

27-07-2019 11:39

Georges Greiff

Hello, I am looking for the following paper that

27-07-2019 08:41

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello anybody has this article?Hughes, S.J. (1958)

24-07-2019 05:45

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

20-07-2019 22:51

Georges Greiff

Hello, What appears to be a bryophilous member of

25-07-2019 21:43

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola a tod@s. un hongo fotografiado el pasado 12 d

25-07-2019 21:12

Mirek Gryc

2019.07.23Wet substrate, Alnus, Salix, among the r

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Advice on croziers in Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
Glew David, 28-07-2019 12:19
Thank you for accepting me to the site.

I am a newbie to fungal microscopy and am trying to learn the difference between Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and H. albidinus in the UK.

I know that identification of croziers confirms Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, but would  appreciate any advice to check I'm looking at the right thing! This is my first attempt and the sample was poor, but I'll try again. Thank you. David
  • message #58700
Hans-Otto Baral, 28-07-2019 20:42
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Advice on croziers in Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
Hi Devid!

welcome here in the forum. Your figure is clear enough to see the cozier. especially your third poic shows it clearly. The ascus base thereby is on the right.

H. albidus will be difficult to find. Best is to take old herbarium material collected before the invasion.

good luck anyway!
Glew David, 28-07-2019 20:56
Re : Advice on croziers in Hymenoscyphus fraxineus

Thank you very much - it's very helpful to know that I'm searching for the right appearance!.

Best wishes
