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11-06-2009 22:33

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello here is a Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna

10-06-2009 16:06

Thierry Duchemin Thierry Duchemin

Bonjour à tous, J'ai récolté sur rameaux morts

09-06-2009 22:14

Luc Bailly Luc Bailly

Trouvé aujourd'hui sur un talus thermophile à St

09-06-2009 20:37

Gernot Friebes

Hello, here is another (the last) Lachnum which

09-06-2009 17:28

Gernot Friebes

Hello, I found this single apothecium on bark b

09-06-2009 17:21

Roland Labbé

Bonjour ! Voici un discomycète que nous croyon

09-06-2009 13:33

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friends: I'd lke to know your opinion about

09-06-2009 13:17

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friends: This Mollisia (?) species grows on

09-06-2009 11:43


Bonjour à tous, Il y a 10 ans environ je considÃ

08-06-2009 10:50


Bonjour à tous Ayant un mal fou à discriminer l

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Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna
Hans-Otto Baral, 11-06-2009 22:33
Hans-Otto BaralHello

here is a Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna collected by Jean-Paul Priou in Portugal, together with a new Orbilia. Therefore I had a look at it and could not find a name with Holm (Lophiostomaceae of Sweden).

Sp. *(18.5-)20-23(-25) x 7.2-8 µm, 3-5-septate, light ochre-brown (surely so when mature, though no living mature asci seen), very finely & densely punctate, no appendages, dark brown when dead & collapsed.

  • message #8191
Hans-Otto Baral, 11-06-2009 22:34
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna
Punctation discernible on upper right spore
  • message #8192
Jacques Fournier, 11-06-2009 23:36
Jacques Fournier
Re:Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna
Hi Zotto and Jean Paul,
I think Lophiostoma quadrinucleatum matches this collection fairly well if it is viewed in the broad sense
accepted by Holm & Holm including five septate ascospores. Such spores are also accepted by Mathiassen (1993) for collections on Salix in Norway.
Best wishes,
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-06-2009 13:17
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Lophiostoma on Rhamnus alaterna
Hi Jacques

many thanks! The type of L. quadrinucleatum was even on Rhamnus, but Salix, Prunus and Berberis are also cited in Holm & Holm. I only wonder why the puntation of the spore surface is not mentioned. Perhaps too difficult to see?
