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Jason KarakehianHi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF
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B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
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Stephen MifsudI have found an interesting Xylaria growing on fal
Helotial on Juniperus communis twigs
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:30
I’d like to know your opinion about this Helotial that forms little, gregarious and sessile ascomata up to 0.5 mm on Juniperus communis twigs (bark and wood).
The hymenium is whitish pruinose, amber color at maturity. Margin downy by obtuse hairs
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:31
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:32
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:33
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:34
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:36
Enrique Rubio,
05-08-2009 19:37
Hans-Otto Baral,
07-08-2009 21:53
Re:Helotial on Juniperus communis twigs
Uff, I don't know that. The hairs are important, they look like having a glassy lateral wall unchanged in KOH. This remins me a bit of Urceolella/Hyalopeziza conspicua/juniperi though there the hairs are much longer, more thick-walled near the tip, and the spores aseptate.
No idea. I would again be happy to see the images in higher resolution.
No idea. I would again be happy to see the images in higher resolution.
Hans-Otto Baral,
18-08-2009 23:59
Re:Helotial on Juniperus communis twigs
I now believe that this is Pseudohelotium sordidulum or a very close relative. Hairs fit very well to HB 5001d on DVD.
Enrique Rubio,
19-08-2009 12:20
Re:Helotial on Juniperus communis twigs
Yes. It seems to be very close! I can read the label Pseudohelotium vernale in your card. It's a synonymous of Ps. sordidulum?
Many thanks again, Zotto.
Many thanks again, Zotto.
Hans-Otto Baral,
19-08-2009 12:22
Re:Helotial on Juniperus communis twigs
Yes, in Huhtinen 1994: 6 (Finnish records of discos) it is asynonym of sordiduolum